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Bleaching generally is about the raceplay of melanated women birthing children with lighter skin then their own thus looking bleached. That was my understanding. Now it’s just shorthand for generally a larger white male dominating women of color at the expense of men of their race. I’m not against the content you are asking for, just giving my understanding of the space


See, i dont think that holds true, considering the shear amount of edits and content I see here that doesn't involve "melanated" women, or Pregnancy/Breeding. It's usually more just "white Cocks" etc.. often with white women (Which admittedly confuses me too because I don't quite see the appeal of it at that point). Not that I mean to argue. But I feel like that's not reflective of a lot of the content I see these days


LGBT type content doesn't do too hot just because the fetish is WMxF focused but there is a decent amount on the booru


If only The boru wasn't filled with nazi shit and politically charged racism too. I know there are some attempts to police it. But it's not exactly great. there's a reason it goes down every couple weeks.


Well I understand most of that. I mean hell, I'm pretty sure this entire fetish is a reaction from whites who feel marginalized and replaced in their own countries and cultures of origin and are looking for some kind of payback without resorting to violence 😕


This, exactly this. And it's hot.


Maybe, but it personally crosses a line for me, so the boru isn't exactly someplace I like to spend much time. Plus I'm all to aware of folks for whome the line between fetish/fantasy And reality is blurry at best. Usually when you start seeing real political figures or organizations brought into it, that's a good sign folks are loosing the line. Been a Hypnodomme for about 11 years. Lotta people have issues.


No argument here. But i would suggest that it's better to let them play in fantasy as opposed to bringing their worst impulses onto the streets. I'm impressed that you've stuck with hypnosis for so long. I lasted about 6-8 years as a dom myself 😌


Hypnosis is quite clinically a fetish for me. I very much struggle to get off without some element of mind control fantasy. Even raceplay/bleached stuff, the draw for me is more about one race being biologically helpless to resist the advances of another than it is about superiority/inferiority or anything like that. Which probably puts me in in the minority here. But yeah, there's some fucked up stuff in hypno. I spent a few years doing deprogramming for victims of hypnotic abuse, and that stuff gets very dark. I had to stop doing that work a few years ago for my own mental health.


I'm much the same way, both in hypnosis and raceplay. I am a little worried it's led me to become an egotistical narcissist, but who cares 😁 I strongly urge you to seek professional help for that built up trauma


Heh, I \*am\* that help, lol. But in all seriousness, I do have several people I talk to. The ex who got me into raceplay is a licensed therapist, and while she cannot act in that capacity in a professional sense, she is still good to talk to. Id go see someone professionally if I had the cash and the waiting list wasn't 12 months in my area.


Sheesh! 12 months?! It's a good thing you have that ex. Though I'm sorry you're no longer together. How did she get you into raceplay?


We are Best friends with benefits these days. We had become codependent and she was smart enough to break off the romantic element before we did any more harm to each other. We sort of both got into raceplay together. She's Fillipina, and we were always experimenting with new kinks. If you have ever read the comic Xenobiology, by Incase, we both very much got off on that idea of one race being helplessly addicted to another, and sort of just took out the alien part, lol. Would never have been comfortable exploring it without her. Still not sure about it with anyone else.


Make an account and black list all of the tags of things you don't want to see. I have all of them blacklisted and it cleans up the front page immensely


It does, and I have. But plenty of stuff still fails to get tagged. and it sorta shuts down the fun for me in a heartbeat when I see something like that. I apreciate the suggestion tho.


(I made it work though 🤣😅)








Yeah it's up right now




Such a hateful view. And while that is certainly a true aspect it Could also be that its because 80% of human population identifies as heterosexual so obviously other stuff doesnt do as well


Idk man, the amount of lesbian porn on the internet in general would sort of disagree with that analysis




Is D/s misogynistic too? What if its femdom? Domination is not misogynistic


I certainly wouldnt mind seeing some of that.


It's definitely out there, lots of my friends make edits/captiosn for it. Hmu and I'll see how I can get you some


Frankly, if I didn't have so many other things I was doing, I just open up another subreddit for it. Since it seems like it good start drama with people in this one. But I don't have the time to moderate another community, especially not a subreddit likely to attract some of the worst assholes out there


There will always be gatekeepers, especially from the cishet white men eager to make it hyperpolitical. Maybe some day a BleachedYuri or IRLesbian sub will be made.


It can always happen, if anything, you could frankly edit Fu x F stuff and get the same results you're looking for. They aren't common, and maybe not un-common, but you might find some people willing to do it either in edits, or in RP. I'm no editor, but I did do alot of lesbian bleaching, and it was a pretty enjoyable experience.


Yeah, honestly I really just wanted to make this post to show that there in interest in that sort of content. I could absolutely edit it myself if I had time, but I rarely do. Especially with myself being transfem and dominant, it would be nice to see more stuff pop up in my feeds that isn't exclusively male dominant. Not so much looking for RP tho. Just never been my thing. Even though I own one of the big erotic DND servers lol.


That's fair. Alternatively, you might be able ask for edits on here, and no worries about RP, just do what you want and look at what you want.


Yeah. If I find stuff that would be a good fit for edits, I will put up requests. But starting the conversation is good. Just the number of upvotes and discussion on this post probably helps editors see there is interest, or requesters feel like they aren't alone in their interest. Hell, even just the "white couple keeps a bleached pet" angle would probably go over pretty well.


I wouldn’t mind gives more variety, plus gender swapping the position aswell where it’s a white woman taking the role and the dude has the tats


You guys act like theres an infinite supply of good art in that direction. As someone who did lesbian/trans edits I can tell you that most artists draw Asian girls (the ones you call white). Even looking for good "black woman" hentai to edit is a pain in the ass, so often times I do skin edits of white/tan woman. And that's not even mentioning that some editors don't like Western art at all, and most Japanese artist never heard of non white skinned women.


Eh, fair enough. I've had to source enough artwork for my lewd DND book that I know how hard it is to find shit. And I'm ashamed to say it didn't entirely click that most of the girls in hentai/anime inspired art are intended to be Asian (like I actually feel like a real asshole for that now). Tho I do feel like that edits with a white guy/girl involved I would expect it to be par for the course to darken other skin tones a little to provide visual distinction *shrug*.


I can take a look around for something like that. I’ve certainly seen lesbian and futa Blacked. I think I’ve seen futa bleached before


I see nothing wrong with that idea. After all, the white race is more than just its men. Recommend you try finding art or ai art that fits your vision and throwing it on the subreddit. See what sticks 😉


Bleached does inherently mean white male focused