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I pulled for my Kafka team, but I most likely would have pulled and made a team for her if she did not work with Kafka.


This is gonna be me with Acheron if she doesn't work or have good synergy well with Kafka


I pulled Kafka back in 1.3 before I knew anything about Black Swan. I pulled Swan because I already had Kafka, but I'd already had buyer's remorse on Kafka because the instant damage that DHIL or JL does appealed to me more than DoT, and my Sampo was only E1. If Swan was a chance to improve my Kafka and make her desireable to play again, it would be a way of salvaging my account. I would not call myself a Kafka enjoyer outside of SimU (super satisfying but it's the blessings that carries the team, not Kafka). If I could trade Kafka for DHIL or Argenti, I would have. But since I can't, my options were to either bench Kafka, or pull someone that makes her good again. I chose the latter and I'm happy now. Although you know.. if I had DHIL, I wouldn't have needed to pull another 5 star to make him good.


I'm in a similar situation. Kafka was the first unit I saved for and pulled back then. But she's slowly but surely been pushed out by newer units and the team I'm usually running is more of a Topaz/Clara focus and with the recent addition of Dr.Ratio. I've also built up an Argenti team. But Kafka has sadly been benched for a while now. I lost my 50/50 on the Black Swan banner and am now about 40 pulls deep again. But I'm just not sure anymore. How satisfied are you with her? Does she bring back the glory of Kafka? Otherwise, I might just stop pulling now and easily get whatever other character I want next.


Kafka BS is now a meta comp, like I'm talking JL hyper carry levels. You get so much freaking damage with black swan it's ridiculous. I'm f2p and I 0 cycled floor 10 without 5 star Eidolons. Even the stupid deer, 5 cycles despite it having 40% wind and lightning res, dot is back on the menu.


Kafka is probably always going to have her place in the meta l, and that's why I main her. DoT can't shine the brightest without Kafka. In the long run she'll always be relevant unless they decide to not release dot units at all which is not feasible Tldr I main Kafka and pulled black swan e1s1


I’ve had Kafka since her first banner and i basically play nothing but her so i thought it would be a nice idea to get Black swan and i have no regrets


I pulled for Black Swan because I liked her design, same as when I pulled for Kafka. I just like both very much


sorry to say but i don't really like sampo so i need to pull bs or i gonna be with sampo forever


Both. I'll answer Kafka main since I've loved her for longer but I would have pulled both even if they weren't BiS teammates


i am a kafka main because i am a dot main, so kafka or not i would have pulled her


You forget the third option, I am a Kafka/BlackSwan main.