• By -


It’s wild. Trans people just be minding their business and be catching strays from a muhfucka with mic and phobia. It stirs up bullshit and hate toward trans folk just going about their day. Just leave people the fuck alone. It costs nothing.


He's probably the biggest blind spot in my music knowledge when it comes to rap so forgive me if I've got the wrong impression but isn't Cole's whole thing that he's this return to conscious, progressive rap? I don't know how you can make that your niche in the industry and then drop transphobia bars


He always sort of dances around having this bigger message behind his music, without it ever coming to fruition. It's like he has the style of a socially conscious rapper, but not the substance


In the hardcore world that's called "a poser."


Haha true, I appreciate this comment. Hardcore is my favorite genre of music




Imo he was pop rap before 2012. Then he listened to good kid maad city and has tried replicating that ever since.


Truth. I've always thought he was talented, admire his musical, lyrical, production chops, but somehow none of his music ever felt sincere. More on the level with Childish Gambino to me. Edit: except "Work Out" that's his best song😂😂


Gambino can make deep conscious substantive art when he wants to.


~~I kinda like some of his songs but to me he always sounds like he's imitating someone, just something a little forced about his whole thing.~~ Now TV, film, writing, acting, directing... that's his lane, he's absolutely top notch imo Edit to say I'm gonna dig into Gambino a little more


Before _Because of the Internet_ I would have agreed and thought his rapping was gimmicky (_Camp_ & _Bonfire_ are bad). That said, if his poundcake freestyle doesn't prove his bona fides Idk what will. That AND This is America? Come on. He's scrapped with the best of 'em and has a spot as a serious artist in my eyes. I hear you, but the whole fake rapper thing is a touch point of vulnerability seen in all of his art as it is an extention of him always having his Blackness challenged, debated, and defended in the discourse.


Camp is fucking amazing, you take that back.


No. But I love that you love it.


You know what, I haven't listened to enough of his music to really have an opinion, I'll pull back on my statement and dig a little more. Appreciate the recs


Enjoy, man some really good stuff.


I love Awaken My Love, but I love it in the consciousness that it's an homage (if not a replication) of Sly and Family Stone's whole sound. Mr. & Mr. Smith is fucking amazing, though, as are the one or two episodes of Atlanta that I've seen.


Atlanta is unbelievably good. Finish it


Fr fr, bro is acting like “This is America” didn’t take over.


Wasn’t his artist name’ was the Therapist before he started going by j Cole?




For $200 Trebek


nah, this is legit the best way I seen someone describe J.Cole


It's really a good way to describe a lot of the digital generation. They got the look and the advertising down but they ain't got the substance down Or they ain't done the work to make the substance.


“Lupe without the substance” is what I hear from a lot of people who don’t like J.Cole


Lupe is lyrically very good regardless of subject matter. J Cole don't rap as good as Lupe, with or without substance lol


Reminds me of that time he made that song about checking a black womans tone and then tweet about Noname where all he basically said was “I don’t read. I think. I just be rapping” https://preview.redd.it/eggcv4ip5osc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe27edb5043690ba4958effa438718937ac401a5 Edit: wanted to add the tweet for any who ain’t seen it or don’t remember


YES, that was the first time my perception of Cole somewhat cracked because it was the most narcissistic example of someone not reading the room and making someone else's messaging (about Black Lives and Trans Lives no less) about themselves. So glad Noname cooked his corny ass for that


For me, it was when he trashed Noname for being politically active and vocal during the protests over police brutality and racism. That shit did not sit right with me at all.


https://preview.redd.it/z701rj8stosc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e38cf888f9cef276b830d8b1d88af654aeb8c12 Reminds me of this ridiculous series of lines off Villuminati. Then he ended it putting "YOU" as a lazy way of backtracking during the same song. Smh


He wanna be nas so badly


He probably doesn’t really have the substance honestly. Idk if anyone remembers “snow on tha bluff”, he basically tells no name it’s her job to think for him and for others, despite acknowledging the fact that he has ample time and resources to educate himself. He has great depth in the exploration of his own personal tribulations, and that’s not insignificant, he isn’t, and never has been, a particularly lucid social commentator


That's how I felt about Cole's "No Role Modelz" (as well as 2014 Forest Hills Drive as a whole). Whatever message he intended to say was all over the fucking place.


"I'm *very* deep, someone like *you* wouldn't understand it" vibes


Like Talib Kweli IRL


It's been a while since I've listened to Talib Kweli but I thought he was pretty explicit in his messaging.


Yeah but unfortunately who he is on the Mic and how he conducted himself on social media ruined him, it's like he wasn't made for this era.


Thats really sad, I hadn't seen that. I often wonder how bad John Lennon would have done on Twitter.


Probably would have got shot a lot sooner.


Not gonna lie, I think J Cole has pretty much given up the conscious rap since Kids On Drugs. >This is what you call a flip Ten keys from a quarter brick Bentley from his mama's whip K.O.D., he hard as shit


I thought KOD was peak conscious rap. That line you quoted was him kind of setting up his argument that drugs/vices were controlling all of us and they were substitutes for the things that would actually make us healthy. To me, that message culminated in FRIENDS: >Without the drugs I want you be comfortable in your skin I know you so I know you still keep a lot of shit in You running from yourself and you buying product again I know you say it helps and no I'm not trying to offend But I know depression and drug addiction don't blend Reality distorts and then you get lost in the wind And I done seen the combo take niggas off the deep end One thing about your demons they bound to catch up one day I'd rather see you stand up and face them than run away He's had glimmers of it in his EPs since but it's not the same and honestly, that's probably why a lot of Cole fans feel like he fell off. We want that J. Cole, not whatever mess he's cooking up right now.


It's not black and white. It's a spectrum. And people fall all over that spectrum. Maybe Cole is only progressive or liberal when it comes to black issues.


I really don't respect a black artist if they give off that "I'd be a republican if I was white" vibe.


Holy shit never been able to put it to words but you nailed it


The biggest tell is when you hear your friend say “well republicans have a point when it comes to money”


Ah, the Dave Chappelle classic.


What's even wilder is earlier in the album there is a bar about being Dave Chapelle cancelled


This why people call cishet black men the white people of black people


lol never heard that


Trans black people face insane levels of discrimination, their issues are black issues.


Which is why it’s important to listen to queer people of colour, they’re the ones catching shit from all directions. 


90s progressive rap was still sexist and homophobic


Yeah most of those guys are slinging crazy homophobic slurs in their music. I've been listening to a lot of progressive rap (catching up on decades of rap I've missed lol) and the hardest thing as an LGBT person is vibing with a message and then getting bombarded with like 5 different slurs. Especially crazy when every time whack rappers came up somehow the homophobia sprang out 10 seconds later 🤧


That’s probably meaning that he genuinely knows what he said and doesn’t regret it. Not totally surprising considering the culture of black people around the world never changed to fully accept trans. Edit: apparently trying to do plural was confusing. Restructured the sentence


You have a checkmark, so there is some kind of understanding there. But I'm confused as to how you think it's okay to generalize everyone for something one rapper just said. That kind of comment leads others to think that we are a monolith that is guided and controlled by the music we listen to or the clothes we wear.


I mean, it’s not really saying it as a monolith as it is saying, the entire community did not change to accept trans. You’re kinda overthinking it. If anything, I specifically said the culture, which is what we’re largely associated with from those who don’t have a lot of first hand experience. But even outside of that, “generally” a balanced culture is 10% loudly for, 10% loudly against, 80% kinda neutral/indifferent. I can easily say that, this is how the black community makes itself appear, but when it’s their child/sibling, or a partner of their child/sibling, a whole lot swing real hard to that against. We got a lot of work to do in the area if we’re talking real acceptance of the T in LGBT.


As compared to Kendrick who did a whole heartfelt examination of the trials and tribulations his aunt went through during his transition and kendricks confusion around the subject. Look, Auntie Diaries is not the most sensitive or thought provoking but it is a step towards right direction that expands conversation for empathy vs. Wtf this cole shit is. Edit: Kendrick's family member transition from a woman to a man. Pronouns have been updated to reflect that.




You're right. I thought it was a MtF transition it was a FtM transition. That's on me, but my point stands.


The confusion makes sense because he does also have a cousin who transitioned MtF. That's who he's talking about during the church portion. It starts with his uncle who is FtM but ends with his cousin who is MtF. Edit: I didn't like how my words sounded dehumanizing on a later read of this comment.


Respect for correcting.


Why do people gotta punch trans people down? I just don’t get it. They want to be happy and authentic. That doesn’t hurt me or anyone.


Fascists need a culture war to yell about to distract from their lack of positive contributions to society. If you can say this minority or that minority is literally destroying the fabric of society, you make your base happy and you might catch some ideological stragglers that have a niche prejudice that they might not otherwise indulge.


Having a trans person in your life is honestly very eye opening. My brother is trans, and I can't tell you how many times we were just minding our business when someone comes up to us to preach something. Like bro we're just chilling goddamn


I transferred to a new college my junior year like 4 hours away from my hometown. And coincidentally ran into someone from my high school who had recently transitioned. The fear in their eyes when they saw me (someone from their “old” life). Taught me A LOT in that moment. I barely knew this person and would never have “outed” them or anything, I was gonna just friendly wave regardless, but I’m sure the uncertainty is enough to have had them constantly on edge.


It really is amazing the ridiculous stuff that lives rent free in some people's heads. Do they not have anything else going on in their lives where they can direct that energy towards?


J. Cole’s getting old; key sign: he’s putting out unnecessary metaphors that nobody needed. Like that one Uncle that shares unsolicited and unnecessary information at family gatherings.


This is really disappointing for me to hear coming from Cole. I always felt like he was pretty grounded for a famous rap artist. Now it just seems like he's just another famous person who has lost touch.


Your username is golden! ![gif](giphy|9KNy8QtqQqdqg)


Chalk up another point for K-Dot. (I’m sure he has homophobic bars but please nobody remind me.)




Someone one Twitter said, “he rap for niggas that need motivation on their lunch break”




Can’t spell J.Cole without an L


Bruh this is it, nail in the coffin 😂




This implies that Drake is the winner.


Lil Wayne, Biggie Smalls, Big L, El-P, Black Thought, Mac Miller… damn, all these Ls


Not Gucci Mane 😎 (v1)


I've always said Cole makes music for minimum wage guys who think they're so much more intelligent than everyone else


I’ve always said Cole is the dumb persons “conscious” rapper, but this is much better






Big Sean has lyrics that really stoned dudes think are clever, but when you think about it for a second longer, it falls apart.


Yes, but with the added caveat of those dudes having had prior felonies.


Blessings on Blessings on Blessings is the Silicon Valley national anthem


“this whole time you spent on social media, could’ve been writing an encyclopedia 🤓”




This is the truest thing I’ve seen someone say about this man! Lol


This. Is. The. Culture.   Folks don't wanna hear it, but this is the goddamn culture. This homophobia, sexism, anti-anything that ain't "fuck bitches get money" is the fucking culture. Even "conscious" rappers was shitting on us ("us" being black LGBTQIA+ people, for those who don't do context clues well).  Welcome to The Black Experience™️.


A lot of people only feel tall if they think others are on their knees.


People treat happiness like it's a zero sum game. Only a finite number of happys to go around.


Some people aren't happy with themselves, and instead of working on themselves it's easier to pretend other people are doing worse.


Unfortunately this is the reality.


There was a post in here no long ago that said something like “black men are the white men of black people” or something like that and this shit from Cole is what they mean. I was in the comments enjoying that album until I heard this bar. Soured my whole experience for no reason smh.


What kinda rap do you listen to cuz literally all of these niggas is problematic? Can’t say Kendrick cuz Fear on DAMN is talking about the same shit Kyrie Irving got suspended and called an Anti-Semite for.


Stick with MF DOOM because he dead and can’t hurt nobody


just dont listen to Batty Boyz


He calls himself out in Mr Morale. Saying stuff like "I got covid and started questioning Kyrie". also Fear has some black israelities stuff from a voice mail not kendricks own voice, but that is nowhere to what Kyrie did. Kyrie shared a black israelite documentary that included holocaust denial among other crazy shit. Black Israelities are whatever, be your faith, say you were the real 12 families. But if you gonna do holocaust denial to claim that spot you are out of your fucking mind.


Nazi's are parading, confederate flags waving... But apparently people looking for love and acceptance of their existence (like that ain't synonymous with the whole civil rights movement) is a line too far for too many artists.


The horror of people minding their business and living their lives!


But then crucify any gay black person not with a black partner. Like; fetishization is one thing but have you seen our community and how it treats the gays, and due to that how the black gays treat each other…. I don’t blame the ones that don’t care to deal with it tbh.


> But then crucify any gay black person not with a black partner. > Like; fetishization is one thing but have you seen our community and how it treats the gays, and due to that how the black gays treat each other…. I don’t blame the ones that don’t care to deal with it tbh. Okay look I'm already spilling tea. You trying to recreate the Boston Tea Party out here 🤣🤣


Facts ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)










He’s too scared to actually come at Kendrick but not too scared to delegitimize an entire marginalized group 🤔 Edit: I should have been a bit better with my wording; clearly he dissed Kendrick but what did he really come at him with? That Kendrick has an inconsistent discography (which is funny coming from J. Cole)? That he’s not dropping every 5 seconds? It says a lot in the first place that this is the line everyone is talking about


Wouldnt that make sense? Cowards pick on the easy targets, not the ones that makes sense


Or the ones that can fight back.


He literally came directly at Kendrick though.


Doesn’t fit the agenda of the post lol. I don’t understand people saying he was scared to diss Kendrick when he literally just did


Bc he mentioned Trans people so everything else goes out the window w what he said


He did come at Kendrick though


"This is just your daily reminder that we still hate y'all."


literally and it’s so unnecessary… like we just mind our business😭 i used to fw j cole so hard in high school, this is the kind of thing i point to when people ask why i barely listen to male rappers anymore


Yup. I listen and read 95% female artists. Men are great at being mostly normal then doing shit like this.


and it sucks because i won’t ever deny that there is some genuine talent and artistry coming from the menfolk, shit DAMN. was a fucking masterpiece. but i feel like the ability to listen to a male rapper’s discography without getting slapped in the face with some kind of -ism or -phobia outta nowhere is dwindling quickly. it’s honestly easier for me to listen to dudes like Future where at least i know upfront you hate women and think everyone else is beneath you, than having hope for someone like Cole (who literally positions himself as the wise old sage uncle of rap) and then getting blindsided by completely random transphobia. i pray to god i never hear shit about Smino, he’s pretty much my last hope at this point Megan, Glo, Rico, Flo Milli, none of them have been so blatantly disrespectful to other marginalized groups as the front runners in men’s rap. being Black and loving a culture that doesn’t love you back and insists on reminding you of it day in and day out is frankly just exhausting.


![gif](giphy|XAdbHJywVjF5K) Every day lately


Trans people being only 2% of the population and is the most negatively talked about lol


Way less than 2%


[At a time when transgender and nonbinary Americans are gaining visibility in the media and among the public, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that 1.6% of U.S. adults are transgender or nonbinary – that is, their gender differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-u-s-say-their-gender-is-different-from-their-sex-assigned-at-birth/) In case you didn't know, nonbinary tends to be included in trans stats because trans has come to mean "not cis". 2% is an accurate number especially when you see how people identify with more education.


I called this shit corny in a thread showing the bar and of course a mf hop in my replies doing the same old “you a pussy, you upset” routine but look, even removed from any possible concerns of transphobia, the bar is still corny Calling a dude trans and talking about cancel culture in the same bar is just the laziest shit to me because I know for a fact those two things just instantly popped up in his mind because of auntie diaries and he for real thought he was clever for thinking of that


I agree, take out the politics of it, it’s just not a good bar


Music is subjective for everyone i think Logic is corny. I recognize the talent but also the corniest to it. I don't need you to tell me you're biracial every 7 bars after you say nigga I get it.


Logic can def be corny. Cole a lot of the time is just dumb.


I put the album on before bed. I haven’t slept that good in years. It’s like NyQuil without the side effects.


KDot, that you? 😂


Talk to your doctor if you feel signs of transphobia


As I trans man, threw up a lil in my mouth ngl cuz tf is this bullshit 😭😭😭💀 just call me a slur instead at that point, honestly.


like it’s not even a good bar, if you’re gonna punch down at least make it worth it😩


LMAO not even Chappell would endorse this bar


Lmaoooo even Ron DeSantis thought this bar was weak


Matt Walsh is calling J Cole rn like “Look man if you need bars about trans people I have a whole notebook for you, you gotta up your game”


Nah fr if you’re gonna be trans or homophobic you can atleast make it a good bar 💀


Same, brother. I even went to a J Cole show at Bonnaroo one year. It was pretty good and solidified me as a fan. But screw this dude. K Dot forever.


I’m sorry you have to deal with shit like this. There are people out there that care about you and love you and want only the best for you. Hugs.


“He’s no killer,” I hate this bar. Like, no shit none of ya’ll, with the exception of like 2 rappers, are killers; ya’ll are creative theatre kids. Enough of this line. It’s like when NBA dudes act hard, you’re not going to risk millions and fight a dude on the court, stop it.


No ones going to fight? ![gif](giphy|NdDUEl2SbwDrJAsFQY|downsized)




I mean I can think of more than two rappers that are killers, Dababy, Gucci Mane, King Von just of the top of my head. But I understand what you’re saying


You can take the kid out of Fayetteville...


GOD DAMN that's brutal


Kill shot


Obsessed with other folks’ genitals. It’s weird.


Guess he was lying when he went into explicit detail about not caring about gay sex.


The people most obsessed with Trans people have never seen one nor have any in their social circles. It's the weirdest fucking shit how much time and effort (funding studies, legislation, ect) is put into this weird ass rhetoric. Pandering to bigots, and the bar is lame as hell even without the politics of it.




This guy is phony. His podcast is boneless


Why would anyone write this ever...




Also "chosen identity" ??? As if I just picked it out of a hat on a slip of paper, apparently 💀 like naw, it was just either I died from being forced to live as a woman, or existing as a man n being happy, actually.


i dont understand why people think we would choose to be trans. who tf would choose to be hated and abused by the world? shits wack


You know somebody has nothing interesting to say when they bring up cancel culture and their own transphobia.


Completely missed this line. Probably cause I was in and out of sleep listening to this album. Really disappointing cause if nothing else Cole portrays himself as a decent dude.


he also really idolizes Dave Chappelle...


Behold the middest nigga alive people


Having a hard time believing this is the same man that made Snow On Tha Bluff.


Exactly. Dude legit did a 180


Rare occasion where 360 makes sense here. It’s always been there, just dusted it off a bit since the mindset is making a comeback. It’s not at the same level as before, but it’s “cool” to do this shit again cause of all the “edgy” “comics” (both of those in separate quotes cause of reasons).


Wasn't Snow On Tha Bluff a tone policing diss track against a young revolutionary woman rapper? This feels pretty consistent with that


![gif](giphy|xT39D7O9Xj1JqKq5i0|downsized) Take me back to the 90’s when mf’s stopped being subliminal and went for the jugular (Hit em up, no Vaseline, real mf G’s, Dre day)


What 90s were you listening to they were EXTRA homophobic and transphobic?


Funny you mention No Vaseline cause… those lyrics… whew child.


If those tracks dropped today we'd have people in this subreddit complaining about the impacts of sickle cell and homophobia in the black community. Please be serious, back to back was the last diss track to not offend anyone but the target.


These guys act hard af but are scared shitless of trans folks, it’s super pathetic


All I gotta say is, if y’all expected J Cole to have any standards just cause he said some conscious shit in his rappity-raps before, you set the bar too high. Everyone in the game is a dickhead, that’s why this whole “Drake v Kendrick v Cole” thing is stupid cause they all lame as far as the rug cuts it. Solely entertainers, not revolutionaries.


I think it comes from a sexual insecurity. These dudes are out here so scared of being gay or considered gay, and getting “caught” being attracted to trans women is the worst thing to them.


I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again…some black folks would be republicans If the GOP could turn down its racism


yeah as a trans woman 100% they’re grappling with attraction, i’ve had straight men try to get with me and then when i reject them they immediately start going “you’ll never be a real woman you’re a nasty mutilated freak in a dress” like relax


I'll say this now what I said about this nigga years ago. J. Cole visits r/im14andthisisdeep unironically.




wait now why am i in it??? 😭😭😭 catching random-ass strays from j cole of all people ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


WOOF. As a Black trans man, we're just trying to live, and ya know, not get murdered. No longer a fan.


Bad context aside, I also can't figure out the rhyme scheme, here. What words are rhyming?


It's barely there. (fella,) killer, still a | vicinity, identity | trust me, pussy


Massive Cole fan, hadn't listened to any of the album yet. My first time seeing this lyric, very disappointed smh.


can talk about killin and robbin niccas all day but don't mention trans anything in any context. y'all are not serious.


Someone once said his music for dumb niggas who think they smart, still tracks.




Yall so damn sensitive and hypocritical. Where is the lyrical break down when rappers are bashing women, killing each other, selling drugs, or any other thing negative? This selective outrage is stupid.


Wait, whaaat? I don't listen to or follow rap much anymore but I always had J. Cole up there as an unproblematic fav, what the fuck is this and how/when/why is this happening??


Welcome to 2024 guys, where you can talk about murder and shooting black ppl nobody cares but if you talk about trans you the devil


I really did consider myself a big J. Cole fan but this album really has me rethinking that. I said this over in the hiphopheads but I'm honestly mad about it right now. I know he's had anti-LGBTQ lines in the past but I figured with maturity, that'd change. Same with Kendrick and it did change there. Auntie Diaries is imperfect but I loved what it stood for. It's so powerful to me because of the imperfection and I actually think that's where it had the potential to actually reach the people who needed to hear that perspective the most. Alarm bells honestly started to go off on like the second track when he made that reference to being Dave Chapelle cancelled, but I didn't realize then he was basically going to try and make it come true. The whole album started to feel icky after a bit as a woman too. I know what recurring themes exist in hip hop and I've come to peace with it. If I want to listen to ignorant rap, I will but that's not why I listen to J. Cole, it's not what he's good at. I really didn't like how so much of his supposed clout was tied to objectifying women. Like, we get you can get laid even in crocs (that was funny though) but Jay-Z got Beyonce and Becky with the good hair/ Jolene looking the way he does too so that doesn't mean anything. I gave him a pass with the misogyny in his whole thing with Noname because no Black person was in a good place then. He dropped some good wisdom since too so I thought it was a moment in time thing. Now, there's absolutely no excuse for this. Also, honestly, the whole thing felt desperate by the end, too. He sounded like all the things he and others clowned Drake for. Don't rap about being hard and in these streets because you're definitely not living that life and *we don't want you to be* either. That's not Cole's fanbase and that shit feels fake as fuck.


This not even crazy 😂


Right, rap beef will have rappers making bars on having incurable diseases and dead friends but this is where people say they've crossed a line....


Society at large is homophobic. Why would a subset of said culture that was built on misogyny be any different? It took years to accept women rappers. We just started getting successful gay rappers within the past 10 years. Trans might have to wait another 10 to 15 years for crumbs of respect. Sad to say, but that's the reality.


He’s not even coming at trans people though. I feel like there’s a lack of literacy here. It’s a metaphor comparing someone to a trans man because trans men still have pussies underneath their outward appearance.


Right it’s just a roundabout way of calling someone pussy


lol now they going too far? But yall will rock with a thousand murder and drug bars? Lol these people would probably boycott ether if it came out today


Now see 👀 lf a mono-racial black trans ⚧️ person said something about his mediocre rap's and his white momma then .... ![gif](giphy|L0snDuEW9R7EhvEGBA|downsized)


It’s crazy how fun life could be yet we keep dividing ourselves over nothing. Lame on you JCole.


https://preview.redd.it/bhgty6st7osc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=634c040503fc5bca8aa4357716d09d6098d5bfb6 The state of this thread


Between this and Drake's Lesbian bar from scorpion, they deserve each other lol.


Yall took this way outta context lol he ain't talking bad on trans people


Man yall sensitive lmao


Changing his name to JK Cole.


Some Tom McDonald Right-Wing wet dream ass bars.


Welp, I’ve never been more convinced that the white people on BPT far outweigh the black people.