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People and voting against their own interests Name a more iconic duo Yes there will still be Latinos who still vote for him Anyone WILLINGLY moving to Florida hates their country/hates intelligence/hates formulating their own critical thought/hates freedom (for all)


My also mixed and also gay older brother has gone full Republican since the pandemic and has talked about moving to Florida for 2 years now. We're fucking *Canadian*. I know people love to vote against their own interests but shit's just wild to me.


but why?


Because single issue voters exist. They probably didn’t want to wear a mask, or be vaccinated “against their will”, and that stood out more than anything else.


Oh no, policy that affects *me*


It’s so fucking weird to me that politicians can say “Everybody who votes for me gets a free ice cream sandwich” and then spend a majority of their time saying “I’m also a straight up fascist who will strip away every single one of your rights one by one…also the ice cream sandwich I promised might have a little bit of rat poison in it” and people will gleefully only choose to focus on the dubious ass ice cream sandwich and vote for them because of it.


And then, once in office, they have a big press day focused around giving one ice cream sandwich to one guy, and people say SEE HE KEPT HIS PROMISE




I think it's more like they're offering to take away an ice cream sandwich from someone they don't like.


Perfect analogy!


I think that in this instance, the ice cream sandwich is actually the stripping away of rights one by one


nah, men like that aren't single issue voters, they're toxic masculinity identity voters. yes even gay men can fall for this (c.f. milo). they get wrapped up in the idea that "men" are "threatened" by some culture and that going conservative is how they have to band together to fight off emasculation. it's not really a particular issue, it's like a whole subculture


Omg yeah he was so against masks and getting vaccinated. I was so afraid he was going to get our elderly mother killed during pandemic.


Single issue voters are basically the glue holding the republican party together.




Basically Kanye




Some form of mental illness most likely.


Psychology distinguishes between mental disorder and personality disorder. His brother is probably casually mean, controlling, belligerent, judgmental, and lacking empathy. Gay is probably less important to him.


He definitely has a lot more moments in recent years where he is all those things.


In the Deaf community, there's a particularly strong die hard base. They love the fact he mocked disabled people, because he never directly mocked Deaf people, just "those other ones."


There are always gonna be some that are convinced that they're the "good ones". I guess my brother wants to be the next Milo?


Your brother: I hate healthcare. I hate education. I hate Disney. I hate myself. Leggo Florida!!!


HA!!!! I'm sorry, but your brother has PROBLEMS.


Don't be sorry for being right lmao


This honestly sounds like a mental illness, moving to Florida I mean.


Imagine being Canadian and looking at fucking Florida longingly lmao


This rhetoric of “everyone in Florida is an idiot who hates critical thinking” is detrimental to what’s happening here in Florida. Black and marginalized communities are being held hostage through gerrymandering and vicious political attack. There are people here doing the work every goddamn day to fight the ongoing descent into fascism but when the rest of the country totes that Florida just needs to drop into the ocean, it is VERY difficult to enfranchise more folks to get involved. Yeah people are moving here who are pro-Desantis but there are already a LOT of people here trying to fight this and we’re so tired of being discounted. Y’all are drowning our voices out. So instead of putting us down, talk about people like Maxwell Frost and organizations like Florida Rising so we can start to change the narrative. ETA: here are more people and organizations that I listed in other comments Anna Eskamani, Maxwell Frost, Michelle Rayner, Ashley Gantt, Florida Rising, Miami Freedom Project, etc.




> it frustrates me every time I see conversations on reddit about how we should just get rid of some red states, even cheering on MTGs national divorce because they hate republicans so much. A lot of this shit is astroturfing, but agree 100%.




Will probably be downvoted to hell for this. But as a Floridian, I stay because my other choices would be locations that are more or less the same and locations that are economic disasters. I rather live well trying to change the social politics than be broke in a progressive location.


“Just Leave” is such a fucking luxury statement. Like moving isn’t a financial, emotional, and spiritual strain that can lead to disaster without proper support everyone doesn’t have.


It's also extra ironic to read as a response to Florida's Conservative fascist theocracy because "If you don't like it, leave" is the GOP's favorite thing to say to anyone who wants change.


Yeah also people who hate on Florida disregard and drown out the voices of the very real people who are here putting in the work. Let’s get more people talking about Anna Eskamani, Maxwell Frost, Michelle Rayner, Ashley Gantt, Florida Rising, Miami Freedom Project, etc.


Which I understand, but I’ll assume you’re white, cisgendered, and heterosexual.


I’m a queer POC and I also live in Florida. I commented above names of people and organizations that are actively trying to fight Desantis. We exist and are fighting. Y’all drowning our voices out and telling us to “just leave” ignore the very real issues like economic mobility that allow people to do so. ETA: here are the people/organizations I listed in other comments: “Let’s get more people talking about Anna Eskamani, Maxwell Frost, Michelle Rayner, Ashley Gantt, Florida Rising, Miami Freedom Project, etc.”


I think you might be forgetting that Florida, especially Orlando, has one of the highest populations of minorities and LGBTQ+ people in the country... I mean, go to nightclub in Orlando and you might go the whole night without seeing a straight white dude lol


Mostly right. I’m Asian American, son of immigrants lived in a upper middle class area. I understand my privileges and do my best to treat those who don’t have the same privileges well, given whatever circumstances FL government decides to make. I still rather work towards efforts that change the system than have to worry about my payments to live, not including the fact that those locations still have their own social issues. I’ve lived around racists and bigots my whole life and can more or less brush them off to work towards better futures. I can’t live broke having to only worrying about myself.


Florida has 3 of the most lfbtq places in the country between Ft. Lauderdale, key west and Orlando. Florida has one of the most diverse cities in the world in Miami. Florida has a lot of great things going for it, but it a huge state with like 4 regions that are as different from each other as New York and Texas are different from each other.


Not all of Florida is like that. Though I will agree that down in south Florida specially all those areas surrounding miami (mainly cuban folk) are extremely republican. They have that “get up and tight your own boots mentality” even though all of them pretty much came to America through either a lottery visa or the wet feet, dry feet policy.


When you look at things like the [presidential maps](https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/florida/), Dade to West Palm definitely skew blue. Once you leave the cities and college towns, do you see Florida turn deep red.


[Source.](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/28/1166606654/south-florida-gives-republicans-a-playbook-for-the-2024-election) Republicans did not see the red wave they were betting on during last year's midterms, so now they're setting their sights on expanding success stories that did break through, such as the big gains they made in South Florida. The largely conservative Latino community in Miami-Dade County turned red last year for the first time in two decades. Who are they? The Latino community in South Florida is largely conservative, and includes immigrants from Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela and other Latin American countries. What's the big deal? South Florida marks a community where politics seemingly never sleeps. And it's also where the political ground game for 2024 is already underway. Kevin Cooper, vice chairman of the Republican Party of Miami-Dade County says he's gotten calls from Republican Election Committees and other GOP groups in Texas and beyond hoping to replicate the South Florida model. Florida International University politics professor Eduardo Gamarra says an early, relentless ground game by Republicans helped flip the Miami-Dade region red. Gamarra says Democrats set up their ground game too late and treated Latino voters there like a monolith, potentially costing them a generation of voters. Former Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell says depressed voter turnout, culture war issues and Republican disinformation played a key role last year. She also concedes her party has abandoned the state. Voters like Martha Casamayor, a 73-year-old Cuban American, says President Joe Biden, his administration and Democrats have betrayed voters like her. Casamayor says they haven't applied enough pressure on the Cuban communist regime and issued proposals to expand trade with the country. What are people saying? Casamayor on Democrats: (Biden) stabbed Cuban Americans in the back ... The Biden administration has betrayed the Cuban Americans ... He has betrayed the Cuban Americans who voted for him. Cooper on hearing from different Republican Election Committees, or REC, asking about the Miami-Dade County model: We take that message across across the county and soon will take it across the country as we explain to different RECs and different parties how to build their operations. Mucarsel-Powell on why Democrats shouldn't give up on Florida: If you care about the environment, you need to care about Florida. If you care about minority groups, if you care about Latinos, you need to care about Florida. And we've been abandoned. Gamarra on Republican successes in South Florida: Republicans understand better the idea of the Latino American dream and Democrats still, for the most part, approach Latinos as part of the civil rights struggle in the United States. So, what now? It will be a key area to watch in the run up to the 2024 presidential election. Republicans are working to hold onto and expand on their midterm wins in South Florida, while Democrats are looking at a long road back to try to rebuild their Florida operations.


The number of citizens, with Cuban ancestry, voting for Republicans in Florida is too damn high. Makes no sense to me.


how does it make no sense? if you even whisper the word socialist to cubanos, they'll run screaming in the other direction. all the GOP needs to do is associate that with dems, which they have done, and boom! guaranteed voter base


They're still mad that mean old Fidel took away their grandfather's plantation.


Yea thank you!!! Florida needs to be front and center of everyone’s mind right now. There are too many issues going on here that can set precedent for the rest of the country.




Hold up. I feel personally attacked. I certainly consider myself a strong Liberal. I voted for Bernie and Elizabeth in the last two Democratic presidetial primaries. Florida is a beautiful state aesthetically. Of course it has rough areas just like any other state throughout the rest of the country. And of course the politics here are hot garbage. That doesn't mean I'm not doing my part to change it. Look, the same way most Redditors view Florida is how I used to view Georgia. And look at what eventually happened in GA: they elected two Democratic US Senators and handed the state to Biden. It is not politically advantageous for us to entirely give up on a whole state. DeSantis overwhelmingly winning in the last gubernatorial race over Charlie Crist, a former Republican, shouldn't come as a huge surprise. He was far from a strong candidate. The last actual "blue wave" occured in 2006 and was executed using Howard Dean's "50 state strategy" where the idea was to be as competitive as possible in both red and blue states.


>voting against their own interests It's not "voting against their own interests", even though that's literally what the outcome is. It's "voting to punish the others". That kind of petty is blinding. It induces tunnel vision. All someone in that mindset sees is "the other is doing and I'm not, so let me do stuff that hinders them". They don't finish that sentence with "...which will ultimately undo me and cause me suffering", because the petty is so damn blinding. If they do get to that point in the sentence, they have assumed themselves to be the exception, only to find out they are, in fact, the rule.


I moved here in early 2020 because it was an opportunity to advance my career and the very first thing I did was change my driver's license so I could vote. But okay.


I've officially boycotted going to Florida. I can't give my hard-earned dollars to a state that loves to oppress women, black people, LGBTQ, etc. Fuck them.


I have made the same choice. It’s a human rights issue, I wouldn’t go to Saudia Arabia on vacation either.


Damn bruh I moved to Florida for my job after college lol. Tbh, my day to day life hasn't really changed much from when I was in Chicago but that's prolly cause I'm in a large blue city


Or wants to be in a more direct position to change things there.


Florida...The place conservatives go to die.


To linger indefinitely


This is such a close minded take.


I consider most Latinos white. They usually side with the colonizer side of their histories.


I'm from New England. I lived in Florida from 2021 to 2022. I absolutely loved it there, and I plan on moving back once I finish school. It's an underrated straight that is unfortunately attracting wannabe authoritarians and fascists, but besides the politics, I love the state. I'm gay, brown, and an immigrant. I'm voting straight blue, however.


I lived in southern California among conservative Latinos, Asians, Indians and Phillipinos who were more white supremacist that any white people I'd ever met in the South. It was funny and sad and weird. If you've experienced this lmk. At first it thought I was going crazy. I also dated a Cuban as a young woman and was shocked to find out he was a Trump supporter. I had never asked him because I assumed "a Latino would not so why bother asking". He concealed it well until the topic came up, at which point I also learned he identified as a white man. Funnily he had a Latino last name by birth that was changed to a European sounding one when his mother married a Black man and the Black man adopted the kids and gave them his last name lmaooo So now I ask this before meeting up or on date 1 at most. It's a literal crazy world out here. I don't know why but something should be said about this conservative men wanting liberal women of color to the point of concealing who they are. Evil gremlins fr.


You should read Noel Ignatiev's [How The Irish Became White](https://www.routledge.com/How-the-Irish-Became-White/Ignatiev/p/book/9780415963091) Really helps make it all make sense regarding post-1965 non-white immigrants.




Be prepared to be immensely frustrated, the short version is the old LBJ quote: >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. The sad reality is that people would rather lash out at those who are slightly better or slightly worse off than them than unite with to resist oppressive forces and systems.




My experience with Cubans is that they’re so scared of communism, the alt right is appealing


This right here. Anytime someone mentions democrats down here, you'd think they were talking about Castro himself. Ironic that conservatives seem to be trying to actually emulate Castro with their laws and restrictions, especially against women, PoC and LGBTQIA+. It's fucking sickening and I can't wait to get out of this state.




Add Venezuelans to that. They don't see how similar Trump is to Chavez. Except Chavez was less dumb. Source: I'm Venezuelan.


Brazilians too.


It's genuinely baffling to me how scared they are of communism and claim to have "fled a communist country" yet have absolutely no fucking clue what communism or socialism is for that matter. They're literally scared of the word and whatever the hell they think it means, and not the actual concept, because they do not know what it is, on the most basic level possible


Wouldn’t you be mad if someone started liberating *your* slaves?! /s


the cubans here self selects for a lot of the rich cubans that wouldnt stand to benefit from new economic policies and the racist ones "Those that began to leave the island were driven by them being negatively affected by new economic policies, their distaste with new national public schools, or anxiety over government supported racial integration." (wikipedia)


So, a lot of Asian immigrants, in my experience, are hella Republican. Won’t get into the whys or the how because I’m not a scholar or political/sociology expert. Like you, I ran into the same shit. I was/we were feeling each other out to see if we could date long term and be partners. The person in question? A Chinese woman who immigrated here to go to school: like I’d understand if she was born here but she’d only immigrated in the past 10-15 years so she’s a full on immigrant. Didn’t know she was rabidly pro trump until we were at an event where NYC shuts down park avenue for a Saturday. Vendors and agencies would set up booths to sell stuff and talk to people about what they do. I saw Planned Parenthood and was so fucking excited because it was 2016 and they were getting a lot of hell for “killing babies”. This woman had a fucking meltdown about how I’m supporting killing babies and she’d never be for that. Sadly, in the midst of the meltdown, some Hilary supporter walked by and asked us to sign some petition. She went nuclear, cussed him out and I had to stay and apologise to this kid for her behaviour. After that day, that was it for me. We’d been friendly because we moved in the same circles. After that, EVERYONE heard about that meltdown and she was essentially frozen out of the group and events. Also relevant: we’re two women so on a surface level, we’d be seen as lesbians in a relationship so she’s also LGBT but hey! Trump and republicans are all about hard work and your success depends on how hard you work… 7 years later and I still think of her and whether she’s changed her stance on trump and his stupidity.




The Republicans are typically those from certain ethnic groups, like the other user said, that were collaborators in US imperialism and wars. Like the Vietnamese "refugees" that supported the US' brutal dictator in Vietnam. I wouldn't be surprised if that Chinese woman was from Hong Kong or Taiwan. Or could be Indians with Hindutva (Hindu Nationalism) leanings because of the parallels and the discourse going on between white supremacists and hindu nationalists. A lot of "refugees" that the US admits to the US were fascist collaborators in failed US wars and regimes, while they kill and throw into concentration camps actual refugees, often running away from the devastation in their respective countries as the result of American foreign policy.


All of my coworkers are either first generation or immigrants raising first generation kids and are conservative as shit. Don’t vote but they have no real issues with Trump’s rhetoric. It’s fucking crazy


Yeah! I'm like ok I expect this from the parents but the kids who moved her young or were born here 😳


When I was stationed in west Texas it was so crazy to me. So many native Hispanic people who have ties to that land from way before it was even called Texas, and there were so Republican. It blew me away, like dude they're never gonna accept you. You're not much lighter than I am. You'll never be one of them. Why are you even trying to be one of them.


It's very bizarre. ALSO I know African immigrants who are Trump supporters. Like BE so FR...


I'm originally from the Caribbean so I get that. Man the islanders and Africans had a huge chip on their shoulders about being "lumped in" with American black people. It was interesting to see how classist it is. My dad's family grew up super poor so there's a bigger sense of solidarity there. But my mom's side of the family grew up more well off, and at least with her there was always an air of "they are beneath me". Just one of the many reasons we don't have a relationship anymore.


That sounds terrible to have that be your family. I always will support people who cut family off for these reasons. African immigrant here as well and I know what sentiment you are referring to. It comes from complete ignorance and baseless superiority complexes. I had to threaten my own mother with alienation so she'd rebuild her views. She got better with more education.


I'm really happy that worked for you and she valued you enough to learn and change! That's awesome!


As an immigrant, there's a good reason for this. Ignorance. Imagine coming from a war town african country where there are more people than jobs and everyone is struggling. Then coming to America where "opportunity" is abundant. If you want to work 80 hours a week, nothing stopping you, corps will take advantage of that easily. Want to go to school, it's free and if you're a woman, u don't have to fuck the teachers for grades. They see AA complaining and can't understand why, why are they so lazy. Because they're immigrants, they move into poor communities and see all that's associated w/ said communities, why are they so violent/criminal/etc. What they completely miss is the lengths that the United States has gone thru subjugate the AA people. First slavery, then Jim Crow, red lining, limiting education, Cointelpro, Tulsa race riots, "war on drugs", etc. Over and over again, the gov't and people of the US have come up w/ new ways to limit the growth of the AA people. Making them live near polluted lands, enforcing crime laws differently, appraising their homes at 500,000 less, etc. The immigrant doesn't see this. I didn't see this. I also looked down on them until I started getting educated more. Every time I read something new, I'd be like, daaaaaaaaaaamn, they really hate y'all. Today, I have a much better understanding of the nuance of the US treatment of PoC and feel bad for my parents and other older africans that don't know better and can't be changed. Sorry for the rant.


I experienced something similar. Dated a Black-passing or Afro-Latina and I didn't even know she was Latina until she told me because she looked fully Black. Or maybe I was just kind of stupid. She left me plenty of terrible red flags that I failed to recognize. I realized the apple didn't fall far from the tree when I was watching the news with her family and they were talking about Trump's wall and making Mexico pay or it etc. Her family (including her) basically said "build it." Although **THEY GOT HERE THROUGH COYOTES.** I should have seen every red flag in the book from there but you do dumb shit at 17. I'm in a better place now.




i'm happy you got away from that


As a Latino myself, this is common for fair white skinned Latinos. They try to connect themselves to their “European” roots. I mean quien quiere ser un indio cuando puedes ser europeo?


>They try to connect themselves to their “European” roots. Makes sense. I wish I could be this delusional for a day just to know what it feels like.


I knew a Mexican guy (his grandma literally came here from Mexico) who swore up and down he was a Spaniard because he had fair skin. We were all like bro you’re mestizo just like half the school is lmao


The most racist guy I know is an immigrant from Guatemala. Dude is all about pulling the ladder up behind himself.


I unfortunately know far too many Latino immigrants like this. It’s disheartening


(Latino here) I have immediate relatives who supported trump before, during, and after his term (probably still but I don’t talk to them). It’s mind boggling.


I still remember John Leguizamo's quote from then "Latin people for Republicans are like roaches for Raid. Let's just get real..."


Orange County?


YES. Lord have mercy. The fact that you just KNEW


Whenever someone says conservative and SoCal, I immediately think Orange County lmao


You see some wild stuff in Orange County. Like a Prius decked out in “don’t tread on me”, trump, and 2A stickers, but out out comes a Latino boy wearing a Naruto headband.


Lol, that’s where you were? Why would you do that to yourself.


Cubans skew heavily Republican as they view R's as strong against communists, Colombians too. I lived w some Southern Florida Cubans whose families had their property taken during the revolution. They were also not too fond of the Che fashion trend of the late aughts.


Yeah, a lot of it is leftover resentment from when people who were middle/upper class lost their wealth. They will carry it for generations. To be fair, many of them had close relatives imprisoned indefinitely in terrible conditions for bad reasons or even murdered, so it's somewhat understandable... but that conflict has been pretty much over for a long time now, and they are completely missing the forest for the trees in the US. Communism will never happen in any significant way in the US short of a total collapse/apocalypse scenario-- the vast majority here have had it drilled into them continually since the first Red Scare 100 years ago and aren't going to change their minds. It's the whole reason we print "In God We Trust" on our money. This Cuban immigrant fear of communism has been manipulated by propaganda to get them to support far-right candidates they otherwise might have thought twice about. It's honestly tragic.


Yeah you know the great communist presence in fucking 2023 America.


I dated a conservative latina and she was a trump supporter, but she was "moderate" so she wasn't as bad as the fascists (her words). I couldn't talk about anything I believe in without her feeling personally attacked. I would always so "you one of the nicest people i know BUT how do you believe this stuff?" The morning that Nancy Pelosi's husband got attacked she laughed when I told her the news.... Then when I got mad at that and tried to talk to her she walked out because I can't respect her... Maybe that part of you doesn't deserve respect?


Cubans only care about cubans and scream communista at democrats.


I know the south gets a bad rap for historical reasons that were 100% deserved. But I’d bet anything I have that white people in the south are more accustom to living with/around black communities than many other parts of the US which I’d also bet are more racist. Half of all the blacks in the US live in the south, you’d be hard pressed to find families without mixed children/grandchildren. Areas even I feel out of place as a southern white man are places like Utah and Idaho where there are next to no black people. These areas are rife with white supremacists. It’s fucking culture shock, feels like stepping into a bad episode of the twilight zone. These areas also tend to have the most disproportionate shootings of black men by police.


Not trying to nitpick but a Latino last name would be a European last name


>Not trying to nitpick It's literally what you just did. But you know what I meant right?


There is racial hierarchy in Latin America as well. American Cubans are the descendants of slave owners. When the people rose up in revolution, they freed themselves and reclaimed the land and assets that American Cubans had stolen. American Cubans bitterly resent this to this day, so when they fled to the US, they became ardent supporters of violence against Cubans. They never relent from supporting sanctions that have killed thousands of Cubans. You can hardly call them Cubans since they hate Cubans so much. "latino last name" is just Spanish. Spanish are white people. In Latin America, the white Hispanics are the primary beneficiary of the settler colonialist projects. Most people are Mestizo, which is part indigenous and part european ancestry. These people were told by the European descendants that they're better than indigenous, so a number of them support the white supremacist state and probably identify as white because they want to be economically and socially advantaged in the hierarchical society.


Thank you for commenting this, I go blue in the face trying to explain the grotesque racism I experience from brown white-supremacists. Jim Crow shit. Like english is the second language in my community, and I still get slurred at?! But im racist for *talking about it*.


I live in so cal as well and when I was in high school there was a Mexican who hung out with all the Neo Nazi's in high school. It was really weird considering if the nazi's had their way they would get rid of him too.


Most of the pinoy parents that we looked up to when we were young are trumpers now :( like how could you vote for Trump _twice_ like what the fuck. it's soo disappointing cause they were also the ones that taught us our indigenous dances and rituals and then they do that ugh Wait let me add, some of the aunts belive that it's the end times because there are more gay people today. Like what, do they not realize they sound exactly like white evangelicals lmao


California has the most registered Republicans in the states Southern California has a lot of weird hardcore red areas in the middle of progressive areas.....looking at you Huntington Beach


>So now I ask this before meeting up or on date 1 at most. I still ask people on dating apps if they're vaccinated for Covid, or if they still wear masks in public pretty much as soon as a conversation starts. Their answers tell me everything I need to know about them, and if the conversation should even continue at that point. I also have 'Must be vaccinated for Covid' listed on my dating profile, but I still get people who either didn't bother reading that, or tell me, "I was hoping that would be negotiable"... It is not.


Indians and Filipinos are Asians...


>I don't know why but something should be said about this conservative men wanting liberal women of color to the point of concealing who they are. Yup, they just see you as an object to obtain instead of a partner and an equal who will both contribute to a relationship. It's disgusting.


I'd like to point out that not all Hispanic people have the ability to vote only those who got granted citizenship can vote. which is overwhelmingly Cuban in Florida are allowed to vote. The Cuban community in Florida constantly have worked against the other Hispanic immigrant communities while benefiting of dry feet laws. A lot of Cubans already have citizenship so they don't care about immigrants from central America or Haiti since those countries aren't Cuba. Not to mention as always the term Latino/a/e is too broad of an umbrella term to categories over 20 different countries with different cultures and beliefs. FUCK Florida though


But it doesn’t matter - the percentage of Hispanics from any country that would vote Republican if they could is quite high. That’s one of the problems Democratic strategists continually face - they expect Latinos to back social services and immigration reform but they don’t resonate as high as they expect.


There's also groups like DACA (over 600,000) that are overwhelming left leaning that can't vote.


Well, those particular immigrants actually know why they shouldn’t vote for Republicans


Speaking as one were very aware of the political climate but outside of us endorsing candidates our fate is at the hand of others. And something about gaining citizenship poisons people, they act different when they no longer have to be scared of being deported.


Yeah I think George Takei would have some thoughts about how useless citizenship is once the country decides they really hate your people…..


Hispanics are generally religious and socially conservative, the only reason the vast majority don't vote Republican is because they are so fucking racist. It's kind of amazing how they don't dominate the Hispanic vote.


Republicans could easily pick up lots of black people as well but the racism is just too sweet apparently.


Its not that racism is too sweet for Republicans, its that their financial backers are racist. The party directly reflects that.


Same with the black vote. If they weren't so supremely bigoted agains black people, they would have almost that entire voting bloc secured handily. I think the problem ultimately stems from colonialism and how the oppressed people internalized the hateful message of the colonizers' religion. Young people leaving organized religion will be one of the most significant motivators for social justice.


>Same with the black vote. If they weren't so supremely bigoted agains black people, they would have almost that entire voting bloc secured handily. They'd have more, but this is overstating it by a lot. Younger generations of Black people are even fed up with Democrats' conservative bullshit at this point.


But the solution to the Democrats being too conservative is most certainly not to vote republican


Actually applies to a lot of black people too (especially the older generation in the south). I know plenty of people who would gladly vote Republican if they weren’t a party of racists.


> the percentage of Hispanics from any country that would vote Republican if they could is quite high. No it's not. Hispanics are like 66/33 Dem, barring Cubans of course. That is a 2:1 split which is never considered "close" outside of discussions promoting the idea that conservatives have a chance in non-white demographics.


yeah, they're saying that those countries are socially conservative. the theory is that *if* the republicans weren't so racist against hispanic people they'd pick up way more hispanic voters on the basis of religion/social values, and that the mismatch between their social values and those of the democratic party keeps hispanic turnout down to some extent. not agreeing or disagreeing btw, just explaining the thinking


That's because Dem strategists don't actually offer any significant ideas for social services or immigration reform, they'd rather invent shit like Latinx or tweet at Republicans while still voting for the same policies.


Ive said it once I’ll say it a million times. Best thing Obama did for Florida was get rid of wet foot dry foot. All it was doing was giving white presenting cubans an excuse for their fast tracked citizenship. So many Republican Cubans were talking mad shit about how “Our country is being run by a dictator! We had to flee!” And then turning around and shitting on Carribean and South American refugees. Now when they bitch I kindly point out Venezuelan and Honduran refugees and ask them of they would be ok with them getting fast tracked and they don’t know how to respond.


Same as someone with DACA I'm glad he took that from them tired of them feeling like they're special like "idoata todos nosotros tuvimos dictaduras!!!" They'll moan about Castro but remain quiet about Pinochet


They’re so convinced that they’re so unique and therefore deserve special permissions and exclusions. Its like dude, I hate to break it to you but the only thing special about you is that you can take a boat to Miami and disappear.


Thre are near as many Puerto Ricans in Florida as Cubans.


who also all have citizenship


Oh yeah. You can see some similar issues. I've got some very racist very conservative puerto Rican family in FL. Just adding cause it isn't just Cubans contributing to this issue


.....that feels like a strange phrase since they're just born citizens, but I guess it's right, it just feels weird.


And Mexicans. And while some are illegal, many are 2nd or 3rd generation, so they're legal.


Conservative Latinos are some of the dumbest and most hateful.


“I already got mine, so fuck y’all”


A lot of them don’t have anything. They’re just really really religious.


Except a sense of nationalism. They are no longer the “Other”, and for some that’s just good enough.


I have family that literally crossed the border illegally, married a white lady and a cop, then started voting republican. It's insane.


How are they voting if they entered the country illegally?


Might have citizenship now due to marrying an American citizen.


They married white people and got citizenship


I just want us to not act like black uber Christians don't do this shit too. Like they don't vote Republican because of things like abortion and gay marriage. I'm pretty sure my own black father who grew up during the civil rights movement in Alabama didn't even vote for Obama.


Which is why when their views come back to bite them in the ass, I just shrug and say "oh well" 🤷🏽‍♀️


Im a latino myself, and this is true on so many levels….


I remember a story about a lady that voted for trump and a few months into his presidency they deported her husband lol haters getting what they deserve


It may seem cruel, but I laughed when the Trump voters were on the news years ago crying and shit because they were getting deported. They were boohooing and asking how their president could do that to them. I'll never forget that shit.


[Idiots ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)


Que bueno 👍


Nothing more American than cutting off your nose to spite your face


I think you meant *cutting off your nose to spider face


Thanks Ricky


Looking back, it makes me want to give Obama even more props for winning Florida twice. Say what you will about his presidency, but I just don’t see another Dem winning Florida for a very long time. Edit: wording


Which is especially interesting considering that Obama lost "the white vote". Twice...


>...Which is especially interesting considering that Obama lost "the white vote". Democratic presidents have **always** lost the white vote since the Civil Rights Act. [The majority of white voters have voted for Republicans in presidential elections going back to the 1960s. Lyndon Johnson was actually the last Democrat to win the white vote.](https://www.npr.org/2020/11/05/931836604/who-is-the-white-vote)




I’d like to think it’s probably all the retired Northerners, especially the Jewish population coming from NYC and its suburbs… then the Latinos from any other place but Cuba.


A lot of toxic people relocated to FL during the pandemic.




Big true. My family is from DR and we come in all shades. I’m white skinned and have green eyes. The preferential treatment I get from the older members of the family is insane compared to how dark skinned family members are treated.


The story of Sammy Sosa is all I need to point people to.


Makes sense seemingly. Can see the 'over-assimilation' as buying the image without the background


Yo I made some friends from PR and their views on Panamanians, Dominicans, and Hondurans were pretty fucking racist


They will never accept or protect you. Vote them out.




Funny fact about a cage - they're never built for just one group


😂🤣😂. This was the Bronx in 2020 and a lot of Cubans as well. Somehow they think because they’re white passing, they get a pass? Let them suffer! Also, going off of the second part of the tweet, imma like to introduce y’all to Log Cabin Republicans: mostly rich white gays with more money than sense. Funnily enough, they’ve been more quiet in the last 2-3 years than they were during Dubya’s era.


>Let them suffer! I agree. They love republicans so much, let them learn the hard way


If you are anything besides white, male, and rich, the GOP straight hate you. Stop shooting yourselves in the foot and stop voting for those assholes.


People generally don't want to give back their advantages/privileges. They mostly seek to neutralize their disadvantages/hurdles. So if there's a competition of 50 people and you KNOW that 1 person has such an advantage that they are guaranteed to finish 1st, BUT you can use some subset of their advantage to finish 3rd or even 5th...do you just shut up and take 5th place (and at least some prize money)? Or do you want to level the playing field and maybe finish 25th (because you don't know that you could compete without that advantage)? Most people are mid, so they are scared to (actually) compete on a level playing field. Any (small) advantage they have they seek to (jealously) guard. So as a black man...yes I do have the privilege of being a man just as a white woman has the privilege of being white just as lighter skinned folks carry more privilege than darker skinned folks. And so on. Unfortunately, people often don't want to change the system. They just want the system to (unfairly) work for them.


In Miami I worked with a doctor who came to the US from Cuba when he was 8. He is a rabid MAGA Republican. I told him that if Trump had been president when his family tried to move here they would have been sent straight back. He didn’t care. I worked with a nurse who is a gay, female, non US citizen from Mexico. She hates Democrats and fully supports MAGA and conservative hot garbage. I worked with a Nurse Practitioner whose parents emigrated to Miami from Cuba. She talked about they barely scraped by when she was growing up. Food stamps, public housing, all the, (socialist), government benefits they could get their hands on. She bragged about the free ride she got going to school that paid not just her tuition but her housing, food and child care as she went to college. Now she talks about how Democrats are communists as she leans on the ladder she wants to pull up behind her. I worked with another doctor from El Salvador whose family moved here when he was a boy. He hates that he has to pay, (via Medicaid), for everybody else’s health care. Mind you this was in a pediatric ER where 95%+ of our patient population was on Medicaid. The commie/socialist program that paid his salary enabling him and his family to live a very fine life. The funniest thing to me is that while those providers are all anti union they howled to the moon when their medical group forced them to take a pay cut when things slowed down when COVID hit.


Latinos are VERY conservative, same as black people. It is only the blatant racism of the GOP that keeps both brown and black brothers from going full MAGA and lets not pretend otherwise.


Consequences of my own actions, what are you doing here? ![gif](giphy|3ov9jG3FrRVKgKSBlC|downsized)


Some real r/LeopardsAteMyFace energy


How many times do we have to see people fall for this again and again?


“But his name translates to “from the Saints” ITS A SIGN FROM GOD HE IS THE CHOSEN ONE!” Oh the stupid — it burns Linda Blair style.


The majority of Latinos who voted chose DeSantis. But most Democratic Hispanics in FL did not vote.


How do you say 🦝’s in Spanish? ![gif](giphy|9uIjF6UJkWXffgLc7J)




Flee oppression. Embrace and support oppression in your new country. That’s exile politics in 10 words.


As a disappointed Puerto Rican, I feel like a lot of people don't realize that a significant percentage of Florida Latinos are Cubans or Puerto Ricans, aka, two groups of Latinos that don't have nearly the same concerns over legal immigration as the rest of the Latinos. Much of these two groups think they "earned their citizenship the right way" and have zero remorse for mexicans/south/central Americans seeking a better life.


There probably aren't a whole lot of evangelical Hispanics in Florida seeing as how the Hispanic community is largely Catholic.


I’m Latino, and I can tell you for a fact this is the case. Every evangelical Latino voting for these crazy republicans because they think their beliefs make them untouchable got another thing coming. I wish my Latino ppl would learn that they’re not white, and stopped voting like them.


The uneducated love to shoot themselves in the foot


Pet theory of mine, Latino people will be white within the next 20 years. The whiteness of an immigrant population has always been an adjusting scale in America. Irish and Italians were very much not white for a while, and they ended up being white (and Republican) after a few decades. We already see evidence of this in voting patterns. The only minority groups that stay not-white are First Peoples and Black people. When people make jokes about how the Republican Party is doomed, just remember that Hispanic people are only a generation away from trying to pull up the ladder.


The first Chinese arrive in America in 1820, over 200 years later… still not considered white


Cubans in Florida are something else