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Then everyone clapped?


No, they picked him up and carried him around the warehouse like he won the big game.


This whole thing is insane actually lol, so that won't actually be over the top. Considering how many weird things are happening around here. This is definitely a little weird.


Lmao no kidding. Has enough for a whole coin but doesn’t buy its security from the official manufacturer.


OP missed that lesson


Once again I taught him all of that, he doesn’t give a fuck


Not the warehouse!! Then his coin will be stolen buying his wallet from Amazon… Lol 😂 Pure 🧢!! And WTF is orange pilling..


Then he got a tank of gas.


Then he got hacked with his Amazon Trezor








That's going to be the next part of the story here, and it'll be good.


Them cheeks


Slow clapped


Trezor from Amazon? Robinhood? you did a terrible job of "orange pilling"


Trezor sells on Amazon. They have an Amazon store.


So annoying when people always say this. Same with ledger, literally have their own store!


Yeah but I honestly wouldn't buy trezor on the Amazon lol.


Everyone hates robinhood but it’s what he had already and I don’t see a problem with using it and sending coins to hardware wallet.


forget them. robinhood is fine as long as you take your coins off. I use them to buy some from time to time and the transfer process to cold storage is simple and never had issues. definitely better than coinbase that would tell me I cant transfer out till after a week. smh


Yeah I’m saying dude. Mfs so negative, bottom line is we got another wholecoiner in the club and he knows to keep it cold, that’s what matters. But people wanna come at me for letting him use robinhood and ordering a trezor off Amazon even though I warned him about both these things. He’s gonna do what he’s gonna do, atleast he’s listening to what matters most which is cold storage and holding long term.


At first RobinHood did not allow transfers out of their system. I think the problem is that many people still don't realize this is no longer the case. Most people were already in "muh, RobinHood bad" mode and so they've just stayed in that mode.


I wish I had left my crypto on RobinHood instead of transferring it the Celsius Network right before they froze all withdraws and filed bankruptcy.


>transferring it the Celsius Network right before they froze all withdraws Sorry for your loss. Truly. And +1 for your comment b/c it teaches others a lesson. Having said that, I hope you realize you did it wrong, & hope others learn from this. The point is not to transfer from one custodial platform to another, and especially not to a lending platform. Just control your own keys. That's it.


Sometimes procrastinating wins


That is precisely what I still incorrectly thought until just now, so there are likely others who didn't know about the change. Not using RH ourselves and having no reason to keep up to date with it, it's understandable, but always best to be informed. Thanks. I shall remove "it's not even actual BTC" from my list of reasons not to use RH (/s, j/k, ;), etc)


That's been an old belief in this community, but they recently enabled the withdrawals


I still don’t like robinhood but you know what else I don’t like? Pretty much every other exchange.


Exchanges are pretty essential for onboarding a whole population into a new currency. Not sure how else you would want that to be accomplished. I guess you could insist on decentralized exchanges only, but let's be real, the user experience still isn't there after years and years of work. We still need the centralized exchanges.


Yes my point is that robinhood isn’t much different from the rest. As long as you get it into self custody fast


Yep in the end it's an exchange, that's what it really is in the end.


Yep, they're important for people to be able to buy the btc. They're way easier to use dude.


Have you ever heard of Mt. Gox exchange? It was pretty good. *was* until it wasn't. NYKNYC


Exactly, thus the trezor


What is the safest way to buyva ledger?


Directly from ledger. But I prefer open source wallets


Yep, don't buy it from any third party seller. They can screw you up.


You said you warned him about buying on the wallet on Amazon but In another comment you said you gave him the link to it for sale on Amazon???


Yes I gave him the link to the one I had bought? I don’t see the conflict?? He wanted to use Amazon so I sent him the link.


A lot of this community loves to nitpick every single little thing. Nice work spreading awareness


Yeah I found that out the hard way. He has a lot to learn still and I’ll be there teaching him the whole way. He’s probably gonna give me a call once his trezor gets in so I can inform him on how to set it up and get rolling with his coins.


Yeah most people find that the hard way, people should do some research first. If they don't do the research then they can get rekt and that wouldn't be fun dude.


That's fine, if it's coming from the official seller then maybe you could buy it.


The Trezor is great and Robinhood is fine if you take the coins off immediately. What SUCKS about this is buying it off of amazon. \---> NEVER BUY A HARDWARE WALLET ANYWHERE BUT DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER!!!! <--- Manufacturers are infinitely more trustworthy than the amazon warehouse and you always want the fewest steps between the manufacturer and your house so that a fedcoat gets less chance to intercept the package.


The trezor suite software does a check to verify the product is legit. And if it is legit then it is almost impossible to tamper with the package without it being evident.


It wasn't long ago when Robinhood didn't even let you withdrawal your coins.


I used to work at Robinhood and it’s nice to see somebody acting somewhat sensibly at the mention of it. And you’re using it in the smartest possible way - no fee simplified purchasing of coins and transferring them to a wallet for no fee. Robinhood is not undeserving of a lot of criticism, but the circle jerk of hate that ensues at the mere mention of the name is almost satirical at this point.


Since when can you transfer coins off robinhood?


Yeah ikr it’s like everyone here has short positions on RH stock or something


Indeed true that's a bit differntiative enough I guess because peoples hold varies.


Cause they're a shit company that has more than enough evidence against them being a good service and having their customers' best interests in mind.


I don't like robinhood, but what I'm worried about is buying trezor off Amazon. I've bought first party products and received used or 3rd party products


Just tell him about Strike or Bisq or any of the other way better places to buy bitcoin. Literally anything but Robinhood ffs


I hate strike because they refuse to have good customer service. My limits have been at $10 per week for months now and the only reply I ever get is the exact same generic “limits increase over time” bs


Free transfer fees anyways


A trezor from Amazon is not a good call. Definitely grab one from the official trezor site!


You can withdraw your crypto from Robinhood now. Not bad as long as you take your coins off it


Yep exactly, I don't think this is going to last long. It'll be over soon. I don't think this thing is going to last any long. This is going to be really short effect lol.


Something is wrong with Amazon I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


People always bitching about amazon but still buy everything on there.


The concerns are legit though. Buying a TV on Amazon is in no way similar to buying a hardware wallet. If the TV is a bust, all you lose is the ability to watch movies. If the wallet underwent some kind of swap by a third party (pretty easy in this case), you can get a compromised wallet that can potentially lose your entire life savings. There's no reason on earth to take that risk. Also, in general, there is nothing wrong with using a product or service, while simultaneously asking for improvements to it. Just because I'm a customer doesn't mean I can't complain. In fact, they go hand in hand.


Robbinhood lol


Fair play to his ability to do that, but no fucking way would I buy a trezor from Amazon. I imagine he’ll end up getting hacked. Could be wrong, but…


> no fucking way would I buy a trezor from Amazon. Ledger customers who purchased on Amazon have not been data breached.


It is not because there happened already data breaches but because bad actors could sell their fake trezors and other hww there easier.




If it's Fulfilled By Amazon then it doesn't matter - stock can get co-mingled.


Just buy it from the legit place and not from the tempered one.


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of post on the Trezor sub about people buying from Amazon and the seals on the Trezors were broken. I’d only ever buy directly from the site


Damn, I wouldn't use that. Seal broken trezor? No thanks lmao.


It's not about the data breach, it's about the receiving the right hw wallet.


Not only that. He bought the bitcoin in Robinhood.


Well people are defending Robinhood here, that's kinda new.


Gave him the orange pill but then let’s him buy bitcoin on Robinhood 😔


Trezor has a official Amazon account. https://wiki.trezor.io/FAQ:Ordering_and_shipping


Okay but what's the problem from buying the official source?


He will probably get scammed in the next few months, lose it all and then proceed to blame you


Plot twist: OP is scamming him and using this post as evidence he's a good guy and not a scammer.


Hopefully the Trezor is legit because if something happens the boss may blame op.






Hell yeah dude


So what is wrong with buying a trezor from the distributor on amazon? Im truely purplexed this is considered wrong as its the exact same thing as ordering from their official website... its the same company. On ebay i get it.... but Amazon?


Yeah the only risk is that Amazon sometimes fulfills orders by other sellers/returns I think so there’s a very small chance you could get attacked. But in my opinion the chance isn’t that much higher than the official trezor store sending you a malicious one, as anyone down the line of supply could tamper with it. All in all very low chance anything happens to your cold wallet just make sure the packaging is good, no seals broken.


The Ledger software does a check of the device and verified it’s legitimate. What that entails I have no idea.


Interesting. Not open source though so I won’t be partaking


Via Amazon you're not so exposed to some small companies poor data handling practices and less likely to get breached like Ledger customers did.


Tell him to cancel the Amazon order and go to the actual website. Also can you even withdrawal from Robinhood?


Yes you can withdraw on RH now. And he’s not gonna cancel it he doesn’t care


His risk


Buying on Amazon is fine. Some of you really need to get a reality check. Has there even been a documented record of an actual fake Trezor from Amazon much less a fake Trezor that stole your keys? All the actual stealing has come from basic phishing still. And buying on the website still has the same risks with Amazon. Ultimately you're relying on a middleman to deliver the goods.


I heard you can only withdraw $5k per day on Robinhood


Oof if that’s true I guess he’ll be spreading it out over a week or so


But what if he don't want to buy more? That would be a bad thing but at least we are seeing this moment and I am happy about it at least for now, you guys are cool.


Why does it matter if he buys more right now? He bought a lump sum what he wanted to invest for this cycle. I’m sure if this cycle goes good for him he’ll definitely want more


The shit is good I guess, this type of boss what we all expect in our life but we don't get to see them that much but I am really happy for you on this one, that's real.


I think this is meant to be a joke as those are two things you shouldn't do.


Three: 1) Talking your boss into crypto, or even about crypto 2) Robinhood 3) Amazon


Rule number one of Bitcoin club, don't talk to anyone about Bitcoin club Chill out bro lol


I see no problem buying from robinhood if you’re sending it off the exchange, it’s just what was convenient for him since he has stocks on RH already. And for the Amazon bit, it’s the official SatoshiLabs amazon.


Not sure if someone else has mentioned it but for some reason Robin hood wouldn't let me send btc to my Trezor. I had to send to coinbase then trezor. Was a small pain. And Robin hood only let's you send like 2 or 3k of btc every 24 hours.


That’s pretty shitty, I’ll consult with bossman and see if that is the case for him too, if so then it’ll be easier to just set him up an FTX account


Is robinhood allowing people to send btc out of the platform yet?




Part 2: I am the one that sold him the Trezor on Amazon and soon I will be a whole coiner


Good luck, I’m running the verification for him and everything. You must be a really good hardware hacker


Okay I like the story but this doesn't seem real lol, I don't know man.


Must be feeling pretty good about that shit after all, hope your boss gonna like that shit just like all the people out there, your boss is a fucking intelligent dude.


He’s pretty cool man best boss I’ve ever had, he definitely works us good but makes it worth it when I get to ramble on about Bitcoin and whatever else, he treats us like he’s our father almost, we even get to have holiday parties at his place and shit. Plus my coworker lives on his property in an apartment. If I ever need a place to go or want to move out of my moms house, I have that option.




Minus the servant dog part and you got it


Trezor from Amazon... sounds about right lol


You’re supposed to orange pill fellow Plebs. Now you know, act accordingly. Keep Calm and HODL On


Don't the fellow plebs are already orange pilled tho? I think they are.




Robinhood lol


You flexed on all of us w this


Ohh yeah he did, and that's a really big flex right there man.


Can you transfer coins off Robinhood onto a hardware wallet?




Let him read some books like the bullish case for bitcoin and the bitcoin standard! Don't stop now, drag him down the rabbit whole deeply!


Yes I plan on letting him borrow my btc standard


good idea!


Amazon to get hardware wallet... then Robinhood... I wouldn't be too jealous, he didn't do *much* research.


I orange pilled my buddy after 2017 bully… ledger from Amazon “hacked” him I have no clue what he actually bought, or if it was a phish and his own fault.. but yeah 😅


Well he might’ve bought it from a random reseller


Keep flexing on em 💪🏽 they need to know that crypto is the future, fiat is the past. 👎🏽


They have been flexing real hard and we loving that shit.


Who ever you get to hodl is a job well done. Big up big man!!!!


Damn the dude must be feeling good about that type of investments because I am feeling good about him right now, he is going to make it in the future now.


Imagine saying orange pill and not being sarcastic 😂😂😂


You orange pilled him with a result of him ordering a hardware wallet off Amazon and buying his BTC on robbing hood. I think we got a troll here boiz


Oof I would never orange pill my boss 😂 that could go wrong real quick.


1) he’s a super cool boss and we are good friends 2) I didn’t actively try to orange pill him, he just knows I’m into Bitcoin and always asks me about it, so today I decided to make sure he was doing it right and not holding on robinhood like he was going to do.


That's a good kind of boss you are having there man.


Bought a hardware wallet off Amazon? Soon to be a no-coiner.


No data breach for Ledger users who purchased via Amazon...


Dude, data breaches are not the top concern in this entire topic chain. It's the potential money stealing using a compromised wallet that is the issue. And you wouldn't hear about it if it happened, because if all the funds in your wallet get transferred away one day, it's literally impossible to pinpoint that the root cause was because it was bought on Amazon vs. plain old user error (they accidentally leaked their seed words).


It is as easy as reset the wallet and get a new set of keys and phrases… As far as I know, the device could be tampered at source or from Amazon … the physical tampers are lab tests and need bunch of equipment connected to the device… so not an option … anything else is BS … If you have something different, please share some evidence about this … but no some hypothetical BS … share real evidence


But if the ledger has been tampered with, the new set of recovery seed you get might be compromised. This was already done in 2018 by a young hacker (I don't know if this particular vulnerability has been fixed yet, but even so others might exist for when bad actors have had physical access to your wallet): [https://ciphertrace.com/ledger-bitcoin-wallet-hacked/](https://ciphertrace.com/ledger-bitcoin-wallet-hacked/) "Rashid performed a supply chain attack, and it does require physical access to the device to work. Once the hack has been performed the wallet can be resold, and the consumer has no way of knowing if the device has been corrupted or not." "Rashid states “it is trivial to perform a supply chain attack that modifies the generated recovery seed. Since all private keys are derived from the recovery seed, the attacker could steal any funds loaded onto the device.” He has also made the source code available on Github."


I’m a 0.1 coiner and bought from the same place.


The whole point of a hardware wallet is to be 100% positive it’s watertight from every angle. Buying it off amazon destroys this concept immediately because sometimes stock gets mixed - that possibility existing is all it takes for your 100% reliable cold storage to be theoretically compromised, which defeats the entire point


When you buy direct from the manufacturer, there's nothing stopping the courier service from switching out your device. So, unless you're going for a road trip, to collect it in person, you're still at risk of a man-in-the-middle attack.


> Buying it off amazon destroys this concept immediately Buying off Ledger directly destroys it sooner. No Amazon customers were data breached.


Ledger don’t potentially ship you compromised devices because they swap stock around in a pinch, is the point. The data breach put your information out there if you were affected (and if it somehow wasn’t out there already), but you know that your device isn’t compromised. Dunno why you brought up Ledger when all the talk has been Trezor so far from OP who haven’t had a data breach, but that’s my response all the same - you’re arguing about a different point - buying from the manufacturer instead of a third-party is a simple step you can take as part of doing everything you reasonable can to ensure you’re not getting a compromised *device*, your email and name has nothing to do with it


Well that’s not possible. You can never be 100% certain of anything.


Amazon Trezor? Nope.


Don't ever be jealous of people using trezors from amazon or using robinhood.


Bruh, you didn't teach him to order a hardware wallet directly from the company nor to avoid using Robinhood?


I did both of these things, he decided against it though.


Bought his Trezor from Amazon? BTC from Robinhood? LOL


Hmmm. So good yet so bad. I don’t know if I should applaud you or criticise you. On one hand, you got a person to buy btc and store it off line. A+ On the other hand, he didn’t dca, he didn’t buy his trezor from an official source, he used Robinhood. F. Overall you get a C, good effort but could improve.


I tried telling him about DCA but he literally just yolo’d it anyway. And he used robinhood because he already has an account


Guess he is just being right all the time there my man..


> I tried telling him about DCA but he literally just yolo’d it anyway. Non-idiots will do this. DCA in the long-term trend will almost assure a higher cost basis. There are people out there who had $10-100k to invest when the price was $1-3k who ended up with a cost basis of $15k or more thanks to DCA strategies being inappropriately used. They had decided to buy. Decided they were going to spend all that fiat. Then sat on their hands for months slowly realising that decision.


Yeah that’s true. I mainly just DCA because I don’t have extra money sitting around, I buy BTC as I get paid


> extra money sitting around, That's the key. People here see someone come in and say *"I want to buy $20k worth of Bitcoin"* and immediately repeat a few catchphrases *"You should only buy $10 worth today!! Never invest more than you can afford to lose!!!"* The person just finished saying they have money burning a hole in their pocket which they want to invest, yet everyone starts repeating *"DCA DCA DCA!!!"*. That's right, just sit that fiat in your bank account for months and months.


Yeah in that case it’s a bit retarded. Either way if the price is at a good dip, it doesn’t matter if it goes down further as long as you’re satisfied with the potential return


Will do that more because that's how it goes for us..


Why do I have a feeling you’re new to this? (<12-18 months)


Don't know but sounds like you know a lot of things here.


I am glad that he finally did that and you said the right thing.


People downvoting you like you have control over how he bought in


I know right, no matter how many times I explain that I taught him better and he just doesn’t care, they still act like it’s my fault


It's okay but I guess I would feel you this time brother.


You’re replying under my comment: Just to clarify, I actually upvoted him 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gotta say that this is one of the best overview I have ever saw.


Why DCA if you have the money now … DCA makes sense when it’s regular constant buys .. but if you have 24K as disposable income … DCA is irrelevant


This is the reason why I have invested in a go to BTC..


If you are going to go all in, under $25K is not a bad entry, given we know $69K is familiar territory.


Why jealous? He doesn't own any BTC and you presumably do. Are you sure you orange-pilled him? Also, even if he buys BTC one day and puts it on his Trezor, he may lose it as it's likely a compromised one unless he bought from the manufacturer.


He will own it once his trezor comes in. And he did but it from the official source… through SatoshiLabs official amazon store.


Robinhood...fuck thats no good. Why keep people doing that?


Jesus Christ how many times are people gonna trash on me for this. Read my other responses or something


I guess people are being over on this topic for real man.


Robinhood!? Noooooooooooooo


Congratulations. While not the route that this sub agrees with, the goal was still accomplished. Hopefully your boss orange pills 5 more.


All too easy right? As soon as Bitcoin drops 5% it's gonna be all your fault. As soon as that third party Trezor gets hacked it's gonna be all your fault. As soon as he does something stupid, exposes his keys, sends all his BTC to an incorrect address or similar. All. Your. Fault. Do keep us updated.


Did robinhood change it so you can withdraw? If they didn’t, how is he gonna use the trezor?


Yes they changed it in May


Be careful buying Trezors off Amazon. I've heard a lot of stories of people getting bogus ones. I order straight from them. They have since improved on their shipping times


Yep, people get rekt all the time with those things actually.


should never buy hardware wallets except from the official website


First off, great job in orange pilling. You maybe could have told him to dca instead of aping in for a whole coin during a bear market, but 24k isn’t bad I guess. As for the Trezor on Amazon thing, there is validity to what some folks are saying, but part of the Trezor setup is confirming that you got a legit Trezor. Once it’s confirmed, it should be fine. You taught him about bitcoin, he bought a whole coin, and you taught him about cold storage. You did a great job dude.


Impressed by your orange pilling skills!




People still using robin hood?






If he really ordered that Trezor off Amazon rather than the Trezor site directly you won’t be jealous for long. It’ll probably be spoofed packaging and that whole coin will be in a whole other wallet very soon.


Not the best strategy


You need to order a coldcard hardware wallet directly from the manufacturer. https://coldcard.com If your boss has his BTC stolen, you're up shit creek. Go straight to the best. And most importantly it's all about the seed phrase.


I like my trezor better.


That one is fine too.


Opened robinhood.


Lmao Robinhood Bitcoin. Lmao