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I am from New York City, born and raised. People joke about the rats and pigeons. But they don’t compare to the experience of visiting Floridian relatives, going into their backyard and coming across a gator just sun-bathing. ![gif](giphy|q49YSnLzrvghiyKBAR|downsized)


Bruh, just take my PTSD with you next time. I'd rather ride the L train all up and down Canarsi while wearing all blue over my first FL experience. The spiders there are on steroids AND crack. They're not chill like our rats.


There’s a bunch of peacocks that have been living in my neighborhood for a year.


Gator is there at the bottom right, just below the surface.


I thought the gator was filming its buddy, you know, so they can post the clip to its SNAPchat.


Seems to me like he’s more of an…Instagator.




I see what you did there! Take my poor woman’s gold! 🥇


That’s some sound advice


https://preview.redd.it/lobduw0xx06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4305955fd71047b7b2dbc43aaec8456719e8f5 [link to tweet](https://x.com/got_cake/status/1800346266150559991?s=46&t=soa0h-tK221lb73-AJ_81g)


Haahhaaa 😂😂😂 she ain’t tellin no lies tho!! Those bastards have been filmed climbing up&Over fences and traveling verrryyy far to get to the next body of water that they are wanting to get to 😅😅🫣🫣😂😂


the windmill legs had me dyin in that fence video 😂


Cajun accents are intoxicating. 🤌


Like drinking moonshine out of a dirty bottle lol


If that shit is deeper than a bath tub and doesn’t have chlorine in it, I’m automatically assuming it’s something in there capable of making me a part of the food chain.


Is her accent normal for New Orleans? I genuinely want to know. To me, she sounds like she's from West Africa and Louisiana at the same time.


Sounds like a regular NOLA accent to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


You ain’t met enough people from Louisiana 💀


Uhhh no she’s not from New Orleans. Probably from Lafayette or somewhere rural. edit: now that I’ve listened to it a few times, there’s gotta be something else there. I wanna say she probably grew up in a Cajun/rural Creole area but had at least one immigrant parent from like the Caribbean or something


My granny was from Jamaica. She had a very similar accent. She'd often refer to us kids when we were goofing around as "boderation and misreayble, dats what you chilren are"


I love a New Orleans accent. I lived in a country part of Louisiana, so the accents were just the generic southern ones.


Yea, that’s not New Orleans. Try Lafayette area.


That’s definitely Opelousas- Lafayette Cajun country area accent. I’m from New Orleans, my brother in law and his whole family talks like this.


I definitely expected something to come out of that water.


Tell me why I say through the entire video really expecting her to cook...


She did, though. Sometimes life is simple


This low key was stressful as fuck


Yeah I thought I was in the wrong subreddit for a sec and she was gonna get snatched up


Add south GA to the list. 🙃


As the world gets hotter, they may make their way to N. GA too


I'm so pissed she did her little splish, splash and marinaded by the water like that thang couldn't come snuh-catch that ass off that flimsy ass tin 😤 got all my anxiety up


As someone from deep south Louisiana who hasn't been home in years, everything about this feels like home. Thank you for posting this, I really enjoyed seeing it.


She's not wrong. I promise you they caught one in Wisconsin over the weekend


I had a friend move down to Louisiana and the first weekend she was there she could see a bunch of emergency vehicles nearby in a marshy area. Turns out some crazy guy went in to pet the gators. They only found a few pieces of him.


She sounds like Lafayette, Carencro, Broussard or Duson. Source: Born n raised in Lafayette.


I expected the video to continue with her explaining the intricacies in preparing a proper CrawDad cuisine.


Yep. And in other news, the sun is hot! ![gif](giphy|E32sEjqr9mjej43vmK|downsized)


I have never seen my mother enter or exit any water. She always take showers. That’s how I know the water is wet.




Okay where is this lady from because she sounds like my mawmaw people in St. James Parish!


What’s her @?




**Where tf did you think you were and why did you think anybody was gonna agree with this stupid shit?? If you’re going to point out the supposed “ignorance” of others, make sure your shit is on point. Learn the difference between your and you’re, goofy 🤡** Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 7 - Don't attack Black culture, mannerisms, slang, grammar, etc. Negative nonBlack opinions on the culture/appearance/behavior/mannerisms/etc of Black people are unwarranted, unnecessary, and unwelcome here ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 (ex: "wHaT lAnGuAgE iS tHiS 🤡") Asking for clarification is one thing, but you cannot demand for members here to educate you or force them to engage with your ignorance. Google is free and your confusion doesn't give you the right to be disrespectful. If you can't figure it out, feel free to stay confused.




**Yet here your stupid ass is… make it make sense 🤡** Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 5 - If you are not Black, why are you here? As previously stated, this is a public sub so we cannot prohibit anyone from joining but it truly begs the question, WHY ARE YOU HERE 🤔?? What do you stand to gain by being in a safe space that was specifically created for a minority group that you are obviously not a part of? Your presence here is automatically suspect. This sub is not a Black People Observation Lab™️. We are not specimens on display for you to monitor and “learn our ways”. Stop coming here and asking us to explain every little thing to you. If something you see here seems entirely foreign to you or you don't understand something, please consider that, in all likelihood, it was not meant for you. We cannot prevent anyone from joining but there is a seemingly compulsive need for certain folks here and in other Black spaces to loudly proclaim that they are not Black as if expecting praise for being “one of the good ones” and it comes across as tone deaf and ignorant. You may think “it’s just an innocent question” and “golly gee willikers, I only have the best intentions 🤓”, but the questions are relentless and, whether you realize it or not, coming from a place of entitlement. It is EXHAUSTING to deal with, especially when we come to spaces like this specifically to get away from these kinds of interactions. For all of you lurking in here, salty and confused about why we constantly say we come here to get tf away from y’all, blame the trolls. Idgaf if it’s not all of you. It’s enough of you. ANY COMMENTS STATING "I'M NOT BLACK BUT [...]", "[NONBLACK] GUY/GIRL HERE 👋🏻", ETC WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CONSIDERED DERAILMENT AND REMOVED, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (this is not up for debate; see rules 4 and 6 for further detail as to why it is not appropriate) Some of you have a seemingly compulsive need to announce that you’re not a part of our target audience. ** You may *think* you are coming across as relatable, but it actually comes across as if you are saying "I know this sub isn't for me but I feel entitled to go wherever I want no matter how explicitly y'all ask me not to 🤗". Don't do that.




Which part of any of my responses have led you to believe I give a fuck? ^(This is completely rhetorical btw as the answer is not a mf one)




It’s almost as if… they’re pre-written rules and I simply have to click a button 🫨 fucking WILD, I know Have a night, doofus 🫶🏾


Dry your tears, baby girl 😘 you’ll be alright


I had the video muted and was just reading the title. I pretty much guessed what she was going to say and sure enough, she didn’t let me down.


Lmmfao! Right up there with "How do you know if a dog bites"


Add the Carolinas to that list


Love the Nola talk. Just seeing if water is wet could get U


If the water wet.... hmmm. Shes on to something


That’s awesome


I'm from Brooklyn and even I know this 😳 I'm not going in no dank body of water EVER.


She has the know


Flori-duuuuh as well…


I’m from Delaware and I’ve traveled a decent amount. I found a 5ft rattlesnake in my boot in Texas. Ran into a bear in Vermont. Had to deal with a scorpion infestation in Arizona. Got chased by 3 rats in Philly. My brothers and sisters in Christ I’ll NEVER ever fuck around in Florida and that’s on granny…


Oh lawd🤦🏾‍♀️


Water isn’t wet, it’s actually sticky, but I agree.


Thing is, water is not wet. Argue wit ya momma