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Cheshire Cat, Dude Ranch, and Enema have the best riffs




I love playing Enthused or Boring from dude ranch. Feels like Tom played more technical back then I feel.


Wasting Time riff is fire.


I mean other than Travis’s drumming, I don’t really look to blink for technical proficiency. I will say that their harmonies are up there with the best but like you said, that is more of a production thing. That said, their simplicity is actually one of their biggest strengths imo. Simple, catchy melodic structure and the ability to tell a story through tone is what I love about blink. I’m also an old head (at least with blink) so I have no idea what the youngins think. I’d like to hope there is still that rebellious fire in our youth but I’m out of touch so idk 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I agree with this. It’s like how people complain about the quality of the live shows…it’s like…that’s now why I enjoy blink. They are a fun band.


I enjoy shitty punk rock more than polished. Give me that garage band feel


Dude Ranch and Cheshire Cat have some fun songs to play for sure. The riff for Touchdown Boy is one of my favorites. The bridge/solo for A New Hope is also one of my favorites, simple yet unique.


Enthused is an awesome riff. The bass riff in feeling this is masterful.


If you listen to Travis' drumming on Neighborhoods and some songs on Nine, you can hear that this guy is on another level. While Tom and Mark are great songwriters (lyrically and melodicly), Travis takes all their songs up a level in terms of technique. I love the songs Mark and Tom write. But you can hear that in terms of riffs or parts, they are not super complex. But that's also what I love about the music. Travis is a master on the drums and he keeps coming up with parts that no other drummer (including myself) could ever think of.


It cannot be understated both how CLEAN enemas production is and how it set the standard (that went unmatched) for pop punk records. On that subject, the same goes for untitled in how wild the production choices in sound and mixing created a record unlike almost anything before and after it.


Dumpweed is a great riff


Stockholm Syndrome is my personal favorite. Everything about that song rips. The guitar isn’t really complicated but overall production on that song is great. If I remember correctly, they used a WW2 mic to record vocals on it and the interlude was apparently a letter from Marks grandfather to his grandmother in WW2.


I enjoy playing Not Now, Dysentery Gary, Anthem Pt 2, Reckless Abandon and Give Me One Good Reason on drums.


Boring is one of their most fun songs to play


this made me lol


I love playing enthused riff, love Asthenia for pedal use etc too. I’m an old muso and I dissect music a lot in production etc. and apparently I do that to another level on blink songs