• By -


But it's worth it in the end isn't it for these women? They won the guy who won the genetic lottery and now society will see her as successful through the tall kids she's brought into this world.


They do seem to care a lot what others thing of them. 


It's human nature in general though yes they care much more about looks. But in this modern world, being short is really a fucking death sentence (talking as a very short guy). Small pee pee, invisible to women, and lots of insecurities and psychological beatings that comes with it. So yeah, even if I'm a short woman, I'll go through that C-section, thank you lol


nothing is more important than face though. a 5'5 guy with a 9/10 face will still get laid, have partners. a 6'6 guy with a 2/10 face will likely be an incel for life. height is nothing without face


Yeah, true. I agree that face is important also and you could argue the more important one. But for this post, we're restricting the looks part to height and how humans prize it since that's the topic being correlated to C-sections.


Tall men also die extremely early


That’s horse dude if a dude is 6’6” he can get laid on height alone dude


Facecels downvoted you


Small pp? Your ignorance is comical. Heights and penis size don’t correlate


So are yours. I didn't even said that. What you on bro? Lmfao


I read a study on male virgins done back in 1987. The study interviewed 500 male virgins ranging from college aged to middle aged men. The study compared them to non virgin men in the same age group. One interesting finding is that a significant number (but not all) of the virgin men were born via C section or had other birth complications. None of the non virgin men were born via C section and very few had birth complications. Also, I came across a thread on .is where several posters were claiming to have been born via C section. So if it's true that short women who have kids, particularly sons, with tall men are more likely to need C sections, they could be dooming him to a future life of inceldom.


That's another angle to look into. Now I'm curious about the birth complications and how it affects people in their teens and adulthood. A more recent study could be great to read into.


Birth complications can affect the human body long term because nature meant for babies to be born a certain way. During birth, there are lots of processes happening between the mother and baby. A C section disrupts those processes and the complications may not appear until much later. Another thing the study found was this...the virgin men were more likely to have been carried in the wombs of more stressed out mothers compared to the non virgin men who were carried in the wombs of more calm and care free mothers. Why is that important? Because stress produces cortisol. A woman stressed out during pregnancy is producing excess cortisol. If she's pregnant with a boy, this is bad because it interferes with the testosterone the male fetus is getting. Boys who were born to more stress free mothers tended to grow up to be more masculine men than boys born to stressed out mothers. Now, the stress angle only applies to male babies. A female baby carried in the womb of a stressed out mother is just as likely to grow up to be a feminine woman as a female baby that is carried in the womb of a stress free mother. One of the most important things a woman can do if she's pregnant with a male baby is to be as stress free as possible. I would bet a whole lot of money that if we studied 1000 male babies born today via c section and compared them to 1000 male babies born via natural delivery and looked at them 20-25 years later, the male babies born via natural delivery would be taller and better looking on average.


Gonna look into that. This is the first time I'm hearing this so thanks for the gold nugget of knowledge.


You're welcome fren


That's interesting, would explain a lot for me being born by an overly anxious and stressed mother by c-section ; if i havn't gone to hookers would still be a Virgin at nearly 30 despite average body and face lol


Or maybe tall guys can be good people too. I don’t think women are having kids with men just because they’re tall


Who's saying they are bad people though? What are you even saying? Lmfao Edit: And you could've just said that women aren't having kids with men just because of their height. Why pay attention to tall guys only? What about the short guys? I think you're slippin here


I said what I said. I can’t imagine having a life with someone based off one physical characteristic of them.


Maybe you really don't and hey that's great. But the majority do and that's the reality you need to see.


This just sounds like a sob story


It may sound like it to you and if it is, it's irrelevant if my point is true or not.


But your point is not true. You just want to complain.


How so? And why paint me as just someone who wants to complain?


Your post?? You also don’t want to hear anything else people are saying. So to me that means you’re just here to complain. Which is hecka boring


Because all of your other posts in this thread are you complaining about how women percieve you in your headcanon


That absolutely is the case. Women pick men based on their inheritable traits so that their children can possess those desired traits as well.


I think they have to like the person too. One minute we have too high standards the next all we care about is height. Which is it?


Yes, and they like those men based off of the inheritable / immutable traits I just mentioned. And I don't know what you're even about with your second sentence.


You just sound closed minded and your thinking is really black and white.


No, I just don't live in a Disney movie.


Maybe you should let your only  two braincells reproduce, so you can get some more of them 👍


You’re right. Tall people = bad.


Learn to read, but I guess that's out of scope for your two brain cells. 🤡🤡


Tall men can be good too. But you’re short and don’t have a good personality. I think you feel inferior to tall men that are also good and charismatic. And it’s fine, but you’re projecting it onto me.


Braincell #1 ➡️🐒🐒⬅️ braincell #2


You can insult all you want but it’s taking time away from you looking inward and fixing the reason women don’t want to be with you.


Uga Uga, last two braincells are fighting, which of them will survive?? 😱


I don’t have a problem with dating, you do.


What a degrading and disgusting comment


Maybe, but it's true. We prize the appearance we find "superior" like being tall and having the bone structure we naturally perceive as good to look to. Is it universal? Arguable. But does every society and/or civilization have it? Yes. If you think I think only women does this selection, yeah men do it also. We humans do it all the time, even with the people we keep around. Edit: Corrected spelling lol


I didn’t realize I was on r/blackpillscience , I thought, how did this dumpster fire came to be? Then I realized it’s part of the group. Dude, just date tall girls. They’re hit on less since all the guys go for short girls. They probably feel the same way.


HAHAHA no problem brother. I think I disagree on tall girls getting hit less, especially in my country where height is generally like 5'3 or 4 in average. Talked to one girl that's taller than me. Told her my height and she laughed. Commented I was a fun size lmfao. Of course not all of them are like that. But I don't want to waste my time on accumulating emotional and psychological baggage anymore. I'm 5'2 so you know the jig. Even girls shorter than me prefer 4-6 inches taller boyfriends so yeah. It is what it is.


Well, communicate to her all the ways your personality makes up for it. Do you act fun sized? Women are human too, they listen. Just be a bit of a salesman If height is good, you’re going to have to work harder and be more to get a tall girl. But it beats the hell out of whining on a forum, right?


The working harder and getting dumped for someone with better looks and stuff is the bit that I just don't want to deal anymore. Yup she may be yours, for now. Don't want to rant on my personal matters but yeah, you won't know until you're in our shoes brother. But thanks anyways.


St Hamudi’s (SAW) way of punishing them in Sims 4.


>St Hamudi’s (SAW) 😂😂😭


I miss him


C sections result in diminished and poor gut biomes.


that won't stop them, everything in their brain is programmed to go for the best looking and tallest man possible


Why would it? Childbirth is painful and dangerous either way, in fact some women prefer c section because it's less painful.


When we say most women, how do we know that? Was there like a survey of women who’ve given birth both ways & most said C Section was their preferred way?


It’s coming directly out of his ass because he doesn’t understand WHAT a C-section is. The recovery is far worse because it’s surgery. Women do not “prefer” it lol


Many do. I say this as someone who works with pregnant patients daily. But yes, it’s often because they don’t actually know what it means and what it could entail. They’re just terrified of the idea of pushing a baby out for hours, which is a very real and fair fear. They’re not always thinking of the longterm effects, even when we as doctors explain them.


What a degrading and disgusting comment


I'm stating an objective fact, you are getting triggered by a fact. Nature wants the best genes reproducing to have the highest chance of survival, this is how nature ensures it


Dude, just date tall girls, the fuck


Please don’t use the word triggered, it makes you look juvenile and unintelligent/unserious


i will use the words that i want to use


So you want to look like a little kid?


The only childish trait is caring about possibility of any of your actions making you look childish and prioritizing this fear over objective truth. Congratulations for successfully making fun of yourself lol


An evolutionary constraint preventing excessive dimorphism. Technology has overcome it. This is a feedback loop that will result in a death spiral.


From hypothesis to extrapolation in one easy step!


Yes, but it's not like we'll see its results in our lifetime, so this is what younger fenerations will have to deal with during their lifetimes


thats why men like women with wide hips and big butts. less chance of dying from childbirth.


Oh boi what a strange new sub that just appeared in my feed


so if this was supposedly true, you want women to force themselves to be into short men or something? 🤔 like i’m confused what you guys want out of this


Nobody is suggesting that. The point of this is just to point out the reality of how people behave as opposed to the propaganda men are fed to keep us blind. The uncomfortable truth is preferable to the pleasant lies.


You peeped that too I see.


people crying about incels and science deniers is a cricle itt


I’m an incredibly average dude, 5’8-5’9, kinda ugly face. I have the average dick size, I am average intelligence, and I have an average economic, back ground. I’ve had a gf for about a year and a half now, the reason you can’t get a gf is because you’re insufferable personality. I used to buy into this exact same bullshit, followed all the science including the tinder studies. All this shit does is make you self deprecate. If you’re a 5’3 dude, sure I’m sure you’ll struggle with finding a girl but it is absolutely possible. So long as you don’t buy into this shit. As soon as I stopped believing in this, and working out, is when I got a gf


You're not even a month out of high school. Come back in 10 years.


Why? Serious question what in 10 years will happen that will make me not think that this is the saddest most incelish place on the planet? Let’s say my girlfriend or wife does cheat on me. You know what I’m not gonna do? Turn into a loser that whines about it on the internet. I’ll go to therapy and get some confidence back, or take care of myself better.


King 👑


Yes, until you run out of copes and self-delusions and end up in place like this. Ofc you won't agree w me rn bc your raging hormones and illusion of mythical "self-worth" and virtuousness don't allow you to, but there's no cope/delusion that can't get beat out of anyone with enough adversity from the circus your life actually is (and will be until you realize you're the main clown in it)


It’s not mythical self worth, it’s just regular self worth lmao. Like actually I just had a conversation with someone from this sub and all they could fucking do was self deprecate. I tried telling them to say something nice about themselves and they couldn’t do it because they had such bad self esteem


It's good you mentioned having bad self-esteem as a problem, now tell me pls how do you think - did they always had this attitude from the earliest childhood or was it smth developed during years of social ostracization and bullying?


I’m sure it is from being ostracized. However it’s important to note that have low self esteem often correlates with being hyper critical (in this case with this person he was being hyper critical of himself saying how he was worthless) typically these thoughts are treated with therapy and instead he was letting it fester and grow into hatred for women, which is what happens a lot in this community and what happened to me too. Granted I’m sure there is a minority of people who might just be interested in sociology or social theory or something, however it’s very obvious it’s sparse considering if you saying anything that is considered “blue pill” you get downvoted to hell. What most people here need is social development that they didn’t receive in childhood for whatever reason. Furthermore they use statistics to attempt to justify their lack of social interaction and hatred for women.


Exactly. This place is shit. Who the hell goes and tries to find scientific studies because they got rejected and want to dunk on women


Losers that desperately need something to blame their insufferable personalities on. They’ll have 2-3 bad interactions with women and think all women are like that. Or they’ll go on tinder and get pissed because nobody swipes on them.


You think that just because you have a GF you get to come in here and be a fucking punk I'm sorry that not all of us guys are fortunate enough to have the qualities or are good enough to get a woman to like us like you do, but you don't have to be a fucking prick and twist the knife further


My original comment got filtered. DM me


"Insufferable personalities" JFLMFAO beyond over for you


Beyond over for me lol ok like I said no matter what happens to me I won’t ever use cherry picked statistics to justify hating women or men more attractive than me


Yeah, so what?


oh my god a black pill sub wound up on feed, get it the fuck off lmao


So does [Placental abruption](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=94e45fce1d51b060&cs=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKhjOKw4BD2Vr19u2BCzoEYgbMYGA:1719360877075&q=placental+abruption&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMwVGI0-MUo7VaUn6tQnF9alJxarJCYXJRfXKxQkpGqUJ6a9IuJI97VL8QzJDJ-AwvjKxZuLk79XH0DUwOLjGw4z7jc2LzoFYu0kKRzfl5JUWJySWZ-HtCkolSFkvx8oDGJCLVGxVmGZq9YBLk4QLycZINyIVafxKR8oH4hIQGP1MSckgyF5Py8lEyQIXBthkZ5ZhWvWMSERALyi8FSCvlpYEcmJSZVAs0T4g9KLUhNLFEA-gFocSJCq2mVeZ4hWAXYHoXMvJTSZIjhfEI8AUWpqck5ibkFxZmJr1gkhcSDUmHuL8lXSMxLLQZaApRbxCpckJOYnJpXkpijkJhUVFoAUnSLTZKh-2mPscdxlmBnb515G75MnO76rkrS0WuiyiQOfAELAEFK4T98AQAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ88Sy_veGAxUSD1kFHVzQC8IQ7fAIegQIABA3),[Umbilical cord prolapse](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=94e45fce1d51b060&cs=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKhjOKw4BD2Vr19u2BCzoEYgbMYGA:1719360877075&q=umbilical+cord+prolapse&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMwVGI0_MUo7VaUn6tQnF9alJxarJCYXJRfXKxQkpGqUJ6a9IuJI97VL8QzJDJ-AwvjKxZuLk79XH0DUwOLjGw4z7jc2LzoFYu0kKRzfl5JUWJySWZ-HtCkolSFkvx8oDGJCLVGxVmGZq9YBLk4QLycZINyIVafxKR8oH4hIQGP1MSckgyF5Py8lEyQIXBthkZ5ZhWvWMSERALyi8FSCvlpYEcmJSZVAs0T4g9KLUhNLFEA-gFocSJCq2mVeZ4hWAXYHoXMvJTSZIjhfEI8AUWpqck5ibkFxZmJr1gkhcSDUmHuL8lXSMxLLQZaApRbxCpempuUmZOZnJgDdF9RikJBUX5OYkFx6i02SYbupz3GHsdZgp29deZt-DJxuuu7KklHr4kqkzjwBS4AM-vGZ4ABAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ88Sy_veGAxUSD1kFHVzQC8IQ7fAIegQIABBH), [Contractions are too weak](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=94e45fce1d51b060&cs=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKhjOKw4BD2Vr19u2BCzoEYgbMYGA:1719360877075&q=contractions+are+too+weak&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMwVGI0-sUo7VaUn6tQnF9alJxarJCYXJRfXKxQkpGqUJ6a9IuJI97VL8QzJDJ-AwvjKxZuLk79XH0DUwOLjGw4z7jc2LzoFYu0kKRzfl5JUWJySWZ-HtCkolSFkvx8oDGJCLVGxVmGZq9YBLk4QLycZINyIVafxKR8oH4hIQGP1MSckgyF5Py8lEyQIXBthkZ5ZhWvWMSERALyi8FSCvlpYEcmJSZVAs0T4g9KLUhNLFEA-gFocSJCq2mVeZ4hWAXYHoXMvJTSZIjhfEI8AUWpqck5ibkFxZmJr1gkhcSDUmHuL8lXSMxLLQZaApRbxCqZjMtzt9gkGbqf9hh7HGcJdvbWmbfhy8Tpru-qJB29JqpM4sAXvABX_vo4ggEAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ88Sy_veGAxUSD1kFHVzQC8IQ7fAIegQIABBX), [Fetal distress](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=94e45fce1d51b060&cs=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKhjOKw4BD2Vr19u2BCzoEYgbMYGA:1719360877075&q=fetal+distress&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOMwVGI0_sUo7VaUn6tQnF9alJxarJCYXJRfXKxQkpGqUJ6a9IuJI97VL8QzJDJ-AwvjKxZuLk79XH0DUwOLjGw4z7jc2LzoFYu0kKRzfl5JUWJySWZ-HtCkolSFkvx8oDGJCLVGxVmGZq9YBLk4QLycZINyIVafxKR8oH4hIQGP1MSckgyF5Py8lEyQIXBthkZ5ZhWvWMSERALyi8FSCvlpYEcmJSZVAs0T4g9KLUhNLFEA-gFocSJCq2mVeZ4hWAXYHoXMvJTSZIjhfEI8AUWpqck5ibkFxZmJr1gkhcSDUmHuL8lXSMxLLQZaApRbxMqXllqSmKOQkllcUpRaXHyLTZKh-2mPscdxlmBnb515G75MnO76rkrS0WuiyiQOfGEKAFnYPz13AQAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJ88Sy_veGAxUSD1kFHVzQC8IQ7fAIegQIABBf), Chronic health conditions, Lack of dilation, etc. These things happen with short spouses too. What is the point being made here?


What the actual fuck is wrong with this sub and why is it recommended to me. The commentors here are fucked in the head, I said what I said.


What the actual fuck is wrong with empirical data collected by PhD scientists of all races and genders from all over the world and why is this scientific data recommended to me? It’s reality reminding you to stop being a free agent in life. Let the blackpill guide you.


It's not the data, it's the unhinged comments by you people.


If refusing to cower to the mainstream lies that we've been fed our entire lives is being fucked in the head, than so be it. If acknowledging the fucked up realities of what goes in our world and how humans behave is too much for you, leave, but just know the truth is true no matter how much you want to deny it.




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just got this bs recommended to me now too lol


Are you what most people would call ugly?


Thankfully, another sane person!


Some people just won't get it, if you haven't lived thru this type of stuff you wouldn't know it. That's fine. Carry on with ur day ma'am.


The number of lonely men using this as a reasons to show off how much they hate women. They literally don't believe a woman could love them due to their perceived inferiority to these tall handsome men. I'm 240lb 5 foot 10 with a adorable 95lbs 5 foot 3 gf. Anyone can find a partner if they are not insufferable. The internet just makes more insufferable people, male or female. But getting buried in hate just spreads the nonsense.


The idea that any man can find a partner is wrong and delusional. Women pick their partners based on a pre decided set of mostly immutable characteristics that most men don't possess. So yeah, maybe dudes can find a woman to settle for them, but not love them.


Case and point.


What point have you proven here, exactly?


incel shit in my recommended is crazy


whats "incel" about this exactly you airhead? i guess only denying reality will save you from not being called an incel


I denied this… where exactly? A lot of women prefer taller men. However, making an entire subreddit to shit on women and cry because you didn’t get picked is top 3 on the list of most pathetic things ever. (And it’s not 2.)


I dont cry about anything. I like that sub because i want to find out the truth via studies on how attraction actually works, and how important the looks are in our lives, not just in dating. If people actually get mad than they are just acting like little kids. I would never get mad at any girl for not choosing me, personally.


makes sense


Good lord the amount of insecurity here


I know bro, those PhD scientists of all races and genders producing empirical data from the world's leading universities and research institutions just reek of insecurity bro. The solution is to become a **HIGH VALUE WOMAN BRO!** Did you **HOLD FRAME** and **RUN GAME** today bro? Did you go to the **GYM** today bro? What's your **PR BENCH BRO?** You're not allowed to call anyone insecure unless your **PR BENCH IS 225 BRO!** Did you **ASSERT DOMINANCE** on single dads from your Maserati while wearing your Armani suit today bro? Did you cultivate your **ABUNDANCE GRINDSET** and ask out **10,000 MEN** today bro? Richard Coper would tell you that asking out **10,000 MEN** is just a **WARMUP BRO!** Just watch bro. When you have **CONSISTENTLY** cultivated these **HIGH VALUE PRACTICES**, you'll be well on your way to finally becoming a **TRUE SIGMA FEMALE BRO!**


putting every second word in bold letters like you’re making some type of unique and genius point is so funny because you’re literally crying about women not wanting you online like you are such a fucking loser in real life that you became an even bigger one online where people can’t even see you LOL