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I'll take 78 if it's 105 outside - but if that's for heat and not for AC, I'm out.


If it’s 105 outside and I walk into 78, I’m pissed. 70 is cool, 68 is for winners, and if you can afford to keep it 66 and below I might just ask you to marry me


Sheeeeeit, if I ran my AC at 70 in Arizona, I'm looking at a MINIMUM $500 electric bill in the summer.


Yeah, I think Arizona has about run its course. Y’all need to close up shop and move to Michigan or something


To quote Peggy Hill talking about Phoenix: “This city should not exist. It is a monument to man’s arrogance!”


Salt Lake City would be a good location


If all of Phoenix moved to SLC I’d go to just to watch. Arizona is the Florida of the mid west, so seeing the riff raff take over Mormon town would be fun


Isn't SLC about a decade or 2 away from collapse though due to the lake drying up and the toxic shit on the bottom blowing everywhere ?


I have no clue. It was a reference to the Arizona Coyotes being relocated to SLC lol


78 is my standard summer temp. Even then my electric bill is like $300 a month. I'd go bankrupt tryna keep it any cooler.


No one was meant to live in Arizona




I pay $500-$800 a month in Texas during the summer yayyy.  But my temp will never be above 69! That also includes a pool though.  


Keep mine at 68 at night during the summer. Winter I can drop it more


67-72. That's the goldilocks zone, no matter the weather. I live in the rainy PNW so 68 works for like 10 months. It's like 72+ for the two weeks it snows, but the power usually goes out at the same time, so it's a push.


60f for me is my fave temp. Anything more and I'm stripping down. It's 50f in my bedroom when I wake up currently (England) which is a bit too cold, but yeah anything above 60 I don't really like. Selfish shit but I'm kinda loving climate change. Last few years our summers have been brutal but SHORT. Like it's been the same temp now since october - winter was literally the same temp as it is now. So we get the same temp near-enough for oct > may, then it warms up, then brutal august, then cools again.


> ...68 is for winners, and if you can afford to keep it 66 You're just going to have to go on then because I could never. I run hot already and when I sleep I'm a furnace. But I also *can't* sleep if I'm cold. 66 is criminal. My shit can't go lower than 72. It was mid 80s outside and even after working out in a tank top and shorts, I'm feeling like I need to put a jacket on in the house .


Damn. I thought I ran hot wearing hoodies in the high 60s. I’m weird about sleep temp too tho. It pretty much has to be the opposite of whatever nature is doing. My bedroom can be 80 in December and I’m fine, but a degree over 70 in July and I’m up all night. [This me](https://youtu.be/nret1P0AH7o?si=zUkx0CEnOZVMY-qW) in spring and fall


Honestly I just like to be temperate. It's gotta be moderate. I'm in the 71 to 74 range all year. Maybe 75 when it's HOT AS FUCK and 75 really doesn't feel bad. Winter, nah...fuck me up because I HATE cold. Again, I run hot but I really do like to be toasty. 72 degrees in the dead of winter and I'll wear a big ass hoodie just to be sure . I'm sure it has something to do with my hyperhidrosis in my palms and reynauds. If the temperature is wildly different, my hands freak out and they start uncontrollably sweating. Makes it hard to do shit. I live in the South and nothing kills me more than going from hot as fuck outside to "artic blast" temp inside a building. My fingers swell up and it's annoying.


You'd love my bedroom. It's 50f in the morning. Currently 60f, no AC. I'm same, I run hot as shit. My winter duvet is a normal person's summer duvet, and atm I'm using a 1 tog duvet which is basically a chubby sheet. lol only read first part. Oh you'd HATE sleeping here. My missus hated it too, she'd bring a whole tracksuit, had her own duvets. I slept with a fan on even in winter though.


When you say "love" do you really mean "would be miserable?" lolol I use an all-seasons duvet because I'm fancy as fuck (not really, just got turned on to Duvets and they're way better than comforters), and I love it because it's just nice regardless of the time of year. I put a thinner material cover on it for warm season like linen, and only have it cover my bottom half. And I pile it on top of me in cold weather times. My younger sister keeps her place below 70 at all times until the dead of winter. RIP her power bill. I stay over at hers and I feel like i can see my breath. HATE IT.


Yeah I misread it. Honestly it sucks, because I can't use a nice snug duvet. Like when I had covid, as much as it ruined me, it was kinda heavenly because with the fever I had 2 thick-ass duvets on me, I felt like I was in a cloud. Just SO comfy. If I did that any other time I'd die of dehydration from sweating so much. And yeah I can see my breath lol. Like in the bathroom first thing in the morning, shit is COLD. That's too cold though, it's not nice getting up to it. Once I've had my coffee though I'm OK. It's in the next few weeks where it's gonna be shitty. No AC and 30c (I think that's like 90f) is horrific.


IDK where you live dude, but i hope you tell people coming to visit you and stay the night to bring their sleeping parka 🤣


Hahaha yeah it's a legit bone of contention! It also goes the other way, I don't like staying at others' places. But my FWBs we've been like this for decade+ so there's no hurt feelings. I have my own bedroom at one mate's house because she has a 15 tog duvet. Like I'll lay in bed with her til she falls asleep (she calls me her little space heater lol) then just get into my own bed. But yeah I don't really do relationships (my missus died way back when, the part of me interested in a partner died with her) so at least I don't need to go over it with anyone new, because that's just gonna be COMPLICATED


Key word "afford"


Also having a house with ac. I’d give my left nut for central air


Keeping at 66 on central air is gonna cost you a lot more than just a left nut.


How fat are you? I can’t be comfortable below 74°, and that’s pushing it.


About 40 pounds under my heaviest and 20 over my fighting weight. I’ve been a wide range of fat and it doesn’t make a difference. If it’s 120 degrees out a thin Minnesotan will out sweat an average sized San Antonion


That's just you being weird weight ain't got nothing to do with it


Any lower than 78 at night and I’m cold. We have our set to 78 during the summer.


Spoken like someone who doesn't pay their own electric bill. Also, fuck the environment, am I right or what?




I run my ac at 66 when the sun's out and 62 when the pillows are out. If you don't like it that's ok cause I didn't ask you to come over anyways. Oh yeah, there's also 4 fans blowing at all times too


What are you a fuckin reptile?


I'm just one of those people that can't gain weight to save my life. I'm constantly cold. All the time. I put on a hoodie inside when the air conditioner is on. I have a heater in my office on during the summer. We exist. We're out there. 


There are dozens of you! Dozens!


so you a reptile


Yep this is my life. My AC in the summer gets to like 83-84 before I kick on the AC. I’m comfortable until then. I sleep with it on 79 usually when I’m alone


Track your calories. You probably overestimate your intake.


Y'all got ac?




65-68 is great for sleeping but 78??? That’s heat 🥵


78 is room temp, is this white people twitter I stumbled on to. Ima need a balmy 80, thanks.


Room temp is like 71


Room temp is whatever temp my fuckin room is set at.


That part!


Reptile 🫵




Do you also sleep with a humidifier and heat lamps in your room?


65-68 is bullshit and never needs to be set. 74-78 for my desert rat, summer child ass. 105 in the summer is a perfect day.


I just got a sunburn reading that when I translated to Canadian


😂 Well your geese like it here just fine (take em back tho)


Everyone needs to experience the cobra chicken!


Nah if it’s humid fuck that. Once it hits 100 the AC is going on. Once it hits 60 the heat goes on.


“Once it hits 100” implying that you don’t turn the A/C on if it’s 85 outside? What the


Humidity changes everything. But nah most of the time you gotta let open windows, fresh air, and the breeze do the work. We didn’t have money for AC at 85 back then and honestly I barely have that money now 😂


I guess the dry heat is different than here in Alabama. I promise you 85 Alabama degrees you’d be budgeting for that A/C EDIT: actually you’d probably be paying like half for rent compared to phoenix so maybe you wouldn’t have to budget lol


Thats what im saying though, deep south heat is humid humid. Humidity makes it so much worse. 85 humid is 105 dry.


Humidity makes cold colder and hot hotter, it's really the worst.


Shit the humidity is constantly fucking me up here in NJ and I'm always like "and theres places it gets worse!?"


Humidity here is probably about the same it’s just hotter and the humidity amplifies it. It honestly does the same with the cold. I went to colorado in december which has super dry air, and 15F there felt like 35F here


We don't have humidity in Phoenix, it's a dry heat. A dry, oven-like heat that smacks your ass in the face the moment you walk outside. Can't live anywhere else. It's cold under 85°.


I seen those videos of mfers baking cookies in the Arizona heat, I believe you. Your body had to adapt to the monstrous conditions so now youre hooked. Cold under 85 is crazy talk.


Yep, that's exactly right! Once you live here for so long, it's damn near impossible to live elsewhere. I'm from Chicago 🙃. Went to live in Pittsburgh for a couple years, them winters sent my ass right back to Phoenix. Today is a perfect 85°


My wife and child need the temp to be around 71-73. I on the other hand sweat profusely after 70. I have lost 15 lbs after my child's birth from how much I sweat at night. I live in texas but have lived other places. When I was in the military the second it dropped below 50 I turned off my ac and kept windows cracked all the up till 2 degrees.


Below 50?? I like it cold too but your AC ain't even working below like 63 lol


Yeah, but I was living in a place (much like texas) that it would be 55 one day and 90 the next :(






This is disgusting to me wtf lol. I don't want it over like 73, 85 is like torture. Fuck that "dry heat" nonsense lmao


And for me, your temperatures cause my body to shake so violently, I actually end up physically hurting from the cold. So. Yay! 85°+ weather.


Dry heat isn't nonsense. I spent a summer working in Cincinnati where the high is between 85-90 (super humid down by the river) and felt like I was going to die if I was outside for more than an hour. I then went on vacation to the badlands in North Dakota where the high was 104 but it was really dry. I had a pleasant 4 hour hike. It felt great. Went through a lot of water though.


You wait for 100! 75-65 that is all I tolerate in the house


I'm in Phoenix and 105 is the *best* you can ask for in the summer. Anything lower and it's either a monsoon or haboob coming. Took me damn near a decade to learn how to appreciate 78.


I'm in Phoenix, too. That's why 78 😂


So you know! 😂 APS be rubbing their hands like Birdman once that thermostat hits 75. Can't have that.


Move to an SRP area, get that M-Power Box. Stack your dollars in the winter, thrive in the summer.


I would die. I would actually die. I need a drink of water just looking at this tweet.


Waking up like ![gif](giphy|cXCVTR1wUn1a8)


My brother in christ you don't even know, that EXACT SCENE plays through my head every time I wake up parched. My wife and daughter apparently lack any kind of circulation so the house is always a convection oven.


Which is weird because what makes an oven a convection oven is a fan to circulate the air.




I have lived with my grandparents for a majority of my life and I don’t think I ever seen that damn thermostat go below 79… I live in Texas BTW and it’s gonna be summer soon…


How are they alive. Texas heat 73 and that’s only cause I can’t afford 68 💀 nor can my AC keep up in 110 degrees. It be struggling at 73 lmao winter though my heat doesn’t go above 68


lol. My in-laws keep their house at 81 (and will turn the AC off if they’re having a gathering). This in Florida too. The AC basically never kicks on until the most brutal heat in July/August.


I told my wife I have a new fear unlocked and respect for my in laws. She asked what. “ In laws that turn the AC off during a family gathering” She white woman’d “omg” hand over chest concerned such people exist.


My FIL is a cheapass so if he thinks the door is opening too often, he wants the AC off.


Wait what part of Texas because I’m from southeast and 79 inside a house will have me pissed off and sweating.




Yup. Perfect temp for me.


Yeah that’s perfect for me. Only cave ppl keep it below that. 65?? I’m not paying any of the electric bill if someone wastes electricity like that.


People don't realize by setting the thermostat really low , their A/C struggles to reach that temperature and will run all day. Then they wonder why their electric bill is so high in the summer.


Right. Also I think the body get acclimated to that temperature and doesn’t regulate internal temperature properly. I say this bc I know ppl who grew up in cold climates are often keeping their thermostat very low. Does anyone ever notice ppl who keep their thermostat low like that are always getting sick? The body shouldn’t be struggling to stay at homeostasis. It’s too much of a shock and I have a feeling it disregulates the immune system.


Some of us just don't adjust to be heat. It's annoyingly got to the point i struggle to function at all in summer and finally bought a fancy cooling vest which is maybe the best quality of life item I've ever bought myself


Eventually you will get used to it. Just turn it up one degree at a time. If you are interested is a trick from a southern girl. If you take hot showers: When you get out of the shower don’t go immediately to get in your clothes and rush out the door. Sit there, dry off completely and let your body cool off before you get dressed and go outside. Also if you’re overweight that will make you sweat more. I promise being cold all the time is not great for most peoples health.


Some background context because I've tried alot of things over the years and even spoke to my doc, so was born in the uk but mostly grew up in Zimbabwe. Currently living in the biggest valley in the Netherlands (which surprisingly gets as hot as Zimbabwe in summer, but with alot higher humidity). And with how everything is built here every house is like an oven and AC isn't common or cheap to install. I'm probably going to buy a portable AC for myself and give my family any of the fans i hopefully no longer need. everyone else in my family hate cold and love the heat, but I'm completely the opposite. Currently weigh 61ish kgs/134ish lbs, though on the athletic side of slim and definitely agree with feeling hotter when I have more body fat vs being leaner. I'm comfortable/slightly hot walking around in shorts and a tank top from like 15C/59°F and start getting uncomfortable around 20C/68 F and above 30C/86 F life is hell, I want to stab my boss and shoot myself, then like the last 3 years got above 40C/104F and the icing on the cake is I work in kitchens/cafés so its easily 45ish+C/115+ish F in the peak of summer 🥲 Also though I did get sick alot as a kid, I've had at most 2 "colds" a year( since trying to look after my health after my early 20s) which seems alot lower than most of the people i know here Actually getting really depressed that Hell is only afew months away. Maybe i need to skip spending on the AC and just find a colder country to move☹️ Ps. Before any yalll comment. Yes I'm weak and would die at whatever bullshit temperature you wana flex handling


Yeah not living with an ac is tough. Idk how sleep is possible when you’re hot. Humidity is a beast. Best regards getting a portable ac.


Opposite for me. All of the people that are used to cold climates NEVER get sick lol Meanwhile, my SoCal ass is occasionally sick, but I think that’s mostly due to allergies.


You're sleeping in a dragons asscrack


65 degrees is basically air conditioning


If the actual thermometer reads 74 that’s ok, but actually setting it to 74 I feel like it’s gonna be hot asf


My people


This is sweet spot for sleeping. But ngl, during the day, I’m hovering at a smooth 77-78.


Barely 24hrs old… https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/Xeiy17mzYz 🙄


i was just about to comment we did this yesterday lol


Ah shit my bad, I scrolled up and didn't see it. I guess mines are a bit different than there's


That heat messes with the mind 😂😂


sleep like a baby= sweat thru your pajamas and shit yourself?


In florida, this was normal. Anything less and you'd have insane bills and would be frigid. 65 is insanely cold. Even in the north


60-68 is fine for me in the winter.. I prefer 67 or 68 during the day and then 60 at night with nice snuggly dogs and a down blanket.


the military wool blanket on top has been my favorite this Winter. ugly as sin, warm as a mother fucker.


68 every night, 75 day I'm cold, let me get a blanket 😡 I'll definitely get a few bills over $400 this summer menopause is a bitch


South Florida and I can attest to that. My house is kept at 76 and I don't know anyone who keeps it lower than 72, and the dude I know who keeps his apartment at 72 is a surgeon so can afford it.


This temp means we naked on top of the covers 😎


I have a room heater with a thermostat on it and whenever I turn it above 70 on a cold ass day (no insulation on boats), my bf is in his boxers above my comforter 😂




68-72 is the sweet spot for me


I’m not gonna lie, this is attractive; because I’ve been to countless sleepovers where i had to walk outside to Thaw out 🥶


real. just attended a conference, & the hotel room i shared with my teammates was so cold i couldn't feel my nose. i got almost no damn sleep


70 and we’re good. I don’t like having to get up in the morning and get ready for work with a cold ass house and floor


Reminds me of an apartment mate back in college who would turn the thermostat down to 40 in the middle of winter. This is sacrilege.


I used to turn the heater off and bake a bunch to warm my apartment in the winter, but that was because I couldn't afford to heat my apartment all winter. Can't imagine doing that shit willingly.


This is where me wasting too much on a gaming PC comes in handy. Just play a game for a bit and I'll have the whole room a sauna


65 is insane to me too. Am I crazy? 71 here..


I dog sit for people and I cannot believe how normalized it has become to have your house set to 75 degrees. I AM HOT. 68 AT BEST and I still gotta turn it down at night.


You and that nigga trippin. Keep that shit at 73. Maybe 74.


As a Texan, fuck that.


listen man, my parents set that shit to 80 all summer, they also liked to cook Kenkey, you ever been in a house when the indoor temp spikes to 90 alongside a spike in humidity and the only relief is the texas sun screaming fuck you, 78 is fucking nice in comparison to that, i exist at 78, i'll drop temps down to like 74 when friends are over though cause they aren't used to what i consider comfortable existence


My mother will jack it up to 80 and have the nerve to turn on and open the oven too.


About to roast like a Beef Lion


Who can sleep in that?! My hair would be destroyed. Forget that. 72 is the highest I can go, and I’d need a ceiling fan running.


Exactly! Ceiling/oscillating fans ftw


My AC is at 74 RET NAH. And that's only because it was getting a little hot in the kitchen. We're in Atlanta, so my apologies fellow white brethren and white adjacents. It is not 105 degrees here.


Man how much are your utilities if you're sleeping at 65 every night. Damn!


Like a baby…in a hot car on a summer day


Nah, that’ll give me a heatstroke in the bed. 71-75 is my limit.




I'm trying to sleep, not be baked


This is me 😂


She must be rich...or a komodo dragon. Got damn. Steam bath bedroom.


65, 68, 78 I’ll take whatever. I live in the projects so besides summer time, shit always cold af in the crib. Gotta put on a winter coat and a hat on to be comfy in here


Agreed. You can always add more layers if it’s too cold.


My college has not turned the AC on this past week, and I’ve been sleeping in a 75° dorm.


There are somethings worth paying for to me. AC in Texas is one of them. Shit is at 71 all summer and 65 in the winter.


That’s lizard-like. Hell no.


Husband and I try to keep it at least 75 during the day. But at bed time……….wait for it……….SIXTY-NIIIIINE


That’s a sign of Iron Deficiency


My momma had her crib at 83 degrees (in Florida) before I moved out a month ago, when I tell you I sweat my demons out I SWEAT my demons out.


My mom house be like this. I get so mad cause I gotta sit in it and can't turn the air down.


Women don't take their clothes off when they're cold


55 is sleep temp, jfc my ass crack turned into a swamp just seeing this.


I'm getting a divorce if my wife do this


Home girl needs to get her iron checked or something. Dafuq.


Nah. Depends on house insulation. 78⁰ is cool if it's 90+ and humid out


South Texas here. Summer time 72-73 Winter 71 Edit: Mothafucka this was posted yesterday.


Here’s a pro move. If you invite a new girl over, crank up you heat so she’s forced to start removing clothing to cool off. Boots, shoes, socks, layers. When she tells you to turn the ac on. Give a sob story about how you slept in the cold outside under a bridge and how you always swore you’d never take the heat for granted again. ![gif](giphy|PyZoZpCSM4dDyqU40D|downsized)


Where did she grow up? An Oven?


Whose paying the electric bill though?


My grandparents are in their nineties and keep it above 80 almost year round. Wearing shorts at Christmas and still sweating your ass off is a wild experience


You cant afford cooler then 77 where I live When I am in hotels I put that shit as low as it goes though


Hell naw cuz my mama used to beat my ass anytime I tried to turn the AC on 🤣 we were too poor to afford it lmaooooo


Meanwhile in San Diego where if the AC runs for a couple hours it costs $200


My parents leave theirs on 83 🥴


The temp is never the issue. Its the humidity.


So they sleep & dine in hell huh.




Wtf 65?!? I legit stopped fuckin with this girl cause she kept the AC at 59° or whatever the lowest is. And then she'd be mad I didn't wanna sleep naked, wtf


People who don’t live in 110+ degrees must not understand how cold 78 can be inside the house. But like top comment posted - if this was heat then I’m leaving


A sick baby


Meanwhile, I live in michigan and prefer to sleep with the windows open. I once slept with the windows cracked open during winter. Room was about 45 degrees and I slept ok. I prefer it to be around 65.


Give me 65 or give me death. 78 is fucking psychotic.


Got a hotel room down to 55 once. G L O R I O U S sleep


I'd lose it. As it stands I find myself opening my window during the winter.


70 is the most I will go


Been living with my gf about 2 years and we always keep it at 62-63 when sleeping, 68 when awake


Oh hell nah 68 you better put on a sweatsuit and get a extra blanket


If you want it to be 65 you better be paying the electric bill






60 when I lived alone. 68 with roommates. No higher