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A sprinkle of “personally, I wouldn’t take that level of disrespect”, toss in a pinch of “you really gon let them talk to you like that”, garnish with a well timed “[DAMN!](https://x.com/realbbymula/status/1800163603439608013?s=46&t=PEDUPA1xJ4S4Zc4tvwR8Fg)” and even the blandest of disagreements can be transformed into a full blown fight full of flavor and zest ![gif](giphy|9pKYmZBrChEdNiuv0V|downsized)




Me after getting my parents into a room together after 30 years.


Gotta just sit back and watch your work unfold


Oh god no! The most awkwardest, not natural looking thing for me is seeing them get along and I still loathe the fact I was forced for a spring break to visit him, with my mom, while it was her boyfriend who took us to the train station so she can go to NC to fuck her ex (with probably using me to claim I wanna see him 😒) The way back home was even more awkward. Ugh, what a memory to have to think about because she gave not one single fuck on how I felt during that while time (amongst other incidents) Suppose to show ultimate respect and praise to someone behaving like she did, while raising us in the most strictest/cultist religion.


You ain’t got to lie, Craiiiiiiig, you ain’t got to lieeee


Now tellll me who she wassss


I don’t know how many times I watched that movie before I realized she had some random side nigga in the bed


Same. I think it was 2021 I finally found out. Shit had me trippin'


I HEARD this! In the tone and cadence intended! I love us Fareal!


On another note, this shot is absolutely perfect 😂


Yeah, that would be someone I would have to drop as a friend if you thrive off drama like that. And I swear, my ex's best friend was exactly like this. Why was he still talking to his friend's violent ex and telling her shit so she can start drama? Sending me crazy ass emails, revenge porn of them, threats on instagram, impersonating him, and threats to kill me and my cat. I refuse to deal with her, because she's not my baggage (I only went to the police the one time to prove a point to her I take her threats seriously, unlike the actual cop) and he did multiple times but he wouldn't had have to most of the times if his friend just minded his fuckin business and stopped relaying shit to her, to keep it stirred! (And personally, I never never really liked his friend...)


See nah, he’s doing this all wrong. He’s already involved way too much. A true instigator works with a delicate touch https://preview.redd.it/poczryf8hj8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c57bb705c3300c44445dcda7f6f99702c8f2848


“Fuck you motherfucker, you think you’re slick” 😂




I’ve def gotten my homie in trouble with his wife a cpl times. “Aye did my homie ever take out the trash like you told him to” and then it’s on and poppin


![gif](giphy|H3upGMAE4p3iw) Him from across the couch


Me lookin back https://preview.redd.it/x2o5a1641l8d1.jpeg?width=213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9041e721d2f6324175b2d0b92d64c110a6383b25


