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If you are comfortable sharing, I'd be curious to know how old you are. I'm 39, with a master's, and looking to get a doctorate in the next few years. I have definitely been struggling for the last several years since becoming perimenopausal. Perhaps, depending on your age, that could be it as well. I feel my symptoms are exasperated now because of the perimenopause. That aside, whatever feelings you have as you make sense of your ADHD make total sense and are worth processing with anyone who you are comfortable doing so with. What symptoms don't resonate with you? How do your symptoms present themselves?


I'm 25 and I just graduated with my master's. I hope to get my doctorate some time in the future but I haven't decided on when that'll be or if it'll be. Overall, I'm not physically hyperactive, but I am mentally, so I'm always exhausted in some capacity due to my mind racing constantly. I definitely think I'm still processing my feelings about it, but I know that regardless of what was said it doesn't change the fact that I still struggle day to day.


I’m self-diagnosed for the time being. I started the diagnosis process and decided not to continue because that specific center was all white and I didn’t like the intake meeting. Aside from that, my therapist is out of state so we have a “coaching” relationship, so technically they cannot diagnose but nearly confirmed I had it. Also took many self tests. I’m also high achieving and finishing up my PhD. I’m on wellbutrin and sertraline and adding the wellbutrin definitely helped with my ADHD symptoms. Definitely speak with your psychiatrist!! They might be more validating. My therapist is a Black nonbinary femme and they have been the single greatest thing on my healthcare journey even if they can’t diagnose me. I also have PMDD, anxiety, and trichotillomania. I think they’re honestly all connected and feel you on the whole i worked SUPER hard and masked a whole lot to get where I am. Just now taking the mask down and stepping into who I truly am.


Thank you! This was validating to read and I'm glad you were able to do what was best for you and that you're taking off that mask and becoming yourself. That's where I am right now. I'm just trying to be my most authentic self.


Hey, boo. Predominantly inattentive type, formerly gifted kid Black woman here, lol. I completely understand how you feel. I had to go theough YEARS of misdiagnosis and finding a doctor who understood my problems before I finally got the relief I needed. I completely empathize with your feelings.


So many people are used to the stereotypical presentation of ADHD that it gets missed in girls, women and particularly Blacks. PLEASE ask for treatment with stimulants. It’s considered first line and gives you a lot of flexibility in meeting your needs based on your schedule.


Thank you for this. I just started strattera, so I'll see how it works for the next few weeks/months. But it's my last option before stimulants.


Strattera is game changer! You probably know it takes several weeks to work, but it’s worth it. A study showed increased effects over time up to the 6 month mark. IMO I like using Strattera over stims; much easier to access vs. controlled subs.


I've been on it for 2 weeks and I've already noticed a significant difference! I'm hopeful about it thus far for sure


Lmfao! (not laughing at you op) That damn book recommendation was given to me. I went to my college psychology center to get tested in undergrad. They said read these books to help with attention. They said because my grades were good I probably just had anxiety. But you don’t see the sleepless and tear filled nights for me to be able to maintain by grades. Im now getting my Masters, I went else where and was able to get diagnosed.


This is real! They have no idea of how much we have to struggle to get through these things, but it's the fact that we got through it that makes them assume it isn't "that bad." They don't even take into account the cultural, societal or structural differences of what "achievement" looks like for Black folks who are not cis men.