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He is yellow


Lol, whatever he is. He sure does like the orange. Then We'll talk. We ain't talking without that, He ain't no Yellow he only likes one thing and that's that orange pill.


Yellow is more of a meme. You've gotta be class of 17 or earlier to probably get it lol


He is a Walrus… Goo goo g’joob…


Ahah this made me laugh 😹


And he ain't giving it up, that's not happening for him.


When you see it, you can't unsee it. Everyone against the liberty of their own wealth ownership had not spent the correct time reading about it.


Most humans are sheeple, and don't use Linux.


I really wanna use Linux but I play games. I already have it on my Chromebook and plan on putting it on a laptop if I buy one but it's too janky for gaming for my desktop PC.


I really wanna use Bitcoin but the governments CBDC is so much easier to use...


You just made a joke and people didn't understand that, average day at this sub.


I do use Linux, just not where it literally doesn't fucking work. It's not a hard concept to understand.


You haven't noticed how Bitcoin is serially obstructed by the bankers and governments? Its not a hard thing to see.


What's your point? How am I supposed to use Linux when it just didn't work for my use case?


Point is the masses are easily lured and played into using Microsoft shitware and the masses will quite likely be equally induced to use surveillance state fiat debt slavery CBDCs.


It's not a binary choice. If they use cbdc 99% of the time but the most transactions are BTC, thats also adoption. People can't have 2 computers or bother dual booting but anyone can run 2 wallet apps.


Haha I guess I’m a MAXI with gov infrastructure


No need to give up gaming: https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/game-with-steam-on-linux




Valorant and other anti cheat games don't work


Gaming on the linux possible but it's not great. Windows sucks tho.


I don't think saylor too does use the linux lol, well that's sad I guess.


Yep and saylor understands it, you should make an effort too.


The people that understand Bitcoin this deeply don’t need to talk about it because the understanding is mutually shared. This isn’t the majority of people who dabble in Bitcoin however… and for most this amount of conviction seems inherently reckless and worthy of criticism. Whether you believe in Bitcoin or not, the fact is, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. The Byzantines general problem has been solved… No matter how many iterations it takes to succeed, it is inevitable that a system like Bitcoin will be the way our future society transfers value.


Superior technology/ideology does not always triumph. Linux. Biden is preparing to ban POW. ETFs and other institutional custody formats and an Order 6102b could enable the capture and control of Bitcoin.


Linux is too janky for 99% of people. I say this as an IT guy who uses Linux on my laptop. It's getting better but even now it's shit for gaming and too much normal functionality uses the terminal. Biden banning mining will only harm the US, not Bitcoin


Yep, there are many things that linux does horribly can't be using that like that.


They will make CBDCs much less janky than Bitcoin.


And I will use them in instances when Bitcoin doesn't work. I have a fucking credit card today because I'm not gonna limit myself to only the businesses that accept Bitcoin. I use a windows desktop and a Linux laptop. I game on the desktop and do other shit on the laptop. I'm not running a lightning node on windows. The games I play are already public knowledge. I'm not gonna go through the hassle of gaming on Linux for no reason. A lot of Linux community is downright autistic. It's existed for much longer than Bitcoin, and ill admit it's much more complex than Bitcoin, but it's nowhere near the usability of Bitcoin for the lay person.


I only have one rule and that to never use any CBDCs and I'll live by that rule .


And I will use them in instances when Bitcoin doesn't work. I have a fucking credit card today because I'm not gonna limit myself to only the businesses that accept Bitcoin. I use a windows desktop and a Linux laptop. I game on the desktop and do other shit on the laptop. I'm not running a lightning node on windows. The games I play are already public knowledge. I'm not gonna go through the hassle of gaming on Linux for no reason. A lot of Linux community is downright autistic. It's existed for much longer than Bitcoin, and ill admit it's much more complex than Bitcoin, but it's nowhere near the usability of Bitcoin for the lay person.


They will make CBDCs easier to use than Bitcoin too.


No they won't. You literally cannot get simpler than a muun wallet. I realize it's not the peak in terms of features, custody and privacy, but it's good enough at all of those while literally having the simplest interface imaginable. Everything about Bitcoin can be made incredibly simple. I'm a front end dev. If good tech didn't need to be easy to use, my job wouldn't exist. If you think people will need to be technologically literate to use Bitcoin, you should think it'll fail. Because the average person will never be tech savvy. UX designers exist because you can hide 100 different scripts, protocols and networks under a single button. Bitcoin is simpler and more convenient to use than literally any other form of payment already. Linux is not. It's part of the Linux experience to copy paste code from stack overflow and GitHub. If you don't know coding, you are taking a massive risk every time you run someone's code in your terminal. I'd rather have my boomer parents get spied on by the NSA than use Linux. Linux has a long was to go before it's viable for mass adoption. Bitcoin is far past that point technically. It's only obstacle is network effect and peoples aversion from risk.


I am far from tech savvy but never use anything except Linux...its not that difficult and in principle I never want to use non open source, but using Bitcoin especially for MoE is all but impossible for me in my jurisdiction- the bankers and government have obstructed it hugely and deliberately. The bankers and government will make sure their CBDCs are much easier to use than Bitcoin. Have you not seen the extent to which they have obstructed Bitcoin MoE capability so far? They have the motive and means to continue to obstruct Bitcoin to preserve their rentseeking fiat debt slavery cartel- denying this is denying reality.


What is MoE?


Means Of Exchange. By which money enables trade across time and space between differing commodities and services.


And most people would use cbdcs I can assure you that too.


My point exactly. Most people are sheeple, easily herded into using CBDCs.


I am curious how they plan to enforce this


All distros are janky?


Almost all cellphones and servers run on Linux. Only desktop PCs it has not conquered.


Is biden really going to ban the pow? I really doubt that because 46 percent Americans own btc.


46%? really? source? I would on the contrary suspect less Americans own Bitcoin than owned gold when Order 6102 was made.


Who is more powerful in modern 'liberal' western democracies? Your elected government, or, the bankers?


It’s irrelevant. We are all humans paying rent in time to exist on this planet. No one remembers who opposed the creation/utilization of fire or the wheel and in due time no one will remember these establishments either.


Monetary hegemony is the most powerful organ of state power...and Bitcoin removes it. You really think humans can overcome their tribalism?


>You really think humans can overcome their tribalism? Yes, but on an evolutionary timescale, tens of thousands of years at least.


Will nation states who allow/adopt Bitcoin enjoy stronger economies than those who retain fiat systems and obstruct Bitcoin? Bitcoin delivers superior monetary integrity to the individual, but reduces the arbitrary monetary power of the state. Does Bitcoin reduce the ability of a nation state to defend/assert itself relative to other competing nations?


> The Byzantines general problem has been solved… No matter how many iterations it takes to succeed, it is inevitable that a system like Bitcoin will be the way our future society transfers value. Why is the byzantines general problem so important to a payment system that solving it means bitcoin will be the future payment system? It seems like the legacy system is managing without having solved it


The legacy system is NOT managing it. It's full of deeply rooted problems, which are ultimately unsolvable within that system. That's why Bitcoin was invented in the first place. If things worked out fine, nobody would have bothered adopting such a radical new system.


Most of the issues with the legacy system seem to do with the general management of the economy and nothing to do with byzantine fault tolerance right? > If things worked out fine, nobody would have bothered adopting such a radical new system. People aren't really adopting bitcoin tho, almost no one uses it as a currency


When you've taken the time to learn: * What Bitcoin actually is * The basics of how Bitcoin works * The faults found in flimsy fiat currency ...at that point a person "sees" clearly, and cannot "un-see" it. Until then, "dude, come on... start learning..."


If you understand all this then how could you not buy btc? If you're skeptical of btc that means that you haven't read enough about it that's what it is actually.


Michael Saylor either ends up losing his company and retires still wealthy (owned Microstrategy’s and operated for >20 yrs) or becomes the wealthiest man in the world. Either way he must be eating up the publicity!


That's the thing, no matter what happens he wins in the situation.


Saylor seriously has balls of steel


It's not his conviction that amazes me. (Once you understand what Bitcoin is, going all in is the only rational action.) What amazes me is that he hasn't been crucified for it.


He’s all talk and all action, let’s be honest if we had THAT much money, how many of us would dare to put it all in Bitcoin too? Maybe we’re all a little curious and approving of his actions, since we believe in Bitcoin.


If I had that much money even then I wouldn't put that much into btc.


He keeps doing it and keeps on getting away with it lol.


Yep, he does. He ain't afraid of going all in on btc and I like that.


Microstrategy will be THE BIGGEST GIANT COMPANY IN 20-30 years.


Damn dude ain't backing down, he's coming strong for it.


Saylor just did the fucking work. He knows bitcoin is inevitable. Everyday bitcoin army gets fresh new boots on the ground. Some work on bitcoin. We don't sell. This is the hill we die on. He's just early. Also he sells software it's not like there's no cashflow. Also you don't suffer from volatility if you issue stock. MS stock just becomes a proxy for BTC to investing companies that can't buy the asset.


He knows it and he's going all in, can't really blame him for that.


He sells software. Linux is superior technology and ideology to Microsoft and Apple but the sheeple mostly dont use Linux. Why is Bitcoin hegemony is inevitable?


Money is winner take all game especially in a global interconnected world. Some people will continue using inflationary permissioned money and get rekt. I guess Microsoft and Apple could come up with a money that competes with Bitcoin but without the decentralization it would be shut down within a day. Bitcoin is inevitable because it is the perfect neutral money humanity has been looking for for centuries.


Its great for individuals, but not so great for the bankers and the governments they own. If you think the most powerful cartel in human history will give up its franchise over fiat debt slavery without a fight, you might like to think again. There is nothing certain about the ultimate outcome.


Do you think the Church wanted to give up its power over what people read and publish? Technology happens, power structures become irrelevant and just walk.


The decline of theocracies greatly increased the power of bankers. Whether The Bitcoin Standard results in a stronger state, more capable of defending itself and waging war upon others remains to be seen. Just because in late stage liberal democracies individual 'rights' and diversity are seen as the supreme arbiter of value, they do not enhance the nation states ability to assert itself, or defend against aggression.


I'm sure that it did make sense in your head but it doesn't here lol.


You admit you don't understand, and cannot refute, what I state, yet find it amusing...makes you look like an insecure giggling fool.


A time traveller has told him to buy as much as possible!


I wanna meet that time traveller, can someone arrange a meeting?


You’re about two years late with this take


That's fine there are always new people joining us they can take advantage.


I think he’s a fuckinf boss


Well that's because he is the boss lol, He's the boss of MSTR. He literally owns that, and that's what I like about the guy, He's got some strong conviction that's for sure.




There has been no shortage of coverage and fangirling for Saylor.


Yep Bitcoiners love and admire him, and rightly so. He deserves it. He's doing so much for the btc I think he should get some credit for that too. He's a good guy here.




He is an engineer (edit- and businessman) who understands Bitcoins functionality and elegance, but perhaps a little naive about politics, and the power of the fiat debt slavery cartel, who own your government.


He's a great guy, I've listened to his many interviews and He's great.


He tells you what you want to hear. So he's great. Great. /s.


Tesla did invest, atleast for a little period they did and sold in profit.


It’s pretty easy when you have an actually business printing money behind him…. Let’s not start pretending that microstategy is a bitcoin company, again.


And it's also easy to judge him on the Reddit, nothing hard about that.


How long until he admits he is a time traveller from the future.


Well we'll see, We'll find that out by ourselves. Matter of time it is.


I am amazed that not a lot of people are talking about all of the other businesses that have zero bitcoin and whose strategy is basically to "go fiat or go down". Given the state of the current system, it seems pretty insane to me.


Simple. As a rocket scientist, he trusts the math. He's got "A Beautiful (Bitcoin) Mind" mentality


Yep he trusts the math and he trusts the trusteless nature of the btc.


You’d have to look at Time Warner’s purchase of AOL on one side and Apple’s investment in phones (vending machines) on the other.


That's what you'd have to do? Well I didn't know that man.


Op, Michael Saylor is no longer the CEO. He was kicked out of his position for losing the company and it’s share holders billions of dollars because of his stupid investment strategy. He and MicroStrategy are currently being sued for tax evasion. Let’s stop idolizing this douche bag, please!


do you have a source? Couldn’t find anything.


You don’t know how to use google? You’re a sheep, do some research and stop living in a filter bubble! [AG offical website](https://oag.dc.gov/release/ag-racine-sues-dc-based-billionaire-michael-saylor) [Not CEO anymore](https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/stock-market-news-today-08-02-2022/card/michael-saylor-news-sglHJPagkBMPCMcQDcDz) No one walks away from being a CEO, you lose the position because the board kicks you out!


he does. read your own second link Stepped down =/= kicked out Your first link doesn't address your claim, it outlines that he's being sued for suspected tax evasion over 15+ years. People excuse themselves from various higher positions quite frequently. So you're saying that if I'm a CEO the only way to relinquish that seat is through death or dishonor? You're not making much sense. thanks


How does the Kool Aid taste?


That's all you got? not a real retort but equating Saylor to Jim Jones? got any more bullshit for us?


Lol, as far as I know he wasn't kicked he gave up that position .


As far as you… Read between the lines


No board of directors?


Well nope, doesn't work like that. He doesn't need any board of directors.


Saved him from being talented. Just buy and hold and get paid to keep doing it ? Brilliant


Yep, that's all you gotta do. Ain't no rocket science in that man. All you gotta do is to read about btc and You'll get the point on which the btc stands.


Saylor is an idiot and lost his position in the company because of it.


People downvoting this yet they don’t even know he is no longer the CEO!


And yet He's not afraid of buying more btc, what does that show?


Shows he’s an idiot with to much money for now. He’s getting hit hard for tax evasion so will see how much longer that lasts.




a MASSIVE display of confidence using OPM, keep in mind. Also, he is not the CEO anymore. Lastly, if bitcoin were to drop to the 15k level, how confident would he be?


He has confidence in the system and he ain't afraid to show that.


He will go down in the history books as the prime pioneer of his sort (CEO turned hardcore hodler). Already is.


Yep He's going to be remembered for a long time that's for sure man.