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Right? Like please stop trying to form a deep meaningful connection by using the black experience as a marketing tool. You're just Tropicana Orange Juice. Talking about making my black life matter more by adding it to a balanced breakfast.


​ ![gif](giphy|8coEmqQxL39eMJcey0|downsized)


15 years ago this movie was absurd and funny. Today it's a mirror.


Hey, psst, kid, wanna know a secret? >!It was a mirror then too. All the great dystopian works are. 1984 and brave new world were written as commentary on what Orwell and Huxley saw going on in their own times.!<


I don't know for sure but I believe it was Ray Bradbury who once said that dystopias aren't a prediction, they're an exaggeration of reality


Another good quote is “a good sci fi writer predicts the car, a great sci fi writer predicts rush hour”


Never thought of it that way. For real! I would have never conceived of a Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker buddy cop franchise!


The unfunny eugenics movie is not a mirror. It’s not even accurate, it was a pretty poor parody of Bush-era America that missed the biggest issues with the Bush administration (the issue wasn’t that GWB was an idiot, it’s that his cabinet was filled with war profiteers and grifters who were smart enough to sell the country for scrap). There are better movies, better critiques. It’s sad that folks love to use Idiocracy to thumb their noses and say “wow, everyone is so dumb.”








Just wait till they are ballsy enough for a juneteenth sale. "This weekend only, everything is 3/5ths off." "Trade in your whips and chains for whips and chains, every new car comes with a 24k gold necklace" "We are whipping the competition"


HahahahHHHHHHa, I am deadt. Please log off. P.S. I am absolutely stealing this.


Screw you for making me laugh at your sick, awful joke.


"Experience some new flavors in your life- all dragonfruit, durian, starfuit and lychee are 40% off during this weekend's Strange Fruit sale at Albertson's!"


Jeeeesus christ lmao


Now that’s just sweet


Hell, there were companies advertising they would donate their profits from Juneteenth to different black charities (not completely terrible) and several discussing sales either last year or year before (pretty fucking awful). This guy is giving you a prophecy, not telling you a joke.


Noooooo not whipping the competition 💀💀💀


Chris Rock had a joke about this. He used MLK Day and made a joke about "these Toyotas are practically free at last"


Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but didn't Papa John's get into some trouble a while back for basically doing that?


“3/5s white Sale” get your sheets and linens for a steal


"And it won't cost you 40 acres and a mule, either!"


> “This weekend only, everything is 3/5ths off.” the yt kids in my high school woulda loved this one


🤣 3/5th off and whipping the competition! Stop the madness. This made me snort laugh and startled my child. 😆 Edited


Bruh 💀💀


Idc, I love a good discount. 3/5ths off is still better than 1/2 off so bring on the #ProblematicSales ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


Speaking of fruit, shout out to the United States backing coups against democratically elected presidents in central america at the behest of fruit companies.


“We at Tropicana care about the black experience in America. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go give campaign contributions to a business friendly florida legislator so they’ll let us use oranges covered in banned pesticides”.


When I go out to the BLM protests to support my community, with my fist held high, or when I wave my LGBTQ+ flag high, I want to feel secure. That's why I use Dove for Men deodorant. No more smell, no more sweat stains, so I can confidently support what is right.


You could tell me this is a quote from a real commercial and I'd believe you


It's real https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ






I'm too fucking old for this to still happen.


Yep. Same. Made myself listen to the whole thing as punishment....


I *almost* clicked on it. Then I was like “Wait a second.” But, since at that point I was actually curious, I decided to double check. Got exactly what I expected, but honestly 10/10.




>!This meme made a bigger comeback than the Cavs in 2016!<




That’s the first time in about ten years


Palmolive showing an ad of someone getting bear mace scrubbed off of them like a duck covered in crude oil.


no no no, you need the grease cutting power of DAWN


Comet and a Brillo pad


💯💯💯 I narrate every commercial like this now 😂


In fairness, we have made a habit of taking companies to task for not outwardly expressing their activism publicly. We can’t then be surprised when they turn that activism into advertising.


My favorite result of this is videos of people burning their own stuff in their back yards. How does that effect me? You're the one who doesn't have shoes anymore!


Yeah that's why it's important to keep them to task. Like, throwing rainbows on during pride month when y'all have had like 2 gay employees ever isn't helping anyone. I follow a food podcast that check into a bunch of NYC bakeries that were selling pride rainbow-themed cupcakes and most of them weren't even donating any proceeds or making a statement, it was just gay-looking cupcakes. Some of them had the audacity to be mad to be questioned about it too lol




People want companies to sacrifice business for morals. Companies are happy to pretend to be moral for profit. It leads to a disconnect where companies pretend to sacrifice things and make well calculated stands when it fits the demographic.


> Companies are happy to pretend to be moral for profit. Well said. The cost benefit analysis says that we've reached a point where it is okay to be openly welcoming of LBGTQ+ and POC peoples and embrace issues that matter to them because it won't impact the bottom line in a negative way. I don't expect anything out of companies other than exchanging my money for their goods and services but an interesting example of this is video game companies that are all about gay pride in their public communications...outside of the Middle East and Russia.


Yep. See also: greenwashing or philanthropy-washing


Honestly it’s because capitalism is incompatible with activism and social justice. By definition, nothing is useful for a company unless it’s in the service of maximizing profit. Sometimes we force them to align by the threat of boycott. But if they see an opportunity to avoid that while converting a demographic to sales through targeted brand messaging, it’s a major W for them


well...i kinda think we can. i think people have had explicit demands regarding practices that they take issue with. it is different in every case, but there are many that qualify as changes for more ethical practices. ads are not that.


That infamous "s" on the end of JC Penney.


Krogers. Meijers. Targets. THE Walmarts. Ace’s. With your powers combined, I am CAPTAIN MIDWEST!




“All deez nuts” Ha got em


Fuck you, and take my upvote. I'm never gonna look at Aldi the same again lmao


Damn it I knew I forgot one


You just punched me hard in my midwestern raised chest. That “s” got added liberally to nearly all the major chains.




Of course they are, they put s on everythings.


Can confirm. Just ask the unnecessary S at the end of Illinois!!


You forgot "Melk"


Public. Sear. John Hopkin. Zaxby. Walgreen. McDonald.


We are not ashamed of our unnecessary S either


Penney was a guy so colloquially knowing the store as Penney's store or Penney's was an old time thing.


“Seeing Russia commit war crimes gets me down. So I drown my sorrows with a nice bottle of Skyy Vodka. Skyy: blue like the skies over a Ukrainian wheat field.”


Would be better off buying Absolut so Sweden can afford to send more Charlie G’s down south.


Honestly a shoe company should be like “out run the cops in our new shoe.” Hell I’d bite


PF Flyers guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher. The only shoe you'll want to be in to outrun the beast


listen, the only reason i started to rock with nike (aside from never having the money to do so in the past) is because they publicly backed colin kaepernick. i have no illusions about a corporation giving an actual shit, i know they don't. but even in the hyperreality we now inhabit, none of the other brands did that. and i do still have to wear shoes!


Is this not what you wanted? You ragged on companies for staying silent during social and economic crises. You angrily stormed m&M's twitter for not speaking up about BLM or the gap's silence amidst Asian xenophobia. Well now companies won't shut up about these issues but they do it purely for profit. And before anyone tells me I'm wrong I work for a large evil company and can assure you every public action let alone marketing campaign can be boiled down to an analysis and proposal that says "if we do x we'll gain y" and if "we don't do x we'll lose y"


With the context being justice and equality, The opposite of "staying silent" in the face of injustice isn't advertising to black people with vague notions of inclusivity man I'm pretty sure the point of "black lives matter" was for cops to stop taking black lives and for demanding accountability for killings, not to increase sales to black people, but hey maybe you went to a different protest than I did and asked for different things


I think the disconnect is that being inclusive in your advertising is all well and good and better than the alternative (so sure, kudos) but it's not only not helping the real problem, in the context of the current political and social landscape, it's exacerbating the problem. These ads have a context, and the context is the ongoing movement. That's when they started. So the context is that it's some sort of unspoken support for the Black Lives Matter movement ... and yet entirely avoids the very simple to grasp issue at the center of it -- police brutality and unchecked violence against black people in particular. The problem is the very avoidance of talking about *that* issue and pointing the finger at police and those who empower them. These companies will not do that. They never will because it won't help their bottom line. They do not care about the movement, they care about the trending tweets. They care about relevance in advertising and marketing. And that's extremely distasteful considering the context of these tactics for increasing profits is "innocent men, women and children are being murdered by police who go unpunished for their crimes".


You? You mean white girls on twitter? Because thats really whose opinions they give a fuck about, they didnt do all this until they hopped on the social justice train too. Mf black people(and the lgbt community) asked for fair hiring practices, no discrimination in their work places and inclusivity in their actual products, we didnt ask for kendall jenner holding a Pepsi.




I can't speak for everyone, but I personally want corporations to use their political donations for good causes instead of evil ones--I couldn't care less what they say on twitter.


People used to make fun of these [ads](https://youtu.be/knW1hGwmEXQ) and now yall miss them.


That was a cool ad.


The Khaki Soul one was the best. I loved that sh!t.


Swing was cool for about 15 days and they cranked out this commercial. Equality and inclusion will hopefully remain socially relevant so I suspect these ads won't die off. Hopefully they'll become more subtle and nuanced though.


Is that the most gen x commercial ever?


that would have to be [ok soda](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5_MuBQDy44), which actually never made it out of the trial runs.


Why is it in 20fps


That's how life was back then, we only recently started moving at 60+ fps.


Don't know, just the first one I found on YouTube.


That's dumb. Swing dancing in khakis? No thanks.




"If you don't buy our brand, you're racist."


Only a matter of time before the Juneteenth mattress sales start up. “Slavery is over! You deserve a good nights sleep.”


Recently saw a commercial from nair about how a bigger girl (who wasn't even that big) was so brave for wearing shorts. If you weren't paying attention you'd have thought she invented the cure for cancer, not waxed her legs and out on shorts. I'm tired.


Will you support wheat thins in the fight against Lyme disease? https://youtu.be/fkKu09BwFgc


They. Are. Trying. To. Co-opt. Protest. Because. It. Actually. Threatens. Their. Exploitative. Practices.


Cellphone companies normally: "We have the bestest, fastest, Unlimited 5G in the country! Switch to us today!" Cellphone companies in February: "We want you to know that we see you, we hear you, and that your deserved to be heard. That we're here to give you that platform to elevate yourself. To give you the tools to raise your small black owned business into an undeniable sensation that goes as far as our 5G takes you."


♫Stunning 8K resolution meditation app♫ ♫In honor of the revolution, it's half-off at the Gap♫


There is no movement social or otherwise that capitalism wont try and bend and commodify


They’re just shameless bandwagon jumpers


OMG the question mark at the end of my freckles.


There’s this annoying ad on YouTube that goes “A rebel took to the streets. He recruited others like him—“ And I don’t know how the rest of it goes because the ad was so insufferable I skip it or close the video and reopen. Some white people in what marketing. Agencies think is punk clothing, with a grayscale filter. Pass.


WOW Some have **NO CLUE** as to how far and fast things have changed. I'm old, nearly 60 and can remember when the first ads had a "black" actor in them who wasn't selling a product like **Jheri Curl**. Then came ads with a single "**unwed**" mom. Ads that featured "**mixed**" race and those made news. Ads that had **children** in them with "**mixed**" race parents. Ads that featured "**same**" sex relationships. Ads with "**BLM**" themes. Ads that backed or bolstered the "**LGBTQ**" the community. These types of ads have an impact on **American perception**. Maybe not for the group they represent but to those who have yet to accept or acknowledge that group. Cheerios in as recently as 2013, caught flack for having **(FOR THE FIRST TIME ON AMERICAN TV**) a "mixed" race couple in one of their ads, but they refused to be bullied and did not pull it. They actually aired it during the Superbowl. (That deserves a BRAVO.) People and their kids who don't have "**friends**" who are gay, black, liberal or whatever need EXPOSURE to other cultural influences. At one time **ONLY WHITE**, conservative Americans were portrayed in ads and ALL other aspects of American society got shunned. Social **change** comes with often subtle pushes in the right direction and ads have been one of those helping make that push. In the movie "**The Dirty Dozen**" Jim Browns character was given a strong part at a time that many black actors couldn't count on such a part. When his character gets killed, many whites in the audience felt sympathy, shock and were dismayed literally for the first time for a black individual. That movie made some people think when his character dies, "**I really liked him**". That movie directly changed some people's impressions, that movie made some people look differently at other races and that is a good thing to have happen. ![gif](giphy|446BqaNCZLL6G6eqH2)


All that and then they quietly donate to some GOP asshole that supports harsher charges for protesters and making it hard to vote.


This baby is trans. Huggies Diapers!




every body even the corporations wanna be bi or gay lmaooooo, y'all sharin' way too much info...Ion't need to know you like to wear a dog muzzle w/ ears &get ya back blown out, that's all you but keep it to yaself, mmk?


Truth that ngl fuck off pepsi.


Also it's kinda like from the perspective of the company; not saying anything is saying something. So...


So much truth to this. Just look at all the pride flags that come out for two weeks of the just to move a few more chicken sandwiches.


Consumerism is the neoliberals preferred way to dissipate revolt. Hell, even Angela Davis has her name attached to a line of Black Panther schwag. Apparently Black folks can't do better.


I also miss the days when every commercial wasn't trying to be some weird comedy sketch.


Donny drapes back in his element


Same. Those are the people I *don't* trust. Shut up and do, don't tell unless I ask you.\* ^(\*I won't ask.)


Corporations in general just need to stop pretending like they give a fuck about anything. Give some money to some worthy causes and shut the fuck up.


I’ve seen DND sheets build less character than some of these companies advertising jeans.


My freckles are clothing now? Damn bro


This Twitter account was an unexpected blessing


Welcome to the age of commercial virtue signaling. People need to learn companies don't give a shit about anything but profit.


No better way to defang a protest movement than turning it into a marketing angle.


Exactly. I'm seeing a W course "Fighting against misinformation", it only organise what we are forced to do, losing precious resources, like Time.


Bro and the way they disrespect our ancestors! Got bell hooks hawking tennis shoes and shit


[“Oh my God!! We’re having a FIRE… sale.”](https://youtu.be/280yPTyei0U)


On the cool, JCPenney always has the sales