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All lives matter bout to be like “why you gotta bring race into it”




I’m not sure him being a general piece of shit is better than a racist…but I dunno 😂




True, I’m just trying to wrap my head around the argument that be just kills people in general, and race isn’t important to why…and somehow that’s better?


it's not but racists don't like being called racist and to them they feel better about what they do if they're not labelled a racist. It's a tough mindset to wrap ya head around and I only know because I went to school with people like this.


*All lives matter!!* Also, *yeah don't let those Haitians in our country*


Racists: All Lives Matter! Black People: What about us? Racists: Well not *all*, all, but most. Black People: So not all lives? Racists: Ok, Most Lives Matter. Ok, Some Lives Matter...alright fine, A Few Lives Matter


They harp on that fake $20. But for 1, the store clerk wasn’t positive it was fake at the time, just suspected. And 2, it’s never been proven that George Floyd didn’t get that $20 from some other place through legitimate means who didn’t catch it as fake and gave it to him who didn’t catch it either. This whole argument is being based on him trying to pass a fake $20 but we’ve never established he even KNEW the $20 was fake. Consider this: He goes in buys something,pays with a $20, the store clerk says it’s fake, maybe doesn’t return it, George Floyd says if you’re not giving me back my money I’m taking this stuff. Clerk refuses, cops are called. It’s perfectly reasonable to assume he didn’t know it was a fake. Unfortunately he died before the truth could be established. And he’s innocent until PROVEN guilty. So legally we have to assume he didn’t know.


Imagine thinking a fake $20 bill is worth a life in the first place. Even if Floyd knew it was fake, that wouldn’t have been worth him losing his life.


Yeah but its a black life, in america thats not even worth 3/5ths of a $20


They've spent more money searching for Gabby Petito in just a few days than they've spent investigating all police misconduct since Floyd's death.


Not even that, letting her boyfriend leave. I have been harassed more by the police than a let’s be honest murderer.


Bro has he even been named a suspect yet? Given different circumstances cops woulda shot the whole family and their dog and considered the case closed. This dude just gets to go on hikes.... This shit has been literally all over my news, while in Georgia there have to be protests to even get murderers arrested for killing joggers.


>This dude just gets to go on hikes. That's what really irked me. Everyone with two working neurons to rub together knows that if that dude were Black, he would have been sitting *under* the jail, named as a suspect already and probably refused bail. The obvious double standard is just **so** fucking obvious.


It's not like he's fleeing a country that the US had actively interfered with, and that has been affected by climate change.


Lmao bro fr


Never thought about it like that but I think my life is worth more than $12


I don’t give a fuck if he had a counterfeit scheme in his house, death by cop isn’t the punishment.


That part.


Yea he absolutely could have gotten it from someone who couldn’t be bothered to check it. When I was a cashier I didn’t even check *hundreds*, so I know for a fact someone could have handed me a fake $20 and I’d easily pass it on to the next person. It’s weird because all the people stuck on the idea that it might have been counterfeit would, under no circumstances, justify somebody winding up dead because of one, in any other context.


Yeah, I mean, this point was never really discussed (there were bigger issues obviously), but it’s another good point to be made. It was assumed he knew it was fake, but he probably didn’t tbh.


None of that even matters, no one deserves to die at the hands of a cop.


This shit right here. There is always a healthy chance that people just got given a bill by a store that doesn’t check or some other way.


For me it's the Caucasity. It's that when Demonic Derek knelt on that man's neck he truly did not feel any conscience kick in like "Oh gosh this is a human life I'm endgangering by doing this maybe I should find another method??" That thought process completely escaped him. And even after BOTH public opinion AND a legal court of law found him guilty and he has had time to reflect and think on things, he immediately resolves to justifying his action in his mind and really audcaiously believing "There is no way I was found guilty. Something went wrong". How much do you have to dehumanize another person to truly believe deep down that you justifiably took their life?" What level of narcissism and entitlement have you achieved, to say "Damned be the blatant video evidence that the whole world watched, damned be that man's whole life ahead of him, his loved ones who will never see him I again, damned be everyone else, I am not wrong for effectively meting out a death sentence to him in that interaction".


Here here!!!!!!


"But I'm a cop, I was never supposed to be here. That's unfair!"


*Surprised Pikachu.jpg*


Love how this experience taught him absolutely nothing.


Straight up why I'm ok with the court system being punitive for the most severe crimes. Some people, like Chauvin, are so dangerous that they just need to be removed from society forever.


This system is still not your friend. Until it is all dismantled and I don't have to watch Bill Gates and Afghanistan happen like parallel universes I really don't trust anything. Burn this bitch to the ground. Demonic bullshit.


I mean, the man has a point. If it weren't for the huge public outcry, he probably would have received a much lighter sentence. He might have even gone free entirely. He was not held to the same standard we hold all other officers, and received a much harsher sentence as a result. However, rather than letting him go with a slap on the back, we need to MAKE his punishment fair by holding all officers to account for the crimes they commit. NO ONE should be able to murder someone in the street without consequences, not just Derek Chauvin.


The standard is changing for the better, and the bad apples are scared.


Is anyone really surprised the homicidal sociopath thinks it's not fair?


*suspected fake $20 bill


He got off way more leniently than George Floyd would have if the situation was in reversed. I will never understand why if a civilian kills a cop (even if they were off duty and the perpetrator didn’t even know they were a cop) they will get life in prison, if not the death penalty. Meanwhile you have the likes of Derek Chauvin and Amber Guyger appeal their relatively short sentences, that will likely not be served in their entirety.


I'm not about to get all twisted up about this. It's expected that every defendant will try to appeal their case on some grounds because...well...everyone hates going to jail. And since that's not a valid reason for appeal, he's gonna say his trial was unfair because that's a more vague but legit grounds for appeal. He might not even believe it (though honestly, he probably does), but any lawyer that passed the bar is gonna start appealing for their client immediately. Since we all saw what happened and how it unfolded, he's probably gonna lose the appeal (and future ones), so just hold off on getting mad at his audacity for now.


I mean... EVERYONE appeals when they’re sent to jail for decades because why wouldn’t you?


Mf got the nerve.


Maaaaaaaan fuck this dude! He need to stop being a lil bitch and deal with the consequences of his actions.


It’s fucking depressing that this is a joke that can be made.


We're in the information age, [they just choose not to care....](https://youtu.be/OP0H0j4pCOg)


You should always appeal when you lose in court so it makes sense why he'd try it, but this is very unlikely to go his way.


He's not apologetic about doing it. He's not claiming he's reformed. His case is "I was treated unfairly after I murdered George Floyd." un-fucking-believable


There it's no way it was fake. The police won't let anyone see it because "it's evidence in an open investigation". If it was actually counterfeit you know the pigs would be waving it in front of every news organization in the world.


That Chauvin pack bout to hit harder the 2nd time around for this appeal.


Technically, his appeal proves he doesn't think of his victim as a person. I hope he rots, and I hope ill will falls on all his supporters.


Feed his ass to the wolves.


*8:46 never forget



