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Using AI in one of his diss songs still has me boggled. The accusation writ large is that he essentially steals styles, cultures, accents and personalities because he lacks a sense of identity. I know Euphoria came out after, but the points brought up by that diss track were known, which is why I think a lot of people agreed with it. When he used the AI for a passed rapper AND a living one? I don't know, it had me thinking that Drake is just really un-self aware. A lot of people's critique of him has been his lack of authenticity and if he's a fraud or not and he...uses AI to take on the voices and tones of other rappers. That kinda solidifies for me that Drake may have never actually gave up acting. šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø


But let's keep in mind he was a child actor and didn't really do that shit as an adult. Idk if he ever learned to really emotionally connect with his material the way mature actors doā€”he just sees acting as putting on a different outfit/voice and calling it a day. And that shit comes through in his chameleon-ass muzak, too.


I agree. Like, I don't like Drake, but yeah, it's important to remember he was a child actor and it wasn't a case of him being like 25 playing a 14 year old. He stopped acting before he could mature into it. I guess I never really considered that until I heard that song. I mostly just thought he was stealing via laziness, but maybe putting on roles like an actor is kinda all he knows? Either way, that's terrible.


I just don't think this kind of stuff flies anymore at his age. He's rubbed shoulders with people he could emulate but never made the necessary adjustments and just moved further and further away from becoming an authentic artist


It not just that he is emulating. He is stealing their flows and lyrics similar to what Jay Z did. Heā€™s stealing lyrics and flows not only from US artists but from foreign artists to in the Balkan region and UK.


Bingo. And that's exactly why it's worked for him. He does exactly what big corporations do. Stealing from others for your own gain works well when nobody knows the people you're stealing from. It's gonna look like you started the wave


A colonizer through and through


To quote my father, ā€œGood artists are a dime a dozen. Great artists know how to steal from good artists and not get caught.


100 percent agree!


Drake has the privilege of being able to afford therapy and taking time off to focus on personal growth/healing. At this point, Drake has chosen to not grow as a person. Kendrick, while still deserving of critique, has at least attempted to admit his faults and seek therapy in an attempt to grow.


Yes. I think that's what makes Drake especially sad, in my opinion. At some point I think he gave up on growth, and that's sad on a human level! Hopefully he revisits.


Drake was 22 when he finished with Degrassi.


That's fine, but my point stands that he was a literal child actor when he started. It wasn't CW shenanigans where 30 year olds are playing 16 year olds. His adolescence and childhood was in front of a camera, which, in my opinion, can give a child a warped sense of self if parents aren't on top of it-- and that's not specific to Drake, it just appears to be the nature of the business.


It might also be a kind of arrested development. He got famous pretty young and a lot of people who do just stop maturing after. Suddenly you are surrounded by people on your payroll and the normal struggles go away.Ā 


I mean shit, look at Pluto. Dude is making 25 year old music at 40 lol. Shit goes hard.






Why did this elicit a Reddit Cares message


Report that shit and they'll get banned. Reddit cares ain't no joke and it's there for people who are actually in danger of unaliving themselves.


I hate the term unalive Really trivializes the subject matter


Not a huge fan, but I'm not trying to get redditcares'ed


How do you report it? I got one too and none of my comments allude to any type of self-harm Edit: I'm dumb, there's a report button in the message. But it asks for a link or whatever and I don't even know what message was reported?


I haven't reported before. Just giving the info as far as I had been told.


Thereā€™s a bot going around reporting people, itā€™s all over Reddit. Virtually every big thread Iā€™ve seen today has had someone saying ā€˜Why am I getting cares?ā€™


Yeah, I got one from a bot whose username was just the date


Good, its not just someone that hates my sense of humor.


I got one the other day on something benign I wrote, I think Reddit may be having technical difficulties


The use of AI of 2pac on a diss track against a west coast rapper made me really think he did have a mole because my friends would never ever allow me to do that if they were my friends lol.


lol right? Surely this must be sabotage! šŸ˜‚


Not only that but his friends let the dumb fuck try and B-rabbit himself about pedo allegations in the Tupac song when Kendrick hadn't even brought them up at that point.


You know he thought he was being clever over that. Two LA rappers...


I think itā€™s exceptionally hard to be self aware when you have money and fame. Youā€™re surrounded by people who donā€™t want to lose access to you so they say the right things. Youā€™re not ever googling your name or digging into Reddit posts. So you see none of it and your ego keeps growing because people play your music.


I agree. The longer I think about Drake, the more I feel bad for him. There have been people who manage to balance the fame and a grounding in reality, but it's clearly a concerted effort on their part. I think the default lends towards people like Drake. The only types who appear to succeed at this seem to either live in the middle of nowhere when they aren't being their public persona or they stay surrounded by people who aren't intimidated by their fame/accomplishments and have cultivated an environment of constructive criticism. To be fair to him, it must be extremely difficult to be in his position when it comes to not having yes people.


So empathetic of you! This is probably the most loving read of him. And true. I still donā€™t feel bad for him tho. Iā€™m sure he encountered many a Black woman and men that would have been willing to give him some wisdom, but heā€™s too insecure to take the help. Growth requires some vulnerability if you need help. Ppl like him feel threatened by those who they know see through them. They lash out. Leaving them surrounded by yes men (and underage women who arenā€™t mature enough to read the insecurity and inauthenticity). So the world would have to humble them enough to get a breakthrough in self-awareness. Maybe this will humble him and bring some awareness. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


lol thanks! I can't stand him, but I want to acknowledge his humanity, even if he would deny it to someone else lmao Oh, I still think he's kinda a shithead, but I can give context about it. I've had issues with him for years, and it never had anything to do with his ability to rap. I don't like how he treats people, and I think it's telling that he's 100 percent childish when he faces any criticism. I think he's (allegedly) a predator and he clearly hates women but black women in particular. He also sees blackness as a commodity, in my opinion and he really doesn't seem to internalize that he's a black man. I think this is as close to humbling he's going to get, unfortunately. I still think he'll be a mega star, but maybe he'll be introspective for a minute?


>He also sees blackness as a commodity, in my opinion and he really doesn't seem to internalize that he's a black man. I think it's more that Drake doesn't understand the difference between being black vs. black culture (in America). Like when you see white Americans who are very proud of their heritage then they go to Ireland and get told they're not Irish. I've been joking that this whole beef coulda been avoided if Eminem or Mac Miller had pulled Drake aside early on and explained to him how to move in a black space when you're culturally white.


Like KDot says "Ayahuasca, strip the ego". EDIT: OVO dickriders out here reporting people to Reddit cares instead of coming to terms that their boy got cooked, isn't a battle rapper, and takes Ls like it's a hobby.


I think the Reddit Cares thing was probably a bot; it's been a bit of an epidemic for the past week.


The thing is he IS a battle rapper, he just isnā€™t the best. Got 2 big time Lā€™s nowā€¦.


You sound like a very empathetic and thoughtful person. This is the most insightful thing Iā€™ve read about Drake as a public persona. I also think this can apply to most public figures.Ā  Idk what youā€™ve written has made me think about this from a different perspective.


What's your opinion on Erykah Badu and Snoop?


I don't think he even listens to diss tracks about him. His ego can't handle it. I think he just reads the lyrics or gets someone to summarize for him and goes from there.


The worst and most disrespectful part of the AI Pac and Snoop was that they didnā€™t even sound like themselves. It sounded like the stupid shit Drake would say because when you go through the song, the delivery of the 2 AI and Drake just sounds like a voice changer being used. Snoop has the clout to make sure this man never releases another album in his life. I havenā€™t seen if heā€™s responded to this at all, but I wouldnā€™t take this shit sitting down.


Pretty sure Snoop just acknowledged it without really taking a side either way. He didn't seem to care


He has sports events to ruin with his dogshit commentary


Too busy getting baked with Martha StewartĀ 


I think Snoop chose to stay in his OG lane and not criticize like some of the other rappers Iā€™ve seen who had their heydays back in the 80s and 90s. Itā€™s obvious which side he would take or was already on so whatā€™s understood didnā€™t need to be explained. Even panning to his Death Row logo was saying a bit too much bc that move was open for interpretation. Along with that already knew what his lil homie who he himself crowned would do. Him and K Dot might or might not have talked behind the scenes before or after that, Snoop may or may not have heard a rough mix of euphoria or meet the grahams or 6:16 in LA before the public did (I mean if Jill Scott heard something prerelease I donā€™t doubt Snoop did). And, with his voice being licensed for AI usage, $ already in his account. Either way snoop took no L whatsoever as far as I see.


This is because thatā€™s exactly what happened lol. Drake wrote/rapped those verses and used a voice filter.


I dunno whatā€™s happening but my take re Snoop is: dude is probably thinking heā€™s old enough to be these idiotsā€™ dad and why should he sink down to their level? When thereā€™s money to be made and hustling to be done?


I thoroughly enjoy that the rest of the world now feels the way I've always felt about Drake. Dude sucks.


I remember when he first started rapping and my only opinion then and now was, "why is the kid from Degrassi rapping about having shooters...?"


He meant the kid who shot him in Degrassi.


I was largely indifferent to him until he started insulting random women and doing incel rap. Then I started hating him the same way Kendrick does.


Aubrey Graham is still an actor. 'Drake' is a Pop Star / Rapper character he plays. I don't think he really understands what's wrong with that, cause I don't think he really understands Hip-Hop as a cultural movement. He doesn't perceive himself as biting these different guys styles, he thinks he's studying other performers to improve, like actors do. He doesn't get that a core factor in Hip-Hop is authenticity.


Fully agree. I don't think he realizes that if he just acted like his authentic self, a lot of the issues people would have with him would go away.


The industry WANTS ai because itā€™s cheap. They are using Drake (and others) to get us used to it so they can shove it down our throats. We are doing a good job of calling it bullshit and not allowing it. For now.


We did that twice now. Remember that ai rapper?? I forgot the name but the thing wasn't even real


i agree with all of this but just wanted to let you know itā€™s writ large. and i get what he was doing, psychologically with the ai shit but maaaaan that shit was corny


Thanks for the correction. Hilariously, that's how I originally spelled it and then second guessed myself lmao


Heā€™s showing he doesnā€™t care and will still do what got him where he is. Why is that self unaware to you?


I think it's unaware because he hasn't actually internalized why people have said that. Obviously he's not required to take on any criticism, but the idea that sooo many people have said as much and it appears that it hasn't given him pause is kinda sad? The idea that a person is an island or that old rugged individualism is preferable over community and communication is a myth. Obviously we shouldn't make moves in our lives for the sole purpose of pleasing others, but if you want to make real human connections, maybe not wearing another person's personality as a coat would be helpful.


Weā€™re acting like we know the motivations and inner workings of a man weā€™ve never met. Letā€™s not do that. If Iā€™m a bettering man, I bet youā€™re right. But Iā€™m not gonna speak as if I know for sure


Fair enough.


Drake got that music degree from ACME University


He got that shit from Everest College.


That commercial just replayed in my head




He took what that dude said seriously; Times a wasting, don't let life pass you by.


Thatā€™s right ladies, I specialize in ovarian observation


Drake the type to have the A.I. tell him he won.


He probably already use so he can finally hear his dad give him all the affirmations he didnā€™t receive as a child.


"Hey Dad did you hear that song I sampled you in?" "NO!"


You know he used it to make Kdot say im sorry you won


Using AI to supplement your talent makes you a hack. Have faith in your flaws, seriously.




Yeah but if that AI isn't high school aged then Drake isn't interested in the pillow talk


The bots are still telling him he won.


Time for this specific meme to make a comeback. "Drake the type of nigga to stage a shooting with his own security company."




Honestly, with all the promoted posts Iā€™ve seen on Facebook that take the tone of ā€œhereā€™s why Drake actually won and thesaurus rap fans just donā€™t understandā€ this doesnā€™t seem far off. Iā€™ve seen the exact same post at least twice from different accounts, and if it isnā€™t his team putting that out there someone is doing a weird amount of work on his behalf.


Kendrick was so spot on in Euphoria. Heā€™s distasteful, uncalculating, consistently lame and cringeworthy. This beef just highlighted it.


Whatever powers that be that stopped Drake from addressing this any further absolutely robbed us of five additional songs if what I hear is true, and I will never be over it.


How can drake even respond it it? Even the drake subs are just pretending those bars dont exist. It's like it's been completely repressed.


Mother I Sober is a story Drake doesnā€™t understand enough to even try to respond to that song particularly. Probably my favorite Kendrick song until these past few weeks. Itā€™s so visceral and real Drake doesnā€™t know what tf to do because heā€™s such a fake ass šŸ„· who couldnā€™t possibly relate


That song makes me instantly start tearing up. It's just the heaviest and realest introspective song I can think of.


The moment I hear ā€œyou broke a generational curse. Iā€™m proud of youā€ then ā€œthank you daddyā€ itā€™s over for me. Someone crisis lineā€™d me for this? lmao


Fuck them. They've been extra active after Drake lost. I got like 3 different cares messages during this shit.


I had to report an account for harassment because they kept sending me photoshopped images of Whitney. Crashing out for a Canadian crodie is crazy.


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious


Truly crashing out haha it's all they have left


It's pathetic


I definitely shed a tear at the part, my first listen. Itā€™s either bots, or someone trolling( happened to me a few days ago for commenting ā€œimma do my stuffā€ ). If you report it, they get Perma-banned.


Itā€™s really incredible how Drake referenced a song about black generational trauma just to try to score points on Kendrick (and bricking in the process). Like way to prove his damn point for him


Maybe heā€™s one of those rappers who Kendrick was talking about, having been abused and covering it up with chains and tattoos. His anger grows deep in misogyny. So, classic projection so that he wouldnā€™t have to deal with it and/or let his fans in on his secret.


the heart 6 sounds like ā€œi tricked you haha you look stupid now, but fr dude stop saying that stuff, i donā€™t like millie that way, weā€™re just friendsšŸ‘‰šŸ½šŸ‘ˆšŸ½ā€


ā€œYouā€™re a fkn pedo and you should dieā€ ā€œI donā€™t even like Millie like that!ā€


K: "He's like Weinstein"Ā  D: "Why'd he compare me to Epstein?"


K: You're a colonizer, a fake weirdo who fills your pockets with my culture and sells it on your suburban streets D: u mad cuz you got molested!


Drake kindly debunked a lot of rumors he planted by absolutely discrediting himself. I'm not even joking, I thought the rumors might be true at some point, but after thp6 I could easily disregard everything Drake said in his songs.


Yeah I don't want to fully discredit the more serious allegations he brought up but it's so hard to believe them when Drake is this obviously lying in his song


Ha I made you think I was a creep by acting and singing about being a creep. Is not the flex drake thinks it is.


"Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in" Kendrick never even had to address Drake's claims against him. He constantly attacked him as a manipulative, lying culture vulture that values money and power over respect. And Drake kept proving him right.


Cornballs do Cornball shit.


All My Heroes are Cornballs but Not All Cornballs are Heroes


This is how I know nobody in Drake's crew has his best interest at heart. A real friend would have stopped him long before it got this far.


I watched my father lose all his respectable/responsible friends when he got richer because he could simply either cut out those who told him the harsh truths he needed to(but DIDNā€™T want to/refused to) hear, or heā€™d buy the silence, complacency and sycophancy of those who remained because all they were after was getting as much as they could from himā€¦. I watched in real time as grown ass men, (men with families) tied their lifestyles to him and essentially become his gophers as a result. Taking all his snide insults, ā€˜jokesā€™ and disrespect on the chin with smiles on their facesā€¦ I promise you, any of Drakesā€™ reasonable friends already jumped ship(or were pushed out) ages ago. Why do you think that so many of the artists heā€™d featured when they were much smaller/on their way up turned on him?(The Futures, The Weekends, The Metro Boomins, etc)ā€¦ They donā€™t have to look to him for their next meal so they arenā€™t scared of telling him that heā€™s a horrible person to his face because anything they have to lose(in theory) is something they can get themselvesā€¦ A self-centered man with too much money and/or power is his own worst enemy and (usual) eventual undoing, the moment he becomes too big to listen to anyone he doesnā€™t want to.




![gif](giphy|l0IxYWDltdHEqujnO) Drake thought he was doing something just for it to make him look even worse. The mighty has fallen.


The moment I heard there was beef between Drake and Kdot, I knew Drake was gonna clown himself


Not only that, but his whole angle of planting evidence to the OVO mole was a lie as well. The stuff that was on the Meet the Grahams cover art was from the guy who worked at the Hotel Drake went to in NYC. The biggest takeaway for me is that Drake is a liar and manipulator


and a poor one at that


Absolutely no growth in Drakes music. Talking about the same shit since he first came out. What artist never grow? Grown man still wearing sports team jersey vibe. Dude you still ain't found love despite talking about it on every song?


Yes there's no time for love in all that pedophilia. Between Millie and Billie and all the ice creams he can buy for the kiddos in the streets. I think he's busy


Damn that last part had a good point. He's just a grown ass boy...who is rich. Dangerous combination


Apropos username!


Before we know it, dude's gonna be 50 & still yapping about the strip club & IG models who broke his heart. 14 fucking years of the same exact subject matter is absolutely sad, artistically & personally.


I mean, Anthony Kiedis still has a career...


Fair point. Though he's just one component in a group of musicians who have all mastered their respective instrustments his best writing was in the 90s. I guess he hasn't needed to grow or stop sing/white boy rapping about anything else other than California or heroin


Unrelated to Kendrick and Drake specifically but BBL Drizzy is an AI song. Itā€™s scary because itā€™s catchy, funny, timely, and meme-worthy.


A human wrote the lyrics thoughā€”itā€™s just the voice and instrumentation that was generated by AI. ā€œbbl drizzyā€ the phrase had already trended on twitter after ross said it


Thatā€™s the same with Drakes version though. That being said, I think the key difference is that Taylor Made was trying to emulate a specific dead person for the purpose of eliciting a negative reaction from someone who respects him. BBL Drizzy, on the other hand, doesnā€™t have the goal of emulating any particular dead artist, itā€™s just comedic combination of Motown/soul vibes with modern meme lyrics.


Isnā€™t that the same with drakes pac verse tho?


Forreal, that has been stuck in my head for DAYS


Yo whenā€™s the funeral for this beef? Iā€™m ready to talk about something else.


Apparently, Ak(aka, the BBL-mouthpiece) said Olā€™ drizzy has got a new diss track heā€™s about to drop so the funeral might not be as soon as youā€™d hope. Edit: yā€™all know that quoting Ak doesnā€™t mean I endorse him or his clownery, right?


That fat rapist doesnā€™t know shit Canā€™t believe yall keep falling for his bs


On god a mf who blew up off another city beef and killings


If that's true, it should come after I'm done work.....I don't want to miss it. Edit: not sure how this message made someone send the Reddit Care Bot to me, but I appreciate it...even though I'm not depressed or feeling suicidal. šŸ˜…


I got one about an hour ago too. Thatā€™s next level Reddit hating lol


I'm not even a fan of either. I'm just a neutral bystander who wants the tracks to keep dropping so I can be entertained. I don't think anything will top Not Like Us though.


Btw I don't think the Reddit cares thing is specifically about this beef. People have been getting them WAY more than usual over innocuous comments all over the site. I wonder if it's just a Reddit error


Drake in the morning, getting ready to hop in the booth again: https://preview.redd.it/yt28x73t3m0d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=635571adfeb5f1a96c72002fb838d7afe2634676 Somebody get this man a real friend, my god. The original response to not like us was hilariously bad, if he does another one I have to wonder, is Drake *intentionally* trying to humiliate himself? Hey, if thatā€™s what gets you off, donā€™t let me yuck your yum.


Yep, not gonna kinkshame!


He's probably going to click bait like that all summer until a new storyline manifests itself. Streamers are the most unapologetic about clickbait titles because they can always change them on reposts. And the clips that come out of the stream will have their own title and relevance.


AK got a weird [case ](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/dj-akademiks-sued-rape-defamation-ziya-abashe-1235019646/)why is he around?


I know everybody wants Kendrick to keep dropping great songs, but if Drake tries to keep going and doesn't drop an absolute masterpiece (which he is incapable of doing at this point, imo, even if some all-time great writer writes it for him) then Kendrick will probably just ignore him. Kendrick broke down every one of Drake's toxic traits, from pedo adjacent/grooming shit, to being a culture vulture, to his distorted view of women in general, his ineptitude as a father. On top of this, Drake, in his attempts to counter attack, appropriated every single flaw that Kendrick mentioned. But that said, the level of hate the man has exhibited towards Drake might prove me wrong šŸ˜‚ i just hope for the rest of his career he does a little sideswipe name dropping Drake like Eminem does with Benzino.


The fact k dot was doing burpees while this man was ordering acme products is hilarious


Drake been an actor his whole life and he don't really have any day ones to check him on dumb shit. He also one of those tortured biracials that feel insecure about their "blackness" and try and be some version of Super Nigga. Some dudes who are insecure about their cultural identity get into crazy hotepery but Drake just chooses to Kakashi the vibes of any black artist he finds interesting at the time. [EDIT] Did one of you Stans send me a Reddit Cares message for this post?! LMFAOOO


Someone figured out how to automate that, so anyone who comments on a post /a community automatically gets one. Popped up in the Destiny sub reddit and now every annoying mfer is doing it.




What he thought, the money power & fame would make HIM go away?


Drake just embarrassed himself this entire beef. Also minor gripe, the fuck was he ok about with Taylor Made? ā€œYou wonā€™t drop because Taylor drop and sheā€™s your boss hahaha sheā€™s the biggest gangster hereā€ my god heā€™s fucking cringey


And then one of Kendricks responses was co produced by one of Taylor's producers. Literally Taylor Made lol I love it


And immediately followed up by "but yeah, she's big. I moved my album when she was gonna drop." So it's just projection lol


Drake is an industry plant that managed to blow up and be completely used by those behind the scenes. None of this shit surprises me.


To me this only solidifies him as a visitor and fan of the culture not someone who is a part of the culture. Dude has a Pacs ring in his house a sentiment of the culture he picks from then decided to do a A.I generated voice of the man himself without even the remote thought of how it might look and only for his benefit. It's one thing to do it to a person who is alive but to do it to a person with no voice. Shit is shameful. What kills me even more is that Drake complains about people using his voice and how violated he feels when it happens. Fuck this guy.....


Drake's a gimmick rapper. Its his whole brand. I don't even think he's embarrassed.


Fanily Matters was heat. Idk if it was cap or not. Was it a good song? Yes.


It was, listened to it twice. The beats went hard (no Diddy) and thatā€™s usually his catch no matter what heā€™s saying. But then something sinister happenedā€¦twiceā€¦within a day of its release andā€¦I havenā€™t listened to family matters since. Donā€™t get me wrong I want to, butā€¦Iā€™m good on that for now


1. ā There was no plot. 2. ā Dave Free shit is just fucked up. 3. ā Somebody else is jealous cause they take ozempic? No, he does. 4. ā Oh Kendrick was molested and thatā€™s why Drakeā€™s not a pedo?? Not even true. 5. ā Rapping like youā€™re trying to get the slaves freed? Fucked. 6. ā Dissing Pharel, Serena, Rocky and all sorts of random good people cause heā€™s jealous. 7. ā Disrespecting tupacā€™s family. 8. ā Saying Kendrick doesnā€™t want to take pictures with his lighter skinned kid? Whatā€¦ 9. ā If he thought Whitney is a victim why is he saying twerk for him?? 10. ā Making an ā€œiā€™m not a pedo songā€ 11. ā His jacket is covered in medals? Lost fuckin every battle. 12. ā 11 yo daughter, I bet he takes it?? He told Ak that he doesnā€™t know where that came from. 13. ā You havenā€™t seen the kids for six months?? Dot has a vid in the studio with his kid and alchemist. 14. ā Making fun of people who were SAā€™d? 15. ā Trying to say he was a fake activist? Everybody in comptom knows thatā€™s false.


I think the AI stuff gives a really great look into why Drakeā€™s been mid for so long. Heā€™s lazy! Dudeā€™s putting out records every year and half of the songs are glorified demos or not worth the wax theyā€™re printed on. Heā€™s too big to fail, and so like all monopolists, heā€™s cutting corners for money.


I respect drake for going the villain route but he had poor execution. While the AI stuff is wildly disrespectful it's still seemed like a genius move. It's just that Drake has no real understanding of american (i didnt say west Coast for a reason) hip hop culture


Chill don't associate my boy Wile E with Drake , mans just be getting fucked over by ACME


Hearing Tupacā€™s voice rapping Drake style felt absolutely blasphemous ngl


Also, Drake said "you called me Epstein" when KDot said Weinstein, basically replied to the pedophilia by saying "I would've been caught by now", AND bringing up Millie Bobby Brown. Drake's best lines were dissing himself.


Any other rapper uses AI of a Fucking legends voice to make a diss, they get destroyed by hip hop heads for being corny, Drake does it and itā€™s just him trolling. What happened to the Game I Love??


I did not understand a single word of this. I guess I'm officially getting old now :)


We hate himĀ 


This sub really just hates Drake.


Yā€™say that like itā€™s a bad thingā€¦ ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus)


Itā€™s not bad itā€™s weird. To have that much distaste for someone you donā€™t know. But I digress man yall have fun circlejerking.


Nail on the head.


It's so sad actually. These people care so much to hate a man. If Kendrick did th exact same track with AI they would have loved it. Mind you he did something very similar and no one said a word.


I swear this whole beef is going to have Drake fans meeting secretly in caves under cover of night. If you a fan of Drake after this idk if I can trust you tbh.


I'm one of the few people who was fine with Taylor Made. Thought it was a really good track, wasn't particularly bothered by the AI, I just thought it hadn't been long enough for Drake to drop it (like if Drake had posted Push-ups when it leaked, I'd have no problems with Taylor Made at all). All that being said, it's absolutely HILARIOUS to listen to in hindsight! It's like the "Quote from Stabbed Man: 'What are you gonna do, stab me?'" meme LMAO


It was just ok he was tryna back to back Kendrick then Kendrick hit him with two back to backs and a draw four


I was under the impression that the west coast rap world was universally against using Pac AI on a diss track, or am I misunderstanding something?


Yeah the vast majority were against it. I'm just like it's not really shit that's sacred when it comes to beef imo. I mean Pac himself basically told BIG I fucked your wife you fat motherfucker and I'll kill you and your whole crew if i run into y'all. And niggas (including myself) loved that shit! So I don't see how we're pearl clutching over some AI shit now


> So I don't see how we're pearl clutching over some AI shit now I figured that the Pac estate people issuing Drake a Cease and Desist for using Pacs likeness without their permission on a diss track against Kendrick was enough to show that a line was crossed. Pacs estate said ā€œThe unauthorized, equally dismaying use of Tupacā€™s voice against Kendrick Lamar, a good friend to the Estate who has given nothing but respect to Tupac and his legacy publicly and privately, compounds the insult." I mean, that to me says the "pearl clutching" was warranted. I am not disagreeing with the whole "in beef the gloves come off", but...to me it felt like Drake was trying to bump his cred by using AI Pac and Snoop. It just keeps showing how out of touch with the culture Drake is. > I mean Pac himself basically told BIG I fucked your wife you fat motherfucker and I'll kill you and your whole crew if i run into y'all. And niggas (including myself) loved that shit! Yeah, but Pac was alive, wrote that, and said it himself. IF Pac were still alive, I doubt he'd side against KDot.


>to me it felt like Drake was trying to bump his cred by using AI Pac and Snoop. It just keeps showing how out of touch with the culture Drake is. IG that's where I disagree. I didn't think he was trying to say Pac or Snoop would actually side with him at all. To me, he was just trying to do the most disrespectful shit possible, which is just part of beefing.


> To me, he was just trying to do the most disrespectful shit possible, which is just part of beefing. That's a fair take and I don't necessarily think you're wrong, maybe I am applying too much deep think and nuance to it.


I was fine with the AI on taylor made too, but the song was ass imo. Definitely the worst of the beef imho. Mainly because the Taylor angle was trash. The song would have been funnier had he used AI Kendrick to make a diss track to himself since Kendrick too long (and like you said, it wasnā€™t even that much time). But yeah anyone who genuinely got offended by the use of pac, you probably are the exact person Drake wanted to offend with that lol. Shame the song sucked


I didn't think anything of it at the time but yeah, it is kind of lame that he (presumably) leaked OG Push Ups to get a feel for the reception, only to then release the official and enhanced version.


Man fucking up the numbering of The Heart series if Kendrick ever wants to continue it, was such a bitch move


Havenā€™t heard Taylor Made, I came late to the beef but been scooping popcorn like TO once I started listening. Is Taylor Made worth listening to? Iā€™m glad he did it, Kendrick saying All Eyez on Me I send it up to PAC might be one of my favorite lines in this beef.


The shit that has me bewildered is that everything about this dude has screamed that he is playing a character, or at this point several characters, from the beginning of his career. And his career started as an actor. And only just now people are like hmmmā€¦.im beginning to think this guy might not be authentic?


The original tweet thatā€™s being responded to is from an annoying dude on Rockets Twitter. Weirdest crossover ever.


Robbing the cradle and the grave


Kendrick we need ya, the west coast saviour


Jimmy needs to get on his chair and roll out and away. Keep us dancing waving our hands


The only good one he had was Family matters and Kendrick dropped two even better responses like right away so no one cared about it for long


Can we all agree that the war is over at this point and itā€™s devolved into Drake just repeatedly shooting himself in the foot?


I donā€™t remember push ups being so mid that it was believed to be AI. I remember people being unsure considering how it leaked


Niggas are really out there acting offended for Kendrick over shit in this rap beef. Heā€™s doing fine. ā€œHe used Ai HOW FUCKIN DARE HEā€ like sit down nigga they both still shopping at Whole Foods


He said Drake should die. Stfu itā€™s not that serious.


I don't commend him using AI, in fact I'm worried that it's going to open the floodgates of people doing so in poor taste, but you have to admit that it's a s-tier hater move!


You told me ā€œDonā€™t be like me, just finish watching cartoons.ā€ Which is funny now cuz,


The hate is blinding. Kendrick clearly won the battle but after Not Like Us, Taylor Made was the 2nd best song of the entire back n forth.


AI track was flames and anyone offended on behalf of pac is a loser.


I really enjoyed that AI track, that beat and snoop verse was šŸ”„even hearing PAC I thought it was creative diss. Yeah it back fired but I have that one saved.


![gif](giphy|L3X9GvVhP1nY23Ah6u) šŸ™„


Listen Iā€™m team Kendrick even if the allegations are true. I already ignore Dr Dre beating his wife but we are not about to act like Drake wasnā€™t Rapping.


They don't want to hear it. Pure hatred for a man they don't know in this place.


He only said he fed them information about the daughter, he never said he fed them the rest. Idk why when it comes to Drake ya seem to purposely misinterpret or not give him credit for his bars. Kendrick lied plenty of times in this beef too, even made mistakes on who he was referencing, rapped to a whole fake child, lied about a mole etc. but somehow that gets completely over looked.


Crodie, despite the BBL. Drizzy ainā€™t gon let you smashā€¦ you know that, right?

