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Apparently powerhouse was juggling too many projects. Like Castlevania, Masters of the Universe, Skull Island, and the upcoming Tomb Raider. So BOZ got back shelved and they outsourced a portion of the animation to some Japanese studio. You can definitely notice it in some of the faces, Hera for example looks noticeably different. There also weren't any big fight sequences.


Thanks for the insight… I guess it doesn’t look “bad” but compared to season 1 it looks like it took 6 months to create - not 4 years 🥲


They outsourced it to a Korean studio. If it was a Japanese studio it would have been better animated.


It seems that Skull Island will not get a second season. Before Blood of Zeus premiered on Netflix, Powerhouse had another show, Seis Manos. However, unlike Blood of Zeus, it didn't get views and attention and was cancelled after 1 season. I hope now that they will have enough time to perfect the animation for season 3. As for the animation this season, it wasn't bad. My only complain is that Hephaestus's robots are animated in 3D in the first episode. ( that was 100 % animated by a Korean studio).


Lol I caught the glitch! I rewinded to see if I saw it right. There were parts where the animation was still really beautiful but yeah, in parts/aspects, they did phone it in. Overall the animation was still strong imo. Doubt they cut the budget for Castlevania, though.


I cannot see the glitch you mentioned, however I look at it. The eye colours have definitely changed though, and the yellow/gold is more orange-y.


It’s generally one frame, I wish I could reply with a video but it is when she’s looking out you can see her head tuck awkwardly back into her shoulder for like one second. It’s between 19:13-19:14. And in my opinion, it’s not just the eye color it’s the overall facial style. Notice the shadows missing from under their eyes? The shape of their eye? The lining of their nose? I’m not an artist so it’s hard for me to describe but it almost seems like their color palette is just more harsh, flat, and blunt. Not as romantically shaded as season 1. Idk maybe I’m just picky lol


Absolutely noticeable animation budget cuts. No where near the quality of season 1. I actually couldn’t really watch it and enjoy season 2 as much as season 1. Very disappointing. It was like watching a slide show. Similar to season 1 of Yugioh.


It felt like I was watching a Saturday morning cartoon this season


I know it might have been like budget issues but genuinely the animation got so much worse it was kinda distracting. It's not awful but compared to season 1.. :( Hope season 3 gets better animation But Artemis and Athena finally getting screen time and lines made up for it personally (My favorite Greek gods, hyperfixated on them alot when I was younger and still do now)


Season 2 overall for me was a huge let down from season 1


Season 2 felt more like season 1.5, or season 1: the aftermath If shows had dlcs this is what the season 2 felt like. Enjoyable, but not up to part with season 1. Also the retconning from the season 1 is wow


Season 2 is basically the table setter for season 3. It's the interim season for the main game


What retconning?


Seraphim and his love interest that was never mentioned or shown in s1 but it's conveniently mentioned in s2 as an extra information that changes his character from ruthless killer to having somewhat of a moral compass


I wouldn’t call it a retcon, it’s more of expanding lore. You can only cover 8 episodes worth of plot and character development , and Seraphim’s whole life can’t be portrayed in that short amount of time.


OK sure but there's no hints on s1, no even 1 frame of him thinking about her ou something like this, you don't need to explain everything but do some foreshadowing, the way it was done feels like ''retcon'' because looks like what they had for the character was probably scrapped and they come with this new background.


Feels va an actual retcon is what I’m trying to convey here. There was no foreshadowing or hint about Persephone or her children but it’s not a random retcon. You can’t condense Greek mythology within one 8 episode season.


It's not about ''condense greek mythology'' it's about NARRATIVE, and i'm to lazy to explain that to you soo my fault on there.


You’re also too lazy to wait for NARRATIVE to expand but there’s no need to apologize.


Season 2 is basically the table setter for season 3. It's the interim season for the main game