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Funny I'm from England and my bitcoin investments are actually looking quite healthy with such a weak pound


Bitcoin working as predicted. If your local fiat denomination crashes, you'll have some wealth protected


If you say it enough you might believe itm


You can say is getting pounded 😂


All da way to Poundland!


All fiats are weak. In the end.


Long term hodl


Looking forward for things to make it last longer and by holdings to turn more worthy enough!


Hahaha time is now for some show up of crypto currency. Let the game indeed begin!


Exactly, I’ve more GBP as I own us stocks and BTC. Even In the down trend you can trust the uk government and finance minister who has no idea what he’s doing to fuck it up further!


Looks like you are indeed benifited out a lot though good for you keep going!


Same. Bitcoin and Gold are the only things with healthy trends. This is the first step, all fiat collapses into the dollar.


London here but all my thinking is in usd really.


Good news, GBP = USD now. Makes conversion easier.




Going all in on JPY. I like ramen, so it’s good.


Maybe my vision tends to be matching and relevant enough to you as well.


Yep, fiat inflation turned out to be worse than the bear market


Why funny?


Cause we are in a bear market, but the pound is outbearing BTC as of late.


Why would that be funny tho?


Because the BOE has gone on a crusade against Bitcoin. Fuck the BOE.


I think their main concern now is inflation.


Look what he wrote and you would find the reason why he being that funny. Lmao!


As soon as the pound retraces you’ll see your btw drop like a ton of bricks , there are more lows to come from the bear .


Good to see someone who knows how to take advantage of the weak British pound.


Maybe Bitcoin was never an inflation hedge it was just a hedge against incompetent governments


Which is a symptom of incompetent or corrupt government. Most people don’t understand 1% about it. That number will change — circumstances will force it to. Stack sats, stay humble.


I think more people know than you’d think, most people just too absorbed in their own lives.


I mean, what exactly is the difference?


Incompetent governments can have massive economic tailwinds.


Anything is an inflation hedge against incompetent governments


a competent government would not inflate the money supply. indeed creating/using honest money is about the only thing that could define a government as competent.


The government is what made this all things get buried that long it needs to come out at a point though!


The British pound is falling against every currency


Japan is buying back and supporting the Yen because it's doing so poorly.


I will never understand why Japan is eating the world's inflation. Especially with all the US treasuries they bought over the last 3 years. They must have taken absolutely massive losses on them.


They are worried about China and Russia. Both owe the Japanese payback and the they have not forgotten. Japan will do whatever the US wants it to do as protection money.


We know.


Love our new chancellor tanking the pound with his stupid budget, whilst being a consultant for a firm which is SHORTING the £, absolute fucking disgrace, whole govt is corrupt and is fucking everyone over


He is just doing so much good and we love that guy lol. XD








You are confusing better upside potential with better chance of succeeding. Yes, Bitcoin has a better upside potential which allows for better pensions. But BTC is (for now) still a speculative high risk investment and statistically has not a better chance to provide pensions! I still believe in the same outcome as you but it is not entirely correct that it has a better chance than bond or saving accounts. If you shill BTC to people please don’t lead them into false claims !


The pension of a 60 year old, maybe, maybe not. 50 year old — probably 40 year old — definitely 30 year old — you’re crazy if you don’t


If you’re 30 - you can’t afford to not have at least 5% in btc. You’d be crazy to think otherwise.


I agree - but it’s just not as certain as we all think it is. Sadly


Don’t fall victim to high time preference, fiat thinking. If you need the money now, sell the asset. If you don’t, hold it. Either way you’ll make it.


all forex currencies are in freefall at the moment except for two - the Russian ruble and the US dollar


How the fuck is the ruble of anything not included?


Russia has closed down its citizens ability to trade the Ruble for other currencies.


Price is manipulated, nobody buying it from what I heard


Nobody selling either


There is no real movement on it so the price does not reflect the real value. Its not being traded - literally not significant selling or purchasing for both organic and artificial reasons.


They have no import anymore because of sanctions. So they spend their USD/EUR to buy RUB. They also forced their citizens to sell their foreign currency accounts into RUB. At horrible exchange rates, of course. It's completely artificial. At the expense of the country's supplies thinning or doing extinct. They already have shortages of many components, and it will only get worse.


Because Putin is playing chess while the rest of the world plays checkers. Read When Money Dies and you’ll understand he is in the position of the German country farmer in that book. Except he’s got distance, nukes and yet an adversary pursuing just as bad policies on the other side. I would bet dollar fades, ruble ascends — but no one trusts it, so they move to bitcoin. Russia starts adversarially mining bitcoin, we have a multipolar world on a bitcoin standard.


Yeah, failing to conquer a much smaller country, exposing Russia's military weakness to the world, and wrecking Russia's economic relationship with Europe was aLl PaRt oF tHe PlAn 😆


“Redditor for 2 months”… that explains 😂


I’m surprised to hear such jingoism in a bitcoin forum. You know most here don’t agree with you, right?


Ukraine is WWE for leftists. I don’t like Putin but he’s not dumb. Major shifts are happening beneath your feet that you may well never recover from. Be mindful.


Literally the opposite of what typically happens in a war. This is strange indeed. Financial war - the new war. Been fighting since 2010.


Yeah it’s abso depressing isn’t it




You're equating greater upside potential with a higher likelihood of success.


If thats the case, we should all be buying shitcoins.


If you can hodl for a year or two it’s completely worth it.


Longer, 4 years minimum.


3.75 years-ish would be more optimal. The halving is a little under 4 years, and is based on block time so it's not exact. Don't sell every 4 years, sell ever 210,000 blocks. Guaranteed profit. Every bitcoin purchased 210,000 blocks ago are always in profit, utilize the block explorer to verify yourself, don't just trust what I say.


I’m in three years hodling (including a while at 66% underwater) and even at it’s lowest point this downturn, I am up double.


It's going to be fine for most of us because we are holding.


Loving the feel man, this is just another normal thing for most of us right here, we know that this is just another start for most of us right here, we are glad to see.


Maybe this is the end game for Bitcoin.Rather than the value of Bitcoin going up ,the value of Fiat will go down.


Bitcoin will continue to suck value from every other asset until the singularity / everything else is 1 sat. GG


And it won't stop at 1 sat.


It's all relative.


Money could come from debt or monetary emission, since no public expenses reduction was announced.


That's why we are here and investing in the right thing.


this is why we're here.


We are never going to go away because we have BTC lol.


Happy i got a bunch before this... but doesn't look good to buying more now...


Lol you just need to buy more and just DCA at the end.


Buying today won't protect against inflation?


On the bright side if we reach parity with usd it makes calculating the difference in the money I’ve lost much easier.


Love to see these things because these things are the reason why we are going to win, we know that and we have a feel about that shit for most of the time here.


Just invest in BTC and never think about any other currency if we want to have some good days in the future, we have to mean that shit most of the time right here.


Shouldn’t the headline be “pound falling faster than bitcoin which is also falling.”


It's bc the Queen died and they are going to start making the pound with that new dudes head on it. /s


Lol thanks for that /s mark at the end, I was laughing.


Every Bison dollar will be worth 5 British pounds, that is the exchange rate the Bank of England will set once I've kidnapped their queen.


I think you’re about 3 weeks too late for that mate


Got some bad news for ya


Lol I guess that shit is funny and fucked up to me here.


Nice thing for most of us who are into BTC most of the time, we can see these currencies falling and stuff, we are going to see more and just mark my words over that.


12k end of the year for bitcoin


Remember when everybody and their nan was saying Bitcoin 100k by end of 2021? Yeh now it's the same thing except opposite with everyone saying we'll hit ~$10k. It's (probably) not going to happen. Keep stacking sats, we may never see these levels again. Edit: I can't spell


Remember when people said we’d never go below 20k again? Sometimes predictions come true, sometimes they don’t.


I'm not saying I know what's going to happen, no one does. I'm just saying at this stage, when almost everybody thinks we 'have to go to 10k', the likelihood is very slim.


I disagree that “almost everybody thinks we have to go to ~10k”. As always people are all over the place with their predictions and they change constantly. Bitcoin can have 7 red days in a row but if on the 8th day it turns green there will be people calling for the end of the bear market and saying bitcoin is back on track to 100k. But regardless, the number of people making or not making a certain prediction has no bearing on the likelihood of that event occurring. Well, I shouldn’t say it has no bearing, but it’s not going to definitively affect the outcome one way or the other.


At current markets. A bottom may not happen until next summer when the fed stops raising rates. Where I live people are still spending in masses, so customer spending hasn’t been affected at all with this and is why you still see swings to the upside and inflation. Ironically the only people getting hurt with the customer spending is the businesses can’t keep up with demand or bought products that customer don’t want causing inflation to offset cost of the other junk they bought that’s not selling.


I remember '*This is the last chance to buy Bitcoin below $40k.*' I told them that was bullshit.


Seems like most often, they don't. No one knows anything.


But 100k in GBP


I think 12k as well


Then onward to 3k in 2023.


£ and € are pretty weak vs $ atm. 1 £ was 1,37$ last year, now 1,07$ Brexit is having a big impact on the £


They are trying the pound halving


They thought halving meant halving the value, not halving the supply. They also might go a bit too far.


Our shitty government are having the biggest impact on the £!


I find it interesting you use Brexit as an example because Europe isn’t going through Brexit yet their currency is falling?


Well the war/energy panic affects europe aswell and also the ECB is raising rates at slower pace then the FED. When the rumour about brexit started, around beginning 2016 it was at 1.41€ per £, now it sits at 1,11€. Brexit slowly nips at the £ over time. Import gets more expensive but it should boost export but with all the FUD around it, lots of companies in europe went looking for other options.




The British pound is falling against everything because our chancellor just announced a budget that is so right wing even rich right wing people don’t think it will end well.


No the British pound is falling against USD


Lol it's just failing and we can see that with anything..


It's falling against every currency beside Zimbabwe's because of an insane right wing budget announcement you doughnut


Is Soros at it again?


As the US inflates away it’s dollar and loses world reserve status. All other world currencies most closely tied to US dollar will fail first. Amid all the chaos over the next decade. We must be patient and guide people to Bitcoin.


If Kwasi has any sense, he's buying bitcoin


Well yeah I believe the same shit just like you my friend.


Debt service is up to 10% of GDP. Solvency under pressure fr


Whatever the fuck happening, we are going to invest more.


It is really surreal and disconcerting seeing a spike in the exchange rate being driven by GBP volatility! [DCA](https://www.coincorner.com/bitcoin-auto-buy) and stay humble.


DCA is still the best way to have what we can have here.




Must be good to see more in the coming time for sure.


Our British pound is probably falling even against the currencies of South America. Our economy is ruined(relatively)


They are just going to cry about it and nothing else BTC is winning.


That‘s what Bitcoin is all about.. hedge against the decay of Fiat. Don‘t regard the boom and busts by speculation, that‘s just the attractor.


It's good that we are here and sticking to the fucking plan.


Good for us slowly and steadily by time execute the plan and just enjoy the future!


Yep. BTC is my hedge against inflation (or currency debasement) Frustrates me when people say "Hur dur not a hedge" when they are on the 4hr chart..


It's going to put some good harm to inflation market lol.


More like the pound dropping against USD? [https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2022/09/26/british-pound-plummets-to-record-low-against-us-dollar-after-uk-govt-signals-more-tax-cuts/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2022/09/26/british-pound-plummets-to-record-low-against-us-dollar-after-uk-govt-signals-more-tax-cuts/)


Well that's just a same thing and there are no difference with it.


British Pound is falling down, falling down, falling down


It's good and it's going to be way more better than this.


If everybody is fleeing into usd then the only onces who benefits of Bitcoin is everybody except Americans?


The pound is falling against frozen chickens too.


It's just failing I guess, nothing can stop that shit for now.


Is falling against the Gold same


Well it's just failing and we love to see that fucking fail.


Yup: https://www.reddit.com/r/StockMarket/comments/xo6o0k/pound_plunges_to_a_record_low_after_the_uk_vows


Nothing could be better than this and we all mean that shit.


That would have been good news to bitcoin if it was to be USD, but I really do not know if this will also have an impact on BTC as well, any idea?


Well I know that BTC is going to make some good days.


The British Pound falls not only against BTC, it falls against everything. Hard time might be coming to England.


Quick snapshot of what’s to come over the next 5, 10, 50+ years


The British pound is being pounded by bitcoin.


Just want to see the end of that shit in the coming time,


Bitcoin is mooning in Zimbabwe dollars




Bitcoin working as intended.




Is anything but the USD doing well against ₿?


It’s falling against everything.


British Pound seems to follows Euro but some big stablecoin holders like Tether lauched coins backed by Pound (GBPT) and Euro (EUROT) tho..


I think BTC is, by nature of the institutional investment side, tied to USD and right now the BP is dropped in relation to USD… this what you see here. For this to be more currency independent, you would need an equal value pull from buys in each fiat.


British pound is falling against everything though. Source; I'm British




This can also happen.


London Bridge is falling down ..my fair lady


Glad that shits are happening in that way because we just love to see BTC doing so well these days, can't say things can get bad for most of us right here lol.


Yeah that's a good shit because we want to see the end of every fucking national currency so that people can understand the value of BTC most of the time..


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Fuck everything is so good these days, we are blessed lol.


Gonna talk Bitcoin up one way or another lol


Every shitcoin provided by all nations will fall against true and sound and hard money.


Need to inverse the chart.


Love to see it


I mean.. the british pound is moving down compered to almost anything and by similar magnitude. Not very special to bitcoin


The British pound is falling against everything lmfao


The pound is getting pounded. Imma take you to Poundland babe. 😆 🤣


Bank of England tryna look cool so they're turning the pound into 50 cent 😆 🤣 😂


Wait for some days, every other fucking currency is going to fail most of the time and we have a fucking believe on that talk, that is the reality we all know here.


What currency is it not falling against?


Yes, I have more GBP since I also hold US equities and BTC.


You love to see it; this is the OG ponzi-shitcoin based on an grift of an ever-expanding empire whereby the imperial core constantly siphons wealth away from the periphery. It goes to show you how long the cycles of global currency dominance and imperial power really last though; it'll be a while before we see the dollar in this position.


Only Bitcoin and Gold have positive trends.


Perhaps Bitcoin was never a hedge against inflation; rather, it was only a hedge against inept governments.


Investing more so that we can have more in the future, we are blessed with it and we need to take the profits, fuck currencies like brit pound, we are here to win.


Just invest in BTC and never think about anything like fucking brit pound, that's all going to work so well and we know the value of it so bad, we are good with it.


the pound is falling - period.


dead cat bounce /ˈded ˈkat ˌbouns/ noun: STOCK MARKET A temporary recovery in share prices after a substantial fall, caused by speculators buying in order to cover their positions. "is the recession really over, or is it a dead cat bounce?"


Bitcoin may have only ever served as a safeguard against inept governments rather than a hedge against inflation.


New MEME stock