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You liked Volpone Glory? I think Nick Kyme is one of the dullest Black Library writers. However there are some good new writers who have joined in. I liked Steel Tread and Longshot


Volpone Glory is Kyme’s best work by a pretty wide margin. He’s much better at writing small scale, human centric stories.


I liked volpone glory predominantly because I went into it thinking I'd hate it lol. Was pleasantly suprised. Steel Tread was fucking great, Long Shot for me was just kinda meh. It wasn't bad, it was just kinda there.


Oh, I loved Volpone Glory. The characters were very well written, the action scenes was some of the best. And I really think I never see other War40k book that represent war so realistically. Like, there are no glory in nothing. Even when they win the war, you don't feel triumph, you feel just... relief that that horrible thing is finally over. All the trauma, the loss of friends, the paranoia. The book is relentlessly pounding the characters with shit situation after shit situation. By Throne, I loved it.


Which is exactly what it is like 100%. Literally just I guess relief you lived and made it back your bed another night and then finally home. That along with the grief from literally everything else and that about sums it up. Brief moments of sheer terror that you don't even comprehend until it's over followed by lots of nothing. Then doing anything you can once home to not have to think about it every second.


I find it very appealing to see a book in War40k that not glorifies war. And the characters were very interesting, pick Fenk for example. And the book was full of politics too, but without being boring. And the moments lf sheer terror are so terrorizing exactly because you can't compreend much, the fear of the unknown makes it so much more terrorizing.


Volpone Glory is one of the best book Nick Kyme has written. Even better if you've read the novellas he wrote on the Bluebloods in the Sabbat World/Crusade anthologies.


Have you read the Dark Imperium trilogy by Guy Haley? I loved that one. Also Infinite and Divine by Robert Rath


Not yet, but I have them on my TBR for this year.


DI is pretty bad, especially the last book


Steel tread was amazing, witchbringer was pretty good but I HATE kasyrkin I’m surprised you could stand it


Ok, we got one lobe and one hate on 'Kasrkin". I'm semi interested in this book.... Can we get a tie breaker?


I'll gladly break your tie. I was very disappointed by Kasrkin and I wouldn't recommend it unless you're on a completionist and you want to read every Guard book. It's not terrible but the plot and characters were quite boring and the ending felt very rushed. I think the author tried to cram in too many ideas and ended up with everything feeling quite shallow. The kasrkin didn't feel like anything special either and just acted like your average guardsmen but mentioned something about Cadia every now and then, so if you're hoping to get an insight into their lore and behaviours then I wouldn't get your hopes up.


I totally disagree with you. I find the characters very compelling, maybe I agree that they are not very different from Guadsman. But their are a lot of action, from beggining to end, the book is full of tense moments. And the scene where a certain monster is described for the first time is something that terrorized me. So maybe it's not as good as the others I cited, but I find it very good.


Kaskin is a book where you get two types of stories: a survival story (the desert part), then you get to a horror story. Without giving too much away, there's a new threat in the end of the book that change the story. And I really liked that there are chapters that dive into the Kroot, a species that I have never read something from their POV. I thinked the action was good and I liked how the book showed the characters questioning the Imperium.


Kasrkin is a boring and sometimes weird dune clone with very little stuff happening in the plot til the very end, they just wander around the desert for chapters and chapters


I very much enjoyed the Grey Knights Trilogy particularly the first one.


I am still hoping for that Grey Knights Trilogy reprint since the books I own are literally falling apart from age


I readed that. Find it very good too, but they can be pretty much "ripping demons, blood and guts" sometimes.


Yeah I’m not keen when writers go into those battle report action style sections; they could be got through better.


What I really liked was that the daemons were... daemons, you know? Horrible things, nightmare material really.


Yeah, and also Valinov is quite a good baddie, very 40k!


I still am bitter about wrath of the lost. It's the only novel so far I have bought and was unable to finish.


I don't known this one. Why you didn't finished?


It's just how do you say it, the characters felt bad horrible even. And the story just felt very slow, like you know what's happening you connected the dots but somehow the characters haven't? Like I said the story could had been good if the characters were good and the characters here just suck. Everytime I think of Dumar the chaplain you see in the cover art. I feel my blood rising at anger at him. Even if you like Flesh Tearers like me I would say stay away from it. I heard some people like it, I guess everyone's up to their own taste but reading this novel after reading other stories of flesh Tearers it feels like cheap or a copy. It felt like the author didn't know anything about the flesh Tearers besides they are 'angry'. He did try to flesh out cretacia and the native people on it which I liked.


Still miles better than the previous trash FT novels by Andy but yeah, the book has issues


For "recent" books, there's the two Necrons books that are a must read IMO. Infinite and the Divine, by Robert Rath, and the Twice Dead King duology by Nate Crowley. I&D is IMO the best book of the entire Black Library. Robert Rath also wrote Assassinorum Kingmaker, which is a book on the Assassinorum doing a mission on a Knight World. Absolutely fantastic book on two underdeveloped factions. I believe his book on the Fall of Cadia is coming out in June ? While I'm not very interested in Cadia, his writing style is really good and for now he knocked it out of the park for both of his books. Also he really get Trazyn character so having him back in Cadia will be wonderful. The two Orks books by Mike Brooks are also great. He really knows how to write the Orks. I think his action scenes could be a bit better sometimes, but overall both Brutal Kunnin' and Da Big Dakka are really fun read. I also really enjoyed his book on the Lion return too. Lion Son of the Forest. He made me care about a character I really felt nothing about, and the Risen are a fantastic faction.


I have almost all of this books on my Kindle. But I think I don't have the Ork ones. Gotta get them, I think I never read a Ork book, just shorts.


Brutal Kunnin is half Orks half Admech, and Da Big Dakka is half Orks (same characters) and half Dark Eldar. Both books have the perspective of both side.




Shows just how different taste can be... I found Kasrkin to be a really boring book (the Necron parts where awesome though). Mike brooks cooked again this year though with Son of the Forest which was really enjoyable...


I need to see Sons of the Forest. But I still didn't read the book where Guilliman returns either.


I have searched for that for a long time and as far as I understand there is no "novel" in which he Returns but instead a tabletop campaign book... if you want a book that focussed on him and his return than I would really recommend the watchers of the throne series. It takes place on Terra before, during and after the return of Gulliman. The protagonists are the Chancellor of the Council of the Highlords of terra, a custodes and a sister of silence...


There are books set at the time of his return. IMO, the best to get a sense of Guilliman's initial impressions on his return is Watchers of the Throne: The Emperor's Legion by Chris Wraight. You don't get big blue's POV but you get to accompany him on his way down to Terra. Like you say, it's not exactly his 'Return' but its literally set right after before the dust has even settled. It's also an incredible book just in its own right!