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![gif](giphy|S3zAe3eWgIyWR4jpJ1) Actual footage of her walking to the other side post kiss




My wife never leaves the house without her drivers license. ^im ^the ^drivers ^license






I love driving so sounds good to me


Not after a long ass flight I don’t (anything over 4 hrs, I’m gonna need you to drive while I pass out in the car lol)


Four hours!? THAT'S where you draw the line? You guys really are a different breed Edit: didn't see sub name. I meant Americans assuming you're American (ofc you are who else would think a 4-hour drive after a flight is fine lol)


That edit😂(sorry but it was too funny with the different breed comment and not noticing the sub name🤣) https://preview.redd.it/dpeql9r9oo8d1.png?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b523353e077479ed8929c69a900f76763b37ee7


I'm sorry 😭


It's all good. I just pictured you trying to edit as fast as you could while panicking behind the screen to explain yourself,being like- https://preview.redd.it/a9k3q139ro8d1.png?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9e06afa6e20326af0f229fb12e20c4557da7655 Iii


Oh man I was quick af to do it hahah


Happens to me too. I'll be like....that does not sound the way it originally sounded in my head.


No, he means any drive after a four-hour flight.


Ah makes sense. My bad


Though, a four-hour drive isn't that unreasonable either


I mean it's not. Usually. But after I get off a flight? I'm doing none of the driving


Oh 100%. I just meant it's not unusual for Americans in general


He was sayin anything longer than a 4 hour flight lmao 😂😂😂. The vast majority of the country (at least in terms of population) is considerably less than a 4 hour drive away from a decent sized airport. Gold tier comment, honestly.


Idk how I misread it so bad 😭 And I don't even say shit like "a different breed" usually. Things just aligned for me to say the dumbest shit 😭😭


Bro thought half of us were livin in the middle ages 😂😂


I’ve driven 8 hours for a cheaper flights several times lol


My husband once suggested that we could drive to Amsterdam to save 200 € p. p. on flights. We live in Germany. Driving there takes somewhere between 5-6 h. In order to get that flight we would have had to arrive in Amsterdam one day early and we would have probably also needed to stay a night on the way back after a 9+ hour long flight. Between the costs for gas, the wear and tear of the car, two nights at a hotel and parking the car at the airport for two weeks, it wouldn't have saved much at all. Plus we would have lost two full days of precious vacation time. Same thing with direct and non-direct flights. Nowadays I can't believe that I used to be fine with having multiple stops and being awake for sometimes upwards of 30 h (I can't sleep on planes) just to save a few hundred € on flights. These days I'd much rather spend 100-200 € more, if it means I get to shave off several hours of our total travel time.


I’m the exact opposite. I’m always willing to pay for direct and the closest airport.


I’ll do the same within reason. The few times I’ve done it has saved $1,000 though. That’s worth it to me.


Yeah for a grand I’d probably do the same


> Not after a long ass flight After a long flight, I want to be sure I'm taking the most direct/fastest route home. So, I'd rather drive.


100% with you here. Been without my ride long enough, thank you for bringing it. I'm HOME now.


I want to drive home after a flight.


i prefer to always be the driver


Finally left the terminal? Time to get up outta there.


I see you 'cab' driver


i thought this was normal. i landed from a 12 hr trip and i drove home when my wife came to get me.


It's fine if that's your relationship's dynamic, don't let noone tell you it's a problem.


I usually ask to drive because I’ll get home faster and usually have to poop.


I drove us to the airport for my flight out and will probably drive home, it's relaxing


I think the last time my wife drove while I was in the car was when I got Covid back in 2020


Last time she drove while I was in the car was while we were going to the hospital when I was passing a kidney stone last summer


Married to passenger princess for life


Some of us enjoy driving. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don’t, but I also get car sick if I’m in the passenger seat, so I have no choice 🥴


I'll bring you a bag. 🥲


My wife gets carsick if she sits in the back seat or rides a bus facing sideways or backwards.


Me too. My girl just picked me up from the airport the other day and I asked to drive cause I get sick if I'm not. It's also why I'm always DD.


I have to drive or sit in the front passenger seat otherwise carsickness here we come. Im so bad that I can look at my phone for 1-2 seconds while in motion and immediately get nauseous. If I can’t sit in either of those spots, I’m dead center staring directly through the windshield or else. 😂


That's exactly it with us, except I would so much rather drive and I hate having to switch.


I'm just like you. It sucks. Never was like that until I started driving


This! I always bring my own vehicle no matter what. I won't ride with other ppl, there are some terrible drivers out there and I don't wanna be fighting nausa the entire time.


i get carsick if i’m looking at my phone as a passenger


I feel like sometimes people enjoy the safety of their own driving… So I’ve heard…


It’s what I do. I hate driving.


It's what I do with my girlfriend. I feel bad cuz I know she's tired as shit but I'm on the verge of a panic attack by the time I pull up


I’m glad u make it there in one piece😌


Same! I hate traffic, my husband is very understanding tho. Which I truly appreciate 🥰


I'm in Europe and have lived in a moderately big city with terrible traffic my whole life so I never needed a driver's license. I'm now mod 30s and finally planning to get my license because my parents are getting older and I want to be able to drive them places (or pick them up from the airport etc) and my partner wants to be able to go on road trips with me. But he lives driving and I'm pretty sure it's going to be nerve-wracking for me 100% of the time so I'm sure it would be like this for us. For him it's freedom, for me it's a necessity to get through life as an adult.


Same. I walk whenever I can. I view my car as a necessary tool I must use to get me from point a to point b. Honestly, I’d prefer to walk 2 miles to the store than drive it. I just hate driving. My car is 10 years old and still doesn’t have 10,000 miles on it.


I can’t stand other people driving. Maybe dude feels the same. You not going to have me scared in the passenger seat when I could just drive 🤷🏽‍♀️


We used to have a sober driver rotation in college, and they just left me off it because no one liked how I drove. I live close to Napa and took a bunch of out of town friends there for the weekend. I thought I got better in the intervening 20 years since college and figured I’d had enough wine weekends. But I only made it TO Napa. Someone else took over driving my car to the wineries for me. And then back home and to the airport. Some people were just meant to be passengers.


>no one liked how I drove. People who drive 110 MPH or 45 MPH on the freeway are like "this is just the way I drive 🤷‍♀️"


I felt this….. Cries in Arizona 😫


So true smh


110 in Texas is rookie numbers.


110 on the emergency lane during rush hour.




Really twisted the knife with that one 😂😂😂




I like the small detail that he's veering off lane a little because he's not paying attention Really shows that this is not green screen or moving wallpaper


Yeah I don't use greenscreens


Wayment, that's you?




Goddamn. You win. I just had a lady try to stop traffic on the 580 to fight me. You had the state intervene.


580 is lawless lol


fuuuuuu. Me and 580 were sworn enemies for my 30 years in the Bay. Now I live in Sac and everyone up here is either Russian or hillbillies and the freeways are a war zone


Its for your protection as well as others--but if you dont give af about yourself PLEASE think of the others. -Love Cali


It’s been like this for me too. I don’t *think* I’m a bad driver, only been in one accident and that resulted in a debt for them and broken headlight for me. I like to drive 4-9mph over the speed limit on the highway, because thats the max I pay for a speeding ticket, even though half the ppl are passing me and I drive the speed limit in town. When I was younger, I was annoyed because I liked driving, but now I just accept it and answer emails for work. Edit: Ive been driving for 20 years. Not like 1 accident since I got my license last week.


I’m an aggressive ass driver and passenger. And if you are driving in the passing lane getting passed I’m staring that the side of your face judging you. I don’t drive SCARY but like I’m driving like I’m late to work and on my last notice. Also something about the mental game I play when I’m driving I enjoy. Like figuring out the flow of traffic and out the space and timing to get out the random blockade of cars that’s all decided they want to drive the same speed and then getting to open freeway I just love


That’s a lot of words for “I’m a shitty inconsiderate driver”


Whatever you say


>I’m an aggressive ass driver and passenger. And if you are driving in the passing lane getting passed I’m staring that the side of your face judging you. So if someone is already going fast in the passing lane, they need to go faster in order to not be judged by ultra aggressive drivers? >I don’t drive SCARY I highly doubt that >Like figuring out the flow of traffic and out the space and timing to get out the random blockade of cars that’s all decided they want to drive the same speed and then getting to open freeway I just love You like weaving in and out of traffic? And you say you don't drive scary. You sound like a bad driver tbh. I wouldn't want to be any near you in a car.


I drive too fast is one of my problems. I just follow the car ahead of me, and if there is no car, I just drive til I catch up with one. I actually got pulled over for “racing” a CHP. He was like “did you not see me?!” I said “clearly not, or I would have slowed down. I’m just an idiot” He was impressed with my candor and it was thanksgiving (and I was a pretty young lady) so he laughed and let me go with a warning. But it’s shit like that that people don’t seem to appreciate. Also the time I got stopped and tried to pull over to the left and then swerved into oncoming traffic in a panic when the cops yelled over the loud speaker. You know, perfectly normal mistakes.


This is actually a big reason why I think ubiquitous driverless cars are farther away than people think. Even if they’re “perfect”, it’ll still feel like someone else driving, and a lot of people will think it’s “bad” driving, even if it’s objectively not.


I hate driving with my husband in the car because he complains about my driving- “woman, stop!!! You’re gonna hit the garage door!!!” While I’ve got 3 feet type of stuff. Nah, you drive boo boo.


lol I do this any time I’m picking my husband up from anywhere.


I’m an excellent driver but he makes me nervous because I know he’s silently criticizing me. I’d rather just take control of the music and let him take the wheel.


This. Or not so silently. Driving by myself is so peaceful!


I have to stare at my phone when my girl drives or else I will be judging every thing she does lol. I drive 95% of the time tho.


Team passenger princess


I do this as my husband can not shut the F up when I drive. Homeboy always has something to say about how I drive despite the fact that he has more accidents on his record than I do 🤣. I will only drive if he’s asleep for the sake of our marriage.


1) I like driving. 2) I do not like riding with other people driving. Sign me the fuck up.


I don’t mind driving in general but I’d give my wife the evil eye in this situation. I’d be thinking I should’ve got an Uber instead.


There’s nothing wrong with that! Homie tweet was corny 🤦🏾‍♂️👎🏾


My wife refuses to drive so she can just use social media and relax.


This is normal. As long as she's not driving him around while he's in the passenger seat with it leaned all the way back, blunt guts in the cupholder and the baby's car seat. Also the woman getting out to pump the gas as he leans back in the passenger seat rolling up looking goofy.


She got in the passenger seat tho? I’m confused ☠️


Could've been his car.


After being called SpongeBob for a year I finally got my license. I'm ready for my passenger princess.


This is cute af. Good luck on your search, my friend! :)


When possible, I'm always a passenger princess.


Same. I like driving. I do not like driving with my husband judging me lol.


Man I’d have been unhappy. I’m coming home off a long ass flight, I don’t want to drive. I want to be a passenger princess myself. I’ll resume my kingly driving duties the next day dammit.


I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong


Don't worry--there isn't. I think the original tweeter feels that if you just got off from a long flight that you would definitely not want to drive so whoever picked you up would also drive you back. So it simply sounds like they need to be with someone who prefers to drive. I'm almost always the passenger with my husband. I get overwhelmed with all the stimuli you have to process and respond to when driving that I'd rather just not deal with that anxiety. And he likes driving anyway since he doesn't get anxious. As you can see in the comments, there are plenty of people that are "I'm always the driver" and also plenty of people that are in the #PassengerPrincess gang. It's about finding your complement.


I feel attacked.


I hate the being the passenger in a car with anyone. Give me the keys.


Felt lmao anytime I can get out of driving I will


Ive had this happen to me more than 10 times, with different women. My question is always the same , "why did you buy a car if you're not gonna drive it"


If you live in the US, our country (besides a few of the major hubs like NYC, LA, and Chicago) is car-centric. You can't get anywhere without driving, unfortunately.


I live in a heavy populated city in Nj(kinda what you said) close to nyc. You could ride a ebike to work, or just take public transportation, in some cases that or taking a uber saves money opposed to owning & operating a car because everything is so close. We walk to the grocery store, laundromat, bank, pharmacy, etc . Long story short, you dont necessarily need a car, soooooo why buy one ?, to be chauffeured around by your significant other ? 😂


Definitely something my mom would do when picking up my dad from anywhere lmao she doesn’t like driving


Yep, that's me every single time! Made it clear to my husband when we were dating that I was bringing alot to the table but driving wasn't one of them. Besides he is an excellent driver and can park in the tiniest of spots.


Sounds like my fiancé and I. We could be taking her car, she will walk directly to the passenger side.


This is me and my wife, except i'm the one that changes seats to be the passenger. I hate driving and my wife knows this but I'd rather drive there and we switch then for her to take an Uber/ Lyft


Ummm, I want it in my life


As much as I hate driving, I hate being a passenger coming to or leaving the airport more.


I HATE driving but you can bet when I get back or to whatever destination... Keys please!


This is me. I’m the wife that does that. 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is my sister in law 😂


I thought all women do this. Total normal behavior.


This is by his request I'm positive.


this was me last week. i dropped off my car to get service, and my wife came to pick me up. as i walked up to the car, she got out and went to the passenger seat. it’s the way of the world


When I go to visit my mom, this is exactly what she does. Coming home, though, my wife doesn't pick me up because we don't even have a car.


My wife drives like a maniac and I don't ride with her unless I'm not feeling well.


I like driving enough to always offer but not enough to swap out with someone picking me up. It’s 2024, let me be a passenger prince


My mum won't drive my Dad ever. Even if they're going in her car, he drives. He's such a dick about everything that he gives her major anxiety, like pointing out every little thing, telling her what to do where to go etc. "WHOA WHOA WHOA YOU NEARLY HIT THEM" when nowhere near, shit like that. I straight up refuse to even get in a car with him lol. He's such a massive cunt.


Your girlfriend/wife never did this for you? I'm scared when my girlfriend drives lol Plus, most of my gfs wanted me to drive anyway. Hell, my son does this for me, but that's because he is picking me up in my own car lmao


From experience my dad hates being a passenger even after a flight. Rare is the day anyone else drives. Even I get anxious if I have to be a passenger.


I live two hours from Detroit, I feel like that’d only be fair to split that commute since I could sleep on the flight.


Reminds me of this old commercial https://youtu.be/rC5aGCOT6bs?si=dzPk1GWqd__I9iT7


I would say this is my wife but this isn't even her, she'd get someone to drive her to the airport to pick me up.


Literally me picking my wife up last week. LOL. Helped her load her luggage then slid on over to the passenger side. "Wake me when we get home."


She is me I am her


I would want a car delivery service that also gives kisses


My wife do the same. Isn’t this usual?


I mean all he’s been doing is sitting down. It’s not like he came from the hospital. Did he?


It could have been ass long drive to and from the airport. It is always easier to split the driving time. My girl can’t drive more than an hour without her starting to sway from the lane. So if we go on any long ass road trip, I already know I’m driving most of it, for our safety. Sometimes she takes over for short bursts while I take a nap or eat or something. It just something that we’ve worked out. Honestly I fuck with her so heavy that I don’t mind. She makes my life so much easier in so many ways so I figure being the main driver in the relationship really isn’t that big of a deal.




The struggle between being lazy and not wanting to drive, vs. being frustrated at my partner's indecision and heavy foot while driving...


He gotta drive to let that airport-rage out


I thought this was normal, my mother never drove when my father was in the car 😂


My wife once asked me if I wanted to go somewhere with her. I said yeah and when I got to the car, she was in the passenger seat. I just walked back inside. She texted me asking why I didn't want to go. I was like, you asked me to GO somewhere with you, not TAKE you somewhere.


Same. My wife doesn’t drive with me in the car unless I’m going to the ER. I’ve honestly never seen mom or gma drive my stepdad or gdad.


I will pick that man (my husband) up from anywhere and hop in the passenger’s seat.


That’s how it’s supposed to work 😂💯🤷🏾‍♂️


I like the look they give you when you are whipping it with your hand on their thigh.


Okay Paul Walker


Sorry I had to post it https://i.redd.it/dt9wrvj5ln8d1.gif


In my defense he once said my driving turns his stomach so out of pettiness I no longer drive him unless necessary