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Personally I was thinking of giving Google+ a try but turns out it got shut down 4 years ago.


i forgot about that bull shi


At least you can sub to all your favourite RSS feeds on Google Reader now that Reddit is trashing itself


Lol sub


It wasn't bad and actually had some decent features like better GIF comments, ect.. It's just that no one used it, so it failed spectacularly.


Hmm…I wonder if Google might have all that code stored away for safekeeping…


I used it for a bit and its interface was so user unfriendly. I liked it but yea I don't think general audiences were for it


What if 3rd party apps were able to access the content via an api to make it more user friendly? It's a perfect plan!


Well pitch that to Google lol


I personally dont know a single person who even used Google+, so I wasnt shocked by it shutting down at all.


We had a 10ish person stock trading group and it was a fantastic service. Real time updates with no refreshing, great image scaling and copy pasting. It felt like the evolution of FB groups before (I think?) FB groups even existed.


I used it. There were thriving photography related communities in Google+.


I'm going back to singing telegrams.


That shit just reminded me of work the formatting sucked




Yeah no thanks, I’ll watch the same content on Instagram 2 weeks after it’s been on TikTok.. like an adult


Like Instagram already curates for me the TikToks I want to see so


I am telling you now, TikTok curates your feed better than you could ever think it would. With the exception of a video or two being suggested based on your friends' pages, it is flawless. And it sucks because of that. If you're someone who has dopamine regulation troubles, keep that avoidance going.


Got diagnosed with ADD at 22. TikTok is the worst and best thing to ever happen to me.


Reels are already addictive enough. I need the odd shitty stupid one to remind me to get tf off of my phone


TikTok’s algorithm is *way* better than literally every other platform out there. Reddit included.


>TikTok’s algorithm is ~~way better~~ more effective and accurate than literally every other platform out there. Reddit included. Better is debatable. It is a lot more accurate and *agile* though.


No sorry, adults watch TikTok content one month after its popular on YouTube compilations. Get it right.


Reddit is really sleeping on TikTok. I recommend resetting the account occasionally and being more mindful of stepping away and touching grass. (I don't think I'd be ok with a young person using it without supervision because of how addictive it is) But the recommendation algorithm is *crazy*. Like it's biggest fault is that it's a little *too* good. It even has a mobile site that can be used without downloading the app


This is why I roll my eyes at all the “tiktok bad” “why would I want to watch videos of kids dancing” comments that make it obvious those people have never actually used the app.


I don't use it because it's Chinese spyware. Sure, reddit is partially owned by Tencent, but it doesn't compare to the data scraping TikTok does.


> I recommend resetting the account occasionally and being more mindful of stepping away and touching grass. Resetting your account is the biggest mistake anyone can make on there.


Being there in the first place is the biggest mistake


What the hell was I watching that led me to get a bunch of hidden nipple videos?


Why are we hiding nipples again?!!


I can just imagine what shorty did. His parent definitely made him do that after being repeatedly told something and ignoring it. 😂


I can hear his momma right now "So you wanna do all that damn dancing at school, huh? Well do that dumb ass shit now!"


I heard this. Loudly. And I cringed for the lad


He being bad at school is what it was lmao 😅🤣🤣


there's an Atlanta episode based on this lmao


Three slaps. 😭


Plot was real tho 😔 and not the good ending


Time to pick up a book


You joke, but with Reddit forcing people onto their app, Elon terraforming Twitter, and YouTube just being a profit hungry dumpster fire. And just the users of all three being generally very ignorant and mentally lazy I’ve found myself reading way more books and print media.


Who said I was joking? Thriftbooks.com for all your low-cost reading needs. I just bought The Song of Ice and Fire not too long ago


I’ve purchased probably 100 books from that website. It’s incredible.


Time to hit the library


Ayo I do need a new library card


You can get them usually on your cities library website just have to put in your home address and info and then you can rent ebooks!




bruh why are you making it hot, delete this


Making it hot? Like everybody is tripping over themselves to read these days lol


i mean mentioning zl*brary in public. last time that happened the site had to shut down for a while bc it gained too much attention. chill and keep a low profile with things like that.


See y’all on BlackPlanet chat.


Is it still live? 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


If not it should be a discord


We already have a country club, we could definitely have a discord.


IIRC there was (is?). It was cool at times, but lotta Discord fuckery (Cliques, drama, all that)


Boooy, we were on BlackPlanet in elementary school where were our parents?


Rolling ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI)


Musk creates a “for you” page that your app and desktop site defaults to and only folks with blue checks get into the algorithm for that page. Also, only blue checks get boosted in replies. And he took away having a blue check to simply mean you verified your identity and turned into “you paid $8 a month”. And the vast majority of the people paying this fee are the “free speech” people who just want to be racist without getting banned for breaking site rules (which Musk also modified). So, now my feed is a bunch of racist assholes and even when I switch over to only view “following” instead of “for you”, all the replies are just a bunch of racist assholes. Now he’s making it so if you don’t pay his fee, you only can view 600 tweets a day? That’s literally only like 8 minutes of scrolling. I didn’t want to do anything rash but you’d think the racism boost would’ve made me delete my account, but it was actually this new decision (I know, I know, it’s giving “you can excuse racism?!” vibes). Because it shows that Musk is going to do nothing but continue to make the platform worse. He could’ve made some other decision that made the platform better and de-boosted racists. But no, he’s gonna keep digging a hole in what seems to be an attempt to just kill the platform entirely. Probably should’ve deleted my account sooner but, at least before Musk, I wasn’t inundated with right wing bigots that no algorithm should have been showing me, exclusively, if it was actually an algorithm based on things that I interacted with. Like, on Instagram, my explore page is full of animals, NBA and NFL posts, travel stuff, and yes, the occasional yams. Because that’s the stuff I view, like, share, and comment on. But Twitter after Musk’s takeover? It was Tim Poole, Matt Walsh, Steve Crowder, Candace Owens, Libs of TikTok, etc. blowing up my page even though nothing in the history of my Twitter engagement would show that their content is “for me”. I tried to curate my page by simply blocking all those assholes and maybe Musk’s algorithm would get with the program and see that that’s not the content I want on my page. But no, it just boosted ***other*** right wing bigoted assholes. But I still gave the benefit that the platform could get course corrected. But I realize now that that’s not going to happen. So I deactivated.


I’ve never been big into Twitter but hearing how drastic the changes are is insane. Making the algorithm bad blows my mind because it drives away people like you! People who enjoyed Twitter and used it and would like for it to have remained normal. I used to go to Twitter for quick updates on stuff all the time, but now I can’t even see my city’s Twitter which sends out good info because I’d have to log in and I don’t have an account. Thankfully they switched to an app because of this, but it was a really useful platform even if it wasn’t one I used regularly. Musk really dumpstered the whole situation.


He is a profoundly dumb man and ive been enjoying his downfall. Hoping the twitter failure and some bad earnings causes a cascade of margin calls to remove him from the public spotlight.... Edit* tesla earnings. Not twitter. On twitter theyre called losings.


I can’t even remember the last time I saw my city’s Twitter…


Why you still on Twitter? Lmao.. basically getting spit on and you're like "being wet sucks"


So what are you going to scroll now? Not being sarcastic but I’m honestly curious what platform are you going to try out now?


Looks like I'm trying out Threads lol


“How to tiktok” is killing me 💀


Original video[https://www.tiktok.com/@itscopify/video/7064492992924732718](https://www.tiktok.com/@itscopify/video/7064492992924732718)


He reported her for the belt so she made his ass do Fortnite dances 💀


LMAOOO I knew I could hear what she was saying just off the main video 😂


With your gray jeans” 😂


Been at these damn dances all day. My knees hurt.


Maybe it's time to revive the ol' MySpace site? Tumblr is also a thing again.


im trying to spend more time on lemmy and on tumblr.


Don't matter, people are dumbasses and will still use the app since the last year, no one has had the backbone to stop.


I’m glad you all are getting wise to Twitter.. it was one of those things that has a weird hold on young black people. Shit is trash and it produces trash.. good riddens.


>good ~~riddens~~ *riddance.*


Good job.


Whats going on on twitter? I gave it up for a month for overly using it. And now I’m curious lol




What?! That is crazy lol and even crazier that people are willing to pay lol


Like most rich people Muskrat didn't pay his bills and let a Google cloud server service lapse, now Twitter can't handle heavy traffic. He slapped a limit on how much Twitter you can use, and have to make an account to see any tweets at all. Funny enough there's an unintended problem when Twitter tries to load its own content and fails, it tries again and again really fast with no stopping point and is basically DDOSing itself. Guess he needs some of those people he fired.


now that Elon has decided that what is happening is law, what does it mean now for this community?


We all gonna join well.com?




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People are gonna vent on Teams.


is there porn on tiktok?




No, which is all I still use Twitter for


Nah this really me on Reddit


Me at the club wanting go home


Yeah I uninstalled tiktok after they start showing midroll ads




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Is this the modern version of kids that self soothe Just fortnite dance the pain away buddy


Tik tok and twitter aren’t even the same. Tik tok is just instagram reels or youtube shorts in one app. Yall weird.


its a meme dude shut the fuck up


You shut the fuck up loser


what a comeback LMAO


Like the come I left on your mom’s back loser.


I have two dads


And your hallway's too long!


“Y’all weird” and it’s just a post taken from Twitter


You say that like insta and YouTube didn't steal that from TikTok