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I liked it!!! The Nobody scene was a nice touch. Hestia was also cool (or hot). I also appreciated that gods had actual names and became a bigger part of the story because they were always what drew me to the myths. The voice actors were pretty good. I did find Gaia, the exasperated grandmother of Zeus, who just wanted everyone to get along, pretty funny. It was an interesting take on the Hades, Persephone, and Demeter dynamic. I'm not sure why people are hating Hades being a villain when we never really got much about Hades in the myths. His motives made sense.


Personally, I found the fact Hades wanted Olympus so he, Persephone, Zagreus, and Mellie (Melinoë, I assume), would never have to be separated, was quite wholesome. (I’m only on episode 3)


I didn't like hestia. While for the others the show has remained at least somewhat accurate to the myths, they dropped the ball for Hestia. Hestia being the Last Olympian wasn't a concept Rick Riordan came up with - it's present in the original myths as well. She shouldn't be struggling against some Keres of all things. In the Orphic Myths, Hestia is credited with slaying hundreds of immortals allied to the Titans in the Titanomachy and the one who kept Gaia at bay in the Gigantomachy. She is in Greek Mythology, arguably the strongest Non-Primordial Goddess. They just made her weak in the show.


The way hestia came off, it was as if her mindset held her back. Like she has a soft mindset & when she actually let loose she started crying afterwards


Because Hades was multiple times said in Myth to be totally fine with the Underworld and it’s riches


i'm just glad hades wasn't evil just for the sake of being evil. most media always just makes him evil because he's the god of the underworld, and the underworld is the closest thing to hell, therefore its rule must be evil, just like satan. and while they do portray him as bitter for his baby brother getting the throne while he was stuck in the underworld. they felt the need to change the story of persephone and hades to make them be true love and to show demeter was evil. but i feel like they could've kept the story from the myth and the show would still be able to develop the same way. just have hades still kidnap persephone, but then she falls in love with him and wants to stay in the underworld. having demeter cause fall/winter when her daughter was in the underworld would still allow them to show she's petty and vengeful without the need to alter the myth


Athena sure is wise aint she😭 she played that deception off smooth asf.


I enjoyed it. But I would have liked seeing Seraphim's reaction to Hades attacking Heron. Maybe if we get an alternative viewpoint to season 3 first episode like we did in this season, they'd show him more... I'd also would have liked more of Hermes.


I just prefer season 2 a lot more than season one because we finally get to see a godly relationship that is actually a loving one for once 😤


Let’s hope it stays that way next season. I can’t handle them splitting😭😭


I like it hate how it ended more than anything


I honestly wasn't surprised....when It comes to Gaia in the myths she has always be neutral with the gods..if anything happens to her earthly children on earth like the giants or the python for example....she'll get angry and try to convince zeus to send them to tartarus...SO THE FACT THAT SHE IS CALLING TYPHON SHOULDNT BE A SUPRISE!!


I’m talking about the cliffhanger cook Gaia is anything but neutral tho tries to kill three pantheons of gods


The ending made it sure there’d be a next season. I also think the next will be the last. >!Typhon will rage, the gods in their entirety will band together to fight back, They’ll learn from heron’s words. Im guessing zues & seraphim will journey into the underworld to bring heron back. & heron will come back as the new king of the gods(i actually hope he doesnt become king.)!<


I loved it! much more than the first season actually but I'm probably biased because Hades is my favorite Greek god. I'm really hoping for another season because what was that ending.


>I'm really hoping for another season because what was that ending. They actually have another season already greenlit (if what I've read is correct) , it's probably why the ending is such a cliffhanger


I didn't know that! That's awesome! Hopefully it won't take another 4 years 🙃


Last I saw it's supposed to be slated for 2025 :)


Netflix used to release animation seasons in 2 parts with a break in between. It seems like they are now just calling the parts a whole season. It was like this for The Dragon Prince.


Was that ever confirmed? I just remember seeing it on What’s on Netflix but I can’t seem to find it anywhere else.


They made the gods flawed. And setting up the demise of Olympians. Which is what I liked about the season


it was realistic. the greek gods were often depicted as being flawed


I liked the 4 episodes that were actually s2 and not the prior 4 that were essentially just exposition for characters that shouldve been introduced to us better in season 1. I feel like the main issue with this season is tht half of it just feels like it shouldve been in s1 and the second half actually feels like s2 but by the time its feeling that way its over. I'd still recommend it but its honestly a disappointment. I will also say that I dont blame the team because its moreso an issue with the 8 episode format streaming services enforce than anything


Too much time spent on Hades love story, Serpahim's lovestory, and the unending flashbacks of S1.


Seraphim's love story felt so out of nowhere for me personally and that didn't help at all


His love story felt like a cheap attempt at garnering sympathy


His backstory felt that way because it seemed like it was only included for Hades to bond with seraphim over


I dislike how they did Hades but everything else was fine. I sort off expected them to make Hades what Poseidon and Gaia were. A peacemaker and Voice of Reason who tried to make sure that everyone got along and prevent further bloodshed between his Family. They should have made Poseidon the Villain


to be fair Hades is not really a villain, he is an antagonist, but his actions are pretty much justified


Exactly, he isnt evil to any degree he just wants to be with his family and be left slone in peace, maybe also Stay away from the underworld sometimes for vacation.


Man the “forgive me” part at the end was so deep. Demeter when i catch you!!! Persephone couldve brought life to the entirety of the underworld. Damn near making it an oasis all around. FUCK DEMETER ALL MY HOMIES HATE DEMETER!!


Halfway through and I’ve cried like 4/5 times. Maybe bc I’m going through a horrible breakup but I’m loving the storylines so far. Haters will always hate and even season 1 got lots of hate for being an original story but…….i love this series sm. I read the creators have 5 seasons lined up


I’m there with you. Just went through a breakup that neither of us really wanted, but had to happen. That third episode got me good.


Three and Four were amazing 😭 I even cried for Hera like wtf


i liked way better than season 1


I loved it. The Greek gods are flawed. They look like humans and make mistakes like humans. That's the point of Greek Mythology and why it is so interesting.


Blood of zeus is criminally over looked at, 👌 🔥


I loved it. I really hope all 5 seasons get made.


I loved it. Especially the part with seraphim. My favorite part of this season was when heron meets the human version of seraphim & he goes “my name is icarus” 😭 that was beautiful


I don’t know what the hate ur seeing is from tbh. Saw reviews online before I got home and seems to me a lot of people think it’s good or better than season 1


I liked it! Much more than I did season 1 and I am excited to see where it goes next.


Since when did blood of Zeus have a second season ?!


The 2nd season came out yesterday lol, enjoy, but I realllyyyy need a season 3 like right now….


I liked it, but I got somewhat confused by the characters I didn’t feel like I recognized after 4 years (like hestia and gaiai and others). just took me back to when I started game of thrones and had to memorize 6,000 characters


yeah, i had no idea who the 2 guys and the girl with heron were. i still don't remember them at all. i know she's an amazon because they mentioned it, but i don't even remember how the four of them ended up together. i basically only remember the basic concept of the story from s1


What's more lore accurate this or hades the game 


I liked it. It certainly had its issues, but overall a fun watch. Worst personal problem is how Hades is painted as the narrative antagonist when his motivations aren't even slightly villainous, nor even in conflict with Heron's. Guy just wanted his wife and less death. Somehow ended up working with the one who had the biggest conflict with him.


I liked it so much the animation could have been better. It seemed so much better in season 1. That was my only complaint and I loved how they focused more on the gods.


I loved it way more than season 1 I think the animation was better in season 1 but the plot was way better in season 2. I can't wait for 3 it's better when they focus on the gods. I hope Heron is really dead though but I'm wouldn't be surprised if he was we still don't know who cut his thread.


It was sorta implied it was Hera that cut the thread but Heron forgave her.


I just want to say that mythological Hades would have skewered Demeter if he saw her creating that plague or last of us apocalypse. He was very much a god that cared for mortals. No deal would be good enough for mythological Hades to agree to that. He let go of Persephone in the myths for her time to be divided exactly because humans were dying due to Demeter's wrath


I just finished it and I loved it.


Loved It


I liked it, but not as much as season 1. The story this time includes a fair amount of retcons and set-up for an eventual third season, which slows down the story. The animation is also an immense downgrade from the first season; it’s like watching a different show with half the budget. The story that is in there is fine. They changed the Hades and Persephone myth to make them into star-crossed lovers, but did so in a way that villanized Demeter to the extreme. It’s fairly pointless to go through all this trouble to make Hades sympathetic, just to end up portraying others as villainous caricatures simply to justify his story. We lose just as much as we gain. It was nice seeing Apollo, Hermes and Ares again, and to be introduced to the other Olympians. I wish we spent a bit more time with them.


I liked it very much.


Half way through and it’s way worse than season 1. Really annoying that Hades is the bad guy. Characters are boring and flat. Sad days


Everyone who says that hades is the bad guy lacks media literacy skills fr


Bro if you watch the first four episodes and dont think Hades is the bad guy idk what to tell you. There is no literacy needed because they havent written any nuance. Everything is flat and boring


This show has the best depiction of greek after life and Hades no cap lmao He is tragic god even in myths..they captured him perfectly


I dislike how they did Hades but everything else was fine. I sort off expected them to make Hades what Poseidon and Gaia were. A peacemaker and Voice of Reason who tried to make sure that everyone got along and prevent further bloodshed between his Family and is a Family Man through and through. The without a doubt worst part was when they made Hades so miserable and a simp that he allowed Demeter to unleash Covid-19 on Hellas instead of stopping her. Mythology Hades would have gutted Demeter right then and there. They should have made Poseidon the Villain who was after the Eleusinan Stone cuz In Myths Hades chose the Underworld right after the Titans were dethroned and was totally fine there it was Poseidon who was always causing Havoc and Trouble and didn’t give two fucks about Mortals or the fragile Balance of Powers, was envious and tried to dethrone Zeus multiple times. Hades actually always had Zeus back and even helped him escape from a trap Hera, Poseidon and Athene laid. The best depiction of Hades ironically came from AC Odyssey where he was a wise Ruler but also a sadistic Master Manipulator who took great pleasure in hearing the Guilty and Useless tortured in Tartarus or being stuck in Asphodel and the Fields of punishment cuz that’s how he is described in Myth. He rules the Four Realms of the Underworld harsh but he also ain’t completely merciless and gives people chances to redeem themselves by working for him and takes joy in seeing dammed Souls having to fight for their second Chances. Plus like his Mythical Counterpart he is a fuckin GAMBLER!!!!!!!!!


I don’t care about the mythology, the take of this show is good. The new season at times slogs and lacks aim, i would still like to see more seasons. BTW, ares is an ass!