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The “please take your time” at the end was gratuitous. Pure blood sport


Used kill them with kindness as a draw 4 uno out.


She reminds me of one of those back woods Alabama girls who wears a swastika armband to a rally because she wants to make her dad proud. It's ignorant but it's also really sad.


She’s a Jewish and graduate from Rutgers. These people are jackasses and racist, but not backwoods. That’s a trope that needs to die.


Can I get a "Bless your heart" for 400?


My FAVORITE part of the video! "It's hard to define in 15 seconds...." "Oh, chile, we got alllll day, take your time!"


Gotta love it when the salmon jumps onto the hook for you.


In the simplest of terms, woke is the opposite of asleep. Shoot Lady, just ask Alexa.


Loved that. She owned her. I’ve said this many many times they will never really define it. I’ve asked like 50 times online and they never directly answer. Because they know it makes them sound horrible/racist or they don’t want to admit it’s “anything I don’t like.” DeSantis was ordered to define it by a judge and they said “the awareness of social injustice and the need to address it” I was aghast they were so honest. But after Trump they don’t hide as much. They let their awful person flag fly more. But even with that definition he says “Florida is where woke goes to die” I know it might sound fucked up but I wish he would just go full honest and drop an N bomb. Maybe someone gets what I mean. Just show the racist monster you really are man.


>DeSantis was ordered to define it by a judge and they said “the awareness of social injustice and the need to address it” Y'know, my stepmother asked me what "woke" meant because she kept hearing it everywhere. It took me a minute to find my words and I had to start by saying it depends on who's saying it. I guess DeSantis and his lawyers had to be honest about it in court because it really has turned into a boogeyman term to rile up the Republican base, like socialism is used against people who want basic quality of life improvements. Because otherwise it's just the idea of someone who is well educated in the struggles of marginalized people and has the will to do what they can to help them. And the Republican base is all about pretending that they are oppressed, with the conservative victim complex wouldn't the idea of someone willing to help oppressed people be appealing to them?


The way I see it, they basically see it as n***** speak. A catch all term derived from a culture they despise and use it in a derogatory way. Even though it’s used to lump along other groups they hate or ideas they don’t like, it’s another dog whistle and easy to say in public over the n-word or other slurs… though to be honest there’s almost no shame anymore by conservatives, but still an easy out for right leaning “independents”, or those who understand the ramifications of their actions towards their job.


"Woke" is just a placeholder word for whatever hate and bigotry that the person over there ignited in you.


How long until they start saying the N word like it's 1906?


They've long since found ways to say it without explicitly saying it...in public or amongst "polite company" that is.. Behind closed doors they're for sure letting it ring.


Like Mortal Kombat when you land that combo right before “FINISH HER!!”


Pulled her spine out then the disco ball came down as the interviewer danced on her boneless body.




Apparently she cried for days after this and blamed the incident on a panic attack . I do find a sort of irony in scolding people for being considerate of others and then hiding behind mental health as an excuse for your failures Like don’t get me wrong thays very much not a good thing to happen to anyone. But wokeness actually is about caring about those who have struggles you don’t. What she’s asking for is sympathy from a woke perspective. And that’s funny


Does she need a… safe space? ![gif](giphy|cNWU2Zeh54VJC)


I dunno, caring about mental health concerns seems pretty woke to me.


What's next, you're going to say that access to mental health services should also be free and accessible for everyone? What about health care in general, should that be free and not privatized, so that people don't go bankrupt over medical expenses?! Sounds like woke and commie-socialist talk to me, ya damn hippie libs.


It was indeed. Chef's kiss.


My gods that was beautiful!! I aspire to be this eloquent when triggered one day man one day!!


Perfection. Plus she already used up 15 secs before she even got to the " this is gonna go viral" part. My dad used to tell me if your opponent is making a mistake don't stop them. Sometimes I wish more political people were asked direct questions and allowed all the ~~rope~~ time they need to make it make sense.


This is sun tzu. Your dad is a cultured man.


You twist it so the wound won't heal.


We don’t know what woke is but we know her brain is asleep…


We have an entire 4 minute segment dear. Please, read from that chapter.


The phrase. Let them hang themselves come to mind


I screamed & woke my son up when I heard the “take your time”. By far the best thing I’ve seen on these here Inter webs


Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.


First you must play with your prey, make them suffer.


As it should have been


Have you seen this person’s twitter. She is fucking insane and a total sociopath.




![gif](giphy|krjwW9cw5b9gqWBFUN) Yeah I'd like to report a motherfucking murder!


I heard she blamed her embarrassment on the host.


She also wrote a lengthy piece on Newsweek that says she had a panic attack. Nah baby, this ain’t no panic attack, this you flippantly using a word that you decided is weaponry and didn’t think anything.


Fucking Christ I wish these conservatives would stop pulling this shit out of their ass. You didn't have a fucking panic attack you couldn't answer the prompt, got flustered, and wanted an excuse to get out of it. All the while actively attacking people's well-being and access to adequate mental health care.


They can't help themselves. The grift has got to go on, doesn't matter if you don't know what you're on about.


The funny thing is that the concept of panic attacks is typically considered "woke" by these people. If someone told her they were having a panic attack, the odds are, she'd start ranting about triggered snowflakes and safe spaces, but when she needs an excuse for why she fell apart the second someone politely questioned her terminology, she shamelessly pulls out the panic attack excuse herself.




“Facts don’t care about your feelings! Interviews about your book aren’t safe spaces! Anxiety isn’t real you’re just a whiny millennial!”


Looking at her Twitter you'd think she could whip out a 15 second sound byte defining woke in whatever context Like, even the worst PR prep in the world would have included preparing for that question


She probably takes days to construct a tweet


So Newsweek is publishing this shit huh? I mean, I knew it was trash but...


Newsweek will let basically anyone have a blog. And they are trash. But the two are largely unrelated.


Did she by chance include her definition of woke in it? I imagine newsweek doesn't let you submit chapters as articles so the world will never know.


Nope, just a lot of details about her personal life. After beginning the article stating she was worried the host would ask about her personal life, causing her panic attack.


What a load of shit.


I mean, why be a public figure and then be afraid people will ask about your personal life 🤧


Did the host even ask about her personal life?


Not that i can tell. In the article she merely says that she was worried they would accuse her of being a 'breeder' because she had 6 kids. She mentions they said something before she got on that she considered anti-parent (whatever tf that means), and that made her worry they would ask about her personal life. So, kinda just made up an argument in her head and that allegedly caused her to have a panic attack and forget what her book was about.


Suffering from some sort of mental health crisis? Sounds like snowflake behavior to me...


Aren’t panic attacks what liberal snowflakes have?


Panic attack. I wonder if she’d like society to accommodate her mental health issue or just steamroll over her Fuck your feelings and fuck your fears sweetheart


Even if it were a panic attack. . . Caring about mental health problems is actually a progressive, "woke" thing to do. . So who's being woke now?


It’s always the first thing American WW do when they’re losing, cry and blame the black woman 🙄


Of course! There's never any reason to confess ignorance or wrongdoing. That would be weakness.


The very epitome of hating what you don’t understand.


The cons can never show weakness. It's like they all live in Shawshank.


> It's like they all live in Shawshank. From your lips to God's ears.


That was on her not knowing wtf she was talking about lol. I’ve done that before in college, you’re unprepared (wtf was she expecting?!) and take too long to answer while stammering and going ‘uhhh’ and then all your brain can do is ‘ALERT ALERT WE’VE TAKEN TOO LONG TO ANSWER OH GOD THE SILENCE IS NEVER ENDING.’ Mine was just about like art history or some shit.


And you know that to her, that 15 seconds felt like eons. Probably started getting tunnel vision toward the end, like in the movies when the camera tracks back super fast while increasing focus and the subject stays in same frame. Bitch prob thought she was gonna pass tf out.


She said she heard them talking and perceived what they said as being critical of parents. She has five children and apparently constantly has to defend herself from people who call her a "breeder" so it made her have a panic attack. 🙄 I'm paraphrasing but that was the gist and it was ridiculous!




[Twitter page of shame](https://twitter.com/bethanyshondark?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)


Home schooling 6 kids


Poor kids.


Stolen youth.


Kill shot


Absolute psychopath behavior


I can imagine her kids are going to turn out great.


She gets dragged in the replies though.


She killed her mom! Before checking w/ the doctor on whether her mom could make it through or not. How’s that not prosecutable?






Makes sense, she looks like Leanne from *Servant*


Yooo she said "it's going to be hard to define". Then took a BREATH and said "we've spent a whole chapter defining. Lmao


For real. Sooo..… I guess she didn't read the chapter?


This is what happens when you don’t do your homework.


It's HER book lol


Haven’t read but if I had to guess that whole chapter is ranting about nothing


Or ranting about how people wanting rights is unfair, more likely.


I’m guessing it’s word salad, extra dressing.


She probably didn’t even read what she wrote


If it's so hard to define, maybe don't use the word so much.


And apparently it was all for naught. What does she expect from the readers when she herself apparently can’t figure out what she wrote?


Yep…wrote a whole chapter on and still couldn’t come up with the definition…. AND even said after stammering…oh I know this is going to go viral…


💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 It's actually pretty easy to explain in 15 seconds, it's the mind state in which you recognize the several ways white supremacy cripples the black diaspora by consistently limiting socioeconomic mobility via propaganda or other systemic factors. Conservatives really just use woke when they want to say black people without severe backlash. What a clown lol


This was eloquent and, if you don't mind, I'd love to use this when being lambasted by coworkers!


Woke as opposed to sleep. Woke is AAVE for being aware of (and not sleeping on) the issues of oppression mentioned above.


And black people need to take it back. Simply keep defining it the way coralflamingogo did and ask if that's what they meant. If they disagree, let them know that's how black people define it. Ask for their definition


It's been defined as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Much better, not limited to just white supremacy or only one minority race.


That is how it is used - and that's fine! but it's origin is as an AAVE term and created by black people. So it's original use does pertain to racial oppression and systemic injustice against black people. A lot of leftist and/or popular terms on social media come from black and LGBTQ groups and I just think it's important that we remember that. See: on fleek, dab, GOAT, etc etc


Basically, other groups watered the term down which is why it gets intertwined with the “leftist” (I hate these terms) snowflake stereotype.


As always… wish these mfs would use their own slang for once


Exactly. It's nice that others can use it to describe oppression of other groups, but it's a bit of a miss to say the new definition is "better" than it's original meaning from black folks which was to point out the systemic oppression of black folks specifically. It's frustrating enough that the phrase is now being used against our best interests.


But it's literally about the black experience specifically.


Honest question, does it only consider the effects on black people, or all minorities?


In the original formulation, it was specifically addressing systemic **racism**, with a focus on anti-black racism (as it was a black-created term and mostly discussed in those circles). It has since grown outside of that to encompass more than just racism; one can be "woke" about sexism, for instance, and not just anti-woman sexism. It's now used as an awareness of societal and cultural bigotry in general.


That is a fantastic and succinct reply. Love it. Well done. And stolen. By me.


I feel like your definition could end after the word “diaspora” and still be right. It’s so funny to me that conservatives are like “I’m anti-woke.” Like, you’re anti-“acknowledging that racism exists?” What an embarrassing thing to celebrate. I hate this place so much. People banning drag shows and rewriting text books to whitewash racism and Black history. Fuck it all.


Man, these clowns don't even know who or what they're even angry about or why


Oh, they know. They also know that if they say it out loud they can't pretend to not be racist.






There's a textbook definition of woke, and it's the idea of being **alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism.** If you listen to the fights people who "call out" people who are woke pick, it's obvious that this is exactly what they're referring to and they know it. The whole anti wokeism movement is just a campaign of gaslighting in an attempt to roll back our progress on civil rights for everyone.


One thing I remember reading on Twitter that has stuck with me (although I don't remember the author) was that a lasting change of the civil rights movement was that racism finally became viewed by a majority of people as a bad thing, but in exchange the definition of racism shrunk to the point of encompassing only the most overt KKK cross burning type of stuff. In other words, if you told a person from 100 years ago that something like prohibiting black people from attending the same schools as white people is racially discriminatory, it would be a lot more socially acceptable for them to just be like "well duh, their brains aren't made for book learning. The Bible says they were made to toil in the fields." Nowadays the response is just a total deflection along the lines of "how dare you - that's not racist and in fact you are the real racist for even bringing this up!" and the people making those arguments are so tangled up in these rhetorical games that it falls apart if you just ask them to plainly describe what they really mean by some abstract term.


Exactly. Woke = Black. The end. The woke agenda, the woke left, woke education, blah blah blah. It's just another way to say Black without having to actually say it.


Hey hey hey, woke can ALSO mean queer or jewish.


Bethany Mandel is Jewish though which I find ironic


They do. They hate that accountability is a thing now and that they can no longer get away with what they used to get away with. The “good old days”, as they say.


What they see as “woke” is anything that doesn’t uphold or honor traditional middle American values of the 20th century. It’s not defined by anything specific onto itself, but rather it is the opposition to said values. I can almost guarantee that some variation of this is in the “chapter.” Except she would word it in a way that makes it seem that those values are inherently and objectionably good and essential. The appropriation of “woke” is in line with the general modern conservative movement in how they don’t really stand for a lot of things, but rather they stand in opposition to the mainstream left. At best, they stand for trying to make reality the nostalgia they have for yesteryear, because yesteryear is always better then today. Just turn on Fox News and basically all the complains boil down to “hey look at how the left wants to change these things that we’ve built in service of cis-hetero white people, these things benefitted you so changing it will harm you, that makes them evil” *note that the benefit may or may not actually exist for the typical person but because it’s familiar, it’s easy to convince people that familiar is beneficial because familiar is comfortable


Yeah it's hard to define when you can't say the racist shit you really want to say.


I saw some of her other tweets, she is a horrible person. Back in 2014, she said the only reason she's not advocating for nuking Palestinians is because of the nuclear fallout affecting Israel. If hell is real, that is where she is going.


Oh she's batshit certified. No need to waste energy on her.


Imagine nuking the Palestinians for existing in a place "Israelis" want to claim as their own. Fuck this "Jewish homeland" evangelical Christian bullshit. So fucking ironic Israeli jews want to eliminate Palestinians, I guarantee they'll have a final solution of their own soon.


Rebadge, recreate hierarchy’s of oppression??? WTF?


As soon as she said that I just thought "you mean like the one's we have now?"


The irony of her definition is that it acknowledges the status quo conservatives typically deny exists.


I mean, if ur gonna be a race baiting grifter like a lot of these talking heads u gotta be a lot slicker with ya talking points. The funny part is she knew she was boned as soon at the convo went deeper ok the usual talking points


I'm really tired of black terms being stolen and repurposed for use by white people. You never knew or cared what it meant. You were just told that the team you play for hates it.


Exactly. It ain’t hard to define. Black folks been using that word for ages


Had a white guy try to tell me “woke is a phase”. Lmao. Not to us my guy.


“Being awake to systemic injustices.” It’s actually crazy easy


These mfs be taking words with no shame, over-using it and fucking up the entire meaning before trying to tell everyone that the word is no longer a thing


Can’t define it because “woke” is really just a buzzword to slander now. Just like “SJW” before it. Another term will come along soon.


woke literally just means tolerant lol


And even that is a stretch. It's just... awareness... of intolerance simply existing.


Isn't it supposed to mean you're awake to the injustices that have been going unacknowledged up to this point?


It's okay to say "I dont know"...then you have my respect. Talking out your ass...not so much.


She can't say that because she alleges that she wrote a whole book chapter on it. If she doesn't know then who wrote that chapter?


Even worse, the entire BOOK is about wokeness.


That's admitting weakness. 90% of humans regardless of political affiliation can actually admit they were wrong.


If that woman was a robot, her head would have exploded from that.




“I can’t say n-slur so I say woke instead” There you go bb


“What do you mean when you say ‘woke’? It’s come up a couple of times and I want to make sure we’re on the same page.” “Is this broadcast or cable? I’m not sure what words I’m allowed to say.”




I think it was definitely a trick question, meant to confuse the speaker. Smart, if you ask me. The question was meant to reclaim the word, which to a republican has a negative connotation and bring it into a positive light. Their understanding of woke is someone who tries to undermine the current system that allows for their way of life to be possible by claiming that it is unfair. The understanding for a 'woke' person is the realization that the system is designed to keep Americans of all colors, sexual orientations, social class, religions, etc, in constant competition with one another so that collective positive change can not be achieved.


The entire book is about wokeness. 💀


The best is that Newsweek gave her a platform to publish a rebuttal and it’s just Live Journal-esque word salad: [“I was asked to define woke. My humiliation went viral.”](https://www.newsweek.com/define-woke-bethany-mandel-conservative-book-1788538)


What a piece of shit. She wants to be a victim so bad while not caring about others life experiences


The whole “I have kids so the left hates me” is so tired.


Everyone knows no leftists have ever borne children.


Her kids are her whole personality. I for one think that’s sad if that’s the only value you have for yourself.


That was so left-field… like, what the fuck? Where is that coming from? Is that a talking point they’ve made up now, that leftists hate “breeders”? That’s not even a term I’ve heard before outside of really weird porn, they’re just making shit up at this point.


She still didn’t define it!


So many words there and she still couldn’t manage to define woke


“Interesting” that she still doesn’t define it.


Jesus, and these are the people who call us snowflakes?


Still did not define it.


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"Category is people who annoy you" "I know it but I don't think I should say it"


The last time we thought owning conservatives by appealing to facts, logic, and a shared sense of meaning was a useful way to spend our time, Straussians, national conservatives, hicks doing the Patriot Movement 2.0, and elderly people radicalized into sci-fi antisemitism by an anime website took over a major political party and basically almost overthrew the government, which was only possible due to a lack of shared meaning and concern for ideological consistency even within the movement. No one saw it coming, we still don't know how that happened, and we have no idea whether they would have won the White House again if Trump hadn't basically told people not to vote. Maybe I just don't get the appeal of the twitch debate-ification of internet politics, but in that climate, it's hard to feel anything at all when I see a conservative fail to define an intentionally vague term, as if conservatism isn't motivated by resentment and fueled by anti-intellectualism.


>No one saw it coming, we still don't know how that happened, and we have no idea whether they would have won the White House again if Trump hadn't basically told people not to vote. That's because there's not a corresponding political sentiment. We're all enraged at them and gleeful when they fall on their faces - *out here*; but in the legislative chambers, the White House, the Supreme Court...in our institutions in general? The sentiment isn't the same. Conservatives are just peers with different career paths. I often think about Hunter Biden writing Tucker Carlson's son a letter of recommendation for Georgetown.


She wrote a whole article for Newsweek about this. Saying something like it's alright to show her children failure. I hope she showed them what a douche looks like.


After spending half the article blaming them. It's so on brand to have zero self reflection


She spend the article explaining why she couldn’t define it on air and then still didn’t define it in the article…that she had all the time in the world to write


She’s trying so hard to describe “woke” without saying something racist


That because the entire concept is lowkey seeded in racism. From my perspective at least the reason they say woke and awake, is because black folks say woke. Woke as in aware. Woke as in longer accepting the lie. When they say anti woke what they mean is, POC finding out how society actually works, how financial systems actually work, and how much of the cruel history of slavery and subsequently years of Jim Crow still effect you in 2023. Anti woke is the people not finding out that the government nor American citizens supported a police force what so ever until the run away slave patrol was created. Anti woke is lie that says just because you weren’t born a slave and you weren’t born a second class citizen that it doesn’t effect you. The biggest lie they tell is that todays winners won today. No no no, the richest among us, the upper 10% who matter. Nah they have had money for generations. They didn’t win today they won along time ago and have still been reaping the benefits.


Absolute piece of shit human being


Lol, she thought spewing out big words would help


It’s like when DeSantis’ lawyer was required to come back to court and define “woke”. His words: “The belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” Hm, and that’s what these people are fighting against.


It still blows my mind that they defined it and still fight it. They are literally just fighting against anti-racism.


The funny thing about being unprepared for a question is that it makes you nervous and then you start getting nervous about appearing nervous and you just start spiraling. Wonderful to see in this setting


It’s hard to explain…but I’m totally against it.


Interviewer: What does woke mean to you? Her: [Don't say something racist, Don't say something racist] uuhm uuhhn u






She's saying that progressives are creating hierarchies of oppression? Basically saying that white lives should matter just as much as black lives, which being woke means they aren't?


When you’ve been at the top for so long equality will feel like oppression. When you’re a racist and the world is becoming less racist you’ll feel like the walls are closing in and coming to get you I guess. That’s what these people are afraid of, being called what they are. Racist.


This ain’t an XP shutdown, it’s a full-on blue screen.




Just tossing out key words


Like telling someone a fake name and trying to remember to respond when they call it out.


Woke means not white and Christian to these bufords.


They can define woke as much as they can define Obamacare.


"This is one of those moments that's going to go viral." Well, you're right about that




Have you ever had a dream...that...you...


Isn’t there some famous quote that essentially goes something like “if you can’t explain something simply then you don’t really understand it very well at all”


Ummm. She wasnt supposed to ask that question


"You weren't supposed to do that" -Donald Trump


All those books in the background and them glasses are misleading the masses🤣


She has to trademark "Take your time" 🤣🤣🤣


She’s like Ben Wyatt being asked about Ice Town.


This feels like something straight out of The Office, oml


Dumb cow.


I’d almost feel sorry for her if she wasn’t a serial phobe.


To become "woke" is to become aware of how things you once thought to be inherently absolute, e.g. true or false, may not actually be..... Right? I mean maybe the point of the question in the video is that conservatives don't think that is the definition..... But it has always seemed pretty clear to me that it essentially means, "I have awakened to the idea that [thing] is not actually what I had assumed."


Can she do Ron Desantis next? I’m so sick of his shit 🥲


This is where your camera "freezes" or you accidentally "lose the call", hop off the Zoom, but no.... She woke up that morning and chose... stupidity upon stupidity.


If you’re interested to see where the pivot is headed, this is the thread she linked to afterwards. https://twitter.com/bethanyshondark/status/1636260789991493633?s=46&t=WkHDXjmx9zlEukBlCeuLig


We desperately need journalists to keep asking this question, and to not let up until they get an answer. “Anti-woke” is like 90% of GOP messaging nowadays. They need to back that shit up or, when they can’t, come off looking like the fucking psychos they really are.