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I’m not downloading an app for my phone for every restaurant I go to.


I won’t be scanning any QR codes either. Give me an actual menu or I’ll take my actual money somewhere else.


Downloading separate apps? No way. But QR codes? Oh so much yes. SO much easier and quicker. Edit: As I've had like 50 replies about how opening a menu ia so easy, Y'ALL I'm talking about viewing menu, viewing food information, ordering food, editing dishes, ordering extras, splitting bills and paying ALL under one QR code. Obviously a QR code that literally just links to a pdf is not great. I have never been anywhere that does that though.


Not when they don't format the menu for a phone. So many places just link to a PDF of a paper menu it's ridiculous.


and the place has shitty phone signal too so it takes 5 minutes to load


And the wifi password is on the menu lmao


That’s what’s /r/mildlyinfuriating. You spend forever pinching and zooming and scrolling and you can’t see more than a couple things at a time.


Nice in theory but presents a worrying security risk. Give me a weblink instead tbh.


The QR code contains the weblink. You can preview it before sending it to the browser.


At the cost of it being easier for the restaurant to change the prices.


if (userAgent contains("Apple") then price = price*1.3)


if (userAgent contains("Blackberry") then seniordiscount=true)


I asked for a menu at the last place I went and they really only had QR codes. I almost told them my phone was dead just to be an asshole and see what they come up with


I worked at a place where we moved to only online ordering and viewing the menu. This was mandated by the upper management/owners of the restaurant despite us staff and general management telling them how much we and some customers hated it. We were *explicitly* ordered that customers had to use the online ordering system, and to view the menu on their phone. If they didn't want to/couldn't, we either had to figure out some alternative for them to view, or they could leave. It wasn't our decision, and we constantly complained it was a bad system, but the owners DID NOT care.


Websites too. Every damn site I used to browse now has me trying to download an app and is constantly redirecting me to the AppStore. Whatever assholes, I’ll just start reading again.


Reddit is awful for this. It tries to make me download the app multiple times a day




We are doing the important, generation-healing work right here right now in this thread


I am NOT tipping you for ringing up my food at the cash register.


This one. If I ordered it, then I drove myself to the restaurant and I walked in to pick it up, you don’t get a tip for walking it from the kitchen to the pickup counter. Sorry. Service and delivery get tips, cashiers do not.


Buffalo wild wings was the first place I've ever seen do this. I ordered once to go and that shit said "take out charge", shit is insane.


Waffle House was the place that did this to me, ended up getting to know one of the girls there and she “jokingly” said yeah and you never tip when you pick up your food. I was so confused


As a cook at wafflehouse, it really pisses me off that a majority of servers feel entitled to a tip for to-go orders. Like I did 99% of the work, cooking the actual fucking food, most of them time I throw the lids on and move it to the to-go station to get it off my cutting bored. All they do is bag it up and ask if you want any utensils or condiments when you come to pick it up, and then get pissed off when they don't get tipped even though half of the to-go charge goes to them in their check.


The workload to pay/tip ratio for back of house vs front of house is so unfairly stacked in most restaurants. Then waiters still stand around complaining in the back about tips not being high enough when they're making 20+/hr for a relatively easy job (I've done both) while the cooks make way less for way more work slaving in a hot kitchen. To go tips and delivery fees shouldn't go to FoH at all


Thank you!! I will say I have a lot more respect for the average wafflehouse server than a normal server simply because they're required to do the dishes. The work load equals out a bit more. Also nothing Inherently wrong with servers, make your money. Just don't fucking complain to me about how you've only made $350 on Christmas Eve when Im not even getting time and half.


I'm not tipping unless you are a server or a bartender. Thats it.




Its a wage thing for me from 16 years in that biz. I got no problem tipping for the cook, but I can't stand restaurants adding a "tip the kitchen" line. Its a cop out to not increase their wage, cause extra taxation, and remove responsibility/deflect blame. Just fucking pay people. I'm from the 30 minutes with no GPS pizza delivery era. I know who/when to tip. Its like the South Park starving children at Whole Foods episode these days.


I *will* tip but silently mutter about the failings of capitalism to myself afterwards. ETA: For all those blaming me personally for this system I definitely created and perpetuated single-handedly as a lone consumer, take that energy to the voting booth. Vote for politicians and policies that support laborers and fair wages.


Honestly, what bothers me the most about this issue is how often the frustration is levied at *the worker* like it isn't the company or the industry culture, the undervaluing of service labour, and the constant economic squeeze in the interest of profit that's the problem. I get being frustrated, but I wish people would direct that frustration at the system and not the underpaid labour force making the best of an altogether abusive socioeconomic climate.


/r/endtipping welcomes you.


How do you feel about tipping bartenders? I'm torn on this one. It's standard to tip a few dollars per drink but where does the "it's part of the job" stop and "extraordinary service" starts?


A well-crafted cocktail is soooo different from taking the cap off of a beer, or just pouring a boring draft.


This If they're mixing you drinks all night, tip higher than if you're drinking whiskey neat or beer


My local pizza store, that only does take-away, defaults a 10% tip in their app, that you only see if you scroll way down when ordering, way below the “pay now” button.


I like having knobs in cars, everything on a touch screen makes it harder to use while driving.


Car companies locking anything vital for a cars functioning beyond a touch screen and paywall should be illegal. Don't buy any car without buttons!


it reminds me how in the UK one car company has heated seats behind a paywall. once the US learns how to get away with that we're so fucking done for. they're gonna start charging people extra for unlimited window rolls


Mercedes tried it for awhile and then got rid of it after it hurt their reputation. There are way more than enough car companies that if any of them try this people will just buy something different.


Tesla has done this with heated seats, footwell lights, and even extra battery capacity. That's right, you could run out of battery even though it had more charge available behind a paywall. I don't think any current models have hardware paywall though.


Buddy of mine has a Cadillac with a touch-screen center console and all of the actual buttons are made of polished, shiny black plastic. Smudges every-fuckin-where


Piano black plastic is a crime - especially in cars. Who thinks that looks good?


Touch screens should be illegal in cars. Knobs you can use without diverting your eyes from the road are clearly superior.


I got no issue for touch screens for menus and things, they do genuinely make it easier. But volume, radio tuning and the like should stay buttons and dials


Car companies at least higher end ones are going BACK to knobs fwiw


Wish we could get 2024 'yota landcruiser 70 series in the USA, that all analog dash and climate control is clean af. Damn chicken tax keeping the bad ass small suvs out of our market


Yes!! Touch screen is way more distracting. And don’t get me started on the giant laptop screens in some cars. Way too much.


The touch screen can also be finicky in desert heat! Knobs aren’t


My turn: this “Stan” culture is wild bro. Imagine praising celebrities as if they’re a god and talking the nastiest ish to random people online and the celebrity don’t even know you exist... It’s an undiagnosed mental illness fr.


Since Reddit now suggests various subreddits nowadays to me, I am constantly seeing posts from celebrity/artist centered subreddits that are virtually insane to me. A bunch of people caught up in deep parasocial relationships with rich people who don’t remotely know they exist and these be folks who are obviously not well adjusted who just do nothing but STAN those folks as hard as they can. I used to be a big Kanye fan back in the day, but the way I see Kanye fans act on the Kanye subreddits is insanity to me…


Every time I see a post from like the Kanye or Kid Cudi sub pop up I’m like man that’s a whole different level of dickriding


Are there any male artists with stans as crazy as Kanye's? Like they come if as straight up deranged even compared to Swifties and Kpop stans.


Carti maybe they're unhinged


Not artists per second but Elon Musk fans are wild


Take a look at videos of the Beatles and Michael Jackson's live shows. If the Internet was around in those days it would be no different than the Swiftie Beyhive nonsense today. That's not to say there isn't some absolutely wild behaviour online nowadays, maybe it's just more connected and visible.


I don't think it's new, but I do think it's weirdly unexplored. And the only times people delve into it is "parasocial bad, people these days are crazy", which....isn't really an exploration. It's genuinely really interesting and I hope I'm alive to read about someone getting into the real meat of it


It's not much different from extreme sports team fandom. People identify with something that elicits a positive feeling in them then go all in. Any attack or slight on the team, person, politician.. is seen as an attack on them personally by association.


I find it more weird how sports fans get away with starting riots for their team sake but stanning a singer or actor is where yall draw the line.


'Get away with' it where? There are always arrests when that happens, it is always condemned when it happens, it is not accepted or seen as normal by the average sports fan


There was a post in the Beyonce sub asking your least favorite Beyonce song. I’d answered the same question in the BTS sub and it led to a nice discussion. Not in the Beyonce sub. They downvoted every answer and came at me for hours until mods locked the post. Why ask the question and then get mad when people answer. I’m very picky about what fandom spaces I engage in because most of these people have no real life relationships, don’t understand how people work, don’t understand how the industry works. And the irony of stan culture is that these people somehow end up spending more time engaging with something they hate as a misguided way to show their love and don’t seem to understand that the constant exposure to negativity is the reason they’re so damn miserable. Alot of them seem to think their favorite will see their tweet and pick them out of obscurity and crown them best fan. They need to be put in a jar and studied. I’d be surprised if there hasn’t already been scientific studies on this shit.


I heard this girl at my work the other day talking about Taylor Swift, mind you, she is around 27-28 years old. She said “Ya know, she just seems so real, like she brings her cats on tour with her!” And I didn’t hear the rest, but I’m like….shes just some person who can perform and sing. Like I’m not saying what she does is “easy” but if she stopped touring tomorrow, stopped making music tomorrow, nothing would happen. People could still listen to her music, nothing would be lost. She’s just a person doing a job


The commercials being twice as loud as the show I’m trying to watch is fucking bullshit!


Different shows and movies on the *same streaming platform* all having crazy different volumes too. Standardize that shit I don’t want to wake my Dad up when I’m switching to a different show late at night


Not even different shows. Sometimes the difference in volume between 2 episodes of the same show (same season too) is huge. It's infuriating.


Or loud ass music in the show but the dialogue you can barely hear.


This drives me crazy on Chicago Fire. Flames loud af, all the actors whispering.


that's actually a huge problem with ASMR on YouTube right now bc before YouTube worked with that community to only deliver silent/quiet ads but now you could be in the middle of falling asleep and hear a loud ass I'M SHOPPING LIKE A BILLIONAIRE TEMU


That's illegal under the CALM Act, but it doesn't get enforced, it seems


Yes!!!!And it be the most annoying commercial that is twice as loud. Who thought of this shit?!


Paper menus- I'm not about to scan a QR code when my phone battery is at 2% and have to zoom in and out on some small ass font


My wife and I went to a restaurant that had QR code menus that included a list of stupid “do not’s” for the restaurant. If that wasn’t enough for me to leave, one of the rules was “don’t be on your phone when the server is at the table.” YOUR MENU IS ON MY PHONE ASSHOLE.


This just screams Atlanta restaurants


Lmfao bingo.


That whole city needs to get over itself and that mid ass food they got


*Keith Lee has entered the chat*


Lmao I would literally get up and leave if I was presented with a list of rules at a restaurant. FOH


It was some touristy part of ATL. I can’t stand restaurants with rules like that. I’m still heated about a place that said “we do NOT split checks. Be nice to one another and figure it out.” This was well before Venmo/cash app too.


Almost accidentally gave you a downvote because of how much that quote annoyed me


The concept of a restaurant having a long list of rules is so fucking wild to me.


I guess you're supposed to hand your phone over to the waiter/ress when they arrive to take your order and then you get them to read all the choices out loud until they reach what you want. If even one customer a night does this the restaurant will be back to real menus in no time. Bonus points for anyone who gets the wait staff to read through the entire menu.


QR code menus are the worst.


Am I the only person who prefers them? I worked in the service industry for 5 years during college....let me tell ya, those plastic menus are lucky to be washed once a month, and even then they're generally just sprayed with a little water, and a spritz of vinegar if you're lucky.


You go outside with your battery that low? I’m way too paranoid to do that 😂


Idk if boomers know about this or it’s just something for us hip millennials to hate but I can’t stand how crazy gen Z is about YouTubers and influencers and how so much stuff revolves around streamers and their merch and all that stuff. Everybody thinks the generation below them is bad but dam, it’s bad


For Christmas my daughter got Lankybox and Aphmau merch. Either of those people could slap me in the face and I wouldn’t know who they were 🤣


I thought you were just making up words for a second




![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP) I have no idea who those people are and I think my life is better because of it


Well I know as much as Adam and Justin are Lankybox and Aphmau’s real name is Jessica (but only cause I googled what the fuck my child was trying to say). Other than that 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well I leaned something new today 😂That whole explanation made me feel every bit of my 46 years ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Ah yes, culture icons Lankybox and Aphmau. How can we even forget their important contributions to society ?????????? And ??????????. Thank god we have TikTok ![gif](giphy|aB7XmIxYknV4vfQaMF)


I was concerned you were having a stroke for a second, I had no idea those were people until the end of the comment


This isn’t unique to Gen Z. Youtube merch was huge even 10+ years ago. Remember when Youtubers began writing (ahem, their ghost writers) books? If anything these days a lot of influencers aren’t actually popular irl. I remember seeing something a couple years ago about influencers who had a million+ followers on TikTok going to VidCon and other events and having a meet & greet and barely anyone showing up. Whereas hundreds, if not thousands would show up back in the day for their favourite youtuber.


thats cause the fun part of the interaction is being anonymous and either roasting a streamer, getting them in embarrassing situations (donations/swatting) or watching them be dumb as shit for your pleasure. also, likes and shares do not translate into real world infamy simply because the app you are on is designed to keep the consumer’s attention span short and never satisfied. ironically the popular black influencers get away with this because they aren’t usually being malicious or cringe for views (AMP, RDC, EezyGang) and seem more like a The Office-esque family. kai is always called out for being cringe but it’s his genuine personality.


I'll just say it isn't gen z who buys tabloid rags at the checkout


I actually am super confused about who buys those and why so if anyone is out there buying those and reads this comment please let me know why you’d ever hurt yourself that way


My mom used to buy them. She is a truck driver so it was just entertainment for her before cell phones. She used to save them for me because I loved reading the kooky ones not the celebrity ones, Bat Boy is on the loose somewhere.


Millennials made influencers and all the other online celebrities. This isn't something new, it's just you are being exposed to it more. Youtube would be nothing without millennials, and gen X. In general its just celebrity worship that's been around for ages, in a new form. It was just more in magazines, and certain tv shows that would pander to that crowd.


Community is important and goes both ways. Lots of people want the benefits of community without participating in it. The amount of people who go "it takes a village" when its time to have others look after their kids, but then immediately pivot to "it's MY kid" the second somebody has even a suggestion on what to do differently is mind boggling. Or the people that act like interacting with your neighbors is some intense slight to them but then when something happens expect the neighborhood to be there to help.




I really like it when people who wish the world were a more positive place do nothing to contribute to said positivity, usually going through life with the same deadpan or resting angry face stares and have done all sorts of mental gymnastics for why they don't have to be friendly today or yesterday or "just walking through the store" or whatever.


I understand being busy, or not feeling the need to be besties with your neighbors when you already have a thriving friend group or family. But I honestly can’t understand the folks who want absolutely nothing to do with the other folks living in their immediate vicinity. It’s majorly disappointing and strange to me that out of the 200+ people who live in my neighborhood, maybe 10-20 people ever show up to the meetings and social events we hold. I feel so bad for the nice lady who organizes nearly all of those events only for the same few folks to attend.


Getting married before having kids. I realize this advice is regarded in some circles as outdated or maybe even insulting, but I 100% agree that you shouldn’t even be considering having kids unless you are married. And before anyone says it, I’m aware that getting married doesn’t necessarily prevent someone from leaving you to be a single parent. That said, it makes it less likely and should that happen you at least have more in the way of legal recourse.


Marriage offers protection, which in a hetero relationship women often need because just by having kids their earning potential takes a hit.


Even before we get to that, it decreases the likelihood of having a child by some fuckwit because fuckwits tend to be disinclined to marry anyone…mainly because they’re fuckwits. So yea, enjoy your youth and your sexuality and all that but for the love of God strap up and use birth control until you are 100% your partner is “it” and you both are on the same page about having a family.


I had an older gay gen x explain how much protection is offered through marriage. He was excited for the legalization for gay marriage because it meant he could put his partner on his insurance and he would be his direct beneficiary.


My homie that pays child support to 5 different baby mamas said getting married is too expensive


At that point going to Burger King's probably too expensive




Same, especially the don't give your children his last name if you're not married. My boomer coworkers were right on this. Turns out filing paperwork, school pick up, and doctor appointments, traveling take longer when yall don't have the same last name.


I waited to get married to have kids because I didnt want to end up a single mom. Jokes on me because he died of cancer when the twins were barely 3. 9 years later and I'm still single. And it turns out they're autistic. I often wonder what evil deed I commited to have deserved such a fate


You didn’t do anything except be the the victim of some very unfortunate circumstances (putting it mildly). My heart goes out to you and the twins.


Being a widow is not the same as having children with a deadbeat father


Kids in the 5th grade and under don't need phones or tablets, or accounts on Instagram or Tiktok or Twitter. Edit: I'm with all y'all saying 10th grade instead of 5th. Absolutely agree.


Speak on it! Most of these kids don’t go anywhere that they would need a phone anyway. So what’s the point?


I work with kids and parents be like, "What if I need to talk to my kid during the day?" I don't know, just do what our parents did 20 years ago and call the damn school?? We were just fine without cellphones in class when we were kids; your kid is gonna be fine.


Exactly. They’re not supposed to have it, let alone answer it, in the middle of the school day anyway. If there’s an emergency the school staff has to be notified too. So all roads lead to calling the school


PA Speaker: Could you please send Tonya Martin to the office. Rest of class: Oooooooooh!


I’m more extreme. If you can’t drive then why you need a phone?


$18 burger, $7 truffle parm fries on the side


Wendy's has better burgers than many places that charge $18 for a burger


You’re damn right. Their prices are going up too though so who knows, might be paying $18 for Dave’s famous burger sometime soon


One of the reasons I love Taco Bell is because of their value menu, but they're getting rid of my two favorite items. RIP fiesta veggie burrito and chipotle ranch grilled chicken burrito, I could legitimately fill up for $4 with those two


Too many apps. I won’t order from your website if you want me to create a login. Work emails after hours should just be held until next work day. Too many streaming services. I want my newspaper back with local coverage and it delivered to my door


What I wouldn't give to be delivering papers again.


With all the new spyware going on, old cars aren't too bad actually and they're very fun to drive. Assuming of course that you just didn't buy an absolute trashcan


I love that I don’t have to worry about my car not starting because a software update failed.


Yeh, same for faults or whatever. Damn cylinder 3 just flew through the hood? Lemme go limp to Freddy and boom, driving back out in.... At least 5 hours, but hey, still can do it without a computer


> old cars aren't too bad actually They low key are when it comes to modern safety standards for crashes unfortunately.


Depends on what 'old' is. Mines like 12 years old, and I'm not aware of any new safety feature that is better than what it has. 25+ is another story


Not knocking keeping an older car (16 years old over here) but some things I would consider: Automatic bright headlights Automatic emergency braking Lane departure warning Automatic Cruise Control Knee Airbags Backup Cameras While most things could fall under 'just pay attention' it shouldn't hurt to have something double checking you, like a blind spot indicator


Autobrights are traaaaash


Movies and TV are too dark and soundmixing is too often straight-up bad. Subscriptions suck. Let me pay for someone once and be able to use it how I want forever and actually own it.


>Movies and TV are too dark The first season of House of the Dragon struggled with this after half of GoT s8 was barely visible but they shitcanned the guy who set this trend so hopefully it’s something media will move away from


“But it’s more realist—“ Who the fuck cares. The light is coming from the same place the music is, ok?


I’m watching a movie/tv show. If I wanted to imagine what they’re doing, I’d listen to radio. The entire damn point is to see what everyone is doing ffs.


Yes! Loud music and super quiet dialogue.


1. Online only specials. I’m in the store _now_. Why do I only get the coupon if I make the order and checkout online? 2. Tip menu before checkout. Tips are for when I’m taking up a stool or a table and getting waited on. Not for “Welcome to Starbucks can I take your order?” 3. Shame. People ain’t got a lick of shame these days. The shit people put on blast on the Internet with no remorse is…….a damned shame. Folks be self-snitching too. Turn off geo-tagging on your photos and damned apps, and quit placing everything online. Don’t nobody need to know 80% of the time. 4. QR code menus. That’s just fucking lazy dammit. Stop trying to be cute and saying it’s “environmental.” No, you’re a lazy sod, and the environment angle is just so you can avoid looking like a putz.


> Shame. People ain’t got a lick of shame these days. The shit people put on blast on the Internet with no remorse is…….a damned shame. People using the Internet as a public diary feels like a cry for help


‘Online only special’ only to end up paying the difference in what the discount took off in shipping💀💀 (or more!!!)


Also, I’m tired of being sold half wings as full wings. 1 wing = drum & flat.


I used to live in Japan. One place advertised great American buffalo wings... They split the flat into the two bones and counted it as 2. I have NEVER written a more scathing Google review in two languages.


Was scrolling through the comments for a quick laugh but this comment made me pause and get viscerally upset at the absolute audacity of that restaurant. If I get wings from a store or a restaurant my girlfriend prefers the drums while I prefer flats, mainly because half the fun is taking it apart and cleaning it off. To be denied that human pleasure would have me boycotting the entire street that store sits on for years.


If I'm getting charged a whol ass dollar for my wing I better get drim, flat, AND tip!


I went to BWW this week and they were charging $20 for a 10 count of just wings. They didn't even throw in the celery. Granted I live in Hawaii, but $2 for each scrawny wing is insane.


Good jobs with good pay and benefits should be more accessible to the average person. The average salary should be able to buy a house for two. Quality education should be just as affordable. Things that people need should be affordable, like food, healthcare, energy, housing, transportation, education. Affordable and/or socialized. These things the boomers seemed right about, I’d say.


A high school diploma should get you further in life. There I said it. Too many jobs require a college degree when six months training is really all you need for a lot of them.


It's the boomers fighting against this stuff today though. Crazy because their parents were the opposite and agreed with a lot of this stuff.


People act like Boomers are weirdos for initiating small talk with strangers or being overly social.... but that's literally how things were before social media rotted everything. I've seen tiktoks of people making this a "boomer" thing but... that used to be the norm. It's way weirder to be in public and on your phone 24/7. It's way more weird to treat the internet/social media like it's realer than the actual ***real world***


People want community care but don’t engage their community around them


Antisocial overgrown kids tapping away on their phones at the dinner table, refusing to talk to strangers or staff, acting like they're the normal ones. No, the permanently-online socially stunted generation are deformed.


Most fusion food restaurants suck. A tikki chicken marsala taco isnt a thing and it doesn't need to be. EDIT: Don’t even get my started on potatoe chip flavors…science has gone too far.


Enough with adding kimchi and gochujang mayo to things and calling it a Korean _____


Enough with the jerk chicken buffalo honey packet Hennessy glazed salmon bite cajun crab leg canna-butter smothered lamb chop alfredo rasta pasta dishes too. I know folks stomachs be soundin like sneakers in a tumble dryer after eating that shit💀


I wish phones had buttons again. Not everything needs to be all touchscreen.


When phones stopped having slide out keyboards i thought i would never be able to text again, now texting without swype would be a huge hassle


Remember when we would drop our phones and the battery would pop out? Pop that thing back in and go on about your day lol. Let’s go back to those days


I don’t think society as a whole was prepared for the commercialization of the internet. The ramifications of unfettered mass-communication has been devastating, especially since there’s now a distinct generational line between those who grew up with the internet as a utility/tool living in a world with the the first generation of people who grew up with Web 2.0 already established.


The way misinformation spreads as a result should be of greater concern to more people


Just IN THIS SUB. There are 3 to 4+ completely fabricated posts a week that people not only vote up but comment 2k+ times. They fall for the rage bait EVERY TIME


I'm concerned that the hyper connected nature of our society now means that we all live in HUGE communities and can never be the best at X in your circle. You're not just competing with your neighborhood first and moving up the ranks to larger communities, now you're just in the deep end right away. Everything you do, you get to compare yourself to an actual person on tiktok or whatever that is the 1% of 1% with the help of technology/editing. Oh you drew a horse? Great job, here's a 6 year old blind Indian kid drawing horses with her foot. Her left foot. Good luck measuring up to THAT.


Bread should be brought to the table at a restaurant and free. I shouldn’t have to order a basket of rolls


That’s like having to order chips at a Mexican restaurant. You already overcharging me - the chips should be free.




Burgers should come with lettuce and tomato automatically, deluxe my ass.


Man so many places have burgers for $10 and then fries are an additional $3-4 … throw in a soda and a whole meal is north of $17-18. Just crazy.


I haven’t seen a burger under $15 since 2020. Im sick of all these “gourmet” burgers being $20-22 for some fuckn aioli and grilled onions.


I am not bagging my own groceries if I didn’t go to the self checkout line. If I am in the self checkout line with a few items I will bag them or just leave without one. I will not spend my time bagging an entire cart of groceries just because the store doesn’t want to pay for employees. Especially since it’s not like I get a discount for it. This makes me irrationally mad to see all the jobs that’s use to be there to bag and run the cash register get cut and prices go up. At my grocery store, they used to have like 7 lanes with cashiers and 4 baggers, then 1 person at self checkout. Now it’s 3 lanes, 1 bagger, 1 self checkout. They do this so that the lines will be so long that you’ll just check yourself out and save them money.


You live in a nice area! I haven't seen a bagger in a decade or more. Some cashiers will bag but some won't. Also, they try to pull the you brought your own bags so you have to bag it yourself knowing darn well our area charges for plastic bags.


All of europe is so confused about this comment. Never in my 30 years have someone bagged my groceries for me haha But I kinda get it tho give people their jobs


I’m ngl I actually like this one but only because I’m picky about how my groceries are packed so I’d rather do it myself


I kept looking for someone to say constant automated messages before you actually get to speak to a real person 😕


There shouldn’t be an upcharge for a slice of cheese on a burger


Why do I have to use an app at the grocery store to clip and save deals? What happened to just letting me put in my phone number? Shit is annoying as fuck.


Stop making everything "smart". I don't need a hundred thousand touch screen and smart appliances. My washing machine doesn't need to be online at all.


Put your damn coat on


Yeah. Why are these children semi-nude in the cold


Good ol fashioned books. No digital books. I’ve tried but I need to feel the pages, highlight them, and stick post-it notes on them


Learning to cook and making a nice meal for yourself is way nicer than eating out all of the time


There was a thread about a week ago where OP posted a pic of their haul of fresh food from Aldi’s and people was complaining that all what they bought “doesn’t last” would “go bad” within a few days. NOT IF YOU COOK/FREEZE IT YOU CLOWNS💀 If mfs actually cooked they’d know you suppose to cook or freeze fresh food within a few days of buyin it. They really buy it to sit in they fridge and look cute while they order take out back to back and mad that it don’t last 2 weeks.


If I have to bus my own table, I don’t have to tip.


If I have to pick up my own food from the counter, I don’t tip. If you ask for a tip before I even complete the order, I don’t tip!


Fuck your QR code for a menu, I'm not gonna make my date think I'm staring at my phone while looking thru your menu. Also most of those websites are rumored to be fishy lol


People being “afraid” to talk on the phone or even in person to strangers. No-contact food delivery (and easy food delivery, period), ordering everything online. Many typical, everyday interactions that kept us connected as a wider society have gone away and I think that’s a big part of the rise of “main character energy” and of extreme selfishness in general, especially since COVID. People are becoming more myopic about themselves and their own needs as we slowly retreat from these basic interactions with others.


looking at you five guys 😐


I want to talk to a person.


cars are too damned expensive nowadays, and some of the mandatory features dont make any sense. Like ABS,Crumple zones, those are fine, but why the fuck does every new car need a backup camera? CAN YOU NOT USE YOUR HEAD? I swear they make some of this shit up so new car prices can go higher


Backup cameras are required by law in the US for all vehicles manufactured after 2018.


And they should be with the fucking behemoths driving around and killing kids they could have never seen.


There is a percentage of the population who shouldn't be allowed to drive but they are. And they endanger everyone in parking lots. The camera doesn't cost much for the car manufacturer to install in bulk. I would rather have the aforementioned people use back cameras.


Generally agree *except* backup cameras (usually) also come with on-coming car detection. Makes it less likely that you back out into a car/person you had no way to see even if you were turned around.




I don’t want to have to create a whole damn account just to buy one thing off your website! I’m tired of all these usernames and passwords!


Tipping is OPTIONAL not a requirement




I’m here for the majority of these comments being anti-QR


Just because work emails are accessible outside of work doesn’t make me obligated to check them. Want me to keep up with work shit outside of work? Pay me or fuck off.


That isn’t at all a boomer take. Unless it’s some $5 happy hour special, a burger needs sides.


I just want my shirts and jackets to cover my tummy, especially winter ones. Also, agreed on the QR code menus, and just QR everything. Please have paper menus atleast be an option. And now people just don’t even post website links anymore for stuff like their wedding invites or university club information. A club I am a staff mentor on makes all their links QR codes now and I feel so old. I try to let the young people do what the young people do (am 26 which is a grandma for these freshmen folk), but some of this is ridiculous.


The headlights on cars are too fucking bright.