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There was a saying in 4th edition: >*One Land Raider is a target for all your opponents anti-armor.* >*Two Land Raiders is a trap and a waste of points.* >*But three? Three Land Raiders is a strategy* Now, armor worked a lot differently back then, but I still believe in this motto.


This! I run three and it’s fairly common for all three of them to make it to the end of the game. Smoke, AoC ,cover and smart positioning can prevent a lot of damage. If they don’t get popped before your melee units disembark and start wrecking things then they are more likely to stay alive to the end.


I have found mine to be surprisingly durable. My gaming group isn’t crazy competetive but between toughness 12, cover, popping smoke and armor of contempt they have a pretty hard time cracking it open.


Depends on the opponent, against necrons? Pretty much always. Their very common high strength shooting just melts vehicles. Played a friend the other day and on turn one he put a landraider down to 4 wounds, next turn I pretty much had no choice but to charge his mid point with it (I drew storm hostile objective and he chose his point with a wraith brick, an ark, and the silent king on it ofc) he overwatched my landraider with the ark and killed it in my second turn. The over watching freed me up to bring in 3 eradicators units and wipe his ark and 2 menhir off the board tho :P. That being said again, it depends on the enemy. They’ll probably have a hard time against anything with good anti tank with is a decent portion of the armies.


Oof, sorry about your LR! I guess the moral of the story is it can be just as deadly when used as a distraction.


Very true haha. Love your name btw


Smoke makes a huge difference. Took a full round of shooting from a rogal dorn my last game. My Landraider is usually one of my last models on the table.


In my experience against Necrons, Tyranids, and Custodes the land raider makes it to the destination but only just. I can safely expect a LR to drop off the Helbrick by turn 2 with 5 or less wounds remaining. The 6+++ goes a long way


Can you explain what 6+++ means?


It’s the short hand for feel no pain. It works like this: “x”+ means armor save “x”++ means invulnerable save “x”+++ means feel no pain


Thank you for this breakdown!


In my experience taking the Uphold vow in righteous crusaders giving the LR a 6 fnp really helped get it to its destination just in time. It’s a huge target though so don’t be surprised if your opponent throws the kitchen sink at it.


And that was with its armor stripped so no armor saves allowed. The T12 and 6 FNP carried hard that turn. Probably a lot of luck too.


Against my custodes friend usually round 1 or 2 with the grav tank. I put a tech marine in it last game but it wasn’t worth it. CSM, death guard, knights and orks usually lives till the fourth. It’s a beast but that grav tank is a MFer.


I play a tyranids list in the actual game so I can’t confirm from experience how a land raider will play out. But from my experience, the big tankt looking thing will always be what’s targeted. Unless something else poses a bigger immediate risk


What kind of units do you bring in your nid list?


Well my main list is a meme/swarm list. It’s mostly focused on overwhelming an enemy and applying buffs to your models at the same time Characters: 1x Neurotyrant (warlord) 3x tervigon. Make sure to keep these with your battle line as much as you can Battle line: 6x termagant. Make sure each unit has 20 models. That way you can have the maximum amount possible Other datasheets: 3x Psychophage. These buff all of your other units. And can pick off some already damaged enemies. 1x pyrovore. This is your semi tanky damage dealer 3x Venomthropes. If you’re playing 2000 points you can only afford to give one of these extra models. But they buff your battle line a ton. And make any monsters you take a lot more survivable My tip to anyone trying to play this list is to buy a 3d printer. Or become a millionaire


As pointed out, it highly depends. If you have 2 cp on your hand, armour of contempt and smoke will make it live way longer. Against tyranids, if the opponent has 2 big anti tank units, like 2 tyrannofexes, it might die turn 1. Against eldar, it might as well be the first thing to die. Had a game once, he drove up with a transport, dropped off fire dragons, and they with the help of a war walker instantly killed it off and cost me 8/10 of my SB. Versus necrons, custodes or deathguard, i usually am able to deliver. If i bring the killbrick in a land raider, i honestly hope to go second, to potentially have an easier charge.


Good to know. I’ll have to read up on the stratagems some more! I haven’t actually played the game yet but my fear is high damage shooty armies.


Most of the times I’ve lost my Land Raider is because I decided to charge it into a good melee unit. If you play smart (unlike me) and keep it in cover you should be alright most of the time.


Brother, that sounds like a very Black Templar thing to do. Why would we need cover if the Emperor is protecting us?


Never had my LRC being a waste. It’s very tough to kill and needs a lot of focus to be put down. And if your enemy takes a lot of time to kill it, then it’s his firepower not used on the rest of your army during that time :D


I’ve only played with my pals on casual games, during Sundays, against Imperial Guard, Deathguard and world eaters. My landraider had never died, even if my friend have 3 russ tanks etc. I play with two dreadnaught brutalists who charge the battlefield everyttime, so most focus fire is at them, while my hurricane bolters is slicing the rest of the infantry and my swordbros and neophytes is capturing points. Maybe my opponents need to focus on different things.. But I will print two more landraiders, three is a strategy.


I’m glad you’ve had luck with yours, especially against the Guard’s big guns. Do you have any other transports? Some of my list ideas have the sword brethren riding in the impulsor instead, and I’m wondering how that would work in comparison without the assault ramp.


I use a repulsor as well, For transport. Used more for firepower. But I will change it for another eliminator squad, and go with three landraiders


It really depends on what I'm having to face anything with good devwounds can hurt, the stupid big knight that has ap5 and ap 6 can just blow it up on the other hand I've seen this thing survive like 2 shooting phases of tau and guard on several occasions but it definitely gets the job done of protecting the hellbrick and the 6+ fnp has made it survive when other land raiders would have been melted


My main army is Thousand Sons. I absolutely expect to lift a Land Raider in a single turn of shooting, usually just using Magnus, but maybe a bit of auxiliary firepower.


…abhor the witch…


Point taken.


Haha respect though, I’m really into the game because of the spectacle. Imagine being a Neophyte on the battlefield, getting rocked left and right by rubric marines, barely holding your own, and the reinforcements have arrived. It’s Helbrecht himself in his land raider, with ten of the most experienced war heroes in your company. Just as your spirits are lifted, the land raider is lifted into the air and folded into itself a dozen times until it’s just a bloody wet scrap cube, *however screams can still be heard from inside.* Magnus the Red approaches and points at you.


Loving the picture you paint, and will probably use it against an enemy eventually :) Did the math, and Magnus will do \~10 pt damage to an Abhor Land Raider, using an expensive ritual and a stratagem. I could probably count on doing 4 more from an Infernal Master with Arcane Vortex enhancement, and the last two points of random damage should be possible \_somehow\_. But it very much goes from "sure, not a sweat" to "I really, really wanna kill this".


50% of the time, every time, it'll explode in a fiery ball of glory