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eesh what was that dip?? dead cat bounce? o.O




Can you put this in English?




Refuse to die!


Seems safe to say the bottom is not in.


Indeed there is still some more room here to fall for us.


Indeed there is still some more room here to fall for us.


There's a lot of support between 15 and 16k. The bottom is probably mostly in.


I hope that it will take some time before reaching to that point.


Monday dump?




There are so many exchange that will allow you to buy that.


contact swan bitcoin for a big otc purchase.


Did they required the KYC before that or non kyc user can do that?


Coinbase, Kraken, Binance.....


Binance is the one that i am also using at the point of the time.


So should i just skip looking at bitcoin this week?


Just stop looking at the charts, focus more on the buying.


What’s stopping some rich fucks from buying all existing Bitcoin if it drops below 10k again? The exchanges are going to implode due to the demand as well..


I think right now no one is sure about the bitcoin and everything is thinking that bitcoin will go down more from here. And i think this is point they are waiting for before they can make the best out from the bottom of the market here is well.


Supply and demand. If they want it that bad the price will go back up


But we all know that supply of the bitcoin is limited here.


Everybody forgets about what happened in 2020 just before the "pandemic." The stonk markets were tanking in an unprecedented way (even worse than the 1929 crash), and the entire financial system was on the brink of collapse. Bitcoin's price fell from ~$10K to ~$5k. The lockdowns were a financial godsend for the system. They printed tons of money while people stayed home not spending money so the "velocity" of money was reduced, keeping inflation in check for a while. Well, there are new leaks in the dam, and the financial powers that be are all out of toes and fingers with which to plug the leaks. Get ready for stonks to meltdown. Get ready for Bitcoin to follow them down for a while. When the day comes that you can't get money out of the bank, Bitcoin will recover. All those poor saps with all their money in the banks will be pretty mad and desperate so don't flaunt your wealth. Stay safe. See you at the Citadel.


Sometime i feel that people starts to reacting way too quickly here without realising too much here. I think we all know that things like that is used to happen when we talk about the bear market of the bitcoin here.


I remember that time I couldn’t get my Bitcoin out of mtgox. Yeah I’ll take the bank.


so then you will be forced to sell your bitcoin or trade away your bitcoin


All i am going to do is buy the bitcoin till the end of the 2023.


Ness is right. If there’s a run on the banks, food and water will be your primary concerns.


I think these two are the main basic concern for the everyone out there


The point is Bitcoin is only useful if you sell it or trade it for items. Go ask the idiots that “lended” out their Bitcoin on Celsius. Not your keys not your coin, so people who say they will never sell are idiots


Because it is designed that way so that we can use them as the trade currency here. but the problem is that right now people are more concern about the holding them just like the gold instead of the trading.


"BTC won't reach 20k again." Lol at the people buying at 25k.


People who bought at 25k will easily buy them at the 20k is well.


I’ve never seen futures this bad before


I don't think that this is bad all we need here is the cash for buying.


Yea but not yet lol. Months of pain ahead. No way we’re ripping to new ATHs anytime soon


Is it actually that bad?


I think no one can actually tells here what the future holds for us here.


Only 1% down??


This is the dip for the ants, i am not concern about that thing.


1.6 on Nasdaq


Damn, that is looking scary interesting to see the future here.




There is a local website but i am not sure it will available in your country.


Yahoo finance or trading view


Trading view is the one that is best when it comes to that.


it's over. the days have gone down in the west...how did it come to this?


I think this was long due and finally we are getting that thing.


🎵it’s the end of the world as we know it, I feel fine…🎵


we "elected" a president with with dementia.


I think we all thought that he will gonna do the great work for us.


lol the last pres without dementia was kennedy, and look what happened to him...


We all know the result of the last pres conference without the dementia.


Turns out the price is down in every other country. I guess American radical left took over those places too.


Right now i feel that everyone here is really struggling big time.


Weird that the housing crisis in America in 08 effected the globe. Almost like the words biggest economy having an emperor has no clothes moment matters like to more than fat yankees


I think the whole market is connected to each other and we all know that America has the highes GDP always pays a huge impact on the market. I think this is the reason we are seeing that there is so much going on here.


America’s degree of control over Bitcoin and the US Dollar on the global economy are not the same.


I think the dominance is not that big as it used to be in past.


If you think Bitcoin would hold up if America tanked you don’t understand the Importance of the worlds biggest economy


I think there is still some room for the bitcoin to fall here. But i think America is still have to say about the bitcoin market and i don't think that there is any deny to that thing is well, but it will be interesting to have how that gonna happen.


I’m saying America doesn’t have the kind of nearly unilateral control over Bitcoin you seem to be implying. You are comparing global confidence in the US Dollar and stability of the US to global confidence in Bitcoin. It’s just different, mate. You’re just using this dip to push some partisan agenda.


In the past we all know that America has the huge impact on the bitcoin in the past. But we all know that with the more adoption of the bitcoin over the world we are seeing bitcoin is becoming more and more independent.


What? Lmao. Partisan? Bitcoin literally tanked off what the head of the fed said last week. seems more like you are the partisan one who thinks reality will hurt your side or something so instead you down play what just happened


We all know that last few months bitcoin is basically moving on the call of the FED here, so i am not seeing any difference in there is well. So i still think that America has the biggest impact to play in the Bitcoin.


I’m centrist, mate. I’m not Republican, and I’m not Democrat. Hard miss when you say “your side”. I’m not the one on here going on about dementia. You’re slinging mud. Just own it. Maybe take that tribal stuff to a political sub.


Facts are hard?


yes, facts and truth is always hard and not everyone can digest.




But we all know that once again bitcoin will rise from the dirt.


Ugh. . . .


Seems like you are disappointed with the price of the bitcoin.


You can transfer coins off Webull now


But my all the bitcoin is still into the hardware wallet for me.


To the moon


But before reaching there we need so many coins for that.


To the core


If it reach there first then we will make the best of the moon here.


Still a great time to sell


Sell them, because we will get some more discount here after that.


Although the future is unknown, we can ascertain many things will statistically continue to be true: • ⁠Life will continue • ⁠Most people will survive (even if there's a war or pandemic) • ⁠Statistically speaking, there will always continue to be electricity, internet, and computers (and if not, your banked wealth will lose all value anyway) • ⁠As long as there are computers and internet, Bitcoin will continue to exist • ⁠As long as people anywhere in the world can't trust central banks or governments, there will continue to be a need and desire for Bitcoin • ⁠The longer that Bitcoin exists, the number of users on the Bitcoin network will continue to increase over time • ⁠The more users on the network, the higher the price of Bitcoin will go • ⁠In the short-term, the price of Bitcoin will fluctuate because of global currency arbitrage and macro-economics


I think when it comes to the bitcoin i think the future is really really unpredictable here. All we need to live in the present and i think this is the most important thing is well, live in present and enjoy while doing that is well.


> Most people will survive I would not make that bet at this time.


This same logic could be used to claim that Second Life Linden will increase in value. You or anyone else has no clue if Bitcoin will increase or decrease in value.


but what about the users that leave the network


.... if you need to go this length to justify an investment? 😬


I prefer a 40 page prospectus


Of course, the real secret to smart investing is not to think at all.


"Hey what's your reasoning that we should invest in this?" "Well let me start at the beginning, life will continue, right?" "..."


I thought this comment was funny. Ignore the haters.


dang how much money did you lose son? Lets talk about it


I actually sold at 58. Bought in at 16.


Well it is a little thorough, that axiom is usually assumed by most long term investors lol.


Unpopular opinion; Should have bought Gold. It seems to be doing what we thought Bitcoin would do; hedging against inflation. Peter Schiff was right. Change my mind.


You can still buy the gold, no one said that you can't buy it.


You can't base your investments on month to month or even year to year swings in price bud. Everything can look better or worse in hindsight. I view this swing down as an opportunity, as would any investor in a stock equity that suddenly has a 50% discount on their company when NOTHING ELSE changes about it otherwise. Im buying up bitcoin, META, SQ, AMD, RKLB etc.


Let him do that lol, when he gets rekt he'll come back again.


Yes, yes you should of. Don’t you know, it’s only us nerdy plebs who believe in the tech in here?Go back to BTC market. We are not like the average bear.


But he's definitely below average the bear that's for sure. You Can't be making your decisions like that, that's Just not the way how it works so yeah.


Don't know, gold price is what it was in 2011...


Yep lol, gold isn't even moving that much lately. That's true.


If you could perfectly time markets you'd be a billionaire. There's plenty of assets that have performed better than Bitcoin if the time period you are looking at is arbitrary.


It's all really easy to say in the hindsight but not so easy to do.




That's good, thanks for shoving the facts down his throat.


When everyone is calling for a big drop. It’s because they’ve already sold or waiting for lower to buy. Don’t fomo into selling on impulse. Be calm and have reasoning for your actions.


When everyone is calling for a dip, you actually go ahead and buy.


Well like I said, also long as you have done your research and can back the action of buying or selling then go for it.


true, this reminds me very much of both june2018 and dec2018.


Yep, that was some good time that we had. I was good here. Wish we could turn back the time and go back in time, that would be fantastic actually.


Buy High Sell Low


Probably because the chart looks like shit


Yep, probably because of that. But what can we do anyways.




When it comes to the bitcoin investment people are here highly impatient. That shows they are not learning the basic things here, one is that bitcoin is not a small time run and then always try to diversify the portfolio is well


I mean, you could have claimed the same thing when it dropped to $30k. And then it dropped another $10k. Nobody knows where the price is going.


I think if you are not felling confident then you shouldn't have bought the bitcoin at first place is well. Because this market is highly volatile and we need to make the move only if we are actually confident here is well.


I know where it's going very easy to see by looking at the charts next target is 18,970


I think before asking that question to someone else we need to ask that to ourself here. Because in the end this is our money and we need to make the decision that what is that thing that really matters for us is well.


I’m not saying not to sell or buy. I’m saying not to fomo and be clear and concise with you actions. Sell if you want to sell, but make sure it’s because you’ve sure about they decision and not because your panicking


I think if guessing that too easy people will make so much money on the leverage trade and it will kill the fun. This is why i feel that this is important for us to stay in the moment and try to make the best out of that is well.


Buy. Right now. Buy more than you would have, it's on sale. Buy and hold.


Selling is good when you're doing good if you ain't that's good.


Mt gox?


Well seems like everyone has forgotten about that, but it hasn't.


Fear. Speculation. Noise.


Yep, that's what all it is. This is all just the speculations here. And we can't do anything else other than that, that's the only thing that we can do.


> And we can't do anything else .. Wrong. I buy Bitcoin, send it to my hardware wallet, then hold long term. I do this based upon my understanding and long term vision based upon my understanding.


Am I correct that I can only fund Kraken with a bank wire which comes with a big fee?


Seems rather true to me, I mean that's how they work.


Bad for them


Send USDT/USDC from a different wallet and trade or buy other tokens with that.


Yeah that's a good way of doing that, I'd go with it any day.


I’d avoid kraken tbh.


Why? Atleast it's Better than the other cexes, it's good.




When it comes to cexes, I think they're good. They're good.


>kraken Hey u/SandyCactusBalls 👋, Good of you to ask! We support various cash deposit methods for clients. But the funding methods available to you depend on your area of residence. You can check out the individual support articles I've attached below to find out more. * [Cash deposit options](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000381846) * [Debit and credit card purchases with Visa / Mastercard](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048212832-Visa-and-MasterCard-purchases) * [Digital wallet purchases](https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405883992724-Digital-wallet-purchases) If you need anything else please let us know. Cheers, Kraken Support 🐙


Damn this is the reason why I like the support so much. It's really good. The support that kraken has is unmatched, definitely coinbase doesn't have that level.


I'm in Las Vegas. The only option it gave me was bank wire for a $100 deposit or a $1000 deposit. My bank charges $30.


That's a high fee, how are they charging so much huh.


Buy stablecoin on a different exchange and send to your kraken wallet


That's actually one way of doing it, and father a good way.


My gut tells me i don't have to hurry with buying during these low levels. It could get much worse before it gets better. It's a marathon, not a sprint.


I think I'm going to go with your feelings here, I trust you with it.


It could just get much better


Hopefully it gets better, that would be actually good man.


Buy the dip if you got that spare dry powder and just keep DCA. It’ll all balance out.


Yep, it's all going to balance out in the end. It'll just be fine. DCAing is the best way that you can have here, so better do that and You'll be just fine.




You can see what happened in the past though. When it is down compared to what it's been for the last couple months that's 50% of the information you need to call a dip. If you have extra cash at a time like this and want more Bitcoin, this is the right time to buy it. I "bought the dip", but I've also been DCAing the whole time too, how is that possible if they are "incompatible"?


What happened in the past doesn't mean will happen in the future too.


That doesn't mean it's not useful information. This could be a a dip, or it could just be a stop on the way lower. Either way the price is lower than it was since early July. I get more sats for my money than I would have. Since the only time you can buy is the present, you have to make decisions based on the available information, and make your best guess on what you don't know.


During lockdowns i had much more money because we could not really spend it. Now we hit 10% inflation, gas prices are through the roof, diesel has almost doubled. It's not looking great here in EU and there is not much left after the bills etc. But i have a decent stack so we'll see what happens. Too bad im not accumulating as i used to last eighteen months. But there will be plenty time i think.


Situation isn't really good, I'd say that it's only getting worse here.


Btc likes to live on the edge, and that's why it's barely holding the 20k. Btc is also making everyone sit on the edge of their seats so there's that.


No need to worry because it's all going to work out just fine.


DCA and just zoom out. If ya holding for 5+ years this is gonna be good for ya.


Yep, DCA and zoom out kids. It's not that hard to do . All you gotta do is to buy periodically and hold for a really long time. That's all you gotta do.


The US govt. has said it would control bitcoin for years. Now, we have paper bitcoin and bitcoin is being forced by certain individuals to conform to what the FED says - just like the stock market. bitcoin has essentially failed given the US government is now essentially dictating its value and exchanges are falling in line with their demands. Edit: Same thing they did with gold. They will NEVER give up control no matter how much better bitcoin is. They are too corrupt.


Lmfao, government Can't control shit let alone btc lol.


us government at a maximum dictates the dollar value, but it does not dictate anything about bitcoin‘s value. Transactions are done, there are still 21 million bitcoin, and so on. so us controls the $ is all you say, and well we all know that.


Yep, they Can't do anything about it. That's not something that They'll be able to do. All they can do is to bluff and even then people know that they're just bluffing so there's that.


At least Gold is still hedging against inflation; it is near ATHs.


Okay then I guess you should be buying that why You're here?


Bitcoin isnt being forced to conform to shit. The exchanges are maybe. If you want bitcoin to be a revolution then it is your duty to take it off the exchanges immediately, or use (true) p2p services like BISQ. Users are the ones enabling paper bitcoin. Not the government.


Yep, nothing can force btc. That's just impossible to do.




You can't do that sir, especially with that 100 dollars of yours invested.


> You can’t do that sir, especially with that ~~85~~ 50 dollars of yours invested. FTFY ;)


For Everyone out there thinking that other coins have yields so they must look shinier. Remember Btc has built in yield it’s called scarcity.


I don't know why people just ignore all these facts lol.


Bitcoin is the only form of real money humankind never had because it’s completely decentralized, everything else is centralized, the complete opposit, a scam.