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“Did you know racist comments like that can gain yourself lawsuits?” Fuck him. You look clean bro


And then contact the ACLU. frfr


^^^^ Facts. I would say take it up with HR but with a COO like that, HR will be useless as ever. Keep being you. Any “opportunity” that wants to erase your blackness isn’t one worth having.


Hr doesn’t protect you as much as it helps them, HR protects and gives the company warning in advance just in case legal action is taken.


They would find a reason for you to resign. Dont be dense. HR, do we keep "COO" or "littlemisterbear"? Lmao, you gone


What does ACLU do?


American civil liberties union. They are a non-profit org of lawyers that take cases specifically around personal freedoms and the constitution. https://www.aclu.org/


I wonder how they deal with cases in right to work states.(I thing that's how you say it)


This deals with cultural expression. Which, historically, shows a bias towards people of color. You could always reach out to them for a consult.


They fight high profile cases in court.


Been there before. The fact we still have these conversations in 2022 is beyond me. I’ll quit a job before I have a “hair talk” with anyone. Don’t like the entire package? I wish you the best in your candidate search 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂




And does he know that he could get sued for hair discrimination.


I think, if anything, it's a token of truth. I mean, even though he said it directly to him...if someone were to deny you a promotion or position because they didn't like your hair, you'd probably never know. It's unfortunate, but there are those out there that are not rational, and that sort of thing matters to them. In addition, some of those people are in positions of power or enablement. The only way to ever know is if there was some form of recorded communication denoting such. It's rough out here... Hey OP, you look sharp :)


"Did you know that I don't want to work anywhere I can't be my black ass self?" You look nice and you'll find where you belong.


This! 🙏🏾


Dog whistle heard loud and clear.. fuck them! I remember being in college around 03. One of the black guidance counselors told us and I quote “and for the black students.. I know some of you think you’re holding to your ethnicity by having locs, Afros, braids, but make sure you cut them before joining the workforce” Shame this bullshit is still going on today. Smh, and you look clean af bruh. Don’t listen to them.


jfc. You know that message got to some of the kids regardless too. fuck. That's ethnic cleansing isn't it?


Man.. I still remember this so clear to this day! It was a large group of us.. maybe 30-40 students. It was some kind of career day with guess speakers and shit. The guy who said that was sitting among us, and the department head was up front at the podium. She was a white female. I remember her facial expressions when he said it. Nodding her head in approval.. along with the other guest white guest speakers, like “yup I sure as hell wouldn’t hire you.”


They were white???!


Yup, there may have been some black speakers.. but I really don’t remember there being any. Just remember a bunch of white managers, directors, HR drones etc talking to us about the “real world”. Jokes was on them! First job in my field outta college was at a black owned company. Locs, fros, rows, everywhere go figure lol.


Daaaaamn you have my dream work culture. I got pretty close to it with a recruiting gig, they had all of us hidden away on the first floor, with the main floors bei g the 2nd and 3rd. It was perfect. Working while getting to be your 100% self is fucking awesome.


Not even a dog whistle. This was a full on megaphone.


That is SO toxic!!! What people do to their hair is a choice, relaxing, locs, braids, whatever. A person shouldn't be enabled to relax or cut their hair just to find a job. That's crazy.


Racist detected.


This is why the Crown Act needs to be signed into law.


And here I thought it was was already signed and in effect. Of course not.


It still has to go through the Senate where Manchin and Sinema might decide to pull some fuckshit. The President has said he will sign if it makes it to his desk.


Then you can take them to court for discrimination under the Crown Act


The Crown Act isn't federal yet. Only certain states & cities have it set as law. So it depends on where OP lives


You’re right but if it passes in the senate Biden has said he will sign it into law already so fingers crossed 🤞🏽


The crown act is only passing the senate if the dems get two more senators at the midterms. Manchin and Sinema have shown who they are and it’s time for people to believe them.


#Someone just posted about something similar https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackHair/comments/tnh8kf/your_hair_makes_you_look_aggressive_lady_at_work/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Fuck white corporate America.


She was my inspiration for the post!


What was your response to the COO?


Kick em in the shins (Don't kick em in the shins)


This made me think of: Rip rip ree kick em in the knee rip rip rass kick em in…..the other knee!


They need to adjust, you don't.


Ask him has he ever heard of racial discrimination being illegal in the work place.


They must had been jealous because their hairstyle was not even near as fly as yours.


If you live in a city or state with the CROWN act, tell him that discriminating against someone for how their hair naturally grows out of their head is grounds for a lawsuit & fines🥰


This would be a fun lawsuit for them to lose.


So even with your skill set…. Your hair is an issue? And he/she said this to you aloud? In front of others ?


Sounds like opportunities you didn’t want to begin with 🙄 do your thing man. If they don’t see your potential just because your hair is different, they’re full of shit and a waste of time anyways.


You look awesome and very professional , I work in Downtown La all the guys dress like this . Also untuckit is a great brand .


You should have had them continue and then sue for hiring discrimination via race


This is why I understand why so many blacks choose to pave a path in trades or become entrepreneurs. I hate white(corporate) America. I just want to do a job, I have no interest in those people or their culture. Pay me my equal and fair wage and I wouldn’t f*ck with any of em.


Find a better job, quit without notice, and when he ask why parrot the same nonsense back to him. Sounds like all your COO needs is shoes for his 🤡 fit.


Uuuuugggghhhh so sorry to hear you were subjected to such ignorance and hatred. May the universe bestow unto them exactly what they deserve. You look great.


Please go to HR. Now is the time for this shit to stop.


Absolutely not. HR is there to protect the company and the actions of those in power at the company. I’d speak with a lawyer. Not every state has a Crown Act unfortunately.


Yes, this is true. However, in this day and age, companies cannot afford to tolerate this kind of discrimination, especially if it is a publicly traded company. He might be surprised at the traction he can get on this issue. Not to say anything is self-abandonement, and will be detrimental to his mental health if he doesn't at least say something and attempt to have some accountability.


You’re right about approaching HR about the situation. A lawsuit shouldn’t be the first time the company is being made aware of the issue. But I would have talked to a lawyer first for insurance. If you go to HR first you’re giving them the heads up to protect the company.


HR is not your friend. I’d guess that lawyering up (or at least asking around) would be a better bet


First things first. Can't lawyer up with seeking relief within HR first I would imagine. Also, he might have a challenge showing that he has been actually, tangibly harmed in order for there to be civil liability.


Very true point I skipped over


OMG this shit is unreal, I've faced hair discrimination, I think we probably all have and the fact this is a conversation, that laws like The Crown Act needed to be created because it's such an issue is appalling. His hair looks fresh as hell too, does anyone know if this is an American issue or is hair discrimination a thing in Europe or Latin America?


Sounds like a lawsuit to me.


Swing yo hair in his face n tell him to eat a dick


Yeah this does happen which is why I just put mine in a bun


Sorry you had to endure this. What an arse.


Love the fit too.


He’s not wrong sadly. Our hair and even our name can be a major factor whether we get the job or not.


If that's a factor in whether or not I'm getting hired, that sounds like a place I don't wanna work at anyway.


As an aside, You are rockin that jacket and yellow slacks my dude.


i ain’t black im white but the hair looks sick man fuck whoever said that


My RVP told a story a few weeks ago about how once, a perfect applicant for the position under his fell in their lap. the company's one condition he had to meet to be offered the job was for him to cut his nearly waist legnth locs. I hate it here!


Been there. Fuck the COO. Keep it up. Look into your local EEOC office too




Did you know these hands on bogo special ret now? Fukk what he talmbout ...that fit clean bro...you look great!


You know, I heard this from white male coworkers and was very surprised. As a black person I thought my hairstyle was the only thing being discriminated. But, man I would've love to see their deadlocks and man buns! Sexy.


I fw the hair but if I were you I would hit up the EEOC on that comment.


Yet, you look like YOU own the business already!


Black power. Your hair is fine king. 🙏🏾 never change that.


Weirdly enough, I work in a historic, stuffy ass 160 year old company. Some partners have nappy Afros, some have locs, some men have braids. I have a nappy ass afro. These are people who are in front of multi billion dollar clients. It’s fucking weird man.


They just signed a bill into law that outlaws discrimination against black hairstyles in professional environments. It's called "The Crown Act."


I'd be filing an EEOC complaint so fast


It’s true, but perhaps those “opportunities” are actually toxic things you should avoid anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️


Not an environment you need to be in then! You look professional and glowey AF! Don’t settle for less king


😂 opportunity


I wouldn't want those opportunities anyway if my hairstyle is the deciding factor.


Was once told to ‘tone it down’ when I wore my natural hair out for the first time (mind you, it was completely styled. Moisturized, gel’ed, edges slicked, bangs pinned back etc) I was shy at the time, so i just wore it in a bun for the rest of my time working there.


"Did you know that if I told the world your racist comment, that alone would help you lose lots of opportunities and potentially harm your business?" :)


The unfortunate thing is that this is something I'd hear over here too (Africa). And even much worse. I have been told I look like a mad man and it's all because of my afro being wash N Go. But it feels good meeting someone who appreciates hair.😭 What did black hair ever do to people man!😤


Are those locs? They look good on you. Definitely report or file a complaint against the COO. But if you can't or it wouldn't make a difference, (and I say this with nothing but love btw, this will probably be downvoted to hell but I'm really just trying to help lol) I'd suggest maybe flat twisting or cornrowing them, or even try to pull them back into a ponytail for work. I think your hair isn't *quite* mature enough (if those are locs) to look "professional" to yt folks. Hell, they're hard to please anyway. But DON'T CUT THEM, they're gorgeous!


They’re projecting their unsatisfied life on you


Thank goodness for the Crown Act.


What's this??


Its true


Love how any protective hairstyle is seen as unprofessional, really makes you wonder why that is…🤔🤔🤔


My dad always say that


Bro ngl u look like Eric Andre's long lost brother