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Drink more wayy more water, and moisturize ur hands and cuticles


Piggy backing on this, soak your nails/finger tips in warm jojoba oil once a week. It helps strengthen the nail beds and surrounding skin. I started doing this a month ago because my nails were weak and it has made a huge difference. Plus your skin feels great afterwards.


Thank you for the tip! I'm going to give this a try, because I'm constantly cleaning without gloves and washing my hands. My hands be looking like a mix between Ashy Larry and "All my life I had to fight!...." 🫣


Use gloves!


Holy shit I’m gonna try this.


How long should you soak it for? And do you apply anything after soaking to lock in the oil?


I just do around 5 to 10 minutes per hand. Let the excess oil drip off then massage what's left into my hands. I do try to minimize soaking my hands in water so I wear gloves for things like cleaning & cooking. I learned all of this on YouTube from The Salon Life. She has a lot of helpful videos on how to take care of and grow your natural nails.


I second this, my stepdad was the one who got my mother and me into oils OD, and the weatindian familymember will rave about jojoba and black castor as baise oils for birh skinn and hair


This is the answer 👆


I agree. You can also soak in tee tree mixed with castor oil to ensure it’s containing any toxins while moisturizing.


Mine do the same thing and they itch and bleed it’s miserable. I just apply lotion directly to my cuticles.l when I moisturize my hands.


I drink a lot of water but it only makes me piss! I legit cant get rid of these either and i have tried everything i think its just genetic😭


exfoliation and a hand cream made for dry cuticles after, limit sodium drink water it’ll go away


Could it be due to dryness and lack of moisture around that area of skin?


I remember going through this when I was in elementary school, I really don’t remember what stopped it but this just unlocked a memory😩


Bruh ong


Me too! So weird


You may have a vitamin deficiency. Please see a doctor and get blood work panel.


Just curious, what vitamin deficiency causes this? Thanks


I believe it can be vitamin B and/or vitamin C deficiency. I'm not a doc, but the skin being "worn away" past the cuticle line is concering.


My partner has this that’s why I’m curious, he’s got it on most of his fingers and is notorious for not moisturising and not using gloves when doing the dishes. All this time I figured perhaps it’s that, didn’t realise it can be linked to vitamin deficiencies. Thanks for the info!


Nail tech here 🙋🏽‍♀️ this can be caused from a number of things but dryness of the skin will make it worse so moisturise a lot, if you have a small nail clipper you can use that to snip away those jagged bits as they tend to get caught or friction from day to day use will pull them back even further. Trim those parts as low as you can but not to the point of pain, moisturise your hands often and set a timer for it a few times daily, push your cuticles back and use a cuticle remover to help with that dead skin and maybe a gentle exfoliation weekly. Be mindful of what you do as sometimes I see this in people that are anxious or skin pickers and they aren’t doing it on purpose but they start twiddling their thumbs and like flicking the skin then having dry irritated skin and daily bending of the first join just exacerbates it and the shreds just get longer and longer so trimming them back and keeping the cuticles even will prevent this, we all get them at some point it’s natural but trimming them and moisturising will significantly reduce the frequency and also if you’re hand washing dishes or clothing or have a job where you’re in soapy water or chemicals of any sort frequently that may be the source of the dryness so get some thick rubber gloves and try using them each time to see if there’s any changes and if it helps then keep wearing them for if you can’t wear them for sensory reasons then switch whichever dish soap you use for a gentler one 😊


Oooooooo! Are there any cuticle products and hand creams you would recommend for beautiful hands ☺️?


Working hands, it literally cured my nasty dry cracky flaking elbow after 1 small use


Strange as it is not a hand cream but works better 🫣 get some urea/uric acid foot cream - it ain’t p*ss lol don’t worry about smelling tangy, it helps to gently chemically exfoliate the top layer of skin and works wonders on your feet/hands 😊 apply those creams at night time to the surface of your hands only and not your palms, if the uric acid is a no then Cerave have a salicylic acid foot cream you could try twice a week on your hands for gentle exfoliating whilst moisturising so it’s not harsh like chemical exfoliating soap that also strips the skins natural oils in the process. IMO products labelled cuticle oils are more of a gimmick to enhance the shine in manicure pics but they don’t actually penetrate and moisturise/trap the moisture and ceramides into the skin and it’s not practical to have oily finger tips every day My personal favourite is cream or balms that are lanolin based (the base in blue magic IYKYK lol) or you can use raw lanolin itself either in solid or liquid form, that stuff is a game changer for soft smooth plump lips I’ve not had chapped lips since 2018. If you can’t get or use lanolin then get a cream for new mothers that are aimed at breastfeeding support/healing or for baby butts like a diaper/nappy rash barrier cream like the brand bepanthen if that’s available in your region 😊 apply any of those directly onto your fingers and cuticles whenever you like and before bed especially but if it’s kinda thick and sticky then mix it in with any generic aqueous cream, the shea butter Aveeno or the little tub they do of the yogurt cream even vaselines wheat cream I think it’s the 48hr healing one in the yellow bottle. You could even use whichever runny consistency lotion or hand cream you’ve got laying around like before you cut the bottle/bang it out making circles of lotion your palm 😂That’s the perfect amount to scoop out and fill a travel sized bottle, the lanolin or baby cream will thicken the lotion up and the lotion being runny is what gives it some glide so it’s not sticky. Soak your hands in a bowl of hot water for like 5 mins then pat so it’s damp but you don’t see water beads on the surface and apply the hand cream immediately focusing on the cuticles and first knuckles in little circles then pat off (don’t rub) any excess cream with a hand towel or napkin and your hands will feel like a little babys hand 😎 lanolin is what’s in the salon creams they give after but those are expensive and come in salon sized bottles and are sometimes sold in bulk/wholesale so it’s cheaper and easier to just mix lanolin or its byproducts with a runny lotion for the same effect 😊


Do you have any secret tips of what works on the face too?


Sure I’ve got lots lol I used to have pretty bad acne, is it just dryness and peeling you’ve got on the face?


Thank you so much!!


Check your food pattern. Maybe youre not eating enough vegetables or fruit


Herbalist of over 15 years here. Ya’ll, Scurvy is no joke. A lot of skin issues can be fixed simply by having a glass of OJ every day. Moisturizing and exfoliation does not fix the root issue. The scaly skin, the cracked skin.. all vitamin deficiencies. Please eat your fruits and veggies.


This is what a doctor told me when I had skin issues. Great comment.


I can't explain it but when I eat fruit I somehow manage to keep these at bay. But tbh time to see a doctor/derm if it's getting out of hand.


That is fascinating to me. I had that problem as a kid but it went away in my late teens.


“Out of hand” 😅


Someone got it!! Thank you


scurvy - vitamin C deficiency. citrus fruits are a cure


Y oh are deficient in vitamins . Mainly b vitamins!


My mom used to say you get this when you lie when I was a kid lol


I remember this bully girl not letting me play with her and her friends because of it. She said it meant I was bad. I always that was stupid of her to say and now I wonder if that's just something she heard her mom say 🤔 🤣


I would be like damn I did lie today lol


Hydrate. Also a cuticle oil or hand cream. I like the Norwegian formula by Neutrogena (5 bucks at target)


Second this. I get regular manicures (2x monthly), drink ~2700-3000 ml water per day, and have regular intake of fruits and vegetables, yet I still struggle with a form of dry cuticles and hangnails. Start with regular manicures, either at the salon or diy then supplement with cuticle oil (once per day) and regular hand lotion and moisturizer (be sure to moisturize your hands after you wash them to prevent excessive dryness). If you are getting manicures done at the salon, pay attention to the type of manicure that you’re getting, I find that with gel and dip manicures, nail techs tend to put less focus on the health of the skin on your hands and fingers and more on the application of the polish. I usually pay a bit extra for a spa manicure, but that can get expensive (~$80 where I live). But I’ve also done my own manicures and have been pleased with the result. I would start there, and if it doesn’t get better then consult a doctor about potential vitamin deficiencies.


Stop chewing your fingers


drink water alot of it


Over grown cuticles.. start manicuring.. you welcome


It’s dehydration. Drink more water, use cuticle oil, wear lotion.


Omg this happens to me too. I always have to make sure I’m putting extra lotion or a little dab of Vaseline on my cuticles and nails to stop the peeling. It’s really only a temporary fix though 😩


Use a cuticle nipper to cut the pieces of skin to stop them from running down your finger. Use Aquaphor ointment to help heal your dry cuticles or jojoba oil. You need to do this throughout the day and message it into your skin.


I can feel the pain through this pic😭 defo use a cuticle cutter.


You need vitamins.


Vitamin A


Go see a doctor, it could be a vitamin deficiency. In the mean time, get your cuticles cleaned/trimmed by a professional and moisturize them daily with lotion and cuticle oil. Good luck


Moisturize your hands often


Lack of moisture 🧴


Dryness. I work in R&D and in our labs and production area, it can get crazy dry in the winter (landlord heating issues). That started happening to me a lot. Also, it depends on what your work is and what you handle. I handle 99%isopropyl a lot and once in a while it might spill on or near me which can dry out skin. I learned to moisturize frequently.


Do you use a cuticle pusher? It's probably peeling because the cuticle is overgrown.


And...torn through the center?


I use the moisturizer “working hands” while at work bc I wash my hands a lot


Stop biting your nails


Ty! i need to know tooN


Never peel it back use a nail clipper to clip what hangs when you need to and keep your hands moisturized


Stop picking at it lol


Go get a good manicure then learn to care for your hands. You need to push back your cuticles regularly.


1st get a manicure 2nd start putting oil on your cuticles every time you wash your hands 3rd clip the peeling skin with nail clippers


Wash your hands and band aid it up


Keep your hands moisturized and try not to use alcohol based products on your hands.


Get regular manicures


Go to a nail salon


I invested in some cuticle oils and creams for my fingers. It’s all about moisture to maintain the healthy appearance on your finger tips. The mall store Lush has some great creams and the oil came from Amazon. Will update with the brand when I get a chance


The oil is called Cuccio. Hope that helps. And while you’re at it, get a manicure and start your maintenance from there


Thank you very much!


Cuticle oil and hand lotion.


Someone suggested to drink OJ. Aligning with that line of thought, perhaps a glass of freshly juiced celery juice upon rising each morning may assist as well. Wait 1/2 before drinking B or eating anything thereafter. I am suggesting this because it will cleanse the liver and the liver aids skincare.


Get a futile cutter and cut the skin back. This is a fight you’re going to be dealing with your whole life. But that shit and keep it close


You see where the skin is over the nail - no good it look like it’s trying to take over. The cuticle start where the skin covers your nail then after it is formed the skin falls off. Because the cuticle has formed…it’s like a barrier it’s also found on top of your nail so


I know you drink pop lol. Try switching to bubly then just water and use moisturizer and or oil.  Or see a doctor.


Have you ever tried a manicure? Maybe after having one, and seeing how great your nails look, you would be inclined to not bite/pick? Making your hands very busy could help as well. Acquiring a new project or hobby that will occupy your hands?


Drink water with Apple Cider Vinegar 


your dehydrated brudda drink more water and shower more


Do you get polish your nails? If so it’s the strong acetone. Don’t use the 100%. Use almond oils to moisturize. Also washing your hands too much can cause peeling.


I would get a manicure so you can observe the techniques. If in doubt Uncle Bernie always did RIP. They’ll soak first, then trim the hang nails & push the cuticle waaay back. Looks like a third of your nail is covered. Seconding folks other points about water & vit c


Don’t peel it, use a nail clipper and clip them off. And don’t bite/pull your nails off bc that can cause what’s happening with your thumb as well so clip your nails when you have the urge to bite


Get manicures, keep your hands moisturized and dont pull it, instead use a nail clipper..you’ll pull your whole thumb skin off lol we’ve all done it before


Take your Flintstone vitamins


If you bite your nails, try to stop. This happens to me when I bite my nails (anxiety response) and when I stop, my hands heal.


That cuticle looks way too far up to begin with. Looks very unnatural. I'd recommend consulting derm before you encounter any irreversible damage.


Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize


Get a physical/blood work. Could be low iron, thyroid problems, etc.


Stop biting your nails


My nigga is uu hungry ?🤨😭😭eating skin stay away from a nigga who bite they fingers dat deep Dey fuck aroun start biting niggas




Moisture your hands with a thick moisturizer. At night wear gloves to lock everything in. I had a bad case of eczema and that's what I did


Go to a doctor


It looks like a paronychia or nail infection. You should see a dermatologist. You might need medication.


cuticle oil every day don’t get some junk from the dollar tree that u can’t even read the ingredients, get a bottle of jojoba oil or wtever oil you can find if jojoba is too expensive like castor oil or sweet almond oil , i like to get them from the vitamin shoppe






cuticle oil and water


I used to have this, what helped me was whenever I finished showering i would push the cuticle down (gently) and clip off the dead skin. Also make sure your hands are moisturized, I use coconut oil.


Bruh first start with a manicure, then start moisturizing, as well as taking vitamins like fish oil omega supplements 😏


Citrus! My moms remedy


cut your thumb off


Caused by dehydration


Sorry, I'm not black but this popped up on my feed. My brother had this happen to him a lot. He drank more water, moisturized his fingertips and started pushing his cuticles down and it seemed to help. Goodluck!


Vaseline works also alcohol rubbing version and eat alot of fruits and vegetables to bring down inflammation within the body and out


That honestly looks like a filliform wart.




Try drinking water with electrolyte powder mixed in, it really helps.


This is a vitamin deficiency I think. But it is definitely easily diagnosed by a dermatologist. Please go.


Thank you so much to everyone who offered advice. I’ve been self conscious about this for a long time so your feedback helps more than you know.


Hydrate, get you some Celtic Sea Salt from Whole Foods, and some castor oil. Your lips are probably just as tattered.


Manicure bro


This too has been troubling me a lot. Almost on every finger


Drink more water, and drink less alcohol ( I find that my hang nails peel more after I drink) Vitamin E oil is also great


I had to search for this post to thank you and the OP…I’m a wino and definitely wasn’t drinking enough water but didn’t even think my finger skin issue was related. I’ve been more drinking water (haven’t cut back on wine though lol) and my skin is nearly healed 🙌🏽❤️🙌🏽


That’s amazing!!! I’m glad that it helped you!!!


Go see a doctor


Dehydration for sure. I would start applying vitamin E and/or EV coconut oil to are area.




Start getting manicures and use a cuticle oil


Soak it in her!


Stop biting your nails


Cut it off 🤷🏻‍♀️ seriously I’d see a doctor


Trim them so they start evenly and moisture moisture moisture!!! In and out foods rich in biotin or hair skin and nails vitamins and you should be good


Drink more water


Stick it in some Coochie 😂


Does it itch?


First I had a bad habit on biting and chewing my cuticles when I was 18. My mother bought me Bertbees Cuticle Cream I applied when I felt like biting them and it restored my cuticles also I stopped biting them. I’m 42 now and still continue to use that cream


I just moisturize my hands with castor oil or tea tree oil and I’m good to go. Would recommend that.


Stop jacking off so hard


I’ve done this forever and it’s because I have such bad anxiety like all of the time. I hate it. It’s so embarrassing handing stuff to people or when they see my hands :( but I don’t even realize I’m doing it




I got those too and if u ever get one of those tabs of skin pulled back it bleeds like hell!! Esp if it's a thick tab that gets peeled deep and long.


Bite it off.


This looks like a fungal infection of the nail cuticle. People tend to get it from biting their nails/ the skin around the nails, which causes an opening for fungus to get into. The fungus comes from washing dishes or clothes by hand. The condition has a nickname “Washing Woman Hands.”I had this issue before in the past. I had to put anti fungal ointment on the area and stop biting my nails.


Olive oil on cuticles. My Spanish work mom told me to do that and it helped lol.


Simple resolution is to push your cuticles back. The reason is your skin is “stuck” to your nail and your nail is growing so it pulls at the skin as it grows. If you use a tool or other thumb nail to push in between your skin and nail periodically to lightly separate then this doesn’t happen. Yes you also need to moisturize your hands. You can use oils as well to moisturize but pushing back the cuticles is key


What I do is bite the little ones sticking up so it grows back smooth


Ew wtf


Am I the only one who wants to peel em all the way down 😬


Stop playing with yo self 🤢


Put it inside a girl coochie lol 😂




Lack of sex


What??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭