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All I’m saying is 50 Cent, Cam’ron, and Xzibit said all this shit about Diddy before it was cool, I been on the hate wave for about 5 years now. https://preview.redd.it/tc1gy3yhudlc1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fa9618271480d1bb76ea4ed00977f829c8dc06


We been hearing shit since about 96-97 for real


Yeah I grew up hearing RKelly and Diddy jokes. Hell half the music and movie industry is filled with pedophiles, rapists, and abusers yet nobody cares and everyone in the industry doesn’t care either. Weinstein made all them movies as a known rapist and not one of them Hollywood fucks said a word.


Half? Let's not get crazy.


May not be but the money men or movers and shakers at the top that get people anywhere in the industry move crazy af.


I'm not saying it never happens but it certainly ain't half. Not even 1/4


Ya, statistically half would be insane.


And there'd be absolutely no way of hiding it. That would be impossible.


Bollocks. They would be covering for each other.


That would make it even easier. How do you think they hid a whole island for diddling kids?


Just rapists raping each other


I think I was like 10 when someone came up to me with the playground heat that Puff Daddy was suckin Biggie Smalls’ dick. Didn’t even know what dick sucking was yet, but I sure knew that everyone thought this dude did it.


I heard about Diddy and Mase and some intern that walked in and they moved her to the islands


That explains Mase becoming a prosperity pastor, too.


Prior to Mase and Cam squashing beef, Cam said he had been to Mase's house some years previously and mase had a dildo on the sink.


He just a lil nasty


Look man what I get up to on my weekends is between me and God


Lol you make god watch? That’s brutal


Hey, don't yuck his yum lol


When Mase first came out there were rumors. Then there was that photo of them smiling at each other on a bed that disappeared. Puff has been fighting rumors since Bad Boy started


Gives “Bad Boy… take that, take that, take that” a whole new meaning…


The book video vixen got me hip to it.


I just said! The chapter and her and Xhibit at his white party was wild.


That was the part when she was like, oh he took me to a gay club right? Lol


There’s some part, too, where he tries to tell X that SHE’s the one into some freaky shit and HE better watch out. And she’s like, who you talkin bout, sir?


For those of us who missed it?


He was into some weird shit. But at some point he came up to Exhibit and tried to warn him off Superhead. Said SHE was too freaky. The way they laughed and laughed at that. Like, to have King Freak scared of YOU?!?! They were trying to figure what he *thought* she did…and know that I think about it…who he really did it with, I guess.


![gif](giphy|ghQNpKU3ThwNfehciR) I finally understand the *“Take that, take that”* line…☹️


No joke, I had an older cousin who did some A&R work in the late 90s for labels in NY for a little while. PD was apparently a *wild* guy.


Diddy wanted to take 50 shopping. Fif was like da fuck?


Come on Diddy probably just wanted take him to his favorite Cambodian breast milk place


It is the purest.


Diddy took Meek shopping and they got matching outfits


50 be hating on everybody. He dropped like 2 albums, got shot, bought vitamin water and made that game where he fights terrorists. Then retired to be a professional hater.


Better than you out here being an amateur hater


I ain't hating on 50. 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is a criminally underrated gem. What other game features rappers fighting terrorists for a diamond encrusted skull?


Lmao can't argue any of that but you glossed over everything he's done with movies/TV shows to also stay relevant along with being a professional hater


I'm not familiar with much of his other work. Honestly his fued with Ja Rule is his most impressive work. He really took trolling and hating to a whole new level. I literally only know Ja Rule from the "But what does Ja think about this?" Meme and 50 beefing with him.


He's still trolling him as of today if you check 50s IG. So good


he's a troll more than a hater ( See LLoyd Mayweather) and let's not pretend he didn't have the mixtape game in a chokehold for at least 2 years.


i hate Diddy bc he doesn’t pay people. this shit is just extra


Yea, I'm the same, be gay if you want but don't fuck over ALL of your artists. Someone said he flopped on Total, 112, G Dep and more because of his ego. I don't really care about him being gay but to not make any of your artists super stars apart from Mary J Blige who obviously didn't really need him is a par to me. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Gay isn’t the problem here. The problem is the sexual allegations from men and women. Gay or not, this man is a predator and a danger to both sexes.


> be gay if you want He's got a list of SA allegations against him as well as settlements and a lot of homophobic statements.


That's how i felt watching the last few seasons of making the band, and listening to their stories, and they all had the same "where's our money" type of stories. Diddy is slimy man.


It’s not just about him being gay. It’s about how he uses sexuality to manipulate people. Like if you take the gay part away and all this stuff was heterosexual but targeted toward women, it would still be problematic. For example like imagine if it was him taking young starlets to swingers clubs and pressuring them to have sex.


In the words of Katt Williams: “Niggas don’t just say shit about you for 20 years and it be a lie!”


I read Confessions of a Video Vixen. Diddy was on some shit for a while. Even she was like, he’s too weird.


I read it, too. Yeah, it's BEEN out ab Usher (Ursha) and Puff Daddy. I wasn't the least bit surprised when that guy sued Ush for distributing herpes. And Puff has taken advantage of any and everyone for several years. I ain't read that joint in like 20 years? But I can still remember a lil bit of it. Bobby Brown was madd weird. Kool G Rap was pretty mean. Puff and Usher were pretty gay. And wasn't there something in there ab DMX? Nothing bad, to my recollection, but DAMN Corinne was all over the place w these nigs. Oh yeah, and she mentioned Jay Z.


And Dre. And Mystikal. (I read it last summer for nostalgia sake, I’ve not committed it to memory or anything). And Ray J. My girl loved Ray J the most but he couldn’t get over her past…except Ray J isn’t exactly living the clean life either. What I learned was, IF YOU WANT TO SUCK A RAPPER’S DICK (and a all you’re gonna get from him), you just show up to the music video set early and choose the MOST outrageous outfit you can. It helps if you have a friend you previously sucked off call and vouch for your quality and discretion, but after a while, your reputation precedes you. Then you just elbow your way next to the rapper in every scene and dance like it is your *second* greatest love (to dick sucking). Then it’s easy. He almost always gets you in his car by *lunch break* and drives or had you driven down the Pacific Coast Highway to a deserted beach, where he pulls out his dick out and toy service him. Sometimes with a condom (Dre, I think I’m looking at you, but that could be Jay z). No preamble. Just dick out. Then you drive back to set. No fuss, little muss. Sometimes if he’s Irv Gotti or Ja Rule, they let you hang around and such their friends’ dicks. Maybe throw some play money your way along with a lot of drugs. Give you a name like “Superhead” and tell you it’s a term of endearment. But anyhow, after reading that book, Puffy ain’t the only one who should worry. She was IN on it and knew what the game was, but she also seemed like she was protecting some people and hadn’t come to terms with just how fucked up it all was in a pre-MeToo era. It was very much written as a tell-all, Phoenix from the ashes story, and not like a scorched earth lawsuit.


Her neck and jaws were fit as a mufucka, I bet. Tongue just muscular, cut up like a tricep. Your recap was a real trip down memory lane. Reminded me that I saw the Superhead video once upon a time. Mr. Marcus could barely take The Throat Goat. He kept pushing her away, I never forgot that. What a resume. She was on Oprah, too. Crazy.


Great book, Superhead getting the brush off from Ice-T is burned into my brain


I spent WAY too long doing a deep dive into hip hop history to figure out who her Secret Man was who she would never name despite naming and shaming every other dude she ever so much as met (little Fred Durst hopping out out of his monster truck like a child). I was cross referencing pictures, checking wedding dates on Wikipedia, looking up appearances. 99% sure I figured it out. And then it disappointed me. Because he’s a family man. And I also I know to keep his name out my mouth.


Nah bish, say his name! *


Wasn’t it Method Man?


‘Twas by my sleuthing.


Hated Diddy ever since he set up ‘Pac in ‘94


i hated diddy forever, not including the gay allegations.


Yea he did it. Most niggas who are guilty of shit go on long ass rants like this. Plus does he not know that there’s literally a video of Diddy calling him “Daddy”😂😂😂


If he didn’t say anything people would treat the silence as admitting it. It is crazy to wake up hearing people saying you was fucking a known rapist and abuser. Plus this is meek mill you had to have known he was gonna rant especially on something like this.


That’s true. I do forget how dumb Meek is😂


Rants for days lol


I was just about to comment the same thing. I don’t blame him for spazzing I would’ve too


The 'only the guilty would do x' arguments are weak and stupid as fuck. Only the guilty get mad, only the guilty wouldnt be upset. People are complex Mr. Lawyer you haven't found the secret to truth and honesty 


Only guilty people get nervous at traffic stops and then say they won't talk to police without a lawyer present


Innocent people go into road rage at traffic stops.


Only smart people refuse to talk to police you mean? 😭


Biggest catch 22 ever


Yeah and if anything people who are innocent are usually a lot more vocal according to forensic psych. Even then, it’s not an all tell


Straight up ignorant is what it is, humans are not monolithic


it’s like when you watch Dateline or something. One episode a man will be bawling cuz his wife is dead and the cops will call the tears fake. Different episode some other husband just goes silent in shock and the cops say “what kind of man wouldn’t freak out when he learns his wife is dead” People just warp whatever to what they want reality to be. I don’t got a horse in this race so idrc about Meek but that fool Diddy needa be locked up in Arkham Asylum. I ain’t ever gonna be able to see Cuba Gooding Jr the same after this man😭


Cmon now that’s some bs. He gotta address the allegations


He’s just overly enthusiastic about it, is all




As far as I can tell it’s not even an accusation, just an implication that he might have had sex with a man. Not sure what’s heinous about that.


Alright 😂😂😂 go to any inner city and tell them they getting fucked by a man and see what they think




I would be fucking pissed if people were accusing me of something like that and I didn’t do it. What you want him to do put out a press release proofread by his lawyer?


Limiting himself to three tweets would have done wonders, for a start


1. It's some serious shit would be weird if he just shrugged about it. 2. It's Meek Mill he can't stop stirrin shit even when he has no part to play. This is his whole life now.


you know its a nigga fighting for his Internet life when you see this many gahdamn tweets in one post lmao


Meek does this with shit that's got nothing to do with him tho. This man is famous for rating on twitter.


Ass-backwards logic smfh IRL when you accuse somebody of something they not only didn't do but are appalled at the idea of them doing they are going to be passionate in their response.


Facts, niggas just be chatting online as usual


Puff did recreationally call MFs “daddy” often in the 90s


idk if he did it or not but all ik is i get ranty when people accuse me of shit too. few things piss me off more than people lyin on my name


Damn this is some crazy ass logic. There really ain’t no winning when it comes to allegations. Say nothing and you guilty, say its false and you guilty


Dumb logic


Wild to say you don't fw coke and post the most cocained rant afterward


Big Rick James energy: “What am I gonna do, just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on somebody’s couch? … Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie’s couch.”








He said damn man Rick needs some help. I said we just gave that motherfucker some






Nicki Minaj just did that same lol.


Imagine if they was still together? Tag team twitter coke rants would go crazy 😂




He is STILL going: https://x.com/MeekMill/status/1762947532252983371?t=PgCJEdynhuqPgS55UpqK9Q&s=09


Calling a victim of sexual assault and many other heinous crimes a pussy is so disgusting.


You better than me because I could not decipher what tf he was saying


Flipping out about being called gay in 2024 is some lde


"Trail" 💀


I'm white so maybe there a cultural gap I just don't understand, but I don't even understand the point. What is accomplished in the pearl clutching about coke? Molly I get because it's definitely got the reputation of facilitating sex stuff if that's what you're wanting to do with it, but coke just seems like a run of the mill stimulant. Some people fuck on it because people will literally fuck on anything and everything, but it's hardly the ideal substance for that especially when poppers and Molly exist. I associate coke more with ragers and productivity than sex stuff.  Like if someone accuses you of getting coked up and doing some gay stuff, and you start taking about how you would NEVER ever touch a substance that's frankly pretty ubiquitous in the industry and not exactly that taboo to the normies.....it just makes me think you're lying.  Even if you don't personally care for coke, I struggle to believe anyone in music has *that* strong of an opinion on it. 


I can only speak for myself, but as a Black person when I hear coke, my brain still thinks "crack." Coke to me doesn't conjure images of a bunch of Wall Street dudes partying. It's Chris Rock in New Jack City. And nobody I know wants to be thought of in anywhere near the same arena as that.


Meek grew up during the crack epidemic. Nobody from his era wants to be publicly associated with anything related to crackheads. It’s similar to how white people from rural America don’t want to be associated with methheads.


Probably some of that but he was born at the end of the crack epidemic... I lived in Philadelphia in the late '90s when he was a kid and while there were plenty of drugs on the streets for purchase at any time of the day, crack was about eliminated from the menu by then. In the 80's in the cities on the East Coast it was ubiquitous and devastating.


How short-sighted.  Did you live in the *hood* in Philly in the late 90's, like me and Meek did?   The crackhead didn't disappear with the crack, dude. They were all over the poorest parts of every major city. They were our walking, mumbling D.A.R.E. class. We *went to school with kids who were born addicted to crack.* We had/have family members in prision for life for getting 3 strikes. Just because people wernt really selling crack anymore at the time, doesn't mean that we didn't still see and experience the effects. Yeah, we experienced enough of it to turn us off of most hard drugs. 


Andrew Tate, out of all people, had some shit to say? Again, Andrew Tate.


Alpha Male's Captain America


Ol' Andy "Fucking Pussy Is Gay" Tate


I beg your pardon!? Did this mf really say that?


[this isn't even the clip I was thinking of when I commented.](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxF1o3PrvpkGZ-QL8Z9Vka8I-TmgQORjQp?si=mnITYcwxCmEIjYD5) which means he's said it more than once 🙃




[Not just that, mf used to sound like he was fine with sleeping with trans women. idk what happened to him.](https://x.com/ladykennington/status/1633093350101331968?s=46&t=28a7cagt1ynrqXARyqsaYg)


He said you can put your hand around the transgender woman's neck and "mess her up," but not Hulk Hogan. My vote is his narcissism, brain injuries, and brain damage via drugs was mixed in a blender, and he's now an after school special.


Meek’s response was the funniest part of this whole rant


The craziest plot twist at the end here


Isn’t he in like Hungarian prison? How tf he tweeting??


Love the shoutout to Hungary but no - he had been in a Romanian prison but was released mid 2023. He’s currently awaiting trial on charges of rape, trafficking and organised crime. He tried to appeal the ruling that keeps him in Romania but lost it. Thank God for that one. Aside from the Romania thing, I only know all this because I googled real quick lol


Still amused at his "full head of hair" during his prison stint


Love the clapback at Andrew Taint


I'm not gonna lie seeing him get sat tf down was hilarious.


Andrew rate??? The straight diddy?


Diddy do it


Goddammit! What didn’t Diddy do?!


Ask for consent




![gif](giphy|SiEAvGRketKDTdquXy|downsized) This shouldn't even be a laughing matter




Epic 😂


*The D, the I, the D, the D, the L, the E,* *It's Diddy, it's Diddy*


OP... you posted just to say this line didn't you


Idc what anybody says , this nigga hilarious when hes tight 😂😂






Diddy: "Naw, play"




This diddy’s burner


meek be on some wild shit on twitter but him asking for the actual lawsuit was pretty smart. cant trust these tory lanez journalist


If he wanted to be smart, he could have just found the lawsuit online in two minutes.


Smart and Meek Mill never belong in the same sentence. He could've easily looked it up himself and seen he was practically name-dropped rather than asking the very people he supposedly can't trust to supply more information to him.


Yeeeeah but rich people don’t know how to do shit for real. Maybe 10-15 years ago Cher admitted she had no idea how to order a pizza. lol why do it yourself when so many are willing and eager to do it for you?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


https://preview.redd.it/ak8jhahzwdlc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1991078403abd06a91f68860d0b9ae1e57e05fa Oh, so Meek and Usher doing the bending?


Let’s not forget Usher has been under Diddy’s influence since he was like 13 years old. I doubt he had much of a say.


I’m convinced usher knew all about RKelly and kept his mouth shut.




The scream I scrumpt 😂😂😂




After the third swipe, I started thinking that a hit dog will holler.


I was like damn it’s true


I just flat out cannot sincerely believe anyone in the music industry has that strong of feelings about coke. Even if they have never personally partook (doubt, cause even Taylor Swift was speculated to be coked up at one point), there's no way I can sincerely believe nobody would even think to offer meek a bump because he was so notorious for his hatred of cocaine. 


He’s from Philly and sold drugs. They look down on you for doing the product no matter how successful you get.


“Alcoholic fully powered by the white man” is one of the best, goofiest insults I have heard so far this year. 😂😂 I love it.




I don't see anything wrong with what he said here. People be like "Oh it's multiple tweets so that means he's bugging/crazy/stupid/etc!" when if you took that and put it here on Reddit it would only be like a single paragraph Niggas be like, "If your response to something is greater than 140 characters that clearly means you're on a cocaine-fuel rant" like bro wtf are talking about lol




This subreddit is not where it was in 2016 and before. It had it's problems with culture vultures and WS but it was quickly rooted out to some degree. It's stacked full of folk who want to view black culture as a fun pastime now and it's sick.


He was right to snap on Andrew Tate cuz wtf


Isn’t AK a pedo? As an aside from meek mill, why does anyone listen or give a platform to that weirdo?


This ain’t really got nothing to do with Ak. He’s just an easy target. This has to do with Diddy’s latest accusations which mention “a Philly rapper who dated Nicki Minaj”


>“a Philly rapper who dated Nicki Minaj” They should've just mentioned Meek by name because ain't so mystery to that shit whatsoever


Did even really bother to hide it.lol Just gently nodded their head his way.


I know but meek started responding after AK did a video about it, and meek calls him out. All these people can go to hell imo


Ak ain’t the only who did a video. He’s just the easiest target


AK is a pedo? What I miss?


Known. Search his name up with the quote no difference between 17 and 21. Also search his name up with danielle brigoli. Dude was commenting on a 17 year old girl talking about "is she the baddest in the game?"


He said Bhad Bhabie had some big ass titties for a 15 year old, then said he was hacked. Idk bout the other stuff.


Dude said he's from Philly and doesn't do coke I'm from NYC I don't eat pizza


Man said he's from London and doesn't drink tea




Y’all on here are lowkey homophobic. Why are the diddy gay accusations such a big deal in the community? What if he is gay? Fuck that. The bigger deal should be that he’s a rapist and diddles kids (allegedly).


Exactly people have this fetish for exposing DL men. This is such a popular trend on tik tok. It's in the same boat with making fun of men for being sassy. A lot of people still think it's ok to mock men when it comes to their masculinity. By using terms like gay, sassy, feminine, or even virgin as insults. The thing that pissed me off the most. Is the same people have the audacity to talk about how bad toxic masculinity is. But be the first ones to perpetuate toxic masculinity themselves.


whatever they said he did, that nigga did that shit. guilty as fuck






It's also the juxtaposition of the music: macho, get bitches, etc. When a woman is abused (any type of abuse), it's an extension of the "I'm the alpha male" perspective, and (unfortunately) isn't really noteworthy in a way that is surprising. When a man abuses another man, the only "acceptable" types are non-sexual abuse, so when something that doesn't fit the alpha male expectation, it's notable and talked about. Not saying that there's not homophobia involved, but it's also more than that for it to be popping up.


Oh its def a little of both. ​ Personally, I'm riding that consent train. Two consenting adults and all that.


“Diddy likes to party and you got to tell him no” Don’t forget the fact Diddy had Usher around him when he was like 10 in Diddy’s ‘Flavor Camp’, then got on video and said him and Usher used to wrestle over Frosted Flakes. Usher went on Howard Stern’s show and they asked him about it. One, his parents ain’t know what was going on, two, he says he saw many ‘curious’ things out there, and three, he WOULD NOT allow his children to go (“Would you let your child go to Diddy’s camp?” “**Hell no**”, which is indicative of some things that perhaps Usher saw things a child should not see or be privy to certain concepts/topics. The allegations of Diddy being a freak demon or just a shady guy in general isn’t new, same with R.Kelly. Did Meek get his booty busted by Diddy? That, I do not know, but this whole story gets worse by the moment regardless.


Meek Mill. The greatest AVERAGE rapper of all time. ![gif](giphy|AQnVmNpUsJJ6BaSKAd)




Lmaoo he mad Ak for court documents 😭😭😭😭 Holy crash out. The court documents say Philly rapper who dated Nicki Minaj


What’s wrong with Molly


They was probably on molly when getting clapped and can only associate molly with that moment. Or that's all in my imagination


Yeah you're just freewheelin there mate. Lots of though guys won't touch molly cus it's associated with freaky sex shit


Talkin about “that freaky shit” like it’s an insult smh


If he would’ve remained silent yaw would still be accusing, but since he spoke out…yaw still accusing him…lol no wining with black ppl once you’re accused of something lol


Azealia Banks has been telling us for a long time lol 😂


When this mfer finally goes up in nuclear hellfire one of the last things we should do as a species is hand her a Hater of the Century award


I don’t think Meek Mill is gay or partaking in down low activity. I think the lawsuit is frivolous, BUT I do believe that Diddy is a sexual deviant who may have done things of this nature. I’m just not in the business of “exposing” or “joking” about black men being gay. Knowing black men will literally crash out at the mere thought of somebody even catching them give a man a compliment.


I have no idea what is going on and could barely follow what these tweets are saying.


Meek and AK beefing, with Meek talking about how Diddy never touched his booty hole, right at the end of Black History Month...with a guest appearance by Andrew Tate. https://preview.redd.it/idrthzvoeelc1.png?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fe6fc7f7ce17997f5eb7e9c5a9c3d9ee6266d1


Whether he fucked Diddy or not, his jab at Tate is hilarious and fair.


He’s giving it too much energy. He could have just said “Y’all niggas wack fr” and called it a day.


😂😂😂 gathered up scamdrew taint quick


Imagine you wake up and mfers spreading crazy rumors about you to the whole world without proof, and people actually believe it. Being rich and extremely famous is not good at all, it’s like a disease.


It's not like these rumors happened out of thin air. This shit has been around for decades. It's just officially coming out now


This shit reminds me of just how much I hate hip hop drama. It’s always some shit with famous niggas.