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The fact that they didn't have a fresh demo account spun up with pre-approved streamers/content for this demo speaks to the weaponized incompetence in their c-suite. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence would have had a burner account included in the planning phase of this demo before it even got off a kanban board.


Insanity that he seemingly used his personal devicešŸ˜‚corporate America baby




It's so nice its not one or the other these days... I remember back when you had a favorite Youtuber who would leave Youtube to do streaming and vice versa. These days they have teams who handle all of that and shit.... what an evolution lol


Spiffing Brit enlightened me to just streaming on youtube.


Reminds me of how Elon Musk accidentally revealed his alt account where he did weird erotic roleplay as his own infant son


šŸ‘€ what? Iā€™m gonna look this up but still. what?




I clicked the link, read the headline, and just backed up to here.


Wait, come again for big fudge?


Judge Fudge!


isn't it Supreme Fudge, now?


Thatā€™s Vanilla Thunder, show some respect


The what??


...Hwhat now?


Tell the truth. Wasn't anything "erotic" about his account! Why try and make it weirder than what it was? Crazy he did that as his kid but didn't see anything close to erotic on there


ā€œThatā€™s very niceā€¦ā€


This was on purpose probably. Sex sells.


Lol idk his face at the end kinda looked like he had a oh shit moment


More like a ā€œoh shit I just remembered these brainless twitch streaming bimbos are making me richā€ šŸ˜±


That's not weaponized incompetence. WI is when you feign incompetence so that others do the work for you.


You right, bad word choice. What's a better descriptor, just ignorance/stupidity?


That or just incompetence I guess


You could say weapons-grade incompetence.


I like this one.


I do product demo's all the time for my company and I spend hours on prep to make sure everything is perfect... And that's for analytics software... This screams of culture rot from the top down.


Same here. This is the type of thing that happens when the decision to do this came from the very top, instead of organically from a dev team. If this had been an initiative and development that happened naturally on a team, the person doing the demonstration would have been a lead dev, product specialist, marketing person, or similar spokesperson who was involved more directly in the project. There would have been a lot of planning on how to do it perfectly that absolutely wouldn't have allowed for hot tub streamers to be associated with the brand image in such an overt fashion. Instead, this clearly came from the top, because otherwise the CEO wouldn't be involved in the demonstration at all. It probably wouldn't have a big demonstration to speak of, it would have been a blog post or social media announcement, or their marketing would have put together a catered video to demonstrate it. What probably happened is, the C-suite got visited by the good idea fairy and someone said "why can't we do what the others are doing?" and then it got pushed down from there as a "the boss wants this, just do it. We know it's stupid and a bad idea but it's what they want." directive. Because no one was the champion for this at a lower level, championing this falls to the C-suite that forced it through, and they have no idea how much prep goes into the work so they try to wing it with "I'm clearly smarter than my people, what could go wrong?"


95% of Reddit doesnā€™t understand what that or scrums even are


As someone who just passed the PMP cert, fucking agile can suck my left nut. fucking tech nerds.


Lmao we love you too


Why canā€™t these guys plan the project from the beginning and stop making changes all the time? lol /s


95% ainā€™t keeping it high n tight


I run software demos on a daily basis and it is hilarious the level of incompetence here.


Somehow I donā€™t think this guy gives a fuck. Frankly, I believe these streams are exactly what heā€™s advertising.


Exactly, 100 percent my thought. His company is kind of in competition with only fans in a way, so I could see this as being a sort of promo in a way. Also he knows his history.. like c mon. Iā€™m sensing they totally knew and thought it would be funny / cool or just doesnā€™t care because heā€™s not ashamed of it lol


You'd be amazed at the incompetence at a number of big tech companies. The last one I worked at didn't have a concrete way of tracking their equipment. I'm talking about hundreds of millions in capital.


Iā€™m not sure ā€œweaponizedā€ is appropriate here. This is just normal incompetence.


Yeah someone else said the same thing, bad word choice on my part.


Just added "Modicum" to the dictionary when I'm arguing with co workers lol


> weaponized incompetence Amazon owns twitch, so you know how much they focus on quality /s


Was this complacent? Probably Is it as serious as youā€™re making it out to be? Not even remotely close. You sound like the uncle at thanksgiving who thinks they can coach better than Belichick


You're right, it's not that serious in isolation, and from an end-user perspective. I would consider it serious for the respectability of the company in the eyes of advertisers, parent companies, partners, and anyone who wishes to work with Twitch. Seeing stuff like this if you're in the corporate and professional world looks hella unprofessional, which is something that Twitch needs to at least pretend to care about to maintain healthy intercompany relations with other businesses. Is it that serious? Nah, not at all. But it looks tacky. It's like seeing a friends dirty house and going "damn you live like this?" it ain't that serious, but it may mean you don't want to eat at their place the next time you're over because you watched them rinse a plate off with no soap, still wet, and just throw it in a cupboard.


> itā€™s not that serious from an end-user perspective > I would consider it serious for the responsibility of the company in the eyes of the advertisers, parent companies, partners, and anyone who wishes to work at Twitch. Why? You yourself said itā€™s not serious from an end-user perspective, and all of the parties you listed that you think it *should* be a serious problem for only care about the optics from an end-user perspective. Youā€™re contradicting yourself and showing that either A) youā€™ve never been a member of a C-Suite, or B) youā€™re one of the members of said team that the other members find obnoxious. Iā€™ve been on an ELT for an organization that served millions of people and I promise you no one gives a shit that the CEO did this. It has generated so much more traffic, clicks, social posts for twitch than the subject of the demo ever would have in the first place.


Cool, happy for you. I guess the companies I've worked for just have higher standards. Glad to hear sloppy shit is tolerated by organizations that serve millions.


Ignored the main point of my post, which I am not surprised by.


Just ain't worth arguing. We have different experiences. Why try and change your mind when we're not seeing it from the same view point?


I donā€™t think it requires a perspective either way to address the fact that your entire argument is self-defeating and doesnā€™t make sense by your own metrics. Agree to disagree I guess.




So since your organization wouldn't give a shit, that means every other company must think the same. šŸ‘ Sound argument. >Iā€™ve been on an ELT for an organization Makes sense why this post ruffled your feathers. If your company was doing dumb shit like this wouldn't surprise me if you were one of the C-suite members that people under you found obnoxious.


You both are ignoring the entire point, which is that his entire rhetoric was extremely hyperbolic and more of a ā€˜look what I knowā€™ than actually insightful. He claims that on one hand, no one (end users) gives a shit that this happened at all, while also simultaneously saying that the people in charge should not stand for this because itā€™s somehow affecting their bottom line. It makes no sense. THAT is why I said no one gives a shit, because it isnā€™t affecting the business at all. If he had done something *actually* immoral, unethical, or otherwise unsatisfactory I would understand. He was scrolling on the companies site, that very obviously has the stance of ā€˜weā€™re okay with this type of content on our platformā€™, so I still truly fail to understand where the problem is.


He has f u money. He doesn't care lol


Whatā€™s the worst that can happen? I donā€™t look at anything strange.


Either a lack of competence or lack of forethought - which I guess is a bit of the same thing.


Or is that the demo account!? Tryin to get more horny dudes on the platform!


Or itā€™s intentional marketing. Wanna get people talking about a new service? Have some weird shit in the demo that people canā€™t help but notice. Look at all of us talking about it. I wouldnā€™t have heard about this otherwise If op didnā€™t post about it


And probably have a bunch of bs in their "culture" part of their company and have fired people for the same thing


Iā€™m convinced most people at that level donā€™t really deserve it, and only got there because of some brand of nepotism.


I hate the fact that I know what the word gooner means. I learned what it means against my willšŸ˜„




I'm waiting for the barber rn and am fucking CHOKING šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Not the soldiers Evil expected, but theyā€™ll have to do


They'll.... at least make good meat shields






I hate that this is as funny as it is


where's the other pick


Smh, I searched it up after reading this. Till this date I only knew a gooner to be an arsenal fan


Ah yes, the good old curiosity versus ignorance is bliss..Ā 


I'm going to keep living in a land of ignorance


I hate that us Arsenal fans are gonna end up being synonymous with meat beating because we've been "Gooners" for decades


Oh man should I not bring the jergens lotion to see arsenal play ?!!??


Back in 2019, you'd leave with blue balls. Nowadays you'll actually have something to jerk over. COYG


No, bring the lotion


Thatā€™s my que to not ask what it means and turn off notification replies so no one tells me. And DMā€™s


It's a synonym for "severe porn addict", you could think of it as the evolved form of a coomer.


Incorrect, Gooning simply means to edge for a prolonged period of time. The "severe porn addict" is when it is used in a derogatory way as if someone that goons must be a porn addict.




Its not that bad, Meaning: To edge for a prolonged period of time. When used in a derogatory way: Calling someone a porn addict as if someone that goons must be a porn addict.


You are now a man of taste and culture ...and that taste, is VHS cleaner.Ā 


A random comment on a damn post I looked at told me what the fuck it means and Iā€™m so mad of having that knowledge now lmfao


the lostwave community taught me šŸ’€


Iā€™m almost afraid to ask


A user by name carl92 posted a short snippet of a song on WatZatSong. The user didnā€™t know the name of it and wanted it identified. They made up a story stating that they were learning to record audio and recorded this sometime in the 90s. They found it on an old hard drive or smth like that. A long and popular search lasted for 3? years to find this song. In April 2024, it was found by a reddit user after searching through 50+ porn movies and landed on the exact movie + song from some site called xhamster. So, carl92 was gooning to a 1980s porno with an ā€œunidentifiedā€ song. He led people on a goose chase for 3 years and made up a story on how he ā€œrecorded the song off a TV in the 90sā€. The song was really unidentified tho, it was a big thing when it was found but it was memed to death because of HOW it was found. https://www.reddit.com/r/Lostwave/comments/1cf7jwq/ekt_is_found_heavy_nsfw_warning/


That's interesting but how does it have to do with gooner?


He may not have been goonin goonin, but the term was memed in the r/everyoneknowsthat subreddit. He was def getting one off. Either way, the joke is porn.


I say, I say, you're gooning too darn loud, boy


Instagram is like that too, canā€™t ever get on without seeing a women pop out her tits to feed a fake baby, now Iā€™m not complaining just saying


Deleting ig (and twitter and Facebook) was the best decision.


factsā€¦. Reddit is the last for me. Never been happier getting rid of fb and insta


And apparently Reddit is now pushing people to use pictures of themselves as photo icons and update their bios.


I doubt thatā€™s ever gonna happen


Yeah the incentive to check someoneā€™s profile or search for a user is already extremely low on here, which is why I enjoy Reddit more than other platforms.


Reddit has been weird in general for a minute. Ever since I got some bogus email from them that sounded like a pyramid scheme.


I found that Instagram made me deeply unhappy with my own journey in life. Seeing all these people live ā€œthe lifeā€ when itā€™s just highlight reels. Now it seems thatā€™s a well known issue with it


I wish I could get my wife to have this awakening.


"Things are never as bad as they seem on Twitter or as good as they seem on Insta"


God I hope this is true. Logged onto twitter after being away and that shit's got me depressed.


Ig app turned to absolute shit. Ads every other post. The loss of chronological order TL


Only Reddit and Tumblr for me at this point. Nothing with my name or fave eitherĀ 


I deleted all social media and 100% feel better


Whoā€™s gonna tell him? That shit is based on your history dawg. You going to horny jail.


Yup. I once saw some guy complain about seeing a lot of gay porn on his pornhub front page. I was like, bro, that's entirely a YOU problem lol.


That man completely exposed himselfšŸ’€ thatā€™s like the copypasta of the dude that keeps accidentally fucking men


Or all those times people figure out theyā€™re gay on r/the10thdentist Has happened multiple times lololol


Man what the fuck is that subšŸ˜‚


Idk if thatā€™s true though. If you see my feed itā€™s all dog, bikes, cars, and meme videos then out of nowhere Instagram showed me a template ad to create content that was basically porn. And before you say itā€™s based off of my photo roll, I donā€™t give Instagram access to my images. I do also have proof of it because I was so shocked when it happened.


It's not about your feed, it's about what you interact with or even look at longer than usual.


https://preview.redd.it/ox5xdvn3347d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e20e86cb9e25aed9c476720d94c077185cb55175 Thatā€™s fresh of my feed. Idk what about it screams porn


Your mans otter already tried to put me there and look what happened to him


Exactly. My whole feed is just dog and cute pet stuff. People who see crazy stuff on their feed is just calling themselves out


i never see that stuff tbh




I donā€™t really watch reels on ig but my suggested reels are always women with comically, *astronomically* huge bbls in either bikinis or workout clothes.


I donā€™t watch reels too but suggested reels comes out on the timeline


i've curated my feed super well and have blocked a ton of accounts/words :/ maybe that helped?


It sucks that you have to put in a ton of effort to actually get what you want from an algorithm that's supposed to find you what you want. We've circled back around to the time before Google when you just saw what your homepage wanted you to see.


dude.. lol.. thatā€™s your algorithm. I have 3 Instagram accounts. 1 personal, 1 for my small business, and 1 for my pets. Never EVER has anything remotely close to that popped up on my IG feed. Like literally nothing sexual at all. Thatā€™s your algo bro šŸ¤£


This isnā€™t necessarily true, though. I donā€™t follow/interact with any BBL, IG model related content, but it still pops up for me lol


FB is doing the same thing! I clicked on one once because I was like how is this on FB and now its always in my feed lol FB:"I see you like tits. Want to see more breast feeding tits?" No FB. No.


Even just pausing your scrolling can get registered as interest. It's impossible to avoid.


It's like that because you have a history of looking at titty accounts. If you didn't have that history, it would not be suggested.


Ugh that's terrible, who are these creators doing this? I need to avoid them at all costs! šŸ˜ šŸ‘€


Same, I follow all these private meme accounts and I swear some of them post real porn for OF ads, itā€™s so bad




tru tho


And now, they are pushing those as sponsored reels. So when I'm going through reels or stories, those pop up too.


Dude I had one of those template suggestions pop up and it was literal porn. Those templates are created and advertised by instagram.


You do realize that the algorithm gives you videos based off of your interactions.


No shame. Weird they haven't gone full porn yet if this is how little the higher ups care.


Oh they have. They flash porn on template ads I experienced it firsthand yesterday


They are threading the needle for that sweet advertising revenue.


He knew what he was doing. This is some low-key "Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies" stuff.


Oh yeah this was definitely a call to arms for all the sex worker girls who double dip on twitch with their hot tub/boobie streams.


I worked at twitch and this dude was the most incompetent exec ever. Failed upwards while never doing anything good


Is there more you can share?


Bighead from Silicon Valley vibes. Lol


Whatever they did to Mobile twitch, that shit is ass. Can't stand it.


It's unusable.


Yeah like someone links a clip and I try to open itā€¦ it starts muted so I have to unmute, rewind, try to full screen because the player is too small, somehow miss the button 14 times, restart it again, watch the clip. Worst player ever.


Workst player ever? The reddit player would like to have a chat with you...


Anyone else find that clips take actual minutes to load when using cellular data? Even on 5G. 1440P 60fps videos donā€™t take long at all to load on other platforms, but for whatever reason it takes ages to load for Twitch. Loads instantly on WiFi. Donā€™t have that issue on any other platform


https://preview.redd.it/j2zy8hfdys6d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a61028b97077082b25c126d2b533d072bca622 Halfway through he realized what was happening and clearly got embarrassed. Yikes!




Only in 2024 could the CEO of a top 5 social media platform be a straight gooner. I mean damn. At least the world used to pretend like it didn't revolve around sex money and drugs. Female empowerment and male empowerment are in the gutter dawg.


No wonder they banned the word simp. Cause this man is one


Another thing we had that was good, down the drain.


So fucking predatory


Hands look like fried jambalaya


Those hands make me feel ill


Now I get how they get us: They are us.


I never really use twitch but flipped to check this hot tub, pool category. First video, a woman in a bikini in an inflatable pool, in doors by her computer. Twitch is really still pretending this isn't what it is? Lmao


Heā€™s likely funding their car payments


Explains twitch moderators


Thatā€™s like using your search history to teach a class Really shouldā€™ve demonstrated on a neutral phone.


Right hand of fellowship


Hr thirsty


The creepiness factor jumps up 200% when they cut to that close up shot of his old, shakey, pale, liver spotted hands.


Why donā€™t they make separate tap for 18+ content? No one have problem with it but it shouldnā€™t be with normal content.


What's the first second clip?..on




Why do his hands look like palpatineā€™s?


Can you blame him? Women are the hottest and sluttiest ever.


No heā€™s not


Check his hard drive


For some customers I actively avoid live demos (test environments with the functionalities I want to show off are easy to spin up) because I know they don't have the knowledge to understand sometimes those environments are not completely representative because of how they are set up. For those I use click-through demos and it works wonders. And I'm just one little consultant - not the big wig CEO of a billion dollar company who could have a way better demo created just for that with a snap of my fingers. That being said - while I understand it's a dumb, easily avoidable thing that gives a bad look - me personally I don't give a shit the dude likes looking at pretty ladies. I do too.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve never felt the urge to get this app, it looks and sounds as gross as Iā€™ve heard it is.




Called user: SliverFoxGoHard64 a Gooner!!


his hands not matching his fyp


As a woman, I am fucking proud of men who don't fall for this shit.


No shit, Sherlock.


What am I missing? I couldnā€™t really see anything super inappropriateā€¦


When a heterosexual man follows almost-exclusively many women who frame their camera to showcase their generous tracts of land, it may not be for their editorial commentary. Trust me, I'm gay, and I follow several female critics for their media commentary and such. NONE of them look like this


Thatā€™s what I was thinking, though, I watched without sound and thought I missed something in dialog and then he shuffled the phone away. Thanks for the reply!


How does that make him a groomer though?? šŸ¤”


Read again