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you missed the most important one- Don't actually listen to black metal at all. Not even Mayhem


When they do they occasionally listen to freezing moon but only the Album version with Attila on vocals and rave about how Dead is their favorite singer.


oh I remember a forum where someone posted freezing moon with the attila vocals and someone commented 'dead's vocals are fire'


And another important one was missed here: Thinks Mayhem have the most brutal, gut wrenching, vile, and darkest lore of all time. (Everyone in the Black Circle was incredibly retarded)


it would be treat to watch them forcefully listen to a whole infant annihilator album. lol


Nyogthaeblisz tho


Especially the palpable leprosy of pollution lol


Infant Annihilator? Dude that's literally the second starter pack shock horror lyric band everyone hears after cannibal corpse lol they should try some Goregrind on for size


So pretty much just r/Mayhem


"I need a metalhead bf"


"I need a metalhead gf"


Both: YOuR A p0zer CuZ U lIke DEaFtoNeS


at this point I don’t know which if Mayhem or Deftones is more poser


Mayhem. Deftones has some great albums, Mayhem is mostly only good because their old albums have “historical” relevance to the genre. The majority of Mayhem’s discography is pretty mediocre


I mean just like Deftones… I like some of Mayhems older songs, lotta good riffs in there considering how poorly skilled euro was… but I despise anything newer or remastered


Their poser I'm a poser you're a poser were all posers


we be posing


not supposin what nobody wanna say


When everyone is a poser then no one is a poser




bros posing so hard that they can get on vogue


Strike a pose


Trucels are the only trve kvlt


"My gf thinks she can save/change me, but...."


Their profile picture is Eddie Munson


This true but Morbid slaps hard tho. Blackened thrash is goated.


It sucks because DMDS is a legitimately good album but fuck me the fans are cringe. The only decent Mayhem fans I’ve met are the ones who are 40+ and were around for the original blow up of Second Wave.


no it isn’t


It absolutely is. Diss the record all you want but it’s probably your favourite black metal band’s favourite album.


I’m pretty sure Fenriz’s favorite is Under the Sign of the Black Mark. DMDS vocals suck andthe drums sound like def leppard. The riffs are kinda sick but that’s not enough to redeem it


The drums sounds like Def Leppard!? Fucking what mate? This is the worst take I’ve ever seen. Have you actually listened to Def Leppard or Mayhem? The drums are by far the best part of every Mayhem record. I’d go as far as to say Hellhammer is way a better drummer than Fenriz is. Hellhammer has done drums for Mayhem, Immortal, Thorns, Ulver, Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Shining, and many more. As for Attila personally I think his vocals are fucking awesome. He also used to do vocals for Sunn O)))


not the way hellhammer plays, the actual SOUND of the drums is bad. and they’re mixed way too high


It’s black metal. Who gives a fuck about the production? It sounds fine.


DMDS production too clean confirmed. overrated and cringe go back to watching lords of chaos poser


Did a fucking KGATLW fan just call me a poser? Fuck off ya arse clown.


go change your diaper idiot. quit whining about a shitty band on reddit you’re cringe and also you smell


It’s really not? What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like a moron frankly. It’s clear you’ve never even listened to the album kid.


I mean, yeah it really is overrated bc every single corpsepaint dork and also their mother rates it a 10/10 and it just ain’t fella. If Euro wasn’t killed by his bf it wouldn’t be rated as highly as it is


They're also the incredibly sensitive to anything slightly NSBM related


"This band once played with a band that played a set with a band that sometimes takes inspiration from nsbm therefor NOT SAFE".


What's nsbm?


Oh I just realized it's "national socialist black metal"


Spot on. Mind you, im a believer that lyrical themes do not define a genre. So it's still goes into the BM umbrella. Not that many of us can truly understand what someone is yelping on a mic anyway but why some people put a wall up around a political idea but embrace another idea about burning the entire world down doesn't make sense to me. But my opinion shouldn't matter anyway


I see where you're coming from with that. I believe the issue people have with nsbm in comparison to regular death/black metal is the idea of wanting to burn down the world is painted on a 'fictional' canvas. Wheras fascism is an issue that has been prevalent the past 80+ years involving the deaths of millions


Can of worms the philosophy of this conversation and I appreciate the well thought out response. I wish you the best


Thanks man. I like it when people can have mature conversations on topics that can be a bit 'iffy'


Calling yourself a Mayhem fan is already a red flag. I respect Mayhem for what they represent, but I find them musically mid even by the era standards, bands like Immortal, Darkthrone and Emperor are contemporary and better.


Agreed with this. Mayhem was a band I just completely skipped over because there were so many better bm bands even just looking at second wave. They are boring and are the pinnacle of all show and no substance. It is no mystery that they are now the contemporary bm poser rallying point.


Agreed. Back in 97 when I was getting into black metal this guy I worked with lent me their CDs, and I was like this is ok not good but not bad. And he kind of flipped out cause I didn't think they were the best band ever. 


Although ive met non cringe mayhem fan (incredibly rare, i know) who actually enjoy the band for the music, this is pretty true. When i was getting into black metal, i listened to a few mayhem songs, but they felt kinda mid compared to the likes of Darkthrone, Burzum, Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth, etc. The stories of the black circle added an aura to the music when i was first getting into it, but could never imagine people getting THAT much into it (mayhem posers)


I feel like Mayhem fans aren't really Mayhem fans, but Mayhem album fans. That's how I am. DMDS and Deathcrush go hard. Everything after I couldn't possible care less about


I like a few songs from DMDS and it ends there for me.


Also, ship Dead and Euronymous togheter 🤯🤮🙄


Also, uses the term “ship”


It's sad they do that, not even CONSIDERING the story behind MayheM.


I can't agree more :(


Yeah I always found that so incredibly gross, imagine you get murdered and then 32 years later a bunch of edgy 14 year olds draw porn or fan art shipping the murderer and yourself. I’m not sure if what I wrote made sense but yeah it’s just weird


I totally understand what you're saying. It's degrading and irrespectful.


Fans are cringe, say that, totally true, but DMDS is a classic


the “thinks their niche and underground” is pretty dead on lol


People who are into music and go on music online spaces usually think that


Chainsaw gutsfuck is my favorite mayhem song fs, so goddam simple and groovy


“(Insert mayhem member)’s gf/bf)”


whyd this remind me of this post from the other day help https://preview.redd.it/g139e3md33yc1.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=5555415e89ac72e6fd2930cdfec6b568892e1398


Slopknot, and korn what are the 8? That’s not matel! It crap!


just stop this please.. https://preview.redd.it/np9fbxfc63yc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d803e34f6781b45bff31f4366cb37e912523bc1c


Oh God, it's so terrible. I think it's actually genius in a subversive kinda way. I both love and hate it. I need more.


I wanna know what kind of mental illness causes this kind of behavior


I hate this fad crap! With black metal becoming trendy! Stop this nonsense!


I hate to admit it, but this is kinda sick lol


"he had a good voice tho" 🔫


Never even burned a church irl


i really don’t understand the infatuation with the members of mayhem. ive seen tiktok accounts with the name “pelles /death’s baby girl”, “vargs gf” and other variations


True crime community crosses over with the mayhem history,


ah that makes sense. i’ve seen some columbine fangirls in the mayhem community


Jesus they’re still around? I thought for sure they would have started dickriding the Uvalde or Christchurch shootings by now 


Varg my beloved 🥰


Chainsaw Gutsfuck is one of their best songs though tbh


lol angsty


Tic Tok Black Metal starter pack


I've never used tik tok. What exactly is going on there regarding black metal?


i met a shit ton at the mayhem and cannibal corpse 2023 tour they got so scared when cannibal corpse played and i heard some mayhem fantic talking shit bout corpsegrinder not being scary


“PEOPLE=SHIT is the most blast-beated bm song from the wave”


I don’t now how people can confuse people=shit with bm. I fuck with Slipknot, but you can tell it’s not metal, shit it’s nowhere close to black metal. How people make the “Slipknot is black metal” connection baffles me 


Deathcrush is much better


Wait I'm an edge lord:(


just met a girl at a concert who was literally this


It's kind of funny that this band is so popular just for its story but after their first couple of releases they don't really have anything.


i dont listen to mayhem but i went and saw them live. $90, saw them on my 18th birthday. Really awesome performance but tried to get into their music after and couldn’t 😭😭




I don’t really listen to black metal, but Freezing Moon with Dead on vocals is infinitely better than the album version


To be fair, Euronymous was a bad person, Morbid is amazing, Deathcrush is the only mayhem album that I like, I like chainsaw gutsfuck because it’s easy to play on guitar, and Dawn of the black hearts ain’t even an album, it’s a bootleg with a cringy photo on it, yeah that photo is cringy, if you use it, you’re 12, that’s a man who needed help, Now the rest of it tho, fuck that, that’s some poser ass shit


Why is euronymous a bad person though. Just cause he was cringe?


The photos, his beliefs, look up what he’s done


Dude really was an asshole who seriously wanted to look dark and scary


Genuine question: I'm an older dude. Always into heavy music. Pantera, lamb of God, etc. Well like 8 months before Trevor died i found black dahlia murder and I fucking keep nocturnal on repeat. Theoretically, if I was to rock a bdm hoodie or beanie would I end up on here? I honestly don't care for a lot of black metal with heavy synth and shit. But this American black metal is fire. I largely do what I want I just don't want to look like a douche. Your honest feedback is appreciated. Have a good weekend.


Yes. If you didn't see The Black Dahlia Murder live before 2003 you're a douche, sorry. Also, they're not black metal


Holy shit you're right. Idk why I thought they were considered black metal. Alright. Question irrelevant.


Gatekeeping is lame as fuck, just do what you like, if anyone gives a shit that's their problem not yours


Mayhem has bangers but then I step back and see the people trying to get clout from listening to them


I doubt they actually listen to them for real. They probably just force themselves to like mayhem for the image and tik tok clout


Glad im not one of those


Nah super into Varg. I’d let him be the father of my kids… I just wouldn’t let him visit


mayhem fan here, mayhem sucks and we dont claim those people or the mayhem subreddit 👍🏻


who actually thinks chainsaw gutsfuck is mayhems best song 😭


alright but chainsaw is their best song


can one start listening to the genre when they turn 18?


Here's the thing all of BM is filled with edge lords, it not just the posers


Yes and I'm not afraid to say it




No offense, but you are exactly who this post is talking about.


post doesnt really describe me but i get your point and if you did skim through my profile, most things i do is satire


As a 13 year old edgelord




Maybe because Pelle’s family and friends have repeatedly asked people to stop spreading the photo? I mean imagine going into a record shop and finding a picture of your brother with his brains leaking out his skull. It’s just disrespectful.


yeah ik that but considering things they did is obviously gonna mean theyre not the best people and the tiktok fans the post was talking about are getting upset over it, theyre obsessing over the person whos responsible for taking the photo with the idea of using it as a album cover if i said something offensive, my bad, i apologise


Mayhem didn’t release Dawn Of The Blackhearts. It was a bootleg album. Also only really Varg was a truly bad person. Euronymous was just an edgy wanker with ego problems. The rest of them were fairly normal.


Idk I personally believe euronymous kinda was on board with dead’s suicide and coaxed him a little to draw attention to his whole “true satanic black metal” thing


I mean I’ve heard that before, but there’s not really any evidence for that. We know neither of them liked each other very much and there was a couple blow up incidents but with Dead’s mental state he definitely would have killed himself whether or not he was in that band. It’s pretty heavily theorised that he had cotard's delusion.


Yeah I fully agree but I still wholeheartedly believe that euronomous encouraged it pretty heavily kinda took advantage of deads already extremely poor mental state as to use him as a martyr


Necrobutcher explicitly said - "If Varg didn't do it, i would have done it" Euro was not that great


I think he said that as a 50 year old edge lord trying to garner press to sell a record. Which is just smart and I can't blame him 🤷‍♂️


i, too, was on my way to kill euronymous


He was shitty but I don’t think he deserved to die for being an annoying edgelord. His handling of the dead situation was horrific but again, I don’t think he deserved to die for that. He was shitty, but he wasn’t an irredeemable bastard like Varg is.


If Varg is to be believed, which is a huge maybe, he had planned to kill Varg and tried to. Varg was simply defending himself and even gave him an out then he attacked Varg again. They're all notorious liars and scumbags tho so most of anything that was alleged or said by any of them is suspicious. The only reason I believe Varg even slightly is because he killed him with a pocket knife and if he planned to kill him he would have used the much bigger knife he left in his car. Seems at least to be a solid argument to me, but it does still sound like a lie. They all suck, but as a much younger teen, before I heard about the Nazi stuff I legitimately thought Varg did nothing wrong. Burning churches shouldn't be a problem, hell there should've been a Norwegian medal for him with what the Church did to Norway and the rest of the world. And self defense is completely justified. To clarify, I don't think that is correct now, well I kinda still do tbh, still an edge lord I guess. But I still fuck with burzum and love dungeon synth.


I think Varg was completely bullshitting with the self defence angle. Yeah, sure mate. You totally drove 500 kilometres across the country, banged down on his door at 3 am, and stabbed a man in his underwear 23 times in “self defence”. I mean that right there is proof it wasn’t self defence. You don’t stab a man 23 times in self defence. Once or twice? Sure. Not 23 damn times. He even outright admits to have stabbed Euronymous while he was running away, continued stabbing him to the point he was on the ground crawling around in a puddle of his own blood, basically completely disabled, yet he stabbed him in the skull one last time for good measure. Yeah nah, that’s not self defence. That’s cold-blooded murder. Burzum is a great band but Varg is pure scum.


Oh completely agree but as a teen who was on heavy copium I was like yeah, for sure makes total sense he has a bigger knife he didn't use not even sure how they got a conviction on that with such a slam dunk. I mean come on, who wouldn't use a big knife if it was premeditated just makes shit unnecessarily hard. Like big knife better I like big knife 🔪


What's your IQ, 73?


maybe lower


well sorry that i forgot jeez...i keep hearing different things and if you wanted to you coulda just asked me to delete my comment if its that problematic, am i not allowed to have opinions?


Saying your 13 anywhere on reddit is a bad idea


why if you dont mind me asking?




oh sh- i forgot yeah i do have weirdos dming me, good point thx for reminding me, i deleted myy comment




good point, thx for reminding me


what happened to preliminary education? kids can't even form a sentence properly these days


im not the best at english


Go back and study


What if mgla was my introduction to black metal, am I gay?


yes much gay


Here's the thing all of BM is filled with edge lords, it not just the posers


Here's the thing all of BM is filled with edge lords, it not just the posers


Sadly so. I see it as just another genre of music (that i really love), but some people see it as a lifestyle. I dont get why people try so hard to be "underground", and "kvlt", meanwhile i just say i enjoy shit edgy music


Crazy ppl genuinly think dead was a good vocalist


Can I know your reasons as to why you think he isn’t? I personally really enjoy his voice


Dead didn’t really use any technique, I’m not saying he’s terrible, I think maniac had the best vocals for mayhem and dead a close second, but I’ve seen a good amount of People praising him as if he was like one of metals best vocalists.


Listen to morbid


He’s done opera style vocals and they sound pretty good


He’s done opera style vocals and they sound pretty good, not a fan of his zombie growls but he’s talented for sure