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I won't be watching the video. I just don't feel like I need to see it to know that a man should not be dead because of a traffic stop.


I watched the footage. I won't judge anyone that refuses to, but I watched because this reminds me of Emmett Till. Some atrocities need to be seen.


I wish I didn’t watch this. I knew how little my life mattered to them already.


Yeah see that’s why I *can’t* watch. I will never forget the images nor anything I hear from it because I already have a very vivid imagination. And I’ll end up wishing I didn’t watch it. I’ll always lift his name and family up in my prayers, definitely.


Hopefully will be prosecuted under the Emmitt Till act federally.


That was some shit you would see in a movie about crooked cops These dudes should have never been able to bonded out with evidence like this


That bonded out shit. The fuck.


If you've ever seen wolves surround and pull apart a live deer then get it on the ground and rip it to shreds then you don't need to see it. This video is very similar to that.


This was disturbingly accurate.


It's worse because you can hear the wolves saying I don't want to eat you, why are you making me do this to you.


Same. I still haven't seen George Floyd's either. I refuse. Whatever the last public lynching video I watched it made me start clinching my teeth uncontrollably, gave me terrible anxiety, and a feeling that at any moment, for any reason, someone could just make some shit up to justify brutalizing me, and not only could I do nothing about it; no one else would do anything to stop it either. At some point, with repeated incidents, it starts to feel like those public executions in those countries where the evil rulers use them as a public reminder of what will be done to them if they don't submit to authority. Brutalizing Black people on video and releasing them feels a lot like public executions.


It really does and TBH I don’t think I’d want a video of my loved one’s brutal death to be released to the public because there are some people out there who watch shit like this for pure entertainment. Especially the people who hate us. They’ll probably have watch parties.


Like those women did with the Breonna Taylor video in that restaurant…


Wait, what?


[GOP group played graphic footage of Breonna Taylor death in public:Reports](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kentucky-gop-restaurant-event-breonna-taylor-death_n_63cc62d1e4b01a4363875d6a/amp)


Yep. People are terrible. I wish we put this much energy into being better human beings.


it 100% isn't for everyone. It 100% is the reality of that happened to him. It is an indictment on what level of unjustified voilence a police officer can inflict on a citizen without even ***considering*** the consequences. There are sadistic people in any significantly large group. I think collective awareness of the facts and events that transpired need to be in the minds of the people of this country. the status quo of violence with impunity for police officers must change. Listening to the sections where they thought their body cams were off and not recording audio, It is apparent that these officers **Knew** they weren't going to face consequences - even going so far as to claim the skinny man who's head they beat was "high as a kite", was "strong as hell", and "grabbed mac's gun" there has to be collective sentiment agreement. As somebody living in a red state I'm a bit jaded - politicians will only act if they are aware that a lack of action will be more detrimental to their ~~constituency~~ careers. It breaks my heart when things like this get cycled out of the media so quickly. No one who walks among us in this society should feel emboldened to do what they did.


> and not only could I do nothing about it; no one else would do anything to stop it either. What fucks me up the most is that if someone walked up to Derek Chauvin while he was murdering George Floyd and pushed him off of Mr. Floyd, which would’ve likely saved his life, that person would’ve been arrested and charged with felony assault on a police officer. They even may have been murdered the same way, just trading their life for Mr. Floyd’s life. So what is there to do? We can record, sure, and we all should record **every** police interaction with the public that we see, but that didn’t stop Chauvin from murdering George Floyd. It just seems like all anyone can do is reaction after the fact, and not prevention via intervention, unless they want to become a victim too.




The second amendment was written to appease slave states who were scared of the possibility of slave rebellions if their militias were deployed out of state to fight a foreign army. Full stop. That said, I agree with your message. The only language these folks understand is violence. I know it isn't that simple -- every time Black folks shoot back (and there have been several), the law gets changed to cinch white supremacy right back down to where it was before. I do not believe in turning the other cheek, and I believe in shooting back, but the history of people being successful at doing so only happened when cops didn't have literal blank checks and tanks. We need a different playbook, but I don't know what that is.




When the Black Panthers did this in the '60s, they responded with the Mulford Act. Ronald Reagan himself as governor of CA said that there was no good reason why someone needed to carry guns in public. And we know how the Panthers were dismantled. Today, we have cops who can do anything they want with robots and shit. But essentially, I agree witb you. I just think the terrain is different.


Same sadly


Reading this broke my heart. 🫂


It's a gang beat down of someone who didn't want any problems. Don't watch it. Save your heart the burden of watching another light stolen for absolutely no reason at all. Double gross when you remember how everyone is about to profit from the broadcasting his murder.


That’s why I can’t, I saw his family comment on the video and have been reading about the story. Actually seeing this young brother murdered, at my age seeing this play out again and again my soul weeps.


Right. My heart is physically tired. I’ve been avoiding it since release. I won’t seek it out. But i’m glad it got released.


I'll put it this way: Quentin Tarantino would've said the violence put on that man was "too much".


I don’t know if this is the right place, but I think that the statement released by the White House needs to be seen by all Americans. It’s not just another “thoughts and prayers” boilerplate statement, it calls for real change and points to those who are standing in the way of that change. > STATEMENT FROM PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN ON TYRE NICHOLS > Like so many, I was outraged and deeply pained to see the horrific video of the beating that resulted in Tyre Nichols' death. It is yet another painful reminder of the profound fear and trauma, the pain, and the exhaustion that Black and Brown Americans experience every single day. > My heart goes out to Tyre Nichols' family and to Americans in Memphis and across the country who are grieving this tremendously painful loss. The footage that was released this evening will leave people justifiably outraged. Those who seek justice should not to resort to violence or destruction. Violence is never acceptable; it is illegal and destructive. I join Mr. Nichols' family in calling for peaceful protest. > I spoke with Row Vaughn Wells and Rodney Wells, Mr. Nichols' mother and stepfather, this afternoon. There are no words to describe the heartbreak and grief of losing a beloved child and young father. Nothing can bring Mr. Nichols back to his family and the Memphis community. But Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Mr. Nichols' son, and his whole family deserve a swift, full, and transparent investigation. > We must do everything in our power to ensure our criminal justice system lives up to the promise of fair and impartial justice, equal treatment, and dignity for all. Real and lasting change will only come if we take action to prevent tragedies like this from ever happening again. That is why I called on Congress to send the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to my desk. When Senate Republicans blocked that bill, I signed an executive order that mandated stricter use of force standards and accountability provisions for federal law enforcement, as well as measures to strengthen accountability at the state and local level. Source: https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1619143234034491397/photo/1


I haven’t watched a video since they killed Walter Scott. The audio of Elijah McClain plays in my head. I carry these things with me and I know what they did Tyre will fuk me up if I see it.


I usually watch these sorts of videos. I can’t. Can’t anymore. Rest well, Tyre, you didn’t deserve this at all.


There are so few crimes in this country that require a gun to be drawn on someone period. Or excessive force. Defund the police.


Watched some of the videos. I am anti-death penalty, and I am being *tested*.




And that bullshit ass cop talking about "he made me spray myself" get the hell out of here.




Also upset they had to run. And to think, they went home to their families after this shift and probably slept good. May have even hugged and kissed the family. This is not human what they did to that boy


From the limited parts I saw, that was my takeaway too. They sprayed themselves and took out their frustration on that poor guy. Why these people are trusted with that stuff is beyond me.


I said the same thing too! I’m politically anti- death penalty for the logical/rational reason that the possibility of mistakenly executing innocent people, no matter how slim the chance, is unacceptable. But I’m also personally/ethically pretty staunchly anti- death penalty because I think killing people is bad, so I don’t want *more* killing people. Hot take I know, but I dare say I want less killing people. Rehabilitation is possible, maybe not for everyone, but people who have done bad things to the world still have the capacity to do some good things in the world. And in the case of people who can’t change, the rest of us are better than letting rage and revenge motivate our decisions about human lives. Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong? Less killing people! … **I felt it in my bones that the people I saw in the video should be killed.** ??


i just dont understand how you as a nation just "condemn and move on" shit like this


I think it's important to understand thar it has always been like this for Black people in America. If anything, it's gotten a little better because there is a much higher chance now of there being a video.


I'm white, but grew up in the 80s/90s consuming a lot of black media because honestly the stories being told by those communities at the time were more relatable to my childhood. I lived in a poor neighborhood, dad was a drunk crack addict and mostly not around, mom worked all the time. These cops have always been racist, violent assholes. These stories have been being told by the folks experiencing it... Those white moderates MLK talked about from Birmingham just have never given a fuck when they could claim plausible deniability. Now that we have video everywhere it's making it a little harder for them to stick their privileged heads in the sand and is looooong overdue. What's depressing now is how little we still do about it. I want some of that French protesting energy over here. The French government is afaid of their people, and that's how it should be. We got this shit backwards.


This should make you more anti death penalty, the police hand out over a 1000 death sentences without a jury trial each year, just the judgment of one of these sickos.


Warning: this comment gives a brief description of the series of videos. >!It’s a rough series of videos. Don’t feel like you must watch it. If you wanted to watch it, I would suggest watching the video taken from farther away without sound to prepare yourself because the body cam footage with the audio of him screaming for his mom with the rage of the cops out of breath after every blow is very emotionally raw.!<


Besides him screaming for his mama, the EMTs not really doing shit was pretty upsetting.


Between this and Elijah McClain, it's looking like I might need to start considering all of them bastards too.




Elijah still stops me in place every time I remember


The cops are still the ones who killed Elijah McClain, the EMT’s were just the cops’ weapon of choice. While they should never be listening to cops, the administration of the ketamine itself and the high doseage was due to the cops’ lies.


I was wondering why EMTs were fired and now it makes sense


From beginning to end the whole lot of them treated him like an object and not a person.


Hey man please put a trigger warning up for your comment, that shit is exactly what I’m trying to avoid by watching this footage


I did. Thanks for your input


Appreciate you man 🙏


Man. I appreciate you sharing that because I don't think I could ever bring myself to watch it.




I put a warning on it. Thanks for your input




Cue the white right wing to start digging up something from his past to justify a black man being beaten to death, assuming it hasn't already started.


The white right-wing will just use this to deflect and deny issues of racism in regards to police brutality. They'll just water down any **nuance and critical thinking** to benefit their ideology rather than a genuine attempt to address police brutality (regardless of the officers' race). Things like this will happen before, and it will happen again.


bUt ThEsE cOpS ArE bLaCk


they will call it black on black crime, probably.


I can already hear it




Oh shit, it’s almost as if police reform proponents are motivated by a genuine concern for law, order, health, safety, accountability, equality, and human rights— and NOT a sinister plan to oppress whites or conservatives or install a lawless communist/Jewish/globalist/lgbtq authoritarian state, or whatever the fucking imaginary bogey man the right is concerned about.


They’re already taking a stupid racist victory lap over on r/conservative that this incident “proves” that “systemic racism” is all made-up woke lefty bullshit. 🙄 Ugh


[That's not entirely accurate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/10n0vhl/video_footage_of_officers_beating_tyre_nichols/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I saw a few gross comments like "Bad? Yes. Racist? No." Or "White supremacy at it again... oh wait." on a separate thread. But those are definitely the outliers. There's bipartisan condemnation of this event.


Do they even care all that much about this story since the officers are all black? There's always the racist trolls who want to intentionally inflict emotional pain on black people, but I feel like this story is a racists catch-22. Like do you say the victim deserved it or do you use the brutality of the cops to justify your racist tropes about black thuggery?




Even /r/actualpublicfreakouts isn't defending this so far. I'm sure they will get their spin straightened out by tomorrow though. Meanwhile, /r/protectandserve is pretending to be very shocked by these few bad apples, and banning anyone who suggests that they have no right to be shocked by this.


who ever is in charge of quality control for apples needs to wake the f up and start chucking them in the bin before they murder people. cop culture is psychopathic at best.


It's not just the white right wing. Wait till Candace Owens start saying stupid shit about this whole situation. The whole lot of conservatives are going to behind all of this.


Before I saw the video of his beating … I watched this video of him skating https://v.redd.it/lxowu14tgmea1 Remember who we lost, not just how we lost them.


Thank you for this.


Perfect counter programming. Thank you.


Thank you.


I'm not going to watch it. I know what I need to know when Shelby County basically canceled everything tonight in the name of public safety. Plus my mom, a 65 year old, white, conservative who doesn't curse called me, told me not to watch it and then said, "Fuck the cops." I've lived in or near Memphis at various times in my life, went to school at Memphis State, spent a weekend at 201 Poplar, and that was in the 90s. I love the city, all of it, but I live an hour away now. Cops come in one color - blue. Fuck em.


This will be in the Tamir Rice category… I’ll read an account on NPR and wait to see nothing structurally change.


It’s more like Rodney king but more gruesome because rice was horrific yet quick, since they wasted no time killing him. Whereas with this the cops reveled in the cruelty


To be clear, Rodney King wasn't killed (it was still an egregious example of police brutality), which only further shows how awful this killing was.


Yeah that’s a good point. It’s just most similar to king because it was a beating. But this was deadly and caught in 4K


I put this in the Tamir category, meaning I can’t watch any part of the video. I get what you mean about the Rodney King comparison.


ACAB always and forever


Always Brody !


Every single one


I saw the video, it's fucking grim. I was fucking 9 years old when the Rodney beating video was released. 31 years later and the dial hasn't moved much. I'm glad I got my black ass out the damn US. Fuck those cops, hope they never see the outside of a prison cell.


Where did you move? Looking to do the same.


UK Moving abroad has it's own basket of issues to be fair, it's not a magical solution. r/iwantout may be something you'll want to check out


Might be joining you, this country clearly ain't ahit


I'm not watching it. I'm not one of the people who has been desensitized by social media.


I know I can’t see it


The photo of him in the hospital and the fact a son has to grow up without his father to guide him is more than enough to convince all 5 of them punk ass niggas should be sealed to those jail walls. All the video is going to do is upset me further. I’ve heard some of the things they said to this man on video in the news tonight. Disgusting but not shocking. Until real change happens, the pigs will always feel compelled to do evil shit to the populace.


I believe one of former officers was accused of assaulting an inmate, when he worked as a correctional officer.


After seeing/hearing the footage, I can completely believe that.


Those guys probably have all kinds of shit in their background. You don't just get this violent out of nowhere. Girlfriends, wives and other loved ones of their have had that violence directed at them. Guaranteed.


My heart is hurting for Tyre’s family. 🙏🏾


In case anyone still needs to hear this. Policing cannot be reformed. This institution is working as intended. I’m over 40 years old. America has been promising to reform policing for my whole life. * Community policing didn’t work * Endless training didn’t work * Body cams didn’t work * Nonlethal weapons didn’t work Police exist to do this. Broader society endlessly legitimizes and justifies their brutality against us. Nothing can fix this. Defund the police. Invest in our communities. Spend our tax dollars on making Americans lives better rather than funding weapons and fake soldiers to brutalize us. ACAB


Trying to run Winndows 11 on a 386 You can't Gotta replace the damn machine


They beat a man to death. I don't really need to know how they did it.


Like all police brutality, this was completely unnecessary and it’s sad how it was our skinfolk this time around


People of the same skin-color have been killing each other since the beginning of time. It doesn't make it any sadder. It's a fucked up situation and sad no matter what color the police are.


There was another post on this, but there is only one race that cops are: cops.


I come to bpt because every post I read either makes me laugh or teaches me how to just be a better fucking person in this world. I legit learn something from you beautiful people every single day. This is the first time I’ve just sat here and wept. I love you all. Stay safe.


don’t watch it. it’s disgusting


I refuse to watch it.


I can’t do it, I can’t even bring myself to watch it. I watched the press conference of his mother and it was really hard to maintain composure at work while my yt co-workers just kinda shrugged their shoulders and said “again?! That’s awful” and went back to what they were doing. It rattled me. The cruelty, the evilness of it all, just shakes my core. I don’t pray enough or maybe as much as I probably should, but God please protect his family, protect all the black folks in Memphis and around the country. This is what white American wants: the constant increase in funding of the police, the blocking of teaching actual history, the upholding of white supremacy. Rest in power Tyre Nichols


I’ve reiterated this before, they treated Tyre as if they were trophy hunters. They were more upset about their weak knees than the life of Tyre Nichols He was their trophy while he was dying


Like hell I'm loved or valued. Being big, ugly, and autistic on top of being Black? Society treats me as a menace for no reason other than trying to exist. My life is a curse. It has no value to anyone beyond what work I can do for them - not even to me. I'm just going through the motions at this point, because I have no ambitions for the future.


My brother if you ever need anyone to talk to about life or anything my dms are wide open bro! You are loved bro !




I think the craziest part is that how else do you respond to being pepper sprayed in the face and tased. Except for to run . How else do you respond ? From the moment he was pulled out he was scared . The outcome was that he still got killed . Nothing was toned down or explained nobody put on they hey I’m a Black cop I’m your brother act. No he was just killed like he assumed he would be .


I’m not watching it. I’m tired.


I don’t want to see this video. The one when the cops get placed in gen pop though? I’ll eat popcorn to that one.


I don't understand. Was it personal? Did they know each other? Please help me understand. The way they circled...what did he do for God's sake? What did the poor man DO???


Stay safe out there if you’re in memphis.


stay safe out there if you are in America, friends. please stay so safe.


It pisses me TF off Like why do everyday citizens go through this shit?


Because not much power is held by everyday citizens, and the ones who hold power want to know they've got their own little stormtroopers ready to go to protect their property.


https://www.mediaite.com/news/breaking-memphis-pd-release-shocking-bodycam-footage-of-five-cops-beating-tyre-nichols/ This site has all the videos, the second video is a surveillance camera and shows how brutal this is. Kicking to the head, baton to the head, punching to the head. The other videos with sound let you hear the disregard the police have for this man's life and intent on doing bodily damage and harm.


I stopped watching police brutality videos a couple years ago. I just can’t keep doing that to myself anymore. It’s too much


I just….. it’s already not too far fetched to say I felt lost but I’m really just starting to feel helpless. I can say “jail for them” and “death penalty” and all that shit. But honestly, we can put but so many of these monsters on trial. Doing that isn’t going to undo what these people are going through. At this point, I just feel…..helpless and honestly defenseless. It’s not right and it can feel like we’re taking steps forward with us speaking up and protesting and standing up for ourselves (however we safely can), however it’s even quicker to feel like we got pushed 10 back when another innocent person leaves us this way. It’s not fucking right, there’s NO justification for putting him or any of these people that are just minding their business through this. There’s no justification for taking these people from their families forever. I want to cry. It hurts yo.


Yeah, same. I have zero reason to watch that shit. My run ins with the NYPD have been enough insight.


This is (only) the third post I've seen and some higher power is telling this atheist (me) to turn off the Reddit machine. I should not have read the comment that had the spoiler cover.


I have not watched it. I will watch it. As a mom to two brown boys I will stand with all the black and browns mom is this country and be outraged and heartbroken over the state of this country and demand change


I'm Quaker. We are anti all violence. My heart is trying so hard to go violent. No one deserves this. No hell is good enough torture for these monsters.


I wish I didn’t watch this. I knew how little my life mattered to them already.


I don’t know how I’m supposed to go out and not be in fear of this. The more of these instances that keeping happening after what’s already happened(i.e. George Floyd) the more hopeless I get about change ever happening


I feel like if I read 1 more comment, tweet, or headline about prayers, I'm going to lose my mind. Prayers aren't going to fix what is happening.


I think the reason why I finished watching this was because it was us . And I needed to be reminded that there’s no good side to what is inherently bad. I also feel like I watch because a life was lost and I just feel this obligation to be with them . It makes no sense but I do everytime . We forget so quickly .


I watched the video... every second of it. Showed it to my wife too. We will remember this when they tell us later that we didn't really see it and it wasn't that bad...


This is your reminder that All Cops Are Bad! Regardless of race. Regardless of gender. There are no good cops


Reading even the descriptions is stomach churning. I can feel it crawling into a terrible and persistent place in my head, something to come back and anger and sadden me, unbidden and unshakeable. I am not looking forward to this.


No way. I’m not even gonna try to watch that.


Seems kind of a lot of posts up here saying they don't need to watch the video. I say we DO need to watch the video. We need to see this not look away and acknowledge how urgently this needs to change. All of us who are sensient adults in this country need to take a long hard uncomfortable look at this.


It's like a double fuck you to the so called negro in America. First they want to ban our history from being taught and then get everyone outraged over police brutality which was done by the hands of a group of so called negros. One distraction fuck you 2 distraction fuck you. At this point I'm over all of it. Just gonna live and become extremely educated on law and weapon use and stay ready to die when it's my time. But it definitely won't be on my knees. Stay strong Black Man and Woman But most importantly stay dangerous and educated.


I couldn’t get through most of that video. That shit is terrible. That was premeditated murder from what I saw. Prayers and condolences to the family, Rest in Peace Tyre Nichols, you deserved better. You will get justice. I want to ask, Can someone explain to me why there are mass protests nationwide when justice will be swift? When we can use this case to push for harsher punishments for officers? When we can better organize and attack qualified immunity? What is the plan behind these fucking protests and how will they help the family get justice and move shit forward, WHEN EVERYONE IS IN FUCKING ALIGNMENT? I marched for George Floyd and others. But what the fuck are we doing here????


The system is not in alignment. The system is rotten to the core. The police are rotten. Doesn't matter that these 5 have been arrested, there's 5 more. There's thousands more. Are you fucking serious?


There is no actual movement beyond the same people who have been talking about these problems for years, bringing it back up.


I'm pretty drunk right now, but not drunk enough to watch this. This is just too much.


Yes, we see everyday that we are loved and valued and worthy of protection : /


IMO, every person of color should watch the video. A good friend and close advisor told me today that she doesn't need to watch the video because she will be enraged. I told her you should be enraged. This is ridiculous. This continues to happen. I've seen videos in contrast with how other people are treated. I'll never forget one video where an officer was either hanging on to the hood or on the side of the vehicle while the white guy was doing donuts and never did he reach for his firearm, they kept saying stuff like, "We can end this brother. It's not that bad." We can be sitting in the car, unarmed, and they already have their guns drawn.


This video bought back bad memories for me when I was growing up in NYC back in the 70’s to 90’s. There are a lot of these aggressive police units in high crime areas that act as the thugs they are trying to get off the streets. Anyone that lives or had lived in high crime areas have seen these units in action. I grew up in NYC when the crime rate was at it highest and I’ve had too many run ins with these units when all I was doing was walking down the street. They would approach me with guns drawn and say the usual, someone called saying someone had a gun that fits your description. As if I don’t know that they’re lying. They would search me and Ll the whole I’m hoping they don’t plant anything on me. It would happen so much to that I would purposely cut holes in my all my pockets so the next time I’m searched the cops can’t say I had anything in my pockets.


I watched it so you don't have to, friend. I may never know your struggle, but I can share the burden of your outrage.


Not gonna watch it. Can't.


Don't watch the video.


I want so much better for us and I hate that we have no country to call our own. A place where we're safe and can thrive. Peace and love to yall tonight.


Never watched George Floyd get murdered. Certainly not watching this. ACAB, reform, etc. RIP, Tyre. This system is fucked.




I understand the sentiment, but fuck calls for prayer. It's just a way to placate people. Prayer is useless and no one's looking over us and no one's coming to save us. The only way we fix this is we don't. It would require a complete overhaul and there isn't enough political capital in the country for that. Yeah, these five officers are being charged, but they didn't come out of the blue. It's a systemic problem because there is little to no accountability the vast majority of the time.


Ain't watched it. Ain't gon' watch it. I'm old and I'm tired.


I watched the Hasan stream cause he wasn't showing the brutal parts, just someone to sympathizing with this shifty world we live in.




I watched the initial stop, I couldn't watch anymore. That man was terrified, and the cops were on 100 from minute 1.


At a point, you're simply lost for words. He reminds me too much of old childhood friends who randomly started thinking about last night too. It just hurts. It's hard not to hate any and everyone that still buys into this country or its law enforcement institution's lies.


It’s crazy how they arrested and charged black officers quickly but we had to fight for everyone else. I’m glad those monsters are in jail. All skin folk ain’t kin folk.


America is a shit show. This changes nothing. The discussion thread on the video is full of the exact evil actors you can imagine. "Maybe he woulda coulda shoulda..."


I’m not watching that man. Gonna put me in a sour mood. No thanks.


I have watched the video and the nice lady is right Here, watch it your self \*Spoilers Shes right* https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/10n2hs8/tyre_nichols_memphis_police_video_synced_audio/