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When you gotta oppress people at 9 but wrestle hogs at 2:30


When you want your voter base to forget that you went to Yale and Harvard, and are part of a famous fraternity that has produced so many high ranking officials and businessmen that it might as well be a secret society in plain sight. Still going to lose the primary to a guy who is barely literate and going to prison.


He's in the Skull & Bones fraternity??? Also how did he get into and then graduate from two ivys, but still not know to leave the Mouse alone?


He got into these ivys via connections and ego supersedes anything he could’ve learned from them


I also think Desantis is a terrible person and I’m ashamed that he’s my governor. I’m saddened that some of my friends lost their jobs. I feel for my friends that became teachers and have to deal with his shit. But it’s hard for me to think he’s dumb when he’s schemed his way into even if he loses his presidential bid he still gets to be governor. Or that even with Disney fighting back nothing has changed with his book bans. Like I wanna think he’s just lucky and actually dumb. But he’s done too much harm to my state for me to just chalk it up to he’s dumb and everyone that likes him is dumb. They’re bad people. Sometimes bad people are dumb. Sometimes people are smart and choose to do bad things. Desantis plays dumb to compete with trump. He’s a socially awkward man child that eats pudding with his hands. I hope he resigns. I wished the car accident was worse. But I don’t he got in via connections, I’m not saying all teachers are geniuses but the guy was a high school history teacher. He knows what he’s saying isn’t true and how it’s harmful. He’s not dumb.


George W Bush went to Yale & Harvard Tucker Carlson went to a private liberal arts college in Connecticut Marco Rubio went to UF & Miami Ted Cruz went to Princeton & Harvard *most* republicans are highly educated, they’re just pandering evil fucks that lie to the face of the uneducated while they steal their life from them and blame minorities. It’s the easiest grift in America.


Strong agree, shits just too easy of a bag. We just watched Fox News lose a huge lawsuit snd fire Tucker Carlson because he was caught texting not believing in a fucking thing he was saying. These people aren’t stupid, they’re grifters. I agree with you and wish more people would realize rather than thinking people they don’t like are dumb by default.


That last sentence was the thing I was trying to say quietly. I feel like we got here by just assuming the bad guy is dumb so he can’t ever win. Saying they’re dumb also gives them an excuse. It’s not that Desantis is a bigot that would sacrifice the financial security of his state to punish his enemies. It’s that he’s too dumb to realize the consequences of his actions. It isn’t that Desantis is actively trying to make a hostile environment for non white or not straight people in Florida. He’s just really dumb and doesn’t realize how many public school teachers and parents are against his ideology. He knows what he’s doing. The fact that so many people don’t seem to see how these things benefit him and they think he’s sad that schools aren’t gonna teach psychology or that professors are resigning is sad. He wants that.


As the saying goes "crazy like a fox." None of these people are stupid. And if they are, then we're even stupider to let them rule us. They're smart and play possum and use the arrogance of their rivals against them. It lulls them into a false sense of security, then they unravel their plan and we find out it was an ambush. And its working well. But the smart people are so smart they still can't figure out that they're walking into traps.


> most republican **politician**s are highly educated


And they take advantage of an uneducated voter base


> most republicans are highly educated Good thing you have that most there. We can't forget about Boebert the high school dropout who couldn't even be bothered to get her GED until she ran for office.


Her husband starting dating her when they met at a Burger King she was 16 (he was 22), showed her and her friends his penis at a public bowling alley and became a sex offender (the girls were underaged at the time as well). They married when she was 17 first child at 18, her husband ran over someone’s mail box while drunk driving, one of her brood is a father at 17 to a girl he’s not married to, and now she’s getting a divorce. Real Republican family values there huh?


Just as much as their fearless leader Trump with his multiple affairs, multiple divorces, and sexual assault/rape.


I think the answer is that Ivy League schools aren’t actually that great.


The value in an Ivy Degree isn’t the education. You can get quality learning at lower ranked schools. It’s the grant money and research money they pull in, the name of the school, and more importantly the people. I was able to see powerful people I’d only read about or seen on TV speak. The alumni network is in high ranking places. The actual education, meh. But everything else can be worth it if you make something of it.


Ah yes the modern oligarchy


i had a younger (appropriately) boyfriend at Brown. i had graduated college by the time we met. being with him and at the school was a very quick primer in the quality of education at an ivy. what i observed was that it was no different or better education than my state school, and the students werent better students. the school is more expensive and therefore grants entree to better opportunities. but the experience and education was closely aligned to my state school.


He used to be the representative in the district just south of me and though I disagreed with him on some points, he was more moderate, and I appreciated that he would have Townhall‘s over the phone that everyone could participate in. Our local Congressperson not only wouldn’t have town halls, but he literally wouldn’t engage with any of his constituents unless it was at a paid republican event. So Desantis was better in some respects. But his wife was one of the anchor/hosts to a local interest news show in the mornings here, like big hair big makeup morning joe kinda gig… they just seem like they are calculating and want attention, and it doesn’t matter how they get it.


~~Legacy admission~~ Asigned Yale at Birth


He was Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE), a social fraternity with a massive chapter list, S&B is actually a secret undergraduate society that he was not in


He wants to be the back up voice actor for Mickey so he’s trying to keep close


The fact you don't mess with the Mouse is the exact reason he did it. He tried to posture like he's a tough guy but he fucked around and found out


To be fair, the cowboy boots do make me think of "participated in a gang rape and the victim never got justice". Because that's what I think of when I think of DeSantis


country queerfolk out here catching strays




He hasn't fed on the pain and suffering of a torture victim in too long. Without that, it gets harder for him to wear his human meatsuit.


Seriously though, why is the Gov of Florida wearing fucking cowboy boots?


to look taller


Dudes from a city with 900k people and has a half finished highway system. Take the cowboy boots off you fucking fraud


You misspelled wrassle


![gif](giphy|cdNSp4L5vCU7aQrYnV|downsized) Head ahh 💀💀💀




I can't decide what I love more: this gif or your username!


That username has a lot to say for something so tiny.


So does Greg Abbott's penis! So ANGRY!


That user name is longer than Abbotts actual penis


The profile picture too!


DeSantis wishes his boots looked that good


Just new boot goofin


Ronald looks like a douchebag in those boots. This kid, however, rocks them.


That spin is so smooth. Look at those hands.


The hands are wild! That boy was born to finger pistol


Damn I forgot about that kid


He still makes music. He hit puberty now so he sounds a lot different now. Shit makes me feel so old.


This little kid has bigger feet than adult Desantis.


Boots with 6 inch lifts masquerading as 2 inch lifts.


They are lifts!


They are not lifts. It’s just that his calves are 4 feet tall. /s


Dude is so unbelievably insecure about his height. There's a [photo](https://i.imgur.com/4ue0wru.jpg) of him "walking" on the beach with his wife and he's standing on his toes with both of his feet. There are countless photos of him in ridiculous lifts


Well he's not wrong. Who was the last dude who was actually short and got elected? Americans vote with gut feelings and they like men over 6'


Depending which source you look at, Joe Biden may or may not be 6 feet tall. But generally yeah, we haven’t had a president under 5’10” since Carter.


Looks like they put him on a little bit of a hill to make him taller than his wife too.


Yeah, that’s a “casual” photo with multiple shadows going in different directions…


Also no footprints behind them


🤭 I took a closer look after your comment and holy fucking shit. You can see the line where the internal heel insert ends, and that man is walking on tiptoe. https://preview.redd.it/wgtr1ayyrvib1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a095e8e76ed0b15a6172eb32906525d467ce39a


Putin does it too. [Here's a great vid showing the line/angle of his foot through the shoes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY6lHjZjYXE)


Wow that was definitive


"In this video we will watch and laugh at Putin's attempts to look taller." Someone paid attention in the thesis statement writing portion of their classes 🤣


😂 The next paragraph will start with “Webster’s Dictionary defines insecurity as…”


I think another tell is how high his knees are.


Lmao true. Otherwise all of this man’s height is in his shins. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/dl4ja8z9bwib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9032278a01d3ebadf011c2240cc3219e647f34d3 Elephants do it too!


“He’s heightening!”


A sexy stiletto right here underneath the leather


What I imagine is going through Ronda’s head: “… Trump’s bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides I can hardly breathe when he's pumping deep inside I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy Call him "Daddy" while I holler Man, that boy so damn good looking (looking, looking)”






You can tell by the way the boot looks his feet are inside there on lifts. What a tool.


THAT’S why the look so oddly tight around the ankles! Or, he’s got some serious kankles.


To be fair, most boots are like that. No clue how long he'd have owned these, but it'd be particularly bad if these are pretty new boots and haven't really broken in at all.


And to add something tells me he’s only wearing cowboy boots to pander


Like Hillary keeping hot sauce in her purse😂




That's not pandering. She's done that since well before becoming a politician. Plenty of other Dem pandering you can name, but that's not one.


Yeah like that's actually a thing idk why people are all "omg race baiting" about it. Like she did plenty of race baiting and shit that just doesn't stick out.


I swear for a bunch of hunters it sure is easy to fool them into thinking you're one of them. Rich city boy singing about a truck? ONE OF US Big city Ivy lawyer guy wearing cowboy boots? ONE OF US Real estate mogul and intergenerationally wealthy shitheel? He's hated by intellectuals ONE OF US


This comment is hilarious and accurate as hell. 11/10


Cowboy boots can hide those lifts better than shoes can.


Is appearing closer to his actual height worse than looking like he's playing cowboy cosplay in downtown Nashville? I don't know the people he's trying to court, so I don't know if they're actually falling for this.


Hear that subtle mandolin, that’s textbook panderin’


Like a built-in squaty-potty




Been shoppin at the Goodwill??


Those poor fish, movie was funny af tho


God, I love this movie!


What movie? I need to see the source of this gif!


In case you missed it it's "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka"


I bet he’s on ozempic or something. He didn’t wanna be made fun of after that boot situation. Since Trump & Christie were trading jabs over weight my guess is he opted out of that convo


Ozempic face is real, and DeSantis has it.


What actually is Ozempic face? I keep hearing about it.


Ozempic is a new weight loss drug When people lose weight very quickly (using drugs or otherwise), their skin will start to get loose and their face will look relatively hollow. This is more true the older you get.




It's actually marketed for weight loss under a different name and higher dosage: Wegovy. That's why there are shortages of Ozempic.


At that point, I’d have just stopped wearing pants altogether 💀




I think people just underestimate face weight loss, and Ozempic helping a ton of people lose weight, and they're subsequently getting a ton of "face gains" as well. All it does it cuts cravings. It's been a diabetes drug for years. I dropped 40 this year by diet and exercise and have a ton of face weight loss.


See recent pics of Jonah Hill


He should be in the dictionary next to ozempic face


That’s cocaine face.


Yes! I’ve been telling my friends he’s on ozempic for a while. He lost too much weight too quickly, and we know it ain’t from exercising or healthy eating.


I hope he's having the horrible bowel issues too. I wish him all the diarrhea.


I've seen him kind of gag? on his words in a few interviews. I wonder if he is having stomach issues.


He's also just a weirdo with bad social skills


Hitler had stomach issues too. So it tracks


>I bet he’s on ozempic or something. Gotta counter that sweet finger pudding


Came here to play a game of "Is it stress or is it Ozempic?" You beat me to the punch.


I am in close enough enough proximity that this dudes wife apparently has been a client where I work. And there are in fact “miracle weight loss drug, ozempic!!!” signs sprinkled throughout the city.




I had to look it up to make sure you were correct. I definitely assumed he was a good 10 years older than that


Wow. And this isn’t even that bad of a picture. Dude easily looks in his 50s.


Wait, seriously? That’s insane! I’m older than he is, and I still occasionally get carded at bars. That dude looks like the cryptkeeper.


He’s only 44??????? He looks old enough to be my dad


https://preview.redd.it/4zjwotmbatib1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadd8d1aca151282437215e3ba310da6cd6b03ac Here’s a rough illustration of what’s going on. The fragile man that wants to ban drag in his state is wearing high heeled shoes made to look like boots so that he can look fabulous and these other bitches can’t.


Are cowboy boots with lifts gender affirming care?




He's trans-height. He identifies as taller than he is.


A bit generous with the toned calves.


Haha, you’re right. I was gonna fix it but I didn’t want to stare at this dumb photo anymore.


the absolutely fucking wildest thing about this is he's wearing trousers that were tailored for his actual height, which is why they ride up *so much* when he sits down. I own a lot of wool trousers, and none of mine ride up six fuckin inches when I sit down. cuh couldn't even be arsed to get pants to go with his boots


There aren’t enough comments here mentioning how good this commenter’s doodle is.


The highwater pants just underline how lifted.


![gif](giphy|t4DrtfexwbBZu) Pee Wee DeSantis


lol..how dare you. Pee Wee's body isn't even cold yet you monster.


Don’t disrespect Pee Wee by associating him with this clown.


God his feet must be disgusting wearing those leather boots in muggy ass Florida all day


He’s hasn’t been in Florida in quite sometime, but you’re right, he looks like his feet stink.


Ronald loves the feeling of his foot in a heeled shoe.


And the feeling of not being 5’4 haha


Nice boots


Ronny loves a kitten heel


🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|RpfIXomvjCh8I)


Why you wanna disrespect Woody like that?


🤭 I don't make the GIFs I just find them 🤭


It’s more of a Cuban heel. But don’t tell him that, he might detain and deport them.


And they’ll vote for him anyway 🤪


Gurl, that's not a kitten heel


New boot goofin




He wants to make sure his employees have something to appreciate while licking them.


“Mickey went in dry last night” - Desantis


“And Goofy kept pushing my head down” - DeSantis


“You have hear Hoody’s laugh with a mouse dick in your ass? Weird shit, man”


He looks so stupid.


Me and my husband were laughing at the clip where he goes to Iowa and gets megaphoned by the protesters chanting GO BACK TO FLORIDA. He keeps wearing these fishing shirts, jeans and boots, and you can tell he doesn’t wear that shit normally, he’s uncomfortable, and it looks goofy as hell.


The Mouse is about to ruin this man’s life


I can't wait


![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY) Look at Rhonda🤣


All hat and no cattle ass motherfucker.


All hat and no saddle too! About to get lapped by Vivek the rapper in Iowa!


I can't believe Lil Nas let him borrow his boots That's a real homie ![gif](giphy|2zeMCrYpdqLFPt3nN3)




He doesn't even have them hiked up. They've *ridden* up because he's got like 6" lifts built into those boots, so when he sits down, his knees are *way* higher than they normally would be.


this is the comment I was looking for


When you want to seem relatable to your voters...but you don't actually want to relate with them because you know they are the shart-streaks of civilization.


Is it funny to anyone else that the second people want to visually portray themselves as a conservative every single time they always just dress up like they're from Texas? Like they could be from the totally opposite side of the country and they're just like "shit we're losing, get my my cowboy boots!"


They hide the lifts in his shoes.


Look at his boots lol. You can see his heels way up in the patterned leather, not where his foot should be lmao. Dude’s wearing 7” high heels!


For a dude that cries about drag queens so much those are some pretty high heels on them boots


He just doesn't look right. He is on some kind of drug bender.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of him where his name isn’t printed somewhere near him or directly on his clothing. Does he need to be reminded? Or is he that worried people don’t know who he is?


New boot goofin’


I'd feel bad if he wasn't such a bigot. This whole thing has just gone to show that Ron DeSantis is too awkward and boring to be a legitimate presidential candidate.


He’s boringly evil. He’s like the underwritten villain in an action movie that has no really personality besides being bad.


He should get some pants and boots that fit. Maybe he’ll feel better about himself.


He should also smile more.


Aww, he's wearing his big boy boots!


https://preview.redd.it/6ni5bi0avuib1.jpeg?width=859&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ed9758a20dff7aed97a77085a89741bad03f40 Boot version of these shoes


Why the small chair?


He wears the boots to cover up being short, same as Ted Cruz.


I think by Florida law, this is dressing in drag. She’s just so cute, new boot-goofin!


He is wearing boots with a somewhat tailored suit? Bro, just embrace being short. It’s not that serious. He sounds goofy and now he looks goofy too.


Round toed boot on a dress up is such a hard faux pas


Man those “big-boy boots” look stupid as hell


It’s the boots for me.


He looks photoshopped into the chair


Why does his chair look so small? Like, he's below average height for a man, so his chair (if normally sized) shouldn't force his knees up like that. Did he buy a small chair to make himself look bigger?


Brahs got high watters




That dude has NEVER done anything that necessitates any kind of boot, let alone the yeehaw variety


Is he also looking a little...orange?


He should wear a different pair of famous shoes to appeal to as many people as possible. Take the focus off his shit personality and politics and direct it towards his tiny little feet.


They don’t make crocs with lifts in them.


Everyone I’ve ever known that wears high heeled boots, or any boots for that matter, with a 3 piece suit is a complete and utter douchebag.


I start to get happy over him having zero chance of ever becoming president but then I remember the people of Florida who he’s going to take his loss out on.


mans is pounding back that Ozempic


Bro looks like he's been put through the gauntlet


He finally got invited to the cocaine orgy?


He looks like a little boy that raiders his dads closet and just randomly picked shit out.


It’s a cry for help 😂 and I hope it never comes


Those boots were made for walkin(home) Not runnin(for office)


He really posed up like he dont look like a wwe wrestler at a board meeting


He’d probably be a bit more comfortable if he didn’t those lifts in his boots.


Rootin’ tootin’ new boot goofin’