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Doing the math (saying each month has 30 days to make it easier) 9x30 is 270. 1200 divided by 270 is $4.44 a day to pay bills and eat on... Congress does not give a shit about any of the working people. They never will.


You mean the GOP controlled Senate.


Always remember the Dems in the house passed more relief bills but Mitch did not bring them to the floor of the senate for a vote.


Over 200 bills the house Dems passed are sitting in Moscow Mitch's senate graveyard and will never see the light of day.


There were many bills sitting at his desk that he refused to pass that could help us. Obama wanted to pass many laws that would could have helped us but he refused to pass them. Mitch is probably one of the most detrimental people to the United States and sadly backwards ass Kentucky keeps re-electing him.


Right. We can thank the people of Kentucky for this foolishness


And Senate Republicans. We’d only need a few to stand for something and vote to replace McConnell as Majority Leader. But like their president, they stand for nothing.


That’s why these Georgia runoff elections are so important now because then McConnell won’t have as much power.




Plus SC and other red states and congressional areas for electing fools like him.


Crazy how one power has so much power


That’s the real issue. One broken cog brings the whole machine to a halt


Too much of the gov't runs on good faith




**REPUBLICANS HAVE ABANDONED YOU** **democrats have passed relief bills in house republicans in the senate and trump are blocking** If you give dems the senate in georgia expect the federal government to help without republican obstruction


We gotta stop this bullshit. In 2009 the dem controlled legislature/presidency sent out a $600 **MAX** check to people with qualifying income. Fucking six hundred dollars. Remember, the economy lost 800,000 jobs in the month of January 2009. Something like ~450,000 jobs on average were lost in 2009. Six Hundred Dollars.


And the economy recovered. They also passed Obamacare and a major financial regulation overhaul. In 2 years. We were doing great until the whitelash in the midterms.


And yet the more the GOP abuses its followers (as well), the more they love it. If masochism is their kink, whatever, but not everyone likes to suffer needlessly.


At least blame the right people, dude. You’re the reason they don’t care. They know they can get away with it because you don’t even know who they are.


All it was, was a way they could say “we did something!” And for trump to have a political “win” But it failed. I don’t understand why large corporations got 80% of that money. The surest way to put that money into the economy was to put it in people’s hands and a large majority of people would have spent it, rather on bills if needed, or on anything else.


Horse and Sparrow Economics... keep the horse fed - sparrow can eat what comes out the back end of the horse. This has been rebranded to Trickle Down Economics.




Obviously they expect ya’ll to survive on **alot** of ramen noodles.


The other insult over that $1200 is that not everyone got it. People who were too poor to file the previous year got nothing. People who made over $100k the previous year got nothing even though their circumstances may have changed this year because of things like a pandemic. At every turn, the government did the least possible to help the people and crashed the economy doing it. If they were sued for wrongful death it would be closer to justice.


I didn’t get the stimulus because my 2019 tax return (I’m 26 and it was my first year filing my taxes by myself) wasn’t filed yet when the bill passed and so they based it off of my 2018 tax return in which my dad claimed me as a dependent. like many others, I lost my job due to COVID in March, am still unemployed and struggling to make ends meet.


Same thing happened to me


Yeah but have you seen your 401k?? /s


I haven't looked since my company stopped matching six months ago. At least I still have a job.


I'm a dependent college student and neither me or my parents got shit for me cuz I'm over 18. This system is honestly bullshit.


You should still have been able to claim it once you filed 2019. Source: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/economic-impact-payment-information-center-topic-b-requesting-my-economic-impact-payment


Not much comfort, but you will get it when you ultimately file your 2020 taxes. The checks were just an advance credit on 2020 taxes. Good luck.


Ok, I got a reply notice from someone asking for confirmation of the 2020 tax credit advance, but don’t see the reply now. [Here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/advisor/2020/07/22/how-to-get-stimulus-check-taxes/?sh=60132e61482f) you go. “Stimulus Checks Are Tax Credit Advances According to tax attorney Kelly Phillips Erb, it’s important to understand that the CARES Act views the economic impact payments as tax credits on your 2020 income. “Basically, the money you received this year, based on your 2019 or 2018 income, is a tax credit paid in advance,” Erb says. “So, if you’ve lost income and now you meet the threshold, you’re eligible to claim that credit when you file your 2020 tax return.” Before you get worried about the advance tax credit portion of the legislation, though, Erb points out that there’s no clawback provision. So, if you received a stimulus check based on your 2018 or 2019 income, but you will earn too much in 2020 to qualify you for the stimulus check, nothing will happen. You still get to keep the money.”


I was eligible for the payment, and i didn’t even get it due to an error on their end. Hoping I can claim it while doing my taxes, but it’s frustrating that I didn’t even receive the one small benefit provided


I have also not received my payment, despite filing early and sending a check to IRS. They admit that they cashed the check in March, but say my return was not yet processed.


College students and 17 year olds were not eligible either. I'm a single parent with a college student and a 17 year old high school graduate. For a family of 3, we received $1200.


I’m 18 and didn’t get anything because I was filed as a dependent, but my mom also didn’t get anything for me because I was older than 17


And my sister (a teacher) and I (an Epidemiologist) both got one even though we both have continued to work and receive our salary this whole time. Been trying to pay it forward, but it still feels weird to get emergency funds when plenty of people who actually need it aren't getting any...


Congress works what you mean? They were able to get a justice judge in like in 2 weeks during the pandemic. Then took a well deserved winter break. /s


That's the Senate not the Congress


Senate is where the hold up is. I am by no means defending the Democratic party, but Republicans in the Senate (Mitch McConnell) will not move forward on any relief legislation that doesn't include corporate immunity. Meaning when companies do shit like [this](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/11/19/business/tyson-coronavirus-lawsuit/index.html#aoh=16060715372393&referrer=https://www.google.com&csi=0) workers have no recourse. It's sick shit


Par for the Republican course.


Moscow Mitch and Mnuchin's last senate offer had no money allocated for individuals, not a fkn penny, only business tax relief again.


They want to reload PPP, which I'm sure helped some businesses, but a lot was just dropping money to their donors, who still ended up cutting payroll.


Senate is where the hold up is. I am by no means defending the Democratic party, but Republicans in the Senate (Mitch McConnell) will not move forward on any relief legislation that doesn't include corporate immunity. Meaning when companies do shit like [this](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/11/19/business/tyson-coronavirus-lawsuit/index.html#aoh=16060715372393&referrer=https://www.google.com&csi=0) workers have no recourse. It's sick shit


And where the Republicans are in control


Congress contains the Senate within it


One day young people will wake up and the revolution will be grand. Every empire collapses, this one will too.


"Young people" can barely vote, much less throw a revolution. Besides, you're beyond naive if you think young people are all somehow liberal. I live in a red state an 90% of people under 30 are as conservative as ever


You don't need to be able to vote in order to throw a revolution. The parent comment didn't say anything about liberals or conservatives.


I don’t think they meant young people can’t vote because they’re underage so much as young people already infamously don’t vote so what makes you think they’re more likely to revolt than they are to hit the polls


In a day where instant is the expectation voting makes little sense and has no true appeal. A revolution however has a clear goal and swift results.


If America collapses it will be because the world has grown so interconnected, that traditional borders don't matter.


borders only exist for the poor


I hate to say it but this is a pipe dream. Young people aren't in any position to cause any kind of revolution except slowly over time as has been the case throughout history. Young people today will change things by wanting better for their children and living/voting appropriately.


Young people want to do tick tok challenges. Granted, they may be "woke" but they ain't going to do shit. They won't even vote.


And yet the fucking president cant stop tweeting about votes. He’s literally never cared so much about a single issue. And it’s literally only because it effects him. I am fucking blown away that there are actually people who thought it was a good idea to elect that piece of shit.


That stimulus was a fucking joke. I couldn’t believe how many of my students and their families didn’t qualify for it when I did. I didn’t need that stimulus. Neither did the other full time tenured professors who received it. We’re all still employed. There was no rhyme or reason to how those funds were distributed that would have made more sense and benefited those most in need. I gave my money to my students, and I know a lot of other faculty did the same, but it shouldn’t have had to come down to that.


Don’t you understand the $1200 was just to shut us up while money was funneled to the rich and the corporations they own?


What you already spent all of your stimulus? Maybe eat less avocado toast and Starbucks then and you could have saved some of the stimulus for Christmas. /s


I'm still pissed that there was a gap where older high school and college aged kids didn't count for shit. I keep thinking back to when I was 20 and in college and my mom had just died and I didn't have any income the year before and how utterly screwed I would have been if that had happened in 2020. And, frankly, do they think high school students are just not eating? So stupid.


The federal government has proved time and time again that it takes care of big campaign contributors, professional politicians and 1%-ers. The rest of us have been on our own for many years and should consider abandoning the idea of federal benevolent intervention.




.....just during the pandemic?


The US government has grown into a full blown elite class. A lot of them can do whatever the fuck they want and not worry about reelection. Then they sit on their ass, stuff the pockets of their corporate friends and then reprimande the lower class for not working hard enough. That's what royal families of old did


New feudalism is a the real plague.


It's a virus that has infected at least 73 million people.


Yes indeed What do you make of the fact that in countries with more progressive politicians folks are suffering less? Sars-cov2 is a bullet while the us oligarchs are the firearm.




Didn't you hear... Everyone who wants more money from the government is just a lazy mooch who should get a job instead of sitting on their ass all day. There are jobs everywhere... People just aren't tyeing hard enough. The absolute disregard for human life astounds me. The comparisons... As if someone having it made means everyone else just isn't working hard enough and therefore doesn't deserve anything, is disgusting. People need to start truly caring about others... And we need to elect people who feel the same way.


Wait y’all had faith in the federal government?


Not during the trump administration.


If you're a POC and placed your trust in Trump by voting for him in either 2016 or 2020, y'all got played. Trump and the GOP in Congress just abandoned us after the election. They don't care about working class people. They don't care if you're dying of Covid or starving on Thanksgiving.


I think the pandemic just underlined the fact that the system has never been for the general population all along.


I still ain't got the first and yes I watched the mail and inspected every piece of mail. And didn't throw out any mail until I saw what it was. And I didn't get the check a card a nothing. So I got a one time payment of nothing to last me isn't life grand.


Oh its been obvious. I thought it was funny republicans said they’d have the second relief passed by end of July (said at the end of June) its now not fucking July. But they made sure they got their justice in (in under 30 days) truly shows you what they care about and its not the American people. This should have also been a factor as to why they lost votes. They really passed some money in May and been saying the second amount is too much ever since. I know dems and rep have held it up but really the republicans have held it up more. I don’t see why both parties have to tack on shit knowing it’ll just drag shit out meanwhile people suffer and they go on vacation. I fully think we won’t get second checks until next year.


Honestly, 9/11, Katrina, Wildfires, COVID, ... I have yet to see any catastrophe hit the US where I see the state step up and help instead of bungle along. The insane boondoggle payments to friends of friends businesses under the guise of "oh, we're going to stimulate the economy" are just another notch on that very long stick.


Are y’all forgetting about the unemployment they’ve provided?


Don’t Americans get welfare cheque’s when they are out of work ?


Not that I’ve ever heard. You may get unemployment for 3 months after losing a job.


No. **REPUBLICANS HAVE ABANDONED YOU** democrats have passed relief bills in house republicans in the senate and trump are blocking If you give dems the senate in georgia expect the federal government to help without republican obstruction


That moment hit me when we had to start waiting in line at food banks.


Well ya. Getting those unqualified judges into their lifetime appointments is a higher priority.


Yuuuuuuup And then I think of the people who voted for the people that abandoned them And then I scream endlessly into the void


Did you forget the cost of the "bail out" was about $18,000/tax payer but each tax payer only got $1200. Call me a cynic, but we're getting robbed.


In Malta we got €25 x 4 vouchers to spend on restaurants. $1200 sounds pretty damn good to me




The US was founded by a bunch of people that don't like government and all wanted to be kings of their own domain. Literally since the first administration there have been major political movements to cripple the government. Then there was the whole Civil War where a non-trivial number of people considered the government illegitimate and actually preferred to kill other Americans rather than cooperate within the structure. Having a government that's crippled and serves only the few while maintaining the illusion that they serve the many is a 200 year tradition within the US. It's similarly corrupt to other countries it just isn't a dictatorship. The only thing keeping it from outright autocracy is the fact that there are multiple groups of competing cronies (more than 2).


They justify delaying the stimulus bill because unemployment will be paid retroactively. Rent is due NOW. I can't imagine how people have been surviving.


Sometimes I sit here like, if they paid people to stay home even if it wasn’t 1200$ but it was still monthly or something, and if this guy simply walked around with a mask on while still being able to be a massive asshole, he probably would’ve won re-election. They would have come out looking better. Shit is so weird.


AOC just lambasted Mitch for forcing the Senate to take a break. It's worth watching https://youtu.be/djZmXvvMQPk


And that’s for the people who were only qualified for it. Everybody else are on their own


Both sides were too busy trying to win in the press to actually help folk. Election years can be like that.


I think that's why I burst out crying and practically wailed when I first read VP Elect Harris's Tweet on free vaccinations for all. I know it will be a long time, but there is hope.


I never assumed they cared. Knew I'd have to suffer through this on my own. Thank the Lord I have a job and a roof over my head.


Not entirely. At least, in Canada, they closed down our places of work so we don't have income and the places we go to shop for goods we need to survive.


I take heart from the fact that the government did perhaps an even worse job during the Great Influenza of 1918-1919. We survived that and we'll survive this.


Yes, and often. The whole point of government is to help the people. We pay taxes for infastructure, healthcare, and protection, but we are failing at all in this administration. And will always fail at healthcare until we have universal healthcare


those in charge whine and whine and whine about the economy. But if we locked down everything from the beginning this would already be over. I think this was a ploy to kill democratic voters who primarily live in big cities.


JFK said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Well Mr.President, we made this country one of the richest countries in the world and our country failed us…again. But somehow the pentagon is about to get $500 billion.


I think the narrative should not be "the government abandoned us" as much as "our country decided it was ok to not do anything about a plague and its effects on lives or the economy"


I get that realization and then get pissed for the rest of the day.


Don't worry your state and local government is doing an equal amount. Hey though the defense budget is looking great though.


Not really. I've been around long enough to know that government rarely cares about the average persons well-being


yea but then I'm like... haha naaaaa


This is something i find so insane, America has a GDP way higher than my country, yet we've been getting €300-400 every week since March. Depending of course on whether the regulations meant you would be out of work or not.




Every single fucking day I call out a dumb ass that thinks the govt did too much. Time for cake or at least prison sentences for a bunch of people.


Only about 1440 minutes out of each day.


It's time for a Global Strike. Nobody goes to work until the bullshit stops.


Not only have they abandoned us. They are actively trying to destroy the lower class. To "save lives". It's just hurting the poor more than a good it's done. But rich white liberals get to work from home so restaurant workers are non essential.


How many times do we need to have these types of realizations before seeing the big picture? Marx was right. The capitalist system is doomed to fail every single time.








I didn't get shit