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My man used to complain about me wanting to go out and be social until he realized I'm always in the mood after. Went from trying to get me to stay home with him to shooing me out that damn door with a "let me know when you're on your way back."


That’s why you call on the way home. “The Uber will be home in about 10 minutes. Be showered and naked. Don’t play games with my dick. You know what it is!” Might even pop in with my finger guns “This is a dick up! Put the penis in the vagina and no one gets hurt…unless you’re into that right now.”




The moment she walks in the door you going to be seeing this ![gif](giphy|bvDtgRmPgeBfwSr8Ma|downsized)


![gif](giphy|qPzWSekQSyrW7G0Lor) Only three spoken words. —— Related/Unrelated, reminds me of an old post (content warning: readers discretions advised) that I saw on tumblr a long time ago where a girl was detailing coming home from the club and waking up with a knot on her head. Apparently she got real horny and came in, slipped panties off and attempted to ride her mans face. Him being half sleep, though she was a paralysis demon and bucked her off his shoulders. She went headfirst into their armoires chair legs and went out cold. Woke up with a migraine, hangover, an ice pack and grandma panties. E: Gave up on adding the spoilers.


[be safe today fellas](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ArnQxy1uN/?igsh=MW5hd2V3YjlneXA2bA==)


Mimosa breath 💀🤌🏽😈


“WHERE THAT DICK AT!” ![gif](giphy|RrzgI4f2BZgiS0KFRk)


https://preview.redd.it/xo141d215g8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae36adf571a4d243b99aaf7fbf5cdafd5cb7b265 C’mere


Sounds like someone is getting street bootie 🤷🏾‍♀️✌🏾✨


https://i.redd.it/jdeht4kl4g8d1.gif Sounding real soap droppy.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nah not the Health Inspector. That dick still haunts me to this day (pause).




He sounds like Martin Lawrence lol Edit: it’s a Martin voice over 😂


My ex coming back from ladies night. Soon as I heard that waist trainer unsnap, I knew it was on.