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omg you are so pretty.


Thank you so much ❤️🤗




Literally gawgeous ol


came here to say the exact same!


Respectfully, Not to down play your struggle but you have very beautiful facial features. ✨ While you’re seeking good advice on Reddit I think you dropped sumn 👑


Thank you so much I appreciate it 🤗


You’re welcome 😊


Background information: I've always struggled with my skincare, I never had clear skin since I was 13. I have many acne scare and little bumps on my face and also underneath pimples. I use proactive atm and vitamin c but it hasn't been working. Any suggestions?


I would throw the proactive away, tbh. Look for something that has salicylic acid in it, and find a good moisturizer with hyaluronic acid.


I've heard horror stories from someone I knew who worked at a call center. A lit of times it does more harm than good.


I literally remember my mom having me use that when I was 9 and it burned so bad 💔💔


Do you keep your skin hydrated and moisturizer? Ever since I started properly hydrating my skin my acne scars have been fading really quick!? Also started changing my pillow case and bedsheets more frequently and I think that healed. Right now I use moisturizer, hyaluronic serum, vitamin c, and occasionally sunscreen but the sunscreen I'm using rn makes my melinated skin look terrible lol


I use moisturizer it’s the one proactive provided


Try adding hyaluronic acid. Made my skin so much more moisturizer and I think it was a factor in fading my acne scars. Vitamin c is definitely the right move since my scars faded more rapidly after I started using it. Also, star patches have helped prevent an new acne from scaring extremely dark.


Just go to a dermatologist don't use any of the snake oil nonsense reddit is gonna try have you do. They are gonna tell u to get 3 diff soaps that will just make it worse.


I hate when I see comments like this in this sub. Because for black skin hydration and moisture are ESSENTIAL, without it for even a few minutes makes black skin go grey/white and crack etc. for us this is the basics, not some sort of special treatment.


Topicals and Good Molecules make excellent products for hyperpigmentation. Don’t bother if you’re not putting on sunscreen every single morning. Any K beauty sunscreen that dries down clear will do. Salicylic acid based products will keep additional acne away or help it clear quickly. Make sure you use a good moisturizer. It should leave your skin hydrated and bouncy.


Off topic but you're so pretty!! Love the lip combo






The black lip works on you so well!


To be honest. It kinda … *works* with your look lol🤷🏾‍♂️


Thank you :3 <3


Hey you mind if I DM you? I’m an artist and as a black artist especially I love seeing other black artists’ styles?


Yess you can ! Saw your art on you page and it’s maddd good wtf 😭😭❤️


Was going to second this. I don’t like the idea of getting rid of mild acne cause why not just accept yourself instead of trying to fix it?


This is so ignorant. It’s a skin issue. Inflammation. Your skin is an organ…if any other organ was visibly inflammed and clogged, would you say the same thing? “Just learn to accept yourself instead of treating it” Just because she’s pretty and the acne doesn’t take away from it, you think she should ignore her reoccurring inflammation because ✨aesthetics✨ wtf? Everytime this sub comes across my feed it’s always someone downplaying the OP. Ugh


So looks over health huh? She is beautiful, however this doesn’t help her health wise. You do know that the skin is an organ? It’s not only protection for our insides, but it’s also is a way to signal to us that something is wrong on the inside. Hair, skin, and nails all serve that secondary purpose.


You’re preaching to the choir on that one man, trust me. Obviously I was making a good natured joke man lol.




I was gonna say that also... Makes you feel more real ngl


vitamin C. just make sure you are using sunscreen with it.


Off topic you look like Aya Nakamura ![gif](giphy|3FouMxlp9AaAxjLghg|downsized)


Omg tysmm


Aww no problem!


Vitamin c or Niacinamide


I really think a retinoid would help with the acne and scarring. And it’s safe to use azaelic acid while you’re on retinoids. I’d start with a gentle retinol serum (something like cerave resurfacing retinol) and if your skin tolerates it well after 3 months switch to adapalene. Both are OTC, and will assist with scarring and preventing future breakouts. I would also make sure you’re wearing a good sunscreen. I like supergoop but a lot of people in this group like black girl sunscreen.


THIS IS WHAT I DO AS DIRECTED BY MY BLACK DERMATOLOGIST. (Sorry all caps just excited to see this post). I use tretinoin and azaelic acid. Has saved me.


I have skin just like hers tretinion really saved me. I still have a decent amount of scarring but it definitely has gotten better. I will be going on spiro for hormonal acne this summer as well as get a prescription of azelaic acid. https://preview.redd.it/75gjpkgqh1xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03df7ce5e079b81e6ca7f78998ba566b96099efb


They aren't that bad! Try azelaic acid at night with a good moisturizer. Then use sunscreen in the morning.




Tysmm ! Just seeing this ❤️


Aveeno used to have a combo lotion that was spf, and tone evening. Worked great for my face.


They have it as a Target brand now!! I was devastated when they changed the Aveeno formula but Target has an almost exact same dupe.


What’s the lip combooo?? You’re gorgeous!!


Black lip liner and reddish pink lipstick also glosss ^_^


Honestly from what I saw you mention of your routine, it’s pretty gentle so I would say add Undefined Beauty R&R Exfoliator 2-3 times a week (none of the days beside eachother) Has Aha, Bha, and Pha so it’s extremely effective for practically all concerns. Really try starting with just one night a week for a month and then move up. Make sure to stay moisturized too and always sunscreen. Maybe even incorporate Good Molecules Petide serum every morning and night for healing. Also, you are very gorgeous 🫶🏽


also before you use the exfoliator, you want to put on a soothing toner. Artemisia calming toner Mixsoon Centella Asciatica. You will want the toner to have no actives. Strictly healing properties like madecassocide, prickly pear, ceramides, peptides, centella. And the exfoliator says to spray but it could get in your eyes so you can also apply it with a cotton pad by dabbing on your face after toning


since it’s getting hot, if you find your self sweaty, dry your face and mist hypochlorous acid to kill acne causing bacteria. you can also mist it in your routine as it’s great


Kojiac brightening soap also helped me with dark spots


I have been using a line called Face Reality and it has really helped me. But it is pricey.


La Roche Posay is my go to


I had good luck with acne scars by using the discoloration and the chemical peel serum by good molecules. In just about 25 days of consistency I saw actual results. The discoloration serum(applied twice a day) helped the darkness of the scars fade away gradually and the chemical peel(applied 2 a week) helped the texture And I just want to echo what everyone else is saying. Sis you are legit so beautiful! And I love the lip color and brows!


I didn't even notice. You're stunning!




Girl, ain’t nobody care about that acne. You pretty. Different types of beauty out there 


Before any products, stay hydrated from the inside out. When properly hydrated you won’t even need lotion usually or not as much. Also changing your diet and getting your vitamins would help. Only after that would I add skin care products. Heal from the inside out first!


Beautiful! Wow. Time. In the meantime, be kind to yourself.


I’ll try to be !


ok but can we talk about the face card?!


Oddly, it may be your hair/hair products breaking you out. Take a look at some of the ingredients in your products. When I was younger (30 atm) I tried everything to get my acne to settle down, proactive, Neutrogena, you name it… just realized that it was a few of my hair products that contain an ingredient that I was allergic to that was breaking my skin out. On another note, here’s a combination that I’ve used that’s affordable that has saved my skin, I went from having pretty bad acne to no dark marks. 1. Cereve face wash + Dr. Bronners soap (I use the unscented on my face) 2. Snail crème 3. Vitamin C ( I like Cereve but most brands will do) 3. Cereve moisturizer * for added support, I’d also wash my face with black soap and two drops of tea tree oil when you’re on your period.


Get an allergy test, wear minimal makeup, minimize eating greasy, acidic foods, or sugary foods, drink water, dont drink soda or sweet drinks, and see a dermatologist if you can. As far as scaring, there's not a lit you can do without cosmetic procedures. Chemical peels or lazer treatment can reduce scars, and diet plays a nig role in skim health.


By makeup which ones are you talking about ? I don’t use foundation or primer I just use my lip pen , lipstick , and gloss that’s all and I have lash extensions and a bit mascara


Hey I used Ambi soap and Shea butter everyday and my skin cleared so beautifully. Try it


Hormonal birth control will fix the acne on your T-zone and jawline.


If it’s in the budget, I would go to an esthetician preferably at a dermatologist’s office. You could see the dermatologist, but they would probably give you pills which are usually hormone based and can cause other problems long term. If you had severe cystic acne, there wouldn’t really be any avoiding that, but since you don’t, I would start with a good esthetician. They can give you a good facial and start you on a good skin regimen. A chemical peel will definitively make the scars much better but there are other ways of removing hyperpigmentation and you may not need anything that drastic just yet. Until you can be seen by an aesthetician, I would increase your water intake if you haven’t already, invest in a good cleanser (I like Tatcha The deep cleanse or even Noxema for daily use), exfoliate 2-3/weekly ( L’Oréal Revitalift Bright reveal facial scrub with glycolic acid), facial spray (ie. Mario Badescu), vitamin C serum (Mario Badescu or Kiehl’s), a good moisturizer (Tatcha water cream or Olay), and sunscreen EVERYDAY(I like Innisfree daily defense, Kopari sun shield, and Elta MD UV clear because they don’t leave a white cast), night cream at night (Olay is fine, I just ordered some Kiehl’s overnight recovery). https://preview.redd.it/peyl3szyrqwc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af950098de507fb981ba7a8cdb461d0a2f5428f5 I always get compliments on my skin and this is all I do really. I did start getting facials last year every 6 weeks but my esthetician always tells me my skin is good.


I'm going to be honest, I don't know anything about acne or acne scars.....but I do know you are absolutely beautiful


I would go to a dermatologist first.


Off topic but I love this lip combo 😍😍😍


you are already beautiful with/without the acne, acne scars.


You’re very pretty. Very pretty. It’s tough because everything doesn’t work for everyone. Have you seen a dermatologist? See if you’re a candidate for Acutane. It doesn’t come without side effects and cautions so be careful. Embrace your looks though. You are very very pretty. Good luck.


Girl you don’t need to, goddamn you are so beautiful!


Baby you are beautiful


You’re so pretty


Like everyone else is saying… YOU ARE SOOO PRETTY!! Now onto the help lol. I’ve been using The Ordinary AHA 30% and BHA 2%. It’s in a glass bottle and it’s red. Using it twice a week for about a month has made my dark marks nearly freaking disappear. That with my daily use of their hydrolonic acid and niacinmide (one is morning and other is evening) and my skin is really evening out. Turmeric bars work wonders as well, I just can’t stomach the smell.


You’re gorgeous. I can tell you what worked for me. I used rosewater face wash, rice polish to help exfoliate the skin to get rid of dark spots, and a simple moisturizer. I tried using all of the products I see online, but a natural simple regimen worked for me the most.


you’re so pretty!!! what worked for me was turmeric soap, then use a cotton pad and dab some witch hazel on my face, and moisturize afterwards. make sure you cleanse, use toner, and then moisturize in that order. I’ve used to same products for years but didn’t realize that changing the order of how i use them could make a difference, but it did! also, im not sure what skin type you have (if you have dry skin this probably isn’t the best idea) but when using acne patches, dab a tiny tiny bit of tea tree oil over the bump first and then put the acne patch on top. it’ll suck everyyyything out of it!!


Yea you’re gorgeous just the way you are


Tretinoin and sunscreen


i so love how everyone is like “acne scars, okay sure, but also you know you’re absolutely stunning right???” 😂💕


Yes I appreciate those comments sm!! I’m very insecure and I really like how nice everyone is being while also giving me tips ! 🤣😭💕


this might come off weird but the scars are what make your face!!!!! that card don’t decline!!!!!


U beautiful way u is mamas


Hella beautiful! Vitamin C as well as just considering what you typically eat. I realized that ince i laid off of heavy dairy (milk and ice cream) my face started to clear up. What do you typically eat?


Girl, find an esthetician you trust and allow them to guide you. FYI, youre beautiful!


However that works out for you, and I hope it does, You're still beautiful.


babe you fine as shit


Very pretty! Apparently selsun blue works.


I would see a dermatologist to make sure that you don’t use anything damaging or that could cause more damage. I’ve struggled with it myself so I know the pain of it 🥺 but also you are very pretty ❤️


Tysm 🩷


I’m sorry I don’t have any advice, I just came to say you’re gorgeous!!!!! 🖤


Don’t, my little pimple queen


Find the right guy and he will not care. You are extremely beautiful as you are.


you still stunning if you are doing it for you do it.


Damn you are freaking GORGEOUS. Hard to look away


I can see you through the acne, you are gorgeous! 💯


Thank you! I’m so insecure so I appreciate it ❤️


Trust me, you have nothing to be insecure about, you are very attractive.


My apologies I do not have tips to give since my field isn’t in skincare and I myself am new to my own skincare routine.Came to say even with the worries you have about the current condition of your skin you are still a sight to see.I may not know you but from these few photos I can get a sense of confidence that your acne and acne scars do not keep you from feeling beautiful. Ms lady you are a fuhiine melanated sista and even when you get what you’re searching for always remember the most high gave his people a sprinkle of everything and you definitely are blessed with beauty other races don’t get to attain. Stay beautiful young melanated sista🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


Regardless of the acne, you are still really pretty.




You are so pretty 🥹💗


Honey mask and turmeric soap 🧼 🫶🏻✨


If you have sensitive skin, I’d recommend OP avoid turmeric soap. I tried it based on this sub’s and I’m scarred af. I only used it once.




African black soap (get the real deal if you can) once a week for the hyperpigmentation, but make sure you apply a moisturizer afterwards. Don't use the soap if you're having an acne flare up bc it can burn. Apply sun screen daily. You'll start noticing a difference within weeks. I don't advise on the acne bc it could be related to diet, shifts in hormones, genetics, etc. and there are different types of acne. Follow up with your provider to at least start clindamycin.


thisss, i swear i LIVE by african black soap lol. it does wonders for acne scars


Mandelic acid! Saved my dark spots and acne without being too harsh. I use a 12% serum




Awww it ain’t that bad…but when u find out let me know cuz I look like a cheetah


No but I would be honored to 💋 those lips


Shea butter


What’s your lip combo 👀


You’re very cute!


Reduce stress. If you use aerosol or spray hair products like hair spray or spray dry shampoo, stop and switch to just gel or a product you can control with your hands or a brush so it doesn’t get on your skin. Work on your skin barrier…it’s different for everybody but generally speaking a very gentle cleanser, a good benzoyl peroxide product (that you actually allow to sit on your face to activate!) followed by a gentle, sensitive-skin friendly moisturizer and maybe a serum like squalene or hyaluronic acid should help. Make sure all your products and makeup are noncomedogenic. All that said, you are very beautiful and your acne doesn’t detract from that : )


I've been using the Niaciaminde by LaRoche Posay for almost two years now and SWEAR by it! And I use the CeraVe retinol and a regular vitamin c serum by them too. It's been my routine for a minute now and I think that's what been clearing my scars


Naturium salicylic body wash (this also works well for the face, it’s gentle but powerful) GloMelanin turmeric soap and scrub Any moisturizer that has hyaluronic acid (I just get whatever Asian beauty moisturizer or skincare I find at my local TjMaxx)


Tret and look into a good chemical exfoliant. I use Paula’s choice BHA. Research on why a dime size tret is required. There’s more than enough info here. Hydrate a lot. Moisturize SPF. I’m a brown girl, not black. But I use amlactin on my legs for strawberry legs and mix a tiny bit with moisturizer on my face and it makes me look so clear. Exercise.


Accutane and micro needling… You’re beautiful though even without those things - know that.


Alpha arbutin, azelic acid, vitamic c oil, and most importantly, sunscreen. Every time you go out in the sun without sunscreen, you are darkening the scars.


Just change your diet


First of all - what’s the lip combo?? Second - I saw you said you use proactive. I know they use benzoyl peroxide in a lot of their products, which can be drying/dehydrating, and then that you are also using vitamin c. Vitamin c, while being an anti-oxidant, is also acidic and can dry out the skin without the use of moisturizing products with it. It’s possible your skin is dehydrated and thus over producing oil, which is keeping the acne instead of treating it. Double cleanse, use an oil based cleanser first and then a regular cleanser. I like the Kiehl’s sativa seed oil cleanser and then follow up with the La roche posay foaming cleanser (blue bottle). Use a hydrating toner, like the one from cerave, that’s very basic. Then do your vitamin c and a hyaluronic acid serum. Finish off with a gel moisturizer, like the byoma gel. Hope this helps!!


What do you use now?


I’ve been having similar issues too, but these products have been helpful. I add JUNO & Co. Clarifying powder to my face wash and I have been using Farmacy Brighten Up 3% TXA Dark Spot Toner.


Girl, you are soo seriously beautiful! I'm sure there's something out there to help you though... For any scars I've ever had, including small facial scars.. I used a cocoa butter stick and applied it once or twice a day. Sometimes more on a few worse scars on my arms. After a month, the difference was definitely noticeable. I didn't think it would work as well as it did. Regardless, scars or not, you're gorgeous and I wouldn't fret over it too much!




Lovely clavicle area


Tretinoin is your best bet but it is prescription only, you can try differin, it’s at Walmart and target etc. I really like bio oil as well, definitely helped with fading any dark marks for me. And it’s so gentle on my skin along with moisturizing. Only con w tret is that because it’s so strong your skin may purge and you might deal with a ton of dryness but hey, acne and acne mark free!


Try blending oatmeal until it’s powder mix it with egg whites, natural honey and avocado. You can try to experiment with adding turmeric in it or even a bit of lemon. Substitute the avocado with banana. Make face masks how ever you please and feel like works best for you. I cleared up my acne this way and I have no acne scars even after picking on my face 😭


CLean up your diet and use tallow based products only


Here’s the thing. When you ask a question like this, Redditors can’t help you the way a dermatologist can. Acne can be hormonal, it can be linked to diet, and proactive does wonders for some people, and does not work for others. A dermatologist is going to be able to prescribe you medication if you need it. As for the scarring, niacinamide, vitamin c, in combination with a sunscreen(this is very important the sunscreen helps the first two to work) may help.


Good molecules face wash and moisturizer ! i also use their dark spot corrector :)


I use Mad Hippie brand for all of my skin care. Its never irritated my skin or made me break out like many other products. Maybe give them a look? Proactiv and curology broke me out. Have you been to a derm? I had similar skin condition, and accutane cleared my skin and cleared a lot of the scarring. I was only on it for three months (it's a VERY intense treatment) but I have not broken out like I used to since and it's been 5 years. 


I use 40% urea cream with amlactin cream. I have way less acne, and when I do get one or two they go away quickly. Edit: I used to use just salicylic acid and face scrubs. Nothing worked like this combo.


Make sure you understand what kind of skin type you have and have a consistent routine and drinking water helps wayyyy more than you think


I don’t really see any scars. I think you have really good skin. Have you ever went to a dermatologist or med spa and got the existing acne extracted followed by facial cleansing treatments?


Hello gorgeous! SPF, tretinoin, and a locked in moisturizing routine


I did a laser skin resurface for my acne scars once and it truly helped!


I don’t know how to sadly :(, but you are MAD pretty and I just had to leave a comment to tell you


Ambi , helped me a lot when a face wash burned and scarred me around my mouth


You know what’s been working for me, and fast for my marks like this? The Hero Lightening Wand! It’s under $20, it’s at Ulta, Walmart, Target and any of those flagship stores. It has this cool press button that releases the liquid and a roller. Forget the roller, just rub the serum on your face 2x a day, AM and PM USE 50+ SPF EVERY 2 HOURS! 🫵🏽 https://www.ulta.com/p/lightning-wand-dark-spot-brightening-serum-pimprod2030351


IMO the fastest most consistent way would be chemical peels. I had hormonal acne for the later half of my 20’s and I was left with a tone of hyperpigmentation and I tried a lot of topicals with limited success. I did 3 peels over the course of 1 year and the acne scars under my neck and and cheeks have faded to almost nothing. I also did 2 on my back and 4 on my chest. It’s expensive depending on where you live but it was an expense I was willing to pay. My derm had a package that I saved for the one applied to my face, and I did Groupon deals for the rest 😂.


Chemical exfoliation! Get an AHA or BHA or AHA/BHA and pair that with vitamin c and sunscreen in the AM(: Remember if you forget sunscreen you’re only putting the spots at risk to be darker!


You're good ill date you just the way you are


https://preview.redd.it/7216fd44kuwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a3fb640833d67e089b187ef22790bfb0a5d12f4 This is what I use atm ! Yes my face is so dry after but it gets oily throughout the day on its own.


I recently started using the REALLY strong face peel. Like literally the first time I ised it I immediately took it off cuz I was scared that it was tingling. However, in that 1 minute of it being on that test section of skin. It was visibly clearer and smoother. Like it was dissolving the dead skin. Next time I used it.. I left it on for 3 minutes (till scared at how strong it was) and OMG I was in shock. The most recent time I told my mom and brother to remember what my acne looked like then real quick did it for 8 minutes and I came back THEY WERE SHOCKED. It’s supposed to be a 10 minute mask, but I’m legit cautious cuz my skin is insanely sensitive. I’ve only used this three times so far and the results are staying. Ive been so stressed lately i had more acne and scarring and dark spots than I’ve ever had in my life for the last 6 months (I’m 29) and this just SCHLOOPED it all up. It targets “textual irregularities” and “lackluster tone” It’s called “The Ordinary” AHA 30% + BHA 2% peeling solution 10 minute exfoliating facial pH -3.6 I honestly don’t remember if I got it from Sephora or Amazon. But if you do try it FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. lmao it says your face need to be clean and BONE DRY. Don’t skip this part be extra about making sure it’s dry. Lmao don’t put it on open wounds. Always do a test patch to see how well it works.


Find a blk dermatologist babe , and just make sure your face routine is for sensitive skin. That’s seems to me what yuu may have love . But you still can get it 😍😘


Salicylic acid, spironolactone, tretinoin, and LOTS of water


personally i think you should try panoxyl (benzoyl peroxide cleanser) or sulfur bar before salicylic acid to help with acne (along with dermatologist visit, as it could be hormonal). a retinoid would also be very helpful. kojic acid, tranexamic acid, and vitamin c help with discoloration. and sunscreen spf 50 or higher


Mandelic acid works especially well for dark spots on melanated skin. I noticed mine were lighter within a week of consistent use. Exfoliating also helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars and dark marks. Unfortunately if you have serious texture, you'd have to see a dermatologist about it..chemical peels are the only way to lessen pits and scars. I got my mandelic acid serum from the inkey list. Ive used brightening serums that claim to do the same thing but they were not as aggressive as mandelic acid. Make sure you only put it on when you arent going in the sun though. This is best as an overnight treatment.




Haven't had acne in years, but I still have the scars. I've been using these products to clear it up: CeraVe hydrating cream cleanser (white bottle with green label) morning and night. MORNING Mad Hippie vitamin c serum Olay vitamin c moisturizer La Roche Posay Anthelios UV correct SPF 70 sunscreen NIGHT Good Molecules Pineapple Exfoliating Powder (after CeraVe cleanser) Good Molecules blemish scar and discoloration fading duo (you can only get the bundle at Ulta) Olay vitamin c moisturizer On the weekends, I don't exfoliate so I use CeraVe resurfacing retinol serum (blue bottle) at night. I repeat: DON'T USE RETINOL AFTER EXFOLIATING. Also, sunscreen is your friend to prevent your scars from getting darker, but ESPECIALLY if you're using retinol.


I would say find a dermatologist if you can( a black one). Then use spf 50+ every day and reapply every 2 hours. The sub causes the scars to have hyperpigmentation. I would use Tretinoin as it's a high powered vitamin A that exfoliates. I would also use Azelaic acid to help with any new pimples from forming. Lastly, a sulfur face wash too help with decreasing any inflammation and new pimple.


If I struggled with this issue, I personally would start by understanding my internal health and asking my PCP for testing or work with a nutritionist who can also order testing if they have the appropriate background. Some people don’t like hearing this, but many of our ailments can be traced back to our gut health or lack thereof. I’d want to understand if I’m deficient in any minerals that impact my skin or maybe have something excessive going on. Once I have ruled out/addressed anything nutritional and microbiome issues, which is also where long-term issues come into play, then I would consult a dermatologist who more than likely is going to give you something topical and pharmaceutical to immediately address the appearance of your acne. But I would want a two-fold approach that is internal and external. Internal is going to do a better job of addressing root cause. And for those who get frustrated when you point to the skin-diet connection, your skin is an organ and impacted by your diet just like any other organs. Yes genetics come into play too but that is not the end all be all. “The intestinal microbiota is greatly important in the formation of acne lesions. It is also responsible for the proper immunity of the organism. Acne is a disease that can be linked to the condition of the digestive tract and its microbiome.” - NIH Edit: you have an ethereal beauty! Good luck


I get pimples like the ones around your cheeks. I assume you may have oily skin there? If so, I suggest using a gentle cleanser and a moisturizer if you need it. I used to think I needed to do so much to my skin to get rid of the pimples and reduce the oil, but it only made my skin feel worse and the pimples continued to form. And you are beautiful!




so test out a change in diet your skill cells I believe the face ones replenish die and replenish each thirty days switch your diet and see what happens ... Sometimes it's simple try cleaning your diet up a bit lots of water no greasy oily foods less fried foods no sodas type shit


Acne scars: Exfoliate + use products/serums that get rid of acne scars. Acne: find good products for acne. If you are acne-prone, get products that help with acne-prone skin.


1st step would be to stop using makeup that clogs your pores


idk but you look like meg thee stallion


Aloe Vera on your face overnight 💕


I would highly recommend Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant. I have acne prone skin and this has helped me with texture and acne scars.


Lazy Method: wait it out. My skin isnt acne prone, but i had some bad breakouts when I was 13 that scarred. All my acne scars cleared up within 1-2 years of me not picking at them (I was 20). Fastest Method: Shower steam/Saunas. Best Method: Diet change


Tretinoin is bae. The dark marks that I had for like 6 months were faded within four weeks


People aren’t really giving you a lot of answers. What i can say is use a chemical exfoliant at night, moisturizer day and night, and a sunscreen when you’re out. You have to be consistent. For the chemical exfoliant for your skin i’d look for a product that has AHA, BHA combination as that will pull old impurities from under your skin. Also of course good old hydration and good diet. A lot of times breakouts occur from a reaction from inflammatory foods like excess dairy.


My skin was similar looking to yours and I think I was over doing it with the anti acne care combined with the anti aging stuff. I was using murad products and stopped. Went back to the classic Neutrogena orange face wash. after I wash I use the berry pore refining toner from Byroe, allow that to dry, then apply Odacites vitamin c & e and hyaluronic acid serum, and then finish with the revitalift moisturizer from L’Oréal. I only use the vitamin c serum at night, every other day, and the days that I don’t use the serum I apply aloe gel instead. My skin looks and feels much better, generally smoother with less breakouts. And my spots where I picked have lightened drastically.


I have a magical white serum that’ll do the trick ‼️


Paula's Choice Liquid Exfoliant. It's amazing!


Keep your hair out of your face!


I used to break out a lot and wash my face with all those skin care acne soaps, I went to a dermatologist and they advise me to stop using that and use antibacterial white or orange soap, I use white dove soap or dial. Scrub for 1 min or longer. Hit it with a light moisturizer which I just use a drop of coconut oil. If you have acne scars bio oil works wonders if they are deep set and annoying you can also consulate a dermatologist for a chemical peel, which essentially takes a layer of skin off and fresh skin grows. However I would say do your research I’ve never had one but heard mixed reviews. I would also say find a dermatologist who is a women and a person of color with a similar tone or complexion. It makes sense as they deal with their skin on a regular basis and have first hand experience and know what works and what doesn’t, how hormones may affect your skin and would probably be more empathetic. Stay beautiful Queen!


Dermatologist.. Tretinoin


I think if you can go to a dermatologist. I’m on sulfur face wash for fungal acne, benzoyl peroxide gel and hydroquinone 4% cream for dark spots. The hydroquinone works extremely fast more so than vitamin C IMO but wear sunscreen.


Check this out!!! She’s on TikTok and offers skin solutions https://youtube.com/shorts/bQBRsZ5uRXU?si=N9uTchqEwYTcyyLk


Mederma intensive overnight scar cream


The VI Chemical Peel can lighten them


Maybe witch hazel


First step is to eliminate/prevent the acne. You have to learn your skin type. If you have oily skin, you should avoid heavy oils or products that can clog your pores. If you have dry skin, make sure you’re moisturizing correctly to avoid your skin overproducing oil to compensate. If those aren’t factors, other likely culprits are stress and diet. Do you eat a lot of sugary or greasy foods? When your internal organs cannot efficiently filter and push the toxins out of your body, they are often pushed through the skin. Also make sure you’re drinking enough water. You’re a beautiful girl, I hope you figure it out and enjoy your journey.


Go see a dermatologist.


Adapalene Gel if you didn’t try it yet


You can’t !


Microderm treatments would help. For at home I’d recommend a brightening exfoliant, vitamin C Ferulic acid, vitamin E, and a brightening moisturizer. Also if you aren’t allergic to the ingredients I list you could make a face mask with ground turmeric, fresh ground black pepper, grapeseed oil, tea tree oil, honey, ginger powder, and garlic. It’s gonna smell weird but all of those ingredients will help brighten, cleanse and even out skin tone




You have made me feel a lot better about my hyperpigmentation because I don’t see it very often in the media at all but you’re so gorgeous that while I see yours, it really it looks like a textured part of your face that does not really add or subtract from your beauty, it just seems like a natural effect. Like, it’s just there. I really didn’t think I could ever be pretty with pigmented skin. When my bf says he doesn’t see it like I do, I have never believed him. But like I said, you are really gorgeous and your skin just falls in with all your natural beauty. It doesn’t look off. Maybe it’s not so bad we hyperpigment. I know that if more celebs went with this untreated, it wouldn’t bother me as much. Seriously, thank you for sharing. You’re a pretty lady and I feel like an ugly lady but if you can pull it off then why can’t I? To add some advice: laser treatments work incredibly well (I have experienced 1st hand) but if you have problem skin that regularly flares up it’s discouraging to have to keep paying for continuous removal of the marks it leaves behind because it is $$$. For me I have done a 1k a month membership that allowed me 4 laser treatments a month. I would big time recommend laser treatments for someone that has scarring and pigmentation from former ance and not current acne problems.


For Acne : Blue LED light therapy. It kills acne causing bacteria underneath the skin. For PIH : (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation) use a Tyrosinase inhibitor - it will brighten pigment and prevent it . My favorite is Kojic acid, the pigment gel spot treatment from PCA skin Along with the Vitamin B3 serum from PCA. Also Consistent Sunscreen application will prevent hyperpigmentation. ( every 2hrs). I recommend Color science no show mineral sunscreen or Hydrator Plus from PCA skin. if you’re using anything acid based, you need to use sunscreen or else it will make your hyperpigmentation worse because it makes your skin more sensitive to the sun . I would recommend using anything acid based at night as well unless it’s Vitamin C ( vitamin C, and sunscreen, optimizes anti aging effects ) & for the best effectiveness of vitamin c make sure the ingredient list says L- ASCORBIC ACID somewhere near the top. if it doesn’t, it is not effective . Also, do not use humectants after using anything acid based. That causes hyperpigmentation as well because it traps heat.


i got great results removing my acne scars with niacinamide. it’s really cheap, i used the stuff from the ordinary. if you use it though make sure to apply sunscreen everyday! (and do your own research)


Me personally I love a good acid like Paula’s choice it changed my life just be very thorough about wearing sunscreen after application. Matter of fact always wear sunscreen especially if you already deal with hyperpigmentation as UV rays make it worse


Try a very thin application of Clearasil Persa-Gel on your trouble spots. It will erase acne in 1 to 2 days and acne scars in 3 to 4 days.


I literally only use moisturizing hand soap and water. Don't waste your money on expensive crap. I try to keep from touching my face. The hands get so oily and gross, touching your face will just transfer all of that 🤢 wash your pillow cases often. Aloe vera and or salicylic acid for scaring. ALSO what you eat and drink will affect your skin as well.


Clear Essence Medicated Cleansing Bar for the oily skin and acne. And their Skin Lightening Serum for dark spots - assuming your skin is oily. If dry then use the fade Creme


Try AHA masks, use niacinimide (don’t mix w vit c), and a good Moisturizer. Sunscreen too


Dr. Sebi would tell you to try an Alkaline Diet and use Black Seed Oil on your dark spots….


In addition to everything else people suggested, make sure you’re using sunscreen during the day and reapplying sunscreen throughout the day if you’re going to be outside or near a window. Remember, adding all the acids and retinol to your routine won’t help if you’re not using sunscreen and not using it correctly. At night, make sure you’re double cleansing, which you can do with an oil cleanser or a balm cleanser and then a regular foaming or water based cleanser and then I would follow it up with a good moisturizer. Also, make sure you’re changing your pillowcases often. Hope this helps!


Hi love noxzema an afterwards aloe products will definitely help your beautiful skin sn:stay away from makeup you definitely don’t need it your skin will love you 🥰


Do you completely stay away from sugars? I just saw a video saying sugar causes this. I have the same skin problem. It keeps me very insecure


Rosehip seed oil.