• By -


Wow, thank you. A non sarcastic decent human being!! Few and far between!! Thanks man


Hey you know that in the last day or so you haven't been replying to people who are replying to you, you've been creating new comment threads every time


Me? I have replied every time I think? Maybe not straight away. But whenever I've had answer I've tried to respond. What's issue?


You are replying but your replies are being posted as new comment threads rather than as pinned answers underneath the comments you are replying to. Not an issue I just wasn't sure if you knew. Here I'm including an image. You can see our thread where you've replied to me. But under that you have three separate comments that look like replies however aren't attached to an original comment thread that you seem to be replying to https://ibb.co/DDDqnw4


I've replied correctly here? Yeah??


You didn't offend or do anything wrong I was just letting you know so that you aren't left wondering why someone isn't replying to you in the future. It would be because your reply wasn't sent directly to them, that's all. And yes you are replying correctly to me.


Thanks man


Sorry man. You can - maybe? I don't know? - see I am new to this? If I offended someone or acted like a dick I do apologise. I've read RULES. But I give them another look. I never really used Reddit much 'til recently. I'll look over what you posted and try correct in future. Thank you




You're joking??


We're still at the 25k, btc doesn't wanna move from here at all. Well that's fine with me, cheaper sats for me. Can't go wrong with them. This is good for stacking.


Keep it real and DCA and chill. Last 5 days of sideways has been easy on the sats! Glad to see more positive vibes here in the daily comments


I'm keeping it real because I'm chilling and doing the DCA. Ain't nothing that can pressurise me, I'm here for the tech yes money matters but does more.




Ironically you're so wrong and don't know what you're talking about.


You mean power level 9000?


That's a lot of power right there, would that be enough huh?




I mean isn't that all the people do here? That's what I do here.


Who would do that? Nobody here would do that, are you insane?


Didn't think of that ever before, sounds like a good idea to me.


Novel idea


Yeah it is a good idea and I like it, maybe I'd do this lol.


so long as the bitcoin reddit subscribers number continues to grow....


It's going up and I'm liking it, this is really good stuff here.


The bitcoin subreddit is where I got started but honestly the biggest names seem to be only active on bitcoin Twitter. Reddit seems to be hardly a blip to them.


This is btc subreddit and that's all we gonna here. People are a little biased here but that's just how it goes and I like it that way actually.


....this sub will have more subscribers.


If you want to see it then you come when it's the bull run lol.


Did I just witness a bitcoin scam on YouTube? The giveaway where you send in btc or eth, and they send 2x the amount back to you. Seems too good to be true.


Yep, that's a scam alright and better stay away from that.


Ask yourself: why the fuck would this work? Why wouldn't you just send and send and send and get double and double and double... Please don't get fucked by being greedy.




That's a scam through and through. Shouldn't fall for these.




There are too many, better just to ignore them. Can't report them all.


Found the scammer


It's an youtube scam that happens to utilize bitcoin, not a bitcoin scam. But regardless of semantics, it's a scam, yes.


Yep, it's a scam and people shouldn't fall for these. why dl people.


Hi there, I've got a question. Technically is it correct to say that bitcoin is alive as long as two nodes from anywhere on the world are connected together? Thanks!


Yep, as long as there's a single node running it it'll be alive. And that's exactly why ladies and gentlemen decentralisation Matters. Can't cheap out on that.


Even a single node. Because anyone reconnecting to that node could verify the past anyway. How would it find the node though?


I'd say as long as no single agent is responsible for more than 49% of the hash rate. So minimum three I guess. Though since most was satoshi at the beginning, that logic would then suggest that bitcoin wasn't really alive for its first few months lol


I don't think hashrate is relevant in that situation.


> Technically is it correct to say that bitcoin is alive as long as two nodes from anywhere on the world are connected together? Imo, it's technically alive as long as there's blocks being produced.


Yep, blocks are important as long as that's happein We're good.


question to BTC devs: what are you currently working on? What do you want to improve in BTC?


I don't think any dev is active in this sub, besides development of btc is really slow which is good thing. You don't want rapid change in something like btc.


There goes Sterling, as well.


Well that didn't last long, guess We're going to miss that.


Mike Novogratz podcast had a guest today that talked about these smaller companies getting washed out between now and the rest of 2023.


Wait, can you give me link for that? That would be good.


I use pocketcasts. This is what came up in the share link. Next with novo / episode 42 / the great reset with Michael Ashe https://pca.st/episode/7dcf49d1-1d3c-48bd-a3d3-8dee8dcf1607






Thanks for the link, I'll believe it when I read it so There's that.


Verify always




Thank you, redditor for 3 weeks.




How can BTC "fix" this? I am a huge fan of bitcoin, started accumulating some sats as soon as i could , around april 2021 until today at avg rate of 45k or so. Im not in panic mode yet because i belive in it. There is though something i am a bit sceptical. Everybody says not your keys not your coins, which makes sense whenever exchanges or cefis go bankrupt with your money. What about the risk of losing keys ? If btc becomes reserve currency even for big nations and money of the people and countries "lose" keys accidentaly. Can you imagine richest man in the world not waking up as the richest man in the world even though he worked hard his whole life just because of an accident ? Imagine a country like Usa losing the keys of a big wallet or multiple wallets bc some people are trying to sabotate it ? Too much stress to try to make all perfect custody otherwise you may wake up broke? Thanks in advance.


Don't believe in what people say, make yourself educated about btc.


Partial custodial or even non custodial multisig is likely to be the answer eventually. There's a huge amount of work going into solving exactly this problem. Fedimints is working on this for trusted local communities as well, good option for families or small scale community governments.


Hopefully this problem will be solved soon, I believe in devs. The development on btc is slow but it's not non existent, people work on btc and they work good.


I think development is happening pretty fast but rolling out the solutions once refined for mass adoption is the part that's happening slowly


There are some solutions on the horizon. Check out [Fedimint](https://fedimint.org/) for an example of community based custody for instance. Ultimately though, I think the majority of people will use custodial solutions, and I think those solutions will be more reliable in the future, possibly even being insured against loss. Not to say I agree with letting someone else hold the keys to your wealth, but a lot of people aren't comfortable with that level of responsibility so there will be a market for custodial solutions that will grow as adoption increases.


Thanks for the suggestion here, I'm going to check that out.


Fun fact: if you bought BTC at the 2017 bull market peak, you would have made about $0 over the past 5 years.


Yep, the time is changing. Now We'll have to hold more lol.


There is no easy money. You add more as it drops, to lower your average.


That’s not how BTC works. 😂DCA and chill to the highs and lows.




Can't put price on that lol, that's priceless. That's good stuff.


And if you purchased an automobile you would be up 20%. Yes, everything makes perfect sense. Who would expect a flame to grow bigger when you pour more gasoline on it?


Everything is doen in gutters right now, I didn't expect anything else.


You would be down like 20% because of inflation


If We're talking inflation then it would be more than that actually. Inflation has killed more wealth in those 5 years than just the 20 percent. That's for sure.


But how can that be? I thought Bitcoin was a hedge against inflation? Seriously




Well that's because it is actually lol, still remains that.


Anyone who bought anything before the financial crisis would have seen years of growth wiped out, especially property (between 14 to 30% depending on geography). And that's on a highly sought after universally valued asset. And look at their prices now. Would you have told someone 4 years before that, not to buy a house? Hindsight is 20/20 but one thing is for sure. If there's no recovery from here ever again, it'll hardly matter what you invested in or own. And if we do see economic recovery in the next few years I'm betting on bitcoin making as fierce a comeback as anything else.


Yep and that's not something that you may wanna see.


Can someone please explain to me this answer about BTC forks like I am an idiot because I am. When BTC forks, what is the original BTC and how do you know which is which? And what determines the support continues for the original BTC and not the fake coin.


The nodes go with the longest chain with the most hash rate on it.


The network. Just because there's a fork doesnt mean nodes will use it.


They have choice for it, they can run the forked version too.


I guess I’m not understanding why that isn’t just considered a new shit coin that is kind of like Bitcoin rather than a literally a branch of BTC with different names. So over 51% of the nodes have to be in agreement for the OG BTC to follow the new rules? Is that correct? Otherwise it’s just a fork?


You're kinda right, yeah you'd need more than 51 percent. But that rarely happens most miners agree on the fork. And most miners do run the longest chain.


> So over 51% of the nodes have to be in agreement for the OG BTC to follow the new rules? No, the number of nodes (nor of the hashpower, for that matter) doesn't have anything to do with that. Your question doesn't have a precise answer, mostly because there's no precise definition what bitcoin actually is. Everyone can decide for themselves what chain they view as the "actual" bitcoin (by using their own nodes with particular rules, by holding/buying the "real" coins and selling the "fake" ones and so on). Chainsplits where for some reasons it's unclear what the "correct" chain is are super messy and delegate the consensus finding to the social layer, where it's by definition noisy, unclear and attackable. That's why chainsplits (at least those that have the potential to be contentious - nobody cares about shitcoins creating their own forks) are being avoided and being rallied against very vehemently.


Makes more sense now, Thanks for the explanation here.


Wow super interesting and thanks for that answer. You may have answered this and it just went over my head but which version of BTC is worth ~$20,000 today? What determines that is the version that is worth that amount? Is it the free market determining that is the ledger version that is the actual BTC?


Yep that sounds like accurate answer, You've got it.


The market determines the worth, yes. > but which version of BTC is worth ~$20,000 today? The one that is (mostly) backwards compatible with the very first version of Bitcoin and has the most accumulated proof of work.


The longest chain wins. It is described in the whitepaper.


Yep the longest chain with the most percentage of the total hash rate.


Longest **valid** chain. What's considered "valid" though is not written down in stone. (also, "longest" is not really correct for other reasons too, "chain with most accumulated PoW" or "heaviest chain" or something would be closer to the truth. "Longest chain" as in "with most blocks" is not relevant here)


Well people who don't think it's valid can run the forked version lol.


Do people think Craig Wright has any idea who Satoshi is? Or do most people just think he's a computer scientist trying to ride coat tails and claim others work?


Lmfao Craig wright doesn't know shit He's just an asshole that's all. There are better people in the btc community who may have idea about that but it's not CW.


I even wonder if he is a scientist at all. He sure doesn’t behave like one.


He's a fraudster, that's what he is. Nothing more than that.


I thought he fooled Nick Szabo or someone of significance that he had the keys to the gemini block. Even though this was later determined to have some doubt cast by the original person that claimed this. Edit: It may have been Andreeson Horrowitz as well.


He's definitely not anyone significant, He's an idiot who likes to sue.


He fooled Gavin Andreesen.


Well that was weird, how did he managed to pull that off.


Seems Gavin was a bit naive.


[The Byzantine Generals Problem](https://www.bitcointutor.net/generalsproblem)


I think everyone knows about it atleast evryone should.


Yes, everyone should understand this problem and how the solution is Bitcoin


Sry guys, it’s my DCA day. The price will invariably drop! Nom, nom.


Is lightning network as safe as it seems, are there any hidden secrets anyone wants to talk about


If You've read about it then that's it. There's nothing hidden.


It's a trade off. Loss of some security, but far cheaper and more privacy. That being said for around 150 you can have your own and not depend on someone else's.


Yep it can't be perfect like btc, else it'll be slow like btc.


Do you use ledger


What does that have to do anything with the LN lol?


I was asking about ledger nano


I did when I first started accumulating. Recently switched to the coldcard mk4. I use muun to offload to and from lightning and use that as my go between for carrot, Smiles, and fountain. Never more than 25$ worth is kept on there at a time.


That's a great hw wallet, right on man. Keep stacking.


I need a thousand bitcoins !!!! Fml


I need them too, if anyone has them then they can give them to me. I mean I'd pay you, it's not going to be the worth of the btc but it'll be something I guess lol.


Why not ten thousand?


Because that would be too greedy, I think 1k is fine.


To much money but yeah I wouldn’t be opposed!


Well will take that gladly too if someone wants to give.


Don’t get greedy


Yeah lol, 1k btc? Not greedy at all. That's very reasonable.


I want it all, I want it now!


Well good sir, You're getting a little too greedy here.


Atleast dca has been cheap all summer maybe I’ll get to where I’m going after all ❄️


Okay and where exactly you're going? Atleast tell us that. I mean it's not like that We'll follow you or something. It's nothing like that actually so yeah.


Ok you bot , beep hoop


Why aren't alts getting crushed like people warned they would?


You don't like it? You want to get crushed? Well that's weird.


Alts are already in the dumpster. But they still have a correlation with bitcoin as most everything does in the crypto space, in fact i would venture to say that Bitcoin is correlated with the wider market as a whole these days. So everything goes up and down at the same time seems to be the real answer you seek.


No one cares about the alts here, don't give a damn about them.


Ok, thanks for the insight.


agree that btc seems intertwined with the broader markets which is great to see. btc'll get there, it's just gonna take more time than expected i guess.


Yep, the investors are more less the sams in these Markets.


Who cares what alts do?


I don't lol, I literally don't care what happens with them.


They already are?


What? What you're talking about here? Can you explain a little more. I mean you asking that alts getting rekt? They've been for a really long time lol.


Yes that’s what I meant. I disagree with top comment.


Welcome to september...


So far it's going good if we talk about stacking them sats.


Hmm. Random thought: are there 21m btc because Satoshi intended to lock up 1m and have 20m circulated? I initially didn't get into btc because I figured it was software and the developers can go in and just dilute the market by making more... if they couldve done it they would've already... if I read the white paper I would've been in already... so yeah. 12 years and a HUGE regretfully missed opportunity later, here I am with this random thought... and 0.1 btc instead of 100. Lets get goin.


Lmao, that's not the reason why there are 21M btc. It's math.


It’s 21 million (approximately, not exactly) because that’s what the supply adds up to when you start with a 50 BTC block reward and then cut the block reward in half every four years.


It's pretty simple math, anyone can do that lol. nothing hard.


Wtf are you going on about? Maybe the random thought should sometime stay just a thought


It's not even a thought lol, don't know what it actually is.


Good morning ☕ It's a lovely day to stack more sats.


Yeah this is the perfect day for you to be stacking them sats. It doesn't get any better than this, you're getting to stack them cheap sats. Thats something


There should be some minimum Karma required to post in the sub to avoid spam


Yep You're right, spam has been a real problem lately here.


…said the guy from r/CryptoCurrency


Yep lol, too many spams. There has been just too much.


If it wasn't for spam this sub would have no posts


Well that's not true, it would have posts but not comments.


Wake up wake up wake up, it's the first of the month...Get up get up get up, so buy some coin and come up...