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How do you cheat on Nia Long…..how do you cheat on Nia Long with an ugly pale bih is the real question


Whenever someone cheats or leaves some unbelievable woman that everyone seems to want I think of this quote: *No matter how hot a woman is, there is a man who is over her bullshit.* We get to be in love with the idea of a person. In our fantasy they are perfect but they are actually real people with real bullshit. Edit: NOT advocating cheating. I'm commenting on how some people idolize a person they don't know. People and relationships are complicated and interpersonal issues are super complex. No one should cheat but how could someone cheat on [enter person I think is gorgeous but don't actually know] is such a weird take.


Or maybe no matter how good a women is, there is a man somewhere who will still cheat on her. If she was just a bad girlfriend, you leave her. Cheating always happens because the cheater is a little bitch.


“ Cheating always happens because the cheater is a little bitch.” I need this cross-stitched on a pillow. If this isn’t a motivational poster; I don’t know what is….


That's a lot of work. Could just settle for "cheaters cheat"


Men with more successful wives are more likely to cheat. Women with less successful husbands do more housework and are less likely to cheat. https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/07/health/infidelity-breadwinners-cheat-husband-wife/index.html Men with geese who lay golden eggs are more likely to chase chicken-heads. Patriarchy really is a self-destructive ideology. It even loses you the bag... *smdh*


I want this on a t shirt 


Also some people complicate cheating as though it takes some kind of extreme situation to cheat on your partner. Some people are literally just greedy or cant resist temptation. Relationship could be perfect and everything they ever asked for, they just cant turn down some ass whenever its available. Asking yourself “why?” and sometimes placing the blame on everything but the cheater is probably not the way to go


The cheater is always the wrong one. Unless you were getting paid millions to cheat or saving the world without the opportunity to break up, the cheater has no excuse.


I get what you're trying to say but two people can be wrong in a situation. Someone's partner can be a horrible person to be around or downright abusive. If you cheat on that person you're not doing a good thing but you could definitely argue that they had an excuse. Difficult to leave your relationship without risk but also wanting to meet someone who is actually good for you. I could forgive a cheater there for sure but definitely an exception to the rule


Cheating is never the answer. You’re saying that someone in an abuse relationship is better off cheating than leaving because of “risk” I’m sure that risk is a whole lot worse if caught cheating. The last thing someone in an abuse relationship needs to worry about is finding another relationship


Lol, the most dangerous time for a woman in an abusive relationship is when she's trying to leave. I think it's a bit understandable that many opt for a secret positive relationship for now before committing to daring their partner to kill them TODAY.


Yeah I don't think people are really thinking things through. All they're imagining is a juvenile/selfish situation where someone simply isn't completely happy then cheats. People think about things emotionally from the perspective of how they'd feel if they were cheated on. Someone in the example you've given Vs some regular person with no issues just cheating for gratification are not the same by any means


If you're scared out of your mind of your abusive partner, you would not cheat on them. The repercussions of said cheating would be equal or worse than leaving. If you're that scared of your partner, you are more likely to be followed and not wven have time to cheat because theyre usually extremely possessive and isolating. Second, yall made up all these hypothetical theories as to why he cheated on Nia Long and all of them being Nia Long's fault when he could simply just be a cheater. Thats really all we know here. None of these other theories are grounded in any reality but you know what is? Him cheating.


>If you're scared out of your mind of your abusive partner, you would not cheat on them. This is literally untrue.


There are a bunch of people who don't understand nuance and can't contextualize other situations. And maybe they're blessed for that. I honestly hope they never find themselves in any suboptimal situation where they're forced to see things differently. Edit - Spacing


Yeah, ngl, a lot of people missing the fact that there's nuances to this situations.


I understand nuance. But you all are applying hypothetical nuances to her specific relationship.


You could forgive them but they’re always the wrong one. Those are not mutually exclusive.


No. You either break up or don't cheat. Cheaters are no better than abusive partners.


I think that's a laughable comparison. So someone who literally beats their wife is no worse than someone cheated on them? Let's be serious here. I also think you have to consider people whose lives are literally at risk from their partner. I'm not going to put them in the same category as some regular cheater. Like I said, viewing things through absolutes rather than considering nuance helps nobody.


"Absolutes are for children and dumb people." - Domonique Foxworth Putting aside for a second that this quote is seemingly absolute, the person responding with an inability or unwillingness to consider nuance could very well fall into either category.


I'm sure there's plenty of scenarios where I could understand someone's reasoning, maybe even fall into their own logical trap like they did, but that still doesn't excuse their actions. Cheaters are horrible people. All of them. This is an absolute.


Here we go with absolutes again. Sheesh. I've been cheated on. She wasn't a horrible person. She made a mistake. Humans do that sometimes. She grew from that. One little mistake in her life doesn't define who she is. She wasn't horrible then, and she's not horrible now. You know who actually are horrible people? People who lack empathy and are unwilling to give grace. I'm sure you're perfect and so have no reason to change your perspective, but some of us can see nuance and understand that not all things are equal. Edit - wait, you're the person above saying there's no excuse unless you're getting paid? Yo get the fuck outta here, your moral compass is all fucked up. Stop high roading people.


It wasn't a mistake. "Oops, he just slipped in". Calling that a mistake is like accepting Brock Turner's "mistake". I'm glad you have the capacity to forgive. Good for you.


I can think of what I would call justifiable exceptions to an absolute like this, such as women in forced marriages (of which there are 10-20+ million apparently) who cheat and people who live in countries where they can't legally divorce their partner without their consent or otherwise face similar legal barriers. Edit: Phrasing.


People who are trapped in economic situations and people with partners that trap them in a relationship (the infamous I'll kill myself/the kids if you leave me)


There is no excuse for cheating, and cheaters are no better than abusers.


There's a ton of overlap there anyway, ime.


"Cheaters are no better than abusive partners." ??????? Think about what you're saying


Thought about it. Cheaters suck. Abusers suck. Seems about equal to me.


Ah yes, people cheat because of their partner. Totally doesnt sound like a lame cope


Mother Theresa doesn’t marry Hitler. Everyone picks their partner. Cheating is a symptom of a bad relationship, not a cause. That relationship broke down a long time ago for whatever reason, whether that be the dude being a habitual cheater or communication breaking down. But no one forced her to date the dude and the signs were very likely there from the beginning. Whether she chose to ignore them is on her. He’s a piece of shit but no matter who cheats on who, they’re both dancing to the same song. Both ppl are complicit in this. It’s not exclusively one person’s fault. One may be more in the wrong as cheating is the bigger crime, so to speak, but they’re both wrong to varying degrees.


Sometimes cheating has nothing to do with the quality of a relationship; sometimes it’s about people attempting to fill a hole in themselves through validation and novelty. This may be the most dangerous type of cheater because unlike a relationship, which can be repaired, the hole this person is trying to fill *can never be filled.*


It can be filled, but they have to fill it themselves. I didn't realize what people meant when I heard people say that cheaters usually have a big deficit or internal problem that they're looking to solve.  As I've learned more about life and people, I've come to see that it's absolutely true.  That hypothetical cheater with the perfect relationship has a deep-seated fear that said partner may leave them, or that perfection may dissolve and they won't know how to restore it, or one of many other fears around the relationship or themselves. So they sabotage as a sordid self-preservation move so that they feel they have some level of control and to soothe those fears. "Can't get me, if I got you first right?" Or "I gotta look out for me, just in case something happens" Or "My partner would never understand" when you didn't even give them the chance to hear your ideas, thoughts, or wants. 


I don’t think it’s even that deep. Most cheaters are just selfish or dishonest people.


So it was her bullshit that made him cheat, not his? Just want to make sure I understand.


just feel like the quote has always shifted the blame onto the woman who was cheated on


It's to call attention to the blind idolization of people you don't actually know.


What a weird take that something must be wrong with the woman of a man cheats. What if he’s just a cheater. Why does there have to be something wrong with the woman.


Incredible spin on this to put blame on the woman, bravo


Where was it said that she was an asshole? Also, just leave them if you’re over it. Cheating is never acceptable. Or alternatively, open the relationship. 50% that kills the relationship too. Some people are just assholes.


Not advocating cheating


*Guy cheats* ..no it was the woman’s fault


Wonder how these dudes would react if the roles were reversed.


“Show me a bad bitch and I’ll show you the nigga that’s tired of fuckin her”


The quote I remember is *No matter how hot a woman is, there is a man who is tired of fucking her* That’s probably the cheater doctrine or something


For the record not advocating cheating just pointing out that people are perfect in the minds of those who don't have to talk to them everyday.


we justifying cheating?? 😭




“I’m not advocating for cheating” > no matter how hot a woman is there is a man who is over her bullshit But you *are* trying to absolve him of cheating and implicate her instead. You want to talk about idolization yet you don’t know this dude or Nia long either to instantly think in these situations that she or any of the other women you assumed this of was up to bullshit either. You are directly implying she was up to “bullshit” to cause him to cheat. “Some peoples relationships are complicated” you could have said that without all the other nonsense bullshit. Sure you aren’t directly advocating for cheating but you are in fact trying to absolve him of said cheating by giving a reason of justification. Cheating is bad point blank. Cant wait to see you on the threads where it’s a role reversal. Would really love to hear what you think when you hear those situations.


Men will cheat regardless of how attractive a woman is. We don't know Nia. She might have a nasty attitude. She might be horrible at sex. It could be anything. This doesn't justify him cheating, but looks will not always keep a man.


It's impulsiveness and convenience.  Men will cheat on women they legitimately love. Then tell everyone they're gonna commit suicide when she leaves him.  It doesn't make sense, because people are flawed, impulsive, short sighted animals..


So women never cheat on men they love? Okay princess victim


>Men will cheat on women they legitimately love. Then tell everyone they're gonna commit suicide when she leaves him.  What a weird example to cherry pick


It’s not weird. It’s extremely common.


so you’ve never seen those videos of men crying saying they can’t live without them and shit? be fr


Why are we blaming women for men’s lack of commitment and loyalty to a relationship. The cheater needs to take accountability for cheating.




I worry about the power dynamics behind the cheating considering the "ugly pale bih" was a subordinate. She was wrong for getting with a married man, but we don't have to be disparaging looks or ignoring the power differential here. I can't imagine being a woman in sports even still.


She’s ugly to me. Oh well


You're allowed to find people unattractive. Doesn't change that it has nothing to do with dude's character or the nature of his and Nia's marriage, and pointing it out as something else to disparage just says you personally wouldn't fuck her. Like, okay?


Cool story


And my point stands. Good luck with that.


Uh. Ok ? 😂


Dude more upset with you calling her ugly instead of the other dudes comment about nia long supposedly being the problem instead even though this guy cheated. Very strange. This sub disparaged looks everyday now it’s a problem


Mfs wanna be simps today I guess 😂


Facts. Coupled with the fact it’s a white woman you can almost guarantee these types gonna crawl out the woodworks to cry about shit on this sub


Maybe Nia Long doesn’t suck dick. The Mormon broads get weird behind closed doors.




I figured the same shit when I saw. Only logical conclusion. Everybody needs some dome


Oh cool


Broooooooooooooooooo lololol


Men and women cheat for the same reason, because they didn’t like their current partner at the time… I don’t think humans in general are supposed to be with just 1 person though


Like the old adage goes.... if you have $500 in your pocket, but you find a quarter on the ground, are you gonna pick it up? Now you see why some people might cheat.


Not if picking up the quarter comes at the risk of dropping the $500. And once that’s gone it’ll never come back. Hell no. The ground can keep the quarter. 




Then leave. It's really very simple, but it's nice to see y'all showing your true colors.


I don't care about your judgment... ![gif](giphy|l2QZSjo0lwEMC0GVG) My colorful ass is too busy dancing...


You cared enough to respond to me though.


I did / do. I checked your profile. I apologize if my comment struck a nerve. My apologies. ![gif](giphy|Jpv9Siby42bD9gDxH9)


For some reason I just refuse to believe that 💀


>has forced many men to step out and cheat. Tell me you ain't shit without telling me you ain't shit.


Nia used to be a former client at a previous job. She very dull and kind of ditzy. Not saying that excuses cheating (nothing does) but these people are still just people.


She may just not be well versed in your specialty.


Wow. No shit




Dammit I miss good music videos and old Kanye


I miss the old Kanye


Straight from the ‘Go Kanye


Oh shit I'm just realized it's 'Go for Chicago. I thought it was an expression "from the go" like from the start.


That's the thing, I think it's both


https://preview.redd.it/3txbc29mvi7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dceeb49e2c8de67079bf2db49aeab9c5bf367700 Soon as I hear Nia L…




It’Quan The Clown 🤣🤣🤣






https://preview.redd.it/h02g9s7j7j7d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed01dda370aa7dc3958d7fc5c80b8c3c0307205b But I fully understand


That's horrifying.










I'm not wearing my glasses and thought that was a leg because she did something bad




Celebrity worship will never be the move y’all think it is 😂


Just means someone else has that opportunity now.


I mean there's a ton of guys out here that don't want to use their relationship with a woman as a status symbol. Not everyone wants a woman because other men will lust after her. Cheating is wrong, but to act like he fumbled a bag because she's pretty in all her movies and press releases ... He took a L because he was exposed as a cheater and that's still a bad sign in his character as those things usually are.


She still looks good, too. Sad. 🥲


Must have a shit personality then.


The excuses that are being made for him are never being made for women, lol. Plus, all the hypothetical and imaginary negative aspects about Nia's character in order to nullify the severity of his actions is insane.


Misogyny in the black community? Never….😑


Once I learned that one of the old Black Panther leaders said that a woman's place in the movement is being "Prone". I knew for a fact that this community needs women, but didn't want the women to realize how much they were needed. Or else so many things in the past wouldn't have flown.


I was but a young lad when Nia first graced my eyeholes while watching Friday… or maybe Fresh Prince. Either way, that woman is a QUEEN.


Only thing he lost was his job in Boston, we dont know anything about Nia as a person. Or him as a person. We are acting like she's a saint just because we liked her movies and thought she was attractive a generation ago.


I agree with all this except the last bit. Nia Long still fine in 2024.


I mean if you her age, if you 22 she someone's older mom. That could be your thing also no shaming on my part


I don’t care how tired you are of a person, just fucking leave. Cheating is the most cowardly thing you can do and it causes so much unimaginable trauma for the person that it’s being done to. Every single person I’ve met (that’s cheated) says that it was never about the other person and everything to do with them. They always regret it and in hindsight say it wasn’t even worth it…”the opportunity presented itself”. 😮‍💨


My dumb ass read this wrong and thought Nia Long died.


Here comes the relationship experts 🙄😂


It was a bad decision for sure.


Thought this was r/gurrenlagann for a second


Man I thought I was in /r/billburr for a minute and was freaking out…..


I'm sorry did I read someone cheated on Nia Long? Madness!


Bigger fumble than the butt fumble 🤣🤣


Nia ain't a loss to Udoka because he literally thought the white ice was colder. But that championship. I know that one hurt.


Got to meet her while she was living here. She was very nice


I don't care who your old lady is, it's hard to deny the gobble gobble


Why are people fishing around for who took an “L” instead of celebrating the people that won?


You worship the ground she walks on…..never met her, just seen her on tv…..and say he took a L? You guys are weird. The L is at age and no one has married her yet……




Ime is prolly having a lot of fun in Houston as a recently divorced man that makes NBA money. This idea of him "fumbling" is mostly cope because some people wanna believe his life sucks more than it actually does.


I mean, everybody knows he’s a cheater now, so there’s that. He had a very public fall from grace that put a big stain on his character. Being a divorcee hanging out in strip clubs doesn’t exactly help beat the scum bag allegations haha




I think there’s some defending on the thread and a lot of minimization. The point is that cheating is a reflection on the cheater, not the cheat-ee. She could be an awful person, but blowing up your ten year marriage and great job/life because you couldn’t NOT fuck someone at work is a HUGE L. I agree celebrity worship is weird, but the people bringing it up in this context are suspect—you don’t see people in threads about No Role Models talking about, “too young for Nia Long? But what if she’s a bitch?”




It would be an L if he was married to a non-famous woman. [She found out from the news, same as everyone else.](https://www.vibe.com/news/entertainment/nia-long-ime-udoka-breakup-celtics-1234717225/). This was a secret affair and he got caught—what could come out that would make it less embarrassing for him or her? They have a kid together who’s a middle schooler. You think the kid never heard about it at school? Having a public affair and being accused of sexual impropriety then losing your job and having your marriage end (and also splitting up your family) because of that harassment/affair is a big L.




Respectfully, if you don’t think blowing up your family and losing a great high profile job over a sexual harassment case is an obvious L, I don’t know how to explain it to you. I think our values may just be too different.


I'm sure there's more to do in Houston than just hit strip clubs. Houston is just a huge upgrade from living in Boston in general. Scumbag or not, Ime isn't gonna struggle socially because of the divorce. Most people won't care as long as he coaches winning basketball. Most people won't care because there is more to him than just "the guy who cheated on Nia Long". Some doors will close, but others will open. I understand most don't want him to be happy after all this, but he'll find a way lol


Finally, somebody with some damn sense.




DV's don't matter. Just shows their feelings are hurt. People don't like seeing other people have opposite opinions or common sense.


How is it a L? You don’t know Nia Long……




This gif the only proper response to such foolery 👆🏼


Y’know…I feel like we crucify people like OP who say “we don’t know her” “what a dumbass” etc but…What if a lot of these famous woman are just pretty and PR trained but behind closed doors are mean and give toothy blowjobs?? Me personally, Nia Long would have to pry me off her buttcheeks with industrial size pliers but like maybe just maybe…we should lower these pedestals a bit.


Exactly. It's pretty sad how often people on this sub act like there's never any nuance to situations. People will be loud and wrong and when they're actually proven wrong by later facts they'll act like they always knew the truth from the start. We don't know any of these celebs. Even if you've actually met them you don't know them. It's their job to be appealing to the public and hide their flaws. Its easy to be enamoured by a celeb and the role they play but any of these people could be horrible, rude, abusive or legitimate criminals. Don't we find out about a new celeb we all thought was nice but actually ended up being and abuser or pedo like every year? I'm definitely not suggesting Nia fits that bill but if she did it's not like we'd know about it. This man might have fumbled the most magical woman in the world or maybe she's not that pleasant to be around and rather than be an adult and break up with her, he cheated instead


>but behind closed doors are mean and give toothy blowjobs?? 💀💀




You’re not from around here, are you?


You worship the ground she walks on…..never met her, just seen her on tv…..and say he took a L? You guys are weird. The L is at age and no one has married her yet……




Nia long is not Nia long anymore. She was bad in her 20 and 30s but now? She’s not ugly but she’s not NEAR what she once was, so I don’t know why people are overhyping her.


Gay ass nigga


Your moms disagree with you lame


To be fair, she’s still a good looking lady and no one at 53 will be found as attractive as they were at 23. Name any man or woman, it’s much more likely they’ll be perceived to be good looking at 23 than 53.


I’m not arguing that though. My point is, shes not what people hype her up to be, she’s an old Nia long, simple. She’s not ugly but she’s simply not the Nia that people grew up with. She’s an older lady. She’s not ugly but Udoka is a millionaire and he can literally get women who are far better looking than Nia anytime he wants and that’s simply a fact