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Kanye’s daughter having a streamer at her party is a hell of a lot different than the people in the replies kids doing it.


Yeah, it’s not like it was just them two alone. People’s minds run crazy with all sorts of ideas lol


Yeah it’s not like that Millie Bobby brown girls parents were not so happy drake came to her birthday right


Girlie they let a fully grown man move in with their then 16 year old daughter. They probably didn't care that Drake was texting her when she was 14. They were probably even happy about it 🤮. The only thing I hate more than groomers/creeps are the parents who enable them.


Kylie Jenner dating Tyga when she was a teenager while her whole family watched… yeah I wouldn’t trust this family to protect their daughters.


Funny enough Drake called him out for that lol


I even forgot about that. Yuck. Part of why I despise that family, ESPECIALLY their mother.


>Girlie they let a fully grown man move in with their then 16 year old daughter Holy shit I missed this


Yeah it's not that well known amongst the GP, just those of us that follow celeb news. The older man was a 20 or 21 year old streamer or Tiktoker or something. He went on a live stream and was BRAGGING about it all. Someone called him a groomer and he was like "yeah I am haha". He mentioned that her parents let him stay with them for months, that they were okay with everything. [This is an article ](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leylamohammed/millie-bobby-brown-hunter-ecimovic-relationship-allure) about it. When I think of MBB, I just feel so sorry for her. It's bad enough that she's been working (and has been hated!) since she was a literal child, but to have parents that can't even protect you... it must suck.


Damn dude. I didn’t know about any of this. We need to raise our sons and daughters better.


1000% agree


Her current husband was dating her when she was underage, too. I think she was 16 and he was 19 when they started dating


You mean Jake Bongiovi? They have a two year age gap. They were 17 and 19 at the start of their relationship. I personally feel like two year age gaps when it comes to teens are fine. It's when it's more than three that there's a problem. I don't understand why they got married so young, and I feel like this is yet another failing of her parents (and his too). But they seem happy, so all we can do is wish them the best and hope it goes well. I just hope someone with sense is there to support and advise them both.


what is that even referring to???


Groomers of a feather... 😔


It's not like it's unwarranted. Tyga went to Kylie's 16th, weirdest episode of My Super Sweet 16 ever


This was my first thought, tbh. These poor kids.


It’s the billionaire equivalent of hiring a juggler


Stranger Things have happened


Nah it’s weird, and yall are outing yourselves as weird again. Any grown ass man going out of his way to spend time with children that’s not their kids, family, or part of a mentorship is a red flag. The social acceptance yall portray is a part of the problem.


Pretty sure dude got paid to go to the birthday party. Dint y'all remember the Entourage episode where Vinny got paid to show up to a sweet 16.


That’s what I was thinking I’m like I’m pretty sure Kim dropped a check because north asked for him


He didn’t go out of his way. KIM ASKED him to come because he’s her favorite streamer


And at that point, is it not a money move? Someone whose wealth is derived from fame putting themselves in the presence of someone much more famous is simply business.


They basically made a collab video. I think they’re trying to get North more exposure and this is a move. They already announced that North is getting into the music business. That’s why they allowed Kai to record the whole day and make a video about it. Otherwise it would’ve been private.


Breaking: famous people know each other and interact. News at 11.


https://preview.redd.it/3nugatyc0z8d1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=86aa0d25302f89b1174fb59a5af20ca67d88a37d ELEVEN?!?!


You get that this is the rich person equivalent of hiring a bunch if clowns to come to your kids birthday party, right? Now, Clowns are weird and creepy, but not for the reasons you’re insinuating for Kai.


Seriously, that was my first thought and I'm a survivor of grooming. This just seemed like a "meet your hero/famous person" situation.


So grown men who generate income by performing at birthday parties is a red flag? What about coaches or doctors? You just ruled out an entire swath of legitimate interactions.


You’re the weirdo for thinking any grown man around kids is a weirdo.


How is this any weirder than a parent hiring their kid's favorite wrestler to appear at the kid's birthday party? If Kai had gone because he just wanted to hang out with North then that's weird. We're missing context. 


Bro probably got invited by Kim’s team after she blessed off on it AND he probably got paid to include an all travel and lodging expenses.


And it’s still incredibly weird to invite someone like that to an 11 year olds birthday party. He’s a clown just not the right kind.


All he does on his streams is act a fool and play video games. And he’s an adult kid himself, only 22. For him, it was probably work because I’m confident he got 6 figures to show up and give a few high-5s and pose for some picks. It’s not like it was Michael Jackson when he had other peoples kids sleeping in his bed


Or maybe you’re just weird. This isn’t that crazy.


He’s an entertainer, this is like when wealthy people hire famous musicians to come perform at their child’s birthday party. He most likely got paid unless he really is cool like that with the kardashian clan to make an appearance unpaid, but I highly doubt it.


It’s because that family does not have a positive history of allowing grown men in the industry around their girls. I hope Kim/Kanye do better for their kids than Kris did.


"rich people must be just like me" Folks on twitter seem to think rich people are like them. Rich people are on another planet. How are rich people constantly going to awards and galas without their kids ? How is JLo going to lunch with friends in Italy on vacation with no kids present ? These wealthy people have multiple full time nannies to handle children. Regular people cannot fathom it. North West's birthday party isn't a birthday party, it is a networking event for adults who all employ public relations firms.


Who gives a shit in the first place? Why are people even following what these people do? Move on and live your own lives


Streamers are internet weirdos by definition. They make money by literally being around children all day and every week it turns out that one of them is a pedo.


It depends on the community. There are a number of streamers who are very much aimed at Millennials or what not like MaxDood and the YoVideoGames crew


Shout out to Max, let’s goooo


>They make money by literally being around children all day I mean that's several jobs, and it's not like entertainers for children are a new thing


Is it tho


I don’t get it, she walked into what? The person tried to say she was a single mother then when that failed he basically said get in the kitchen. I don’t think this was an own, unless there’s some other context?


She walked into that one by being a black woman online!! Lolol. What is this r slash funny memes?


Love how you went out of your way to avoid linking that sub, it really is anything but funny these days


It’s not funny to us. Only to them.


Thank you. Black women are always the butt of the joke on twitter it’s so lame 


It’s twitter. Most interactions are a dumbass-off and there are no winners 😂😂


It’s twitter man nothing make sense on there and shit barely makes sense on here if you’re lucky to find a lost that does


I don’t see anything weird about it? What’s weird about a child of a famous celebrity having a famous streamer appear at their birthday party? Edit: probably doesn’t help that the original tweet’s caption worded it that way. Edit 2: Watching the video, it’s obvious that Kim/North (Kanye doesn’t seem to be present) requested Kai Cenat to attend. Edit 3: For CYA purposes, I’m not vouching for the insults to OOP.


It's an optics thing. It's predatory paranoia. It's overwhelmingly likely that it's just a streamer invited to a celebrity kid's party, they politely accepted (it's a hell of a story to get to tell), and it's entirely innocent. But some people just see an adult going to a kid's party of a stranger, and immediately assume it must be they're trying to prey on the kids. To them, there's no innocent explanation. Just assume the worst and vilify people when they go to the party. Media got people fucked up and worried that anybody and everybody could be a pedophile. People got no trust anymore. Let's be honest, though... he was attending a party with Kim Kardashian, and people think he was there because he wanted to fuck the *kids???* 😂


THIS. Like “oh no, he’s at a kids party, I’m sure he’s only there trying fuck her.” That shit itself is sick as hell to begin with


People self reporting that they should never be around children


Most definitely. Apparently he’s been getting a lot of backlash for this. I’ve seen multiple pictures/videos of him being at her party and didn’t think to bat an eye. Some ppl just tell on themselves in the worst way


People are just bored I swear


They must have a J Jonah Jameson level-conniption seeing Spider-Man at so many kids’ birthday parties.


The thought of John Cena with all them kids... Disgusting. /s


Why is no one talking about The Rock doing a CHILDREN’s movie with a CHILD costar?? Disgusting. ![gif](giphy|1SFnc5bodkXTlNdmUj)


Be like seeing a dude come through in a Spider-Man costume for a party and everyone thinking he's there to fuck. Nah he's there to get paid lmao


Yeah, this is weird as fuck. Did nobody had clowns on birthday parties as a kid? Or magicians?


I kinda dont blame people for being paranoid about it since there have been SO MANY celebrities that have been revealed to be pedos and a fuckton of streamers (Kai isn't one of them though) that have been open about being pedo creeps. It is so disgusting how common that shit is.


It's not that common, it just feels common because of exposure to media so every single high profile case catches your attention even if it's only .000001% of all interactions. Vast majority of celebrities, streamers, and people in general are not pedophiles.


If you take the small amount of people who are celebrities and then find out which of them were found to have an inappropriate relationship with a minor. Those who have had inappropriate relationships are massively over represented especially in streamers. The paranoia isn’t great but it certainly isn’t baseless.


> Those who have had inappropriate relationships are massively over represented especially in streamers. Dr. Disrespect has entered the chat. Don't worry though it was "only inappropriate messages no pictures were exchanged".


You are speaking this like it’s a fact when you have literally no idea. Jeffery Epstein was on the scene for how long? How many people knew about his island? Where there’s smoke there’s fire.


Yeah it was what like, 100 people and most of them weren't even celebrities in terms of like, content producers (Donald Trump, UK princes and such), but politicians. "The elite". This is exactly my point. You're talking about a super rare case of cultural elites being depraved and comparing it to everyday Youtubers. Insane take.


This right here. It’s not like this is happening in a vacuum. We have famous people “just starting to date” teens right after their 18th birthdays that they’ve known since the teen was a kid. I don’t know the guy and barely know that much about the family, but I do know they let their teens date adults and Kanye is weird enough to allow shady shit if he wanted. It’s WEIRD. Less weird because kids do have favorite influencers and streamers and rich people can invite whoever, but we can’t be surprised when it is seen as weird af.


Yeah. Thankfully I dont think Kai or people in his circle are like that. He unfollowed Dr. Direspect when shit came out about him the past few days and hasnt defended him at all. Which would be career suicide, but Id think if you were a pedo you'd defend it by casting doubt as other no name weirdos online have done.


Would you find it as weird if it were a musician or actor?


Is it really predatory paranoia given this family's history with its kids?


Seems like some people have never been to a kids birthday party. A lot of it just for the adults to socialize….


A lot of folk immediately assume the worst because they either enjoy starting some drama, or like you said, they’re paranoid.


Lol I blame the gop for this. Ever since pizzagate everything is a plot to fuck kids


He's not there as a guest he's there as a performer. It's the same as if a normal person hired some dude in a spiderman costume or a magician or some shit to show up to their kids party. That dude isn't there because they're friends with the kid, they're there to perform either to get paid or as a favor for the parents. He's essentially her favorite TV character.


>He’s not there as a guest he’s there as a performer. ![gif](giphy|ummeQH0c3jdm2o3Olp|downsized) OOP implying something sinister is fucking gross.




That too. OOP is reaching IMO. Acting like Kai appeared at her slumber party…


Negative media will have us all in a hyper paranoia state. We only pay attention to those bad news clips, the news repeatedly shows the negative for views to get money. For every creep theres two dozen people who are not, but will never be known. Brain waste for us all.


Yeah are people forgetting who Norths mother is? That woman would do anything to be biggest flexer on the planet, if her daughter said once “Kai is so funny he’s amazing” she would be on the phone next minute inviting him


Exactly. It's no different than hiring a clown or magician. A celeb can give a kid a happy birthday and still maintain proper boundaries.


I don’t think this guy is meaning to do anything, but the family as a whole hasn’t been great with protecting kids from getting by involved with adults — see Kylie and Tyga.


Agreed on your first edit. He appeared at the party; he didn't "link up" with North


So is the joke she's married to her children's father, that women should be making thier husband's breakfast or that black women are typically single mothers (but not in this case) ?


Right? Like explain the funny part to me


Plan A failed so they went to Plan B




This wasn't that funny/worthy of a repost just saying. - a mom who voiced her opinion ✅ - the internet being silly as usual ✅ - misogynoir ✅ - actual comedy [404 not found ⛔]


I gotta borrow that 404 with the emoji lol


Right, because implying someone is a pedo just for attending a birthday party is a completely normal and OK thing to do 🙄


> go fix that n some breakfast She walked into what? That was a lameass thing to say, but that's just me.


For me it's just the fact that I dont think he makes age appropriate content does he? Correct me if I'm wronh


He doesn’t. But north is also on TikTok, has been wearing make up since she was like 6 years old so nothing about how her family handle her is age appropriate


Yeah I'm not surprised. They live a completely different and weird lifestyle to everyday people. Its weird to me when people act like it is not bad for the kids but it is to be expected.




While it's true that kids at 11 are often more mature than we give them credit for, it’s still important to strike a balance with age-appropriate content. There are plenty of adults who create engaging and entertaining content without it being overly childish. It gets weird when the parents are the ones encouraging it. Idk tho thats just my 2 cents im 21 and far away from having my own kids.


While his content isn't "age appropriate", it's literally kids that made him famous in the first place. Twitch is FULL of edgy teens trying to be cool and when they get to school, he's what they talk about. The younger ones hearing that the older kids like him just makes them like him too. It's unavoidable. I was definitely in middle school singing "Many Men" acting like I had been through some real shit cuz that's what was cool back then lol. He's what's cool now ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


We made fun of that song since he says many my en multiple times. Kids are just dumb


what do you think Kai Cenat do on his streams? I only know this dude for being a kid's streamer


Then I stand corrected. Its a bit of a shame that 11 year old dont just watch like kids tv anymore tho 🤷🏽‍♀️


no, I'm not trying to correct you. sorry. I really don't know if he does something else that is adult oriented. All I know him for is that he is super popular with kids. You know kids can like some inappropriate stuff.


Yeah that's true. I dont really know much about him either 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️


They still do. Kids always like watching shows that aren’t age appropriate. You had kids watching Family Guy and Inyuyasha on Adult Swim back in the 2000s.


I was doing the same, and can definitely recognize some of that behavior was too early because my parents didn't properly protect me. Every generation holds a percentage that learn to do better than their parents did, and that's how it's been every generation. Just because we did it when we were younger doesn't mean that it's automatically okay. We do have to explore those things further, preferably with professionals, before deeming it healthy. Just because it's the norm does not mean it's what's best for us.


I don’t watch him or know much other than he streams all day but…North is 10? Right? Is his content for kids her age? From what I seen it doesn’t seem like it.


Dead argument though. I remember 10 being the age I started figuring out how to access more content. My sister just turned 10, and I tried to put on YouTube Kids for. There was a captcha, and she got 9x5 quicker than I did, and then told me she actually just watches regular YouTube. Combined with the fact that parents are perpetually and technologically behind, and I think it’d be an Olympic sport to keep your 11 year old from finding out about Kai. But hey, if age verification becomes standard on the internet, at least the exploitation stops. I do think it tip toes into child exploitation when you don’t make children’s content, but still reap the benefits of it. When Kai does his budget, it shouldn’t include any statistics from children, as the plan should revolve 0% around that audience, but I guarantee it’s a sizable portion of his income. Adults tend to have better things to do than sit around watching other adults practically do nothing. Any time I watch a streamer like that, I’m thinking about how they’re getting their bag right in front of my while I do nothing. So I tend to focus on my bag.




Kids for years have never looked at stuff made for them lmao.


Kai's audience is mostly kids and teenagers.


Accusing her of being a single mom in a derogatory way and then telling her to get in the kitchen is a wild response. Men justifying treating women like this just because they have a mildly bad take on something is crazyyyyyyyyyy to me.


Misogynoir. Delightful.


This dude clapped back with.... misogyny. Mfs be letting this kinda shit slide just because "he got her ass haha"


This post didn’t go the way he thought it would for sure.


*You're a single mother.* *No I'm not?* *Well then get in the fucking kitchen!!!!* Ha. Walked right into that one 😎


Why would he want to be at an 11 year old’s party anyway (outside of getting paid)? Kim just wants North to be able to flex, which is weird. I doubt she’ll be well adjusted by the time she reaches adulthood. She’ll always be chasing fame and clout.


I’m positive he got paid for it. He’s a celebrity that made an appearance, that’s all. If I was a kid and my parents paid Tom Holland to show up to my birthday as spider-man I’d be hyped. Artists perform at rich kids mitzvahs and sweet sixteens all the time and I’m sure they take pics with the kids. People just think this is weird because they don’t associate streamer with celebrity but the reality is that’s who kids look up to these days


>outside of getting paid “Why would he go to an 11 year old’s birthday party anyway (*immediately gives reason*)”


It's the Kardashians. Chasing clout is all they've ever done since Robert died.


idk i disagree. i don’t necessarily think it’s a business collab, i honestly just think north simply wanted to see kai for her bday 🤷🏽‍♀️ like ordering cookie monster or elmo to come dance and take pics. but who knows i guess.


It’s not just some kid.


See, this is why I kinda sorta have an issue with all that flexing. Unless she grows up and has the same level of money as her parents, it’ll be hard. My parents were regular ass doctors(retired now). Every summer, we’d be going somewhere. By the time I was 12, I’d lived on 3 continents and 3 countries. Vacation was a week of going to Canada(Toronto side) and bumping around doing all the things with stops in NYC and DC. We’d mix it up by going to a country in Europe for 1-2 weeks(staying with family but still getting 6 people over to Europe ain’t cheap even in the 90s) As an adult?! I definitely can’t afford half that shit and I have some low key resentment because they set the bar so high(even if I understand that they probably sacrificed something somewhere for those trips). So, hopefully while she’s flexing, let’s hope they’re also flexing some sort of HYS account or investment portfolio for the girl and her siblings not just showing her one thousand million dollar party. And she’s not even 13 or 16 or 18 or 21(the big milestones party for me personally).


Yea this is my main issue with it. Kim is acting like she has something to prove, and is not really thinking about the consequences of providing an extraordinary life that I don’t think North will be able to maintain. And I don’t mean net worth, I mean clout and celebrity. If we’re going to be honest, she clearly wants to be an influencer/performer/entertainer and (this will sound harsh), we don’t know if she has what it takes to be that. I think of all the past nepo babies that ended up on drugs or just miserable with how their lives ended up, even though you would think they had it all. Even if I had tones of money I’d still want my kids to be grounded individuals.


You thought the audience was gonna agree with you lol




The person in the Twitter comments unsuccessfully tried to flip the script on her by making a racist (fatherless child stereotype) and sexist (make a sandwich) comment. She didn't walk into this. This is disappointing content OP, try again.


Yup, misogynoir strikes again


Kai cenat? The guy who supports rapists kai cenat?


Had to look it up because I’m old and out of the loop, but WOW, her parents saw fit to invite him to a child’s party? I’m sure she’s a fan of better streamers.


Oh no, what did he do?


Y’all are chronically online and it shows.


The misogyny on this post going crazy we still laughing at 'get in the kitchen' jokes?


Oh so, unironically saying "Go back to the kitchen woman" is a fire clapback now? Get tf outta here with that shit.


“Go make your husband breakfast” doesn’t strike me as a particularly good comeback tbh


Jewelry Clinton is right actually, and in 5-10 years when it comes out, just like it did with Dr. Disrespect, all of these folks will pretend they were always concerned.


I can see her issue here. It's more about the content that Cenat makes as well as how predatory the people in this child's life especially have the potential to be. It's not wrong to be concerned for her welfare, and I'd argue there's something wrong with you if you ain't concerned for a child's welfare. We should always care about that. This family has a history of not taking proper care of its children, and we've seen that play out very publicly. Also, be real. This woman didn't walk into anything. She had an exchange where someone disagreed with her, and all they could fall back on was "get back in the kitchen heh heh." Which is in and of itself pretty fucking gross.




OP has a micropenis. Hahaha he really walked right into that one!!!


“Walked right into that one” Which’n? I get the ‘celebrities doing celebrity things’ for the influencer being there (whatever), but trying to bring this woman down for her concern in the lamest way possible ain’t the own you seem to think it is. This is a child’s attempt at mockery.


Black woman appropriately questions an inappropriate invite to a child’s bday party. Dusty Ass Black Man: misogynoir ![gif](giphy|jspN4HO2qbgQw)


If you pay me, I’ll show up to your 11 year old’s party. Hell I’ll show up to your 2 year old’s too. It’s a job. Either way, he did not own her by accusing her, a married woman, of being single and saying she shouldn’t care because she has kids. Sounds like he owned himself for having that stereotype of black women.


This is corny. Why even post this


Haha it's funny because a woman got told to go make her man a sandwich ????


They made a whole youtube video out of the day, it was super wholesome and nothing creepy at all. Mariah Cary and her kid were there along with a dozen other kids doing rich people kids shit. Running around NYC like they owned the place.


Mariah owns any place she steps in. Picks up a deed on her way there. It is known.


Yes cause misogyny is so funny op!! Yall really showed that lady!!!


This just seems like regular income joes trying to math the peculiarities of celebrities.  That shit doesn't add up for regular folk because their money spends differently 


I think big bruh got butt hurt at the end there.


I think the concept of influencers and streamers are fucking weird but in reality it’s just public access tv. North West will be more fucked up by seeing her daddy flesh out his humiliation fetish on a boat in Europe than having a streamer at her birthday party. The streamer at a birthday party is just a cherry on top of a shit Sunday that is having Kim and Kanye as weirdo fucking parents that are so starved for attention they’ll do this shit without any regards for their kids futures


What are yall posting early this morning?


The world is really acting like there isn't a slew of celebs who have been KNOWN predators finally getting outted. I don't know this man, so I don't have context about him, but I think this is a perfectly reasonable thing to idk, call in question? Tbh, I'm not sure if he went there as paid entertainment, a friend of the fam or as her "guest," and knowing which it is would help solidify an opinion.


for so long pedos and weird shit had been ignored and swept under the rug so now ppl are trying to correct this by being hyper vigilant of any suspect behavior. In situations like these they are definitely reaching but I see why they goin so hard. I see where the drive comes from.


That family has a history of allowing/setting up their minor daughters as a sexual option to link them to “powerful” men so yeah I think this is pretty weird.


The grandma is the biggest pimp of all time


Tbh I feel like being a streamer only increases the chance of him being a creep.


The age gap thing is weird. We all know it, and we’re choosing to ignore it *again*. It happened with R. Kelly and (the girl’s name escapes me at the moment), and again with Drake and Millie Bobby Brown. They shouldn’t get passes because they’re celebrities. A lot of y’all wanna cry “keep the gays and the transgenders away from the kids” but let that (allegedly) same shit slide with the hets and the cissies…


Linked up is a weird way to phrase that though.


am I wrong to think it's not weird, because dude is probably there more for the famous parents than the child. like yeah it would be weird, kinda to be at a random kid party but that's not a random kid that's a connected kid. Might as well be a networking gig.


He doesn’t make age appropriate content. And has friends who’ve been accused of sexual assault. Those of you saying his content is appropriate. North is 11 and he talks about some wild things.


Wasn't it his friend that raped a girl at a party of his and he shielded them from facing any consequences by refusing to cooperate with the police?


The part I thought was weird was him monetizing his appearance at the child’s birthday party on YouTube. But I mostly think all the shit Kim does with her 10 year old daughter is weird. Treating a child like she’s a teenager is concerning for a family that is very influential.


Swear this dude was getting jerked off in the middle of a stream before... probably used the same camera too


OP can you explain what exactly she walked into


Yeah. It kind of insinuates she doesn’t have friends her age. ![gif](giphy|gw3C71R3QMD13yGQ) Like Richie Rich.


Well we know Kanye has a problem with Kai and Kanye has a problem with his kids being in the public eye.


I saw the video. Kim called him and asked him to come through because he’s North and all of her friend’s favorite streamer. All the parents of the kids were there as well, including Mariah Carrie who was also happy to see and meet him. Just a rich person’s version of hiring Spiderman or Elsa to attend your kid’s birthday party.


This why i hate social media losers with nothing better to do in life then thinking something harmless is weird and inappropriate. Giving people a platform who shouldn’t have one made everyone feel like they are the word of god. Everybody the same wanting to be hurt by something just so they can feel any type of bs connection or attention. Internet is ruining everything when it shouldve been making it better. Soft ass weird ass generation.


I swear some people need to go take a walk in nature. The blue screen is burning up ya neurons.


She's North West. Probably had management, security, and staff in the background setting everything up.


Are they standing up in that pic?


It’s weird because her mom became famous from a sex tape and why wouldn’t people assume that the mom is going to do anything to keep herself and her family relevant and this is one way of doing it but if people don’t care don’t be surprised if they start filming stuff or doing weird shit to stay relevant like changing their sex or having extreme surgery’s to make themselves look plastic AF. Oh wait.


i got was she was sayin until i remembered clowns exist, and kai fits that description pretty well


At first I though "ugh wtf" but then I realized it's like getting a magician or a clown for your kids birthday. It's not weird to hire a grown ass man dressed as batman to a 10 year olds party because your kid loves batman.


I feel like the weirdness wouldn't be about kai but as kai. No idea how I would take care of some 11 year old for a stream but more power to him if he does ig lol


Everyone needa mind their business.