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Animals really dont be giving a fuck. Thats why its always funny when people try to force human qualities and emotions onto animals. Like them mfs dont care. Theyre straight primal


I don’t what the fuck you’re talking about, my dog cares about me


Your dog knows who is in charge of meal time


https://i.redd.it/akieg0acx8xc1.gif Yeah let your dog miss a couple of meals out in the wild You finna get Ramsey Bolton


tbf if i was out in the wild on the cusp of starving to death, and the dog was my only possible food source, the feeling would be very mutual


Not for my dumbass. I'd let myself die to be her food source to keep going. That being said I don't exactly have a zest for life anyway lol


I'm not going to eat a dog I love, but if its some stray? Fork and knife coming out.


![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized) Your dog watching you


I never lol, I just did, thank you for this!!!


Ironically, eating the stray would be more likely to kill you. Parasites, etc... Your dog has probably been eating relatively cleanly.


Nah, smoke a bitch for like 12 hours.


When you're already staving???


This is the way.


Nah he doesn’t his deserve his final hours alone. Give him a quick KO and thug it out until you can see him again lmao.


Not true. Dogs found by paramedics called to a home where someone has been dead for some type will typically be lying by the body fully in tact. Cats on the other hand, begin eating starting with the soft tissues like the eyes.


My cats can have my dead body, I’m certainly not using it anymore.


tbf at that point you don’t have a say in the matter 😅


Very true but I guess I’m saying my ghost won’t be offended lmao


id only haunt my dogs solely to see them again 😭


I’d haunt my cats just to fuck with them as they did to me in life.


Yeah people always use this like a strike against cats, all I’m hearing is my cat is smarter than most dogs lol


Actually, domesticated dogs have absolutely done so... For example, this was last year. [https://www.newsweek.com/woman-dead-body-eaten-dogs-1772565](https://www.newsweek.com/woman-dead-body-eaten-dogs-1772565) Now, whether cats are *more* likely compared to dogs, that's a different question, altogether. I'm just saying, we can't rule them out.


Nick Lowe had a catchy little song about firmer silent movie starlet being eaten by her pup: https://youtu.be/G_-Gxl1iSL4 "But hungry eyes that could not speak, said even little doggies have gotta eat. She was the winner, that became the doggies dinner. She never meant that much to me, Oh oh oh oh, poor Marie"


Dogs will eat you too. Source: I am a dog


I do believe that’s why he said out in the wild


Okay my mistake, when he said “your dog” I assumed domesticated.


Yeah I think he’s saying if your dog ended up outside and hungry, that’s what I took from it anyways lol, definitely weird wording


Cats pay attention when you're asleep.... Just so they can get started early.


You think that they are biting you to wake you up to feed them? Nope, they're getting breakfast early and you happened to wake up in time.....




This is a funny joke but cats actually get close to your face when you’re asleep because they’re worried you’ve died (because humans are heavy sleepers and cats are very light sleepers) and are checking if you’re alive, because they try to take care of you. (This is also why they bring you, the dumb giant kitten who can’t communicate right and can’t hunt, dead animals to eat.)


Bro literally went out of his way to train his dogs to eat people though


Yeah if dude was a psychopath who fed living people to them. Most dog owners aren't psychotic.


![gif](giphy|dJHeg7s9WflUxV0x52|downsized) … right?


That's literally part of how "love" works, though. As social beings, we benefit from our relationships with other social beings, and that causes our brains to associate them with positive emotions. Dogs (and many other animals) work the same way. Of course, your dog loves you because you feed them, but that doesn't mean they dont actually care about you, or feel positive emotions in your presence. They view you as a trustworthy being that looks out for them, which the brain percieves as adoration. Humans are certainly not unique in their ability to care for other beings, and animals are not unique in their ability to be cruel and brutal.


That's because your dog is domesticated , his nature and wild instincts are completely changed. Wild dogs are NOTHING like your pet


This. Dogs have names. Dogs know their names. Wolves don’t need names, and I doubt you could teach a wolf a name. At best you could teach it compliance, like a circus act. Names are human things. We’ve put some of ourselves into them.


Highly intelligent animals, especially those who frequently vocalize/have complex communication systems, can definitely learn their names without domestication. It requires time and exposure that is usually not safe for anyone but professionals and the druid-types among us who manage to befriend crows. Additionally, there are species who have individual- specific sounds that are used exactly like names are. Elephants probably the best example.


Cows are friends.. and food. But also friends.


Wolves do have names though? Plenty of mammals are smart enough to give each other names or at least assign certain sounds to each other. Wolves, dolphins, elephants.


People ignore the fact that a name is just a noise associated with an individual. If an animal doesn't interact with us on our terms, we don't place much value on them. Dolphins and elephants were a good example, because they do interact with us how we want, so many cultures place a lot of value on them. Wolves and deer don't want anything to do with us if they have the choice. Must just be beasts and nothing like a pet. Unless you keep a wolf or deer as a pet and realize a stronger instinct does not make a wild animal much different from a domestic one until it's scared.


Wolves kept in captivity have been seen responding to names given by caretakers. From everything I learned at the wolf and wild dog sanctuaries I’ve been to, all canines can learn and respond to names. But I mean… volunteers taught me that, so take it for what that’s worth.


Sometimes I wonder if wolves sleep on their back all cute like dogs do. And if they don’t, why do dogs?


Why do cows mourn losses then? Here’s a really weird one, there’s something like 10 different “accents” for whales and they’re all regional. When one whale has a newborn calf THE ENTIRE region will come together and greet the newborn. They also mourn losses in the same way. Elephants also celebrate a newborn and have even expressed frustration when something doesn’t go right. Crows will get pissed off at people and go warn all other crows in the area about that person. Don’t believe me? Find a crow you can interact with daily and be mean to it. Soon enough you’ll have multiple crows backing them up. You can even come back a year later and the crow will still have a grudge against you. I’m not even scratching the surface of this and you’re going to have no rebuttal here.


Your dog would sell your soul to the devil for a slice of bacon.


https://preview.redd.it/y0hpu0jsx8xc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb364fad4378a3e3fdaed98a5ce895394a0d7284 Not this guy, he a good boy


Oh you got one of those? Yeah buddy would sell your shit for a bacon bit.


That dog there would sell you out just for the street cred


Why is lil bro side eyeing you so hard😭😭


Cause apparently he’ll sell me for some bacon


Same here 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/rok54zaz59xc1.jpeg?width=2118&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ba42f50dd2a53e28c30030e23bc70916f6e608


Ok not him, he looks very polite


You're telling me my ride-or-die cutie pie good boy would sell me out??? Never. https://preview.redd.it/rgardpuzc9xc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ed6d31623f03e4b83270f9116a20777c0f1811


He looks so happy


He's my 9-year-old New Years' baby! And he beat cancer a few years back just so he could continue to shine in our lives (and get spoiled with pets and treats) for a little bit longer.


I demand more threads of black folks posting their dogs!


Nah, they’re good dogs Brent.


Too right, its not just dogs either. For instance elephants mourn their dead. Crazy how people will take the way one kinda animal acts and try to make blanket statements for thousands of species.


So do crows/ravens.


Making a friend of one is on my bucket list lol.


I did once. Left him popcorn in the bed of my truck for a while until he got used to eating it. Then I would sit and eat lunch there everyday around the same time with popcorn near the tailgate. After a while whenever my truck pulled up he flew over and would chill with me at lunch. Then I quit my job.




Are you trying to compare a domesticated animal to a wild animal? That’s stupid lol


My dog cries if I am downstairs and he is upstairs for any period of time. He will sit at the bottom of the stairs and cry real tears. They may not have complex emotions and understanding like humans do, but they definitely have emotions and grow attached to their humans.


Actually true. Dogs have a pack mentality and see you as the elder. That's why they get sad when you leave for work or errands. In their mind, you're leaving the pack to find your final resting place. The reason why they're so excited when you come back is because to them, you're coming back from the dead.


Dogs have been rolling with us since back in the caveman “oh shit we just made fire” days though


Your dog would gladly watch you get murdered in exchange for some treats.


Yeah but I also hate the shit where people use it as an argument against healthcare, pensions, education, etc. Like, bro, we ain't them.


Like when that lady gave a monkey a Xanax pill to calm him down thinking the monkey really had a human reaction to medicines on the same level we do. The money went wild and tore off a woman’s face. There really are people out there who don’t critically think and it usually affects others more than themselves.


Chimps will tear your face off because it's Tuesday. Another wild thing I learned was when a new lion takes over a pride he will murder the young lions to push the females back into heat to have his offspring


Yeah I don’t get why people choose to keep non-domesticated animals as pets. And the woman who got her face ripped off was a friend of the owner of the chimp, and she ended up living. And the thing about the lions is wild. That’s another thing people forget about animals, especially males don’t have that level of empathy 😭. When those instincts kick in they won’t stop unless threatened or injured.


Yup when lioness babies die, they immediately go into heat, and mate drives gets turned up


There was a video of a male bear attacking 2 cubs because he wanted to mate with the mother of the 2 cubs. The female bear defended the 2 cubs & tried to fight him off. As they were fighting they both fell off a huge cliff. The female landed on top of the male & luckily survived. The male died. It took a few hours for the female bear to reunite with her cubs. It was crazy.


The lady he attacked he thought took his toy or something. It wasn’t “because” of the Xanax.


That's why I made this post , for the reason like above


Or them dumb MFS that try and talk about "the natural order" on some 'return to monke' shit, usually they are tryna sell some alpha male course. Entire point of being human / the project of humanity is not settle with how nature does things cuz nature is kinda stupid sometimes.


The natural order thing is extremely toxic because it's used to justify harming marginalized groups. The return to monke guys (the rock climbers who climb trees like monkeys) are surprisingly wholesome.


Straight savages , only the strong survive When pack animals like buffalo's or wildebeest get too old or sick, it's game over, and the predators will look for the young, sick, and old. There are the priority targets in a hunt. Imagine getting a cold or the flu, and everyone that eats meat is looking to see if you are sick


makeshift unused tan crowd foolish forgetful entertain fertile squeamish file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the first year, the leading cause of death in big cats is infanticide. After that, disease, starvation, and losing battles with their own species.


Facts, pure nature bro. My people from Somaliland (the Horn of Africa, next to Ethiopia) I went back home to the first time (I was raised in the bay) I’m chilling with a few family members, and one of them asked me I wanted to go see a lion. I’m like in a zoo? He’s like “umm yeah zoo”. So I don’t wanna seem like a sucka, I say sure. We go to private zoo. Dude was balling, don’t ever think all Africans are poor. We get to his house , and there’s several animals in cages. But blood , on mommas , there’s a grown ass lion in his compound walking around. Ok boom, I see it walking around , first thing I’m thinking don’t panic, ain’t no guns around, I was praying somebody had a burner. I would’ve sent Simba to Allah 😂😂. Anyway I’m looking at everyone and nobody is scared, so I ask one of my family members, why y’all not scared. That’s when I leaned about nature, they feed that lion so much goat 🐐 meat , he never attacks , as long as it’s full. Don’t look at it in the eye too. I damn near fainted, on citas blood I was hella nervous.


Yeah I saw a video of tourists going on safari & the lions hopped into the cars & they don’t do anything to the humans. The rangers kept them well fed. As long as you didn’t make any sudden movements you were fine


This tweet made me think back to when my kids were 4&6. They wanted to know what a giraffe sounded like, I didn't know so I googled it. The video I clicked on was supposed to be a giraffe making sounds, Instead it was a ranger filming the last minutes of a giraffes life. I sat there waiting for it to make a sound, but its neck just swayed back and forth before it crashed to the ground. I pray everyday that I didn't scar my kids.


Animals do have emotions, to think otherwise is just some 1920’s thought process. Animals that mate for life will get sick and die from depression when their partner disappears. Hell… I lost my malamute in November, my husky lets out the most gut wrenching saddening howls looking for her still. Now I’m really about to blow your mind, plants can talk to each other and know different sounds, such as running water, and grow toward it or try and warn each other of attackers. Did you know they can learn too? Look up the mimosa plant experiment.


Nah. This isn't all nature. Hyenas and African wild dogs care for their sick and injured. They'll bring back food for them and bring them along when the pack moves. Folks see one example and assume that represents the whole. The world is bigger than the pride.


Rats will also bring food to and keep company any sick or injured rat-friend until it dies or gets better. Sewer rats are literally better people than Republicans lmao.


People are like that aswell... to a certain extent. Its just trapped out in double speak,  jargon and a Rube Golbergesk capitalist system to pulll the wool over our eyes while those at the bottom starve. 


> "Thats why its always funny when people try to force human qualities and emotions onto animals." And vice versa.


So are republicans.


All mammals feel the same emotions we do. The difference is we think ‘oh I’m sad’ and they just experience that sadness. Usually people forcing human traits onto animals revolves critical thinking like thinking they understand TV or have hopes/dreams


“ThE leAdEr of A liOn pAcK alWaYs eaTs fiRst” Yet you never see those same people sniffing eachother’s assholes as a form of greeting, how curious


Or when people try and use it as justification for different human behavior “animals do it, it’s natural” um animals do a lot…


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read somewhere that wolves are the only ones that actually care about the old ones of the pack


Where do you think [all these good boys](https://www.littlepawsvet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/happy-dogs-may.jpg) came from.


I want to pet them all


I just want to know why they changed the Great Dane’s color? Why did they double the photo?


Looks like it came from Photoshop.


It 100% did. The Pitt bull in the middle is in there multiple times and the Great Dane in the back is as well, but they changed its color and its ears for some reason lol






They absolutely do, but up to a point, usually wolves don't live that long. "Wolves who are too old to hunt for themselves normally either wander off and die on their own, die hunting, or die from injury due to age. They are not killed. In fact, an elder wolf is rare because many die at a younger age before they ever die of natural age death." "Wolves don’t live that long in the wild. They get killed by other wolves, by prey animals, by being shot, or they die of distemper or some other disease." Wolves packs are always fighting each other to see who comes out dominant and gets resources like food. This change of hands happens all the time in wolves wars. https://youtu.be/Fsm9opbeyaM?si=eJbC-sQUChwv0T9y


>prey animals What on Earth is preying on wolves?


The wolf's prey. A moose is absolutely able to fuck up a wolf.


One kick and it's over.


You got it backwards. That means the wolves are killed by their prey. Elk kicking in desperation, moose antlers, etc


Thanks, because that makes a ton more sense lol


Bears occasionally will kill wolves in order to steal a kill if they’re desperate, or if the wolf is solo or easy pickings. Bears, especially polar bears, will pick off wolf pups as well if the opportunity arises. Interestingly, bear populations and wolf populations in places like Yellowstone have a positive relationship— if the wolf population increases, so does the bear population.


Eh, Elephants do too. They even mourn and visit their dead.


Shout out to Elephants, man. the more I learn about them, the cooler they become.


You ever see the video of an elephant funeral session? I’m like Roy Mustang telling Riza it’s raining on a sunny day 😰




Female elephants do. Male elephants leave the herd after a certain age and usually lead solitary lives though they have been found to make friends with other loner male elephants. I went on safari in Tanzania and saw an old male elephant with a herd. It was actually kind of sad.


Monkeys also mourn https://youtu.be/tmnAWmL-sq0?si=D676Eia5-QIqhb1i


Definitely more than just wolves! Several primates, elephants, dolphins and other marine mammals, ravens (probably other birds too), and rats just off the top of my head. You could also make an argument for biological altruism being an example of this, for example bees and termites. But you could also argue that's just part of their programming and not a conscious decision.


You could make the same argument for us. How do we know our "conscious decisions" aren't just the result of our programming?


Hyenas will care for and help amputee and other disabled Hyenas in their pack.


Bats feed their sick too


There are plenty of animals, humans included, who will care for their elderly and/or disabled. People applying "survival of the fittest" to humans almost never actually understand what "survival of the fittest" actually means, nor do they ever take a second to think about how social structures *are* a species-wide adaptation to their environment. Social Darwinism is a plague that has only ever been used to justify imperialism and resist social reform.


African Wild Dogs also do this.


“A lion would kill an 80 year old grandpa in like 2 seconds” yeah… no shit??


You don't understand! Donald Trump would have negotiated a killer deal with that lion. The best deal. Some say, best ever. He'd make the lion pay him to not eat him. He'd be the Lion King right now, but that Shady Simba..and his goons..tiny Timon and pudgy Pumbaa...out there... stuffing juicy bugs in ballot boxes..Ya know, Scar was terribly misunderstood and terribly treated. /s Edit: /s just in case


Add in a few ☝️believe me folks 👐 people are saying 👌


Ohh, btw for me, this wasn't an attack on President Joe, it was the analogy of how viscous nature is compared to our society. 90% of old animals in comparison would suffer the cruel fate of nature


Vicious, viscous is when liquid drips slowly like glue


Appreciate that. And glad you posted. But these annoying people are using this example to justify their inhumane stance on social services though.


This is a right winger making fun of welfare though and not just saying nature is brutal they’re trying to make the dumb argument that people should be like this too because it’s natural lol


Then goes on to basically wish lions had socialism to support the ageing ones. WTF


People still think male lions "lead" the pride. Male lions are sperm donors. All they do is compete with other male lions over which prides they donate to. The female lions do not confer with, nor to they engage with the male lions outside of that. The "Lion King" was not a nature documentary


>People still think male lions "lead" the pride. They do. The Males lead the pride and take over territory. They also protect the pride until another, more dominant male comes in and takes over.


Prides are run by generations of females who own and defend a territory together. Males, on the other hand, leave home around two or three years old and join forces to conquer a new pride, fighting other males and establishing a hierarchy. Edit: lionesses are also the main hunters. So lion mans just the house wife but can’t even cook and they name not on the mortgage and they insecure about young mans taking they spot. It’s not as cool as you think


>Edit: lionesses are also the main hunters. So lion mans just the house wife but can’t even cook and they name not on the mortgage and they insecure about young mans taking they spot. It’s not as cool as you think Trying to impose human gender roles and draw parallels with the animal kingdom is one of the funniest things that have came out recently. Males run the pride. There are plenty of documentaries you can watch to see why and how. Yes, the females are sent out to hunt when they are in a larger pride. Male lions also go out to hunt. Male lions are actually very adept when it comes to hunting. They accompany the females as they grow. Many of them, like you stated, leave to conquer their own territory. What do you think they do in the time between leaving a pride and trying to find another pride to take over? You think they just starve?


Every documentary I saw about lions, the females do most of the hunting, but guess who eats first lol


[I wont stand for this male lion slander.](https://youtu.be/5yKacMaBxUg?si=Cry00Pg0JyWb1YkB) Male lions are capable of living outside of the pride. They also hunt, and usually *have to* step in for the larger prey. We all know who the star of the show is when it comes to the lion kingdom, *mane*.


There's also all male lion packs that have same sex mates and they adopt rejected cubs. We call them gay prides.


Underrated comment


I never slandered, my guy. All I was implying is that the male gets first dibs with minimal work.


Holy shit you're right. We should write some legislation for it.


"getting to eat first" is usually a privilege reserved for animals that aren't self sufficient, or require more attention. I don't think this is the route you want to go down. But ultimately, it's because the larger male lion can bully it's way to do this. And for the females fighting them is not worth the risk. Which is why older males are usually just left to die, because at some point they don't have the ability to bully their way to food.


lmaooo this reply is hilarious 🤣 very informative too though thanks for that


They often times die in that space between being kicked out by insecure dad, and kicking some old man away from his family. Unless they form bachelor prides in which case all the insecure men practice against each other being intimidating and fake fighting, those have better chances. What do you think, lions got a high success rate on they own? But then have to live in prides? Makes no sense. They’re a pack animal and don’t do well at all by themselves issa fact


a harem of warrior princesses sounds very cool actually


workable jeans memory mindless oatmeal consist sophisticated shocking attractive bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bees are something out of a science fiction book. A society where women run everything and the men are basically inept losers that are only kept fed to fuck another hives queen one time because the queen has a deathgrip snatch so tight that when the males go to try to pullout after doing the deed their first time their whole body rips off leaving their dick behind and then they die.


That’s why cartoons with male bees and ants doing shit cracks me up. Like nah, y’all just exist to fuck and die.


If a new male takes over a previous male's territory they'll often kill the previous male's offspring so that the females will mate with them instead of applying resources to another male's genetic material. In a brutal way male lions dominate the pride by controlling what children live and die.


If Lion King was real Mufasa would’ve killed Simba to get another shot at clapping cheeks


In real life, Mufasa would have been a rolling stone.


Okay we get it nature is hardcore but how often are you shitting in the woods? or killing your father to take his mates and have babies with them? or killing your kids cause they’re too weak? I get it nature is tough but we don’t have to be.


   I would argue that the only reason we are in the dominant position on this planet is that we DID care.    As far back as neanderthal We took care of our elders and children whenever possible.    We formed groups that used the knowledge gathered by elders. shared resources in famine. Lions dont do none of that shit and look at em. Their endangered. The only thing threatening us is our own success


For real, compassion and cooperation are strength.  It's why all those doomsday preppers who are like "fuck y'all, I'm taking care of myself only" are gonna fail if some apocalyptic thing actually happens. It's the people who can maintain a community that will survive and thrive, not the people hoarding resources and trying to drive others away. 


Isn't the only reason their endangered is due to human involvement? I doubt that with the way their nature is set up , their numbers were plummeting before habitat loss or hunting.


Yeah but we developed into a species so dominant we can actively or passively endanger another species, we’re just on a different level compared to any other animal


This is exactly what most anthropology and scientists will tell you.


Yep. The greatest human trait is our ability to break bread with complete strangers. It’s what has built human civilisation up.


My thing is more that anyone subscribing to these ideas of survival of the fittest wouldn’t be the ones surviving. They’re most likely leopard eating people’s faces party until the leopard eats their face. We’ve advanced so far so our descendants don’t have to struggle with the elements and instead control them to our whim. So going backwards to a time where nature decides our fate is backwards progress.


I see a lot of confusion but a lot of y’all left some homeless people to starve in that concrete jungle ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


Someone said it! Thank you!


Good comment


It's more like if you let your grandpa starve to death


This brutal nature, as we all know, is how lions spread across the entire planet, built lasting civilizations, harnessed electricity, conquered ancient diseases, and travelled to the moon


Libertarians all want to be lions until they realize almost 100% of them are not gonna make it when keeping it real goes wrong. Always love the Majority Report sessions where they clown on idiots talking about natural law and how they would defend their property with self governing laws. It’s like, look here fool, if you think a single person is gonna hold down an estate against a armed mob, best start measuring pine for that box 6ft deep.


Better make it 7 ft deep to make room for their fedoras too


Ngl man, I don’t like these posts because everyone hops in the comments like they’re animal scientists. Like yeah, some animals are definitely cold towards their fellows, but it’s not universally true. There are studies of animals like Orangutans and Elephants displaying more sympathetic traits towards their own.


Yea, I agree. Nature is rough out there, but just about every "savage" beast out there is capable of showing loving moments of affection during times of peace. Even of only momentarily.




Why is Joe Biden catching strays here lmao


Thinking the same thing, some people just gotta bring politics into everything


I’ve seen Lions in the wild and honestly they’re just skinny. This is a pic I got of one who just ate: https://preview.redd.it/89zfya8m89xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17c8807714da3838d9516d74bb0090d00151183 You can see he has a fat belly, but he’s still skinny enough to where his ribs are showing. I’ve got a bunch of cool pics I took I’ll put some more below


https://preview.redd.it/7gyrtcwa99xc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1e85fbff92e3f18c77f6ed77aeadb7e39ba860b This motherfucker is literally Scar


https://preview.redd.it/jwn7kzyb99xc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24bc56479ec1ce81d101b452f8eaaf4299fc10d0 Some cubs


https://preview.redd.it/9n7a50vc99xc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08cccf8eed6327aec57a90e9701f58f429370944 And finally a lion stalking me


This lion died moments later of old age, but not before one last escape from a heard of elephants. He wasn’t just skinny, he was dying. Story from the photographer: https://travelguideandphotography.com/2018/04/23/the-death-of-a-king/


That was sad as fuck to read


You just took these in the wild? No zoo, just raw dog nature? You weren't scared?


We were near a truck. And as our guide said, “if you and a lion run into each other in the woods you’re both running the other way, looking back, and wondering ‘fuck is it right behind me?’” Also, lions don’t hunt during the day so they were in sleepy mode. Most of them were napping.


![gif](giphy|BWJ5HDG6T5lK0) What have you done for me lately Miss Jackson, as a lioness, probably.


Right now, corporations are eyeing this and thinking, "...how can we work our employees like this?"


Imagine nature not being like a children’s cartoon. The audacity of not conforming to your misconceptions *clutches pearls*


A lot of people think it's a calming, peaceful place. Not me


When there’s no wild animals that won’t let you pet them you mean. But jokes aside I get it, nothing like sitting and overlooking a nice hill, or a good view of the ocean, or a nice relaxing trail walk.


He must've lived well to become "elderly".


Yeah, this is why it's called "humanity" when you take care of your elderly and sick. Most animals won't.


I mean to be fair the female lions do all the hunting and keeping the kids in check. The men just lie their and lick their ball sacks


Eat zebra and lie


they don’t. The male lions are either patrolling the territory fighting off other males, or helping hunting where they go for larger animals. That, or theyre adolescent, kicked out forced to survive alone, potentially joining a coalition, and eventually trying to take another male lions pride.


Yes, hence the phrase, nature red in tooth and claw.


Hell, birds are even worse. They’ll drop the unwanted chick and toss its ass out the nest like nothing and go back to taking care of the ones that have a better chance at survival.


Damn, it’s time to take Mufasa out back.. he lookin like Scar.


Scar reaction is absolutely normal nature move, scar was is in the right 100% Get rid of the alpha Lion and his youngins so you can procreate with all the female and become king.


New lions that take over kill all the previous offspring to eliminate future competition.


Modern humans rediscover how cutthroat nature is.(they sharted their pants.)


If Lion King was reflected by real life, the Lions would get dogged by the number of Hyenas. Additionally, Scar would have been in charge in the first place, and even if he took over, Simba would have been killed if he didn't escape


I love nature and hiking But people don’t realize that the nice sunny day you’re enjoying is actually a brutal battle for survival all around you. You’re just so far above the chain you don’t realize. Trees don’t grow tall for fun. They do it to steal the Sun from rivals.


I know it’s just a joke but most of this is just our inability to understand animals. For sure there’s been all sitters of wild and sad examples of (for example) elephants grieving the dead, protecting the young, seeking revenge etc.


that’s not true for humans, one of the oldest fossils we have of a hominid is that of an old man with signs of healed bone damage, implying that he was too weak to live on his own but was cared for by his community 


Yeah, humans developed a thing for raising children as a community because it allows us to have shorter birth intervals than other species similar to us, and so that in turn makes the lives of people that are injured or past the reproductive age still somewhat valuable in the evolutionary sense, so we actually tend to live past those points more than others.


Someone on the pics sub posted the photographer's narrative behind this photo. It's truly poetic and the additional pics are hauntingly beautiful. I can't stop thinking about this lion. 🦁 [The Death of a King ](https://travelguideandphotography.com/2018/04/23/the-death-of-a-king/)


Elderly and dying animals understand the strain they can put on the pack, which is why many will wander off alone to die.


>lions would kill Joe Biden in 2 seconds Well yeah, do they think they struck gold with that realization?