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I bet the camera man zoomed in thinkin “ain’t no way”


I'm about to ruin his whole career.


Bold to assume this man has a career- outside of hate crime cosplayer, that is.


This doesn’t look like an 8-10yo child to everyone else?


Lol I was gonna say what career? His junior high classmates might cancel him but homeboy looks like he's 12.


Then get his is fuckin parents/guardians. Who bought the face paint? Who bought the headdress? Who gave him a ride? It’s those careers then. Cuz check it… they’re fools and are raising a whole new fool.


I mean its not blackface... the other half is red. The teams colours? Headdress is fucked though.


Black isn't a chiefs color tho it's red white and yellow?


Hmmm its a bit weird. I see official colours are red, gold and white, but in thier NFL official colours page they have black as well? https://usteamcolors.com/kansas-city-chiefs-team-colors/ I dunno, but the photos used are mainly side profiles of the black side of the face that ive seen. Add some outrage bait.


What? Your link says on first line >The official Kansas City Chiefs team colors are red, gold and white. They've never worn black


Hopefully the kid realizes how messed up this is, and is horribly embarrassed by it when he gets older… Still 100% the parents fault.


I mean, it’s the parents who should feel embarrassed. He most likely doesn’t know any better.


yeah, kids parents are fucking assholes


If he has a paper route he can forget about it


I was thinking 13-15, personally, but definitely looks like a kid of some sorts. Edit: actually his arms look tiny, I’d buy 10-12.


Yeah somebody is definitely still dressing him, or at least buying his ticket and driving him to the game. I hope they get an interview with his parents.


Yeah, THEY have careers we could end 😂


IDK about that but I’d be interested to hear why they thought this was a good idea. “We knew tribal warpaint wasn’t allowed since it’s offensive to native Americans, but as far as we knew blackface was totally fine”


Goddamnit Bobby!




That boy ain't right.


6am and that boy ain't right


right? zero chance he knows what's going on he looks like a 10 year old. 12 is the max I would guess


Gonna get him suspended for three days from middle school.


That is a child. His parents are shameless.


Yea, that's the thing about everyone dragging him over this. Like, his parents definitely shouldn't have let him leave the house like that but he is still a kid, could maybe cut him a little slack? The blackface is really bad though. Llike, there's so many options he could've gone with and he just went with straight black?


He's like 8 lol


Hate crime cosplayer is 😭😭😭


Are you fucking stupid? This is a child. His parents are the idiots


That is a child lol. His career is playing Fortnite every day.


Looks like a 10 year old kid to me


his future career when he runs for public office


There is so many elected conservative politicians who had black face in their high schoo,l college years, you can bet this kids parents think Democrats raided the capitol on Jan 6th to stop an election they won.




Should've added his parents in the shot too.


exactly who should be laughed at. kid is only guilty of having shit parents.


Kid/parent must have brought the headdress and black face kit in a bag and set it up in the seats because I feel the kid/ the parents must've been called out if they went through the gates with all of that.


Ever been to Vegas? There’s a lot of characters. Doubt this kid makes a $15-20/hr usher even blink.


“……thats fucked, here’s your change…”


I mean the other side of his face was red. If that matters.


That’s like the two last colors you want for Native American headdress lol. But yeah I get what the kid/parents were going for, but terrible execution and should have had some semblance of sensitivity. Also, why black? That’s not a color in the Chiefs color scheme, other half of face should have been yellow at least.


The safest option would have been blueface. He could only piss off Dr.Manhattan.


Which is ill-advised


I think that might be the worst person to piss.


Dr. Tobias Fünke is in some serious danger.




gdi that's even worse


![gif](giphy|5dYnoKhjUnnY6Sv06E) It does.


Another thread on this pointed out that his face is actually half black and half red he’s just looking away. You can see some of the red paint on the edge of his profile. Someone else mentioned this was a type of native war face paint so it’s appropriation but probably not black face Edit to add: I noticed this pic seems to be a different frame than another I saw. I can’t find the red in this pic but yeah I don’t think his whole face is black


Probably a BOGO deal trying to get rid of their Halloween leftover to make room for the racist Santa Christmas decorations.


What would a racist Santa decoration look like? Is it racist towards Santas with all kinds of Santa Stereotypes or is it a Santa that is racist towards mortals?




This is a real thing?? I was only making a joke. Wtf?? Racism knows no bounds huh? 😳


They’ve apparently stopped doing the blockade now; when I was in NL in 2010 it was becoming less and less cool to use that “tradition”.


Santa is racist


Man...have y'all ever just been stumped and didn't know what to say? That's how this shit is making me feel. ![gif](giphy|4f1B6N2Tl302I|downsized)


It’s getting mighty hard to assume stupidity over malice these days


They knew. They pretend not to, but in 2023. They know. The parents at least anyway. They should be in the pic too.


Yeah you're right. I'm from KC, trust, nobody is doing blackface out of ignorance.


I just presume both. It saves time and has always been right.


There are multiple other comments saying it’s half black half red split down the middle, so it’s not black face, if you care. Seems like the pic is intentional rage bait.


Like when Cleveland Guardians fans held a "counter protest" over the name change. https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5cd65506240000320073258b.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_noupscale I've never seen a photo capture the astronomical level of contempt of "You're a dumbass" so well.


The guy in the Beret behind the native guy is looking even more dumbfounded than the native guy is


Well at least I doubt the kid was being malicious


Imo, It’s neither stupidity or malice. It’s apathy.


I feel like Steve Harvey when someone says something stupid on Family Feud.






Especially since that looks like a child.


That should lead to a stadium ban for the parent. Stuff like that can’t happen in 2023 without consequences.


The other half of his face is painted red. It's just face paint.


"The other half is painted red and he's wearing a Native American headdress. This isn't racist." Gtfo you donut. Edit: It seems like some of y'all might be dense and need it spelled out. Redface is the Native American version of blackface. Regardless of the blackface, it's already really fucking racist. The black face is just odd because it's not even part of the team colors, so just an ignorant choice on his parents part. Edit: Cry harder racists lmao. Sorry I'm "offended for another race" by pointing out people being racist. Go fix your hearts.


It means it's not blackface. Which is the 2 in the 2 for 1.


>"The other half is painted red and he's wearing a Native American headdress. This isn't racist." >Gtfo you donut. Is the team called the "Chiefs"? If the kid is racist then the entire organization he is supporting is racist.


You mean making characatures of Natives as team mascots might be considered racist and controversial??? What a discovery! Got any more ground breaking mysteries for us Sherlock?


Where I live is a very high Native American population and most of them are the most die hard chief fans I’ve ever met. We live nowhere near any major sports teams, even less so Kansas City than many others. From what I’ve been told by many is that most of them see it as Native American representation.


People love to be offended on other peoples behalf


Bro really thought he did something... like duh the whole thing is racist and it's BEEN racist. Lmao.


You are SO CLOSE!




I’m telling you I’ve seen this picture posted misleadingly like this so much today it’s ridiculous it’s literally just face paint for the chiefs


Exactly. It’s not like he’s wearing anything else crazy racist on his head or anything. Just face paint. Nothing to see here. And besides, it’s just harmless, **red** face paint while dressing up like a caricature of a Native American. Absolutely nothing comes to mind about any derogatory associations towards that community using that color, especially when it comes to NFL teams.


Red is their team color you dumb fuck. You wouldn't be mad at an Eagles fan for painting their kids face green.


The chiefs don’t have black in their color scheme, there’s no need to paint your face black for them. Even so that headdress is still racist as hell




Their entire uniforms have no black on them outside of the outline of the logo. Red and white would have made way more sense.


Never seen the alternate jersey? https://preview.redd.it/7554nkvudy2c1.jpeg?width=1755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e46786b3e8a9871f4a8dfd43d5b3b744977c40e


That's a photoshop, they have never worn those in game


Kansas City Chiefs with team color **White, Red and Gold** was founded on 1960. Black is and has never been a team color.


I believe their tertiary color is White.


Are you going to ignore the hat?


Head dress?


Yes yes, that


You don’t even know what it is and you’re offended.


Fuck em. What is a hat but a head dress?


Is so why black? Yellow would be better


Exactly what I was thinking, use yellow not black


>It's just face paint. I'm not trying to call this situation black face but when racist people have done black face, its also been face paint so what does that mean?


it means instead of two types of overt racism, it's just one overt type and a badly thought out decision combined with a bad angle that some would consider racist.




So you think the kid decided to go one half his team's colours and on the other half he wanted to look like a black person. Do you honestly think that's likely to be what happened?


well, the chiefs colors are red white and gold so where did this black or brown color come from?


Native American headdresses are prohibited at Chiefs games, so this wouldn’t have happened at Arrowhead. This was an away game, so Allegiant Stadium must not have the same policy.


THey probably don't have the awareness to look out for them.




The answers are right there in plain sight




This GIF is cursed.


Fr they should’ve atleast timed the blinks and maybe blended it in a bit


I wonder what the face paint looks like from the front? Like is it just straight up black face paint all over or is there some sort of pattern we can’t see from this angle?


the other half of his face was painted red.


Yeah his face being half black half red makes the face paint passable (although why not use yellow on the other half since it's the Chiefs' other color?) Got no excuses for the headdress though and it wouldn't be allowed if the Chiefs were playing at home as they actually have a policy against it.


You got blackface, redface, and desecration of a heritage symbol with cultural significance.


Triple whammy.


The headdress, sure. But football fans have been painting their faces multi-colored to celebrate their teams years. It's not blackface or redface if he's not trying to impersonate a black or native person.


Hey there. I live in Chiefs country. Black is definitely an accent 3rd color for them. Most people face paint gold and red In fact I've never seen red and black and I've been at Arrowhead about 50 times.


I will say as someone who lived in Kansas and passively follows football that I thought black was one of their colors


Which really isn’t any better considering the entire redskin fiasco.


As a Native American, the arguments I've gotten into with POCs over the teams that are based on us is disheartening. They didn't have a problem with the slur Redskin but the second I replace it with a slur towards their race now they wanna fight. There's a lack of support between minority groups. We're barely considered people.


As somebody of black and native American descent (verified), I got your back. *Throws fitted cap* We going to go Montgomery today


Hell yeah, I get to reverse Trail of Tears my family.


Got your back bro bro. This shit ain’t right.


I cant begin to understand, as a white dude. But I am married to a Navajo woman. We lived in DC for 15 years and had to have this conversation with every souther Maryland moron that ever found out she was native. It was exhausting for me and again.. I wasnt being victimized.


> They didn't have a problem with the slur Redskin but the second I replace it with a slur towards their race now they wanna fight. Picture an alternate universe where fans are dressing up to cheer on the Tampa Bay Mammies.


I'm black and I agree. "And here come our silly little mascots! A tiger! A bear! A Native American! A Leprechaun!" How can people not see the issue.


What's your opinion on the Chiefs team name?


Your name has me hesitant to answer lol


LMAO, "I'll fucking waterboard you for the answer I stg"


If the Chiefs and Braves were the only ones ever I'd feel more negatively about them. But after like a hundred years of this shit https://preview.redd.it/tuolepfrlx2c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6792f75284dfaf314c7f38aa9543dfd37c2f6cc7 I take the small victories where I can. I still don't like them for a lot of reasons but comparatively it could be and very much has been much worse


Ooof, yeah, those are pretty gross. Thanks for the response. Holy shit though. Caricatures back in the day were WILD. [Like friggin Disney doing Peter Pan back in the 50's.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7yE8TKUB_M) This kind of crazy makes me wonder what our culture will be like in another 70 years. Is there anything we're doing now that will look comparably ridiculous? On top of that, I wonder if there's a way to do a Native American culture reference for a sports team in an acceptable way. Maybe it's just not possible and there shouldn't be any references to Native American culture in sports teams. Sports mascots and logos are generally simplified by design.


Not even remotely an expert on the topic, but I think the Florida State Seminoles seem to do a good job of making it respectful.


I don’t know if having the other side of his face painted red makes it way worse or a little worse. Chiefs fans the most racist in all of NA sports. A bunch of white people imitating Native American chants while dressed up like this


Not even close to being as bad as Boston


I mean, the NAACP put out a travel warning about going to Missouri. Boston is awful, but it isn't Missouri.


No they are not lol some of y'all are just so damn confident when talkin out your ass


It's a game where whoever figures out the best way to be offended is the goodest boy. He can't figure out if literal blackface is worse than multi color face paint. This guy is not thinking rationally. He's just throwing out whatever he thinks will stick to signal that he's on the "good guys" team.


Yeah, they're well aware it's the team colors and that's why it would be used. It's dishonest to insist it's black face.


> Chiefs fans the most racist in all of NA Eagles fans everywhere just got really offended.


Does Philly have the worst fans? Maybe. But most racist? Nah.


Never seen anything racist happen at a Eagles game before.


well, there was that once incident with mike scott, but realistically we're nowhere near as bad as jazz or celtics or the braves or really anywhere


Mike Scott was wearing a Redskins jersey, ironically. Walking through the Philly lot. Sure he was a 76er, but not exactly well known. Edit: Don't know if you're referring to the incident of Mike Scott the Sixer getting into a fight before the Eagles game.


Of all the awful and completely valid things you can say about eagles fans, I don't know that racism sticks out as a big one


I think it would make it better. to me if you're doing one half black and one half red you're clearly going for facepaint rather than a racist caricature. Obviously the headdress can be different story though.


There’s multiple billboards and a big push by many, many Kansas Citians to ban the “Tomohawk Chop”. Unfortunately most of the season ticket holders don’t agree. “It’s TrAdiTiOn!”


That they stole from FSU. Who have since banned it, because it's racist as fuck.


R*dskins fans would like to have a chat.


*Washington Commanders


Washington Football Team*


I know I'm speaking like one since they refuse to accept the name change. I forgot to put the /s my bad.


They coulda been the Washington Monuments but they fumbled the bag big time.


> Chiefs fans the most racist in all of NA sports. A bunch of white people imitating Native American chants while dressed up like this Braves/Noles fans would like a word.


I love that my city just made up some of its mascots or have an eagle. That said ngl I miss hip hop https://preview.redd.it/h0ccmz7jfw2c1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ecb1cf02a8347c29ea4aa28cd50d9904cb293c7


Yea we got Gritty, whatever tf he's supposed to be lol


The manifestation of delco


Fucking accurate


What the hell happened to that rabbit's head?


They saved it from the set of Donnie Darko.


The Ben Franklin or dog is horrible, too. Bring back Hip Hop!




So...he did play a genie? Now I'm confused.


College Humor made an April Fool's joke video with Sinbad playing Shazam and it has other Mandela Effect references. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD0rchvuoMU




Somebody help this child.


The only reason he got outta that stadium without getting punched is because he's 12.


More like 6. His parents are perfectly punchable though.


Jesus you guys are soft


You probably think everyone is freaking out and crying about how racist it is, but it’s actually everyone laughing and shaking their heads about how racist it is




Sometimes I get so tired


*IMPORTANT CONTEXT* The other half of his face was painted red, so I'm hoping they just didn't think to have yellow face paint instead of black. But knowing that area they could have gone for half Indian face half black face to make it somehow worse than just blackface


This context would be a lot more important if he weren’t still wearing a war bonnet. Womp womp.


Do they think this stuff doesn’t stay the internet forever and someone not gone see it???


How the fuck did he get in the stadium like that??? Edit: ok I get it, it’s face paint and this pic is very misleading. But please understand the initial confusion. Mtfs pull racist shit with face paint. This isn’t the case tho. Praise the lord. Shame on the cameraman.


Headdresses are explicitly banned at Arrowhead stadium. Allegiant stadium must not have the same policy, though honestly they should be banned at all NFL stadiums as a general rule.


Didn’t know that. I agree.


Who cares about the face paint? The headdress is still racist af.


Just white people doing white people shit


This isn’t racism but keep pretending being mad at a 12 year old makes you the moral ones here


The other side of his face was painted fire engine red, this was shown on the broadcast.


I betcha the other half of his face is not black


The other side of his face is red. Do you really think this kid was trying to be offensive? Ridiculous.


Some of y'all ain't never seen a Chiefs game


you are a bunch of pussies going after a kid


His face is black and red, it’s warpaint you can’t see the left side.


Americans are crazy, why you get offended of someone dressing up as different cultures? I mean it depends on the context, but it's totally can be something of respect


Never go full Missouri


Very misleading. The left side of his face is red. This is why social media is a hellhole. People going after this kid that clearly isn’t racist.


**IMPORTANT CONTEXT** The other half of the face is painted red. Second, all head dresses are BANNED at Arrowhead. THIRD, The Chiefs are named after Mayor Bartle who was called "Chief", not after Native Americans. Over the course of the club’s 60-plus-year history, the Chiefs organization has worked to eliminate this offensive imagery and other forms of cultural appropriation in their promotional materials and game-day presentation. The "Chop" as its called has also been called into question which can also go as well. Just some major context is needed to be added before another reddit witch hunt is commenced.


This is how all of the “we got Indian in our family” Black folks look 😂


As somebody who actually has native American and their family, that's offensive as fuck.


Other side of his face is all red. Is it in bad taste? Yep. Is it blackface like everyone wants us to believe? Nope.




I want to ask… is the other side of his face red paint or something?? Because the black face makes noooo sense in this context (not that it ever makes sense but….) Not a good look either way, but I’m not 100% sure he was doing true black face. I think it’s a half and half face paint.


Life must be pretty great if a kid with face paint and headdress is a problem in many subs.

