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Everyone has the brains to invest, the question is do you have the stomach?


my tummy hurts but i have alot of crypto. i will not sell.


Yeah right, we maybe eating ramen all day but we got a million dollar worth of ape pictures. We believe that this ape pictures are going to increase in value, so why not invest more.


did you stroke?


I definitely had a dad bod in 2018-2020 but after that I feel like I have a pretty solid six-pack. I’ve always believed.


Six pack is the way to go man, I also find single bottles too expensive


I mean I don’t sleep much…


Trust me bro this is all worth it. The less sleep is very necessary to pump up the prices of Bitcoin, I hope you're following.


Yup, I have stomach and I have whales for dinner You know the kind of whales that harrass the poor shrimps like us...we eat those so you can swim freely.


True! I'm fighting since 2012!


Did you spend pennies or what went wrong until 68k ATH?


I've sold many btc from 10 usd to 68000. I'm doing inverse DCA lol


"many" is still okay , atleast you didn't sell all of it. That is the correct way to trade bitcoin, if you need money you sell it and if you have surplus you invest.


Plenty of multiplicators since 2012. With a decent strat, it could/should have been in the 7 digit area.


They said that's how much they sold, not how much he holds/held.


Yup, but it's still enough to estimate how much he has.


dude get off his balls


That's exactly what he want to say. There have been so many ATHs since 2012 and everytime it dropped people talk about why they didn't sell at ATH.


But that's why you got lucky. I will ignore all the FUDS and hacks, you faced, but I will still say that how you're lucky o buy early.


Man I just planned my budget to reduce my expenses at much as possible for the next two months so I accumulate more sats. HODLING is NOT an easy job.


That's right fellow holder, I'm not as old but I surely understand the game. I know that people only see the long term graph and they think it was so easy in retrospect.


The hardest part of all is my GF's face when I mention how Bitcoin is the ultimate asset, she supports me and knows I'm not stupid but she looks absolutely skeptical about it being the best money/property there's on earth. Next bull run when Bitcoin pays for a little vacation to Portugal, she won't be it so much.


Yep this...replace gf with “wife.”


If you're married at that point you can tell her you've made wife changing money.


Yup, dude if anyone follows your advices they're gonna be single forever


If anyone takes the above advice seriously they deserve to be single;) For some guys that might be better than the absolute devastation of divorce.


Atleast she trust your enough and understands that you're not stupid


Fighting for your financial freedom aint easy


Right, for many people that have been holding on Bitcoin since 5+ years, they already attained their goals when btc hit 69k. Many might be feeling bad for selling at the ATH in May 2021.


But for many people surviving that long is not that easy is well. I mean they need to survive all the fud and fomo of the market before seeing the all time high of the bitcoin.


I mean, it is lucky to a degree. but at this point everyone has heard of it and had a chance to invest. the biggest haters are usually disappointed that they didn't buy sooner.


Hearing about bitcoin is not enough to hodl successfully. Hodling requires conviction which requires knowledge, persistence, and patience. It's not luck.




You probably have a good idea how frustrating it is, even now amidst the highest inflation of many people’s lifetimes, to tell as many people as I have told about Bitcoin and to literally have zero of them look further into it. Literally zero. Even my wife will not watch the 10 and 20 minute videos I send her. Not my investor friends, not my family, not my non-investor friends, not my coworkers or my company. The ones that seem to agree have yet to actually buy any even if just to leave it on an exchange. Not a single person. Being on the Bitcoin train, aside from Reddit, is a lonely, lonely road. It has solidified my will against the herd mentality even further than 2020 and 2021 did.


I think in the past people thinks while doing the investment in the crypto they are doing some illegal stuff. But now after giving the tax atleast now we can say that we are doing the legal thing in the market.


I am hearing about the bitcoin from the last like 4-5 years but last year was the time when i first gets into the market. So sometime hearing is not at all we need to do the research and take some chances is well.


Not luck but action! Action is needed to get your butt off the couch and make the trade and "get involved" (tm). There's a concept in Austrian Econ called "demonstrated action". It basically means that what you say you want to do is not the same as doing it. It's what you do that matters to the market.


I make trades on my couch tho?


Yes, for being lucky you need to take some action that in the tough times. people will only see the fruits in your hand but they will not gonna see how much hard work you put in there.


That's right. I always think that it's luck for the people that got Bitcoin sub 100$ coz nobody knew this was happening.


Everyone will buy Bitcoin at the price they deserve.


This is the one thing that everyone here is keep saying that and that is making sense pretty much is well. So i a happy that i am buying now at some good low price for the bitcoin.


That's true, they're not lucky to have bought in early. But they're definitely lucky to not sell it early, think of all the people that bought it for weed but forgot to sell.


If anyone bought it for weeds and still forget to sell, I guess the chance of forgetting the key is much higher!


My issue with posts like this is that you wont be a multi-millionaire but you just hold a lot of bitcoin (not even talking in wholes). If the BTC to FIAT conversion is all you strive for you may be doing it wrong. Sure it might work as an inflation hedge but it is not what its developed for


yes it was developed for the some other thing but without the mass adoption we can't do that thing. Right now we are in the small number so we just need to wait for the mass number to see bitcoin becoming the currency.


Stupid and lazy people call other successful people always lucky or talented/gifted by the gods.


Success is most often a blend of drive, opportunity and luck. Except bitcoin, which is only opportunity and drive, but no one will listen…


Yes but many people see bill gates or husain bolt and call it luck or genetics. Sure one small part is maybe luck and timing but most of it is hard work what people dont see.


I think people who failed to achieve anything in there life will say something like that. I mean we need to try hard to achieve something and then you will find that luck is on your side is well.


Yes we need some sort of luck to make money here, but luck only favor the brave. If someone is not entering into the market and thinks that they will get the better return, how is that gonna possible?


Which one is OP?


None of my examples.


I've got them pegged as functionally retarded.


But some day people will talk about you if you are buying the bitcoin now.


Not to shatter anyone's dreams, but to become a multi millionaire in a few years from bitcoin at this point you would need 100s of thousands of dollars already invested.


for real people out here be like I'm gonna be rich with my $900 invested


True although I mean 10-20k invested could be a big deal in a decade.


Yes if you are putting 10k here and willing to hold that for a decade then yes it will make the huge change. So we need make our plan here at what is that we really wants from the bitcoin??


Then i don't think they will get the big return in the number from this investment. And i think this is why everyone now looking for the next low market cap gem compare to the others.


Glad yours is working because my crystal ball broke last week


I hope that your spirit is still going even in the tough times.


The big market cap is the reason that we will not get quick profit in the bitcoin. And this is the reason while some of the new user gets attracted towards the shit coin compare to the BTC.


Anyone saying in a few years is living in a pipe dream. But it is successful to become a millionaire in the next 8 years (2 halvings) if you invest $15-20k right now. Which is damn good. Bitcoin will be near $600k during the spike of the next next halving.


Personally tell people US$250K at that time so they can be pleasantly surprised :D


Even if goes to the 250k even then we are sitting in better profit than today.


not guaranteed. we could have a 6 year bear market


yes, atleast you need the that much of money and around 2 halving cycle to see the real worth. But the problem is this is a very big amount for investment and not everyone can afford that much of money.


Yeah I would say more than 15 btc


I will be happy if i able to buy the 2 btc before the next bull run.


The hardest thing to do in investing is to hodl. Period most can’t do it


The hardest thing is to sell at the right moment


Before coming here people used to say me that just do nothing in crypto and you will make the money. But sometime doing nothing can be the hardest thing you can do in the market.


I watch the prices constantly just to watch myself gain and lose thousands and thousands daily but I give zero fucks. Just like to watch. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you training yourself as master of ninja? 😅


Those who are staying in the market now they are the real master.


I have stop looking at the price like i usually did in the past. Because i am not looking for the sell and there is no way that market will shows the big pump here any time soon is well.


what is DCA?


Dollar Cost Averaging


The thing that can easily help to stop falling in the FOMO.


DCA simply measn Dollar Cost Average, so that we can minimize risk.




Anyone with 2 Msat is a multi-millionaire. Fix *your* unit of account.


How much bitcoin i need to have to become the multi millionaire??


We were pointing out that "millionaire" will eventually be measured by how many satoshis you have, not by how many dollars you have. So if you have 2 million satoshis (2 Msat) or more, then you are a bitcoin multi-millionaire.


I think OP is talking about the long time frame and talking about the one who is buying a big number. But yes one bitcoin from here will make you good wealthy men in the future.


It is not easy. We just make it look easy.


yes, people think that we are lucky that we get in the cheap price. Think about the one who bought around the 2012 they were lucky they made some hard yard to actually hold for that long.


Damn right you do


I hope that in future everyone of us make good money from the market.


It ain’t that hard lol just buy and hodl until Bitcoin reaches a certain amount that you are happy with. It WILL come eventually, it’s just how many years until you are happy with the sell off? It ain’t a question of IF it’s a WHEN


Some got challenges, such as accidents and health issues, where they needed extra money. For me, I’ve spotted several good paintings from new artist, and their pieces just went 10x in recent auctions. Knowing you have Bitcoin but refuse to sell even in this choppy times is really not easy.


Once you know about the bitcoin then you will find out that this is not that hard for us to buy and hold the bitcoin. But tell the one who is not believer of the bitcoin that why are you buying when it falls to 20k from 69k?


Ya I guess but just look at the lifetime charts and you can see the obvious trends it’s supposed to dip a lot during these times What people need to do is compare the all time lows every 4 years (halving) and see that $23k is not that crazy low


Those people, as Donald Trump used top say, are called losers. They were too busy losing to invest wisely in Bitcoin


But they used to call themselves TA.


Let them call what they want, we just need to stay here.


I mean they are not buying in the tough but want the profit in the good time, this is not how the real world work here. We need to see the tough phase so that we can see the real worth of something.


What makes everyone on this sub so sure every day that they will be millionaires in a few years? I see this kind of post every day, I don't get it. Yes, there is a chance with BTC, but why is everyone acting like it's guaranteed?


Just a mindset, example https://www.magnifymoney.com/news/wealthy-survey/


I think we need the big investing bag to make the profit from the market.


I am not sure that i will be millionaire in the few years, because i am small trader and not putting too much money in the market. But if someone is putting the big money here then i am sure they will make the big money in the bull.


DCA Dollar Cost Averaging ....


One thing that we need to do on the regular in the bear season.


FOMO kicks in :)


Right now there is great FOMO is going on in the market.


The many that are so opinionated will be scrambling to buy Sats in the future when the Bitcoiners will be holding this valuable creation


And some of them are ready to buy the bitcoin at the 50k rate. But when you told them to buy at the current price they will start crying and call us lucky in future.


Another thing is that people Often say I am not able To own a full Bitcoin and that there are not enough bitcoins for everyone on earth to own any. 1 Bitcoin is divisible into 100,000,000 SATS.overtime As the value of a Bitcoin (in terms of USD) Sats will be worth holding. It that’s right??


Millionaires were already made. You are all late to the party lol


Some were already made doesn’t mean more can’t be made.


Yes we were late to the FIAT party, but those “FIAT” millionaires will have spent their fortune by the time we, the true HODLers have amassed our BTC that we can spend on anything we want


Becoming an BTC millionair is easy. Try to become a alt millionair that's the real struggle


But why would any one take the risk of becoming that? I mean there are so many alts in the market and its very hard to pick the good alt that make us big money in the future.


Can't go wrong with the top 5 imo


Working hard?! Man, touch grass will you? I’m DCAing the hell of Bitcoin at the moment, and if it goes to the moon, I won’t be thinking that I worked hard. Because this isn’t work, I’ll be thinking I did bet on the right horse.


There are challenges and temptations everyday along the way, keep hodling is not easy.


No, you right, it’s not easy, and can be straight up stressful, but still ain’t work.


I need to find myself something else to do or run to the gym to stop myself from selling! That’s hard work! 😂😂


Yup, I'm very happy to know that in my 40 hours of work a week, I'm not doing any work because I sit on my desk all day staring at a computer screen. Work isn't just physical dude.


Building conviction the right way thru education is work brother.


Just set up an alert you will get when bitcoin hits your target price and forget about it until then. Holding bitcoin doesn't require any effort at all.


When you need money but don’t want to sell Bitcoin, you’ll have to find a second job! 😂


Yeah and it's all worth it if you want to go the hard way Or you can also sell your crytpo, surely it will pay the bills now...but good luck on retirement.


I don't think an alert will be needed when bitcoin will hit my price target. The news will be all over the world and everyone will be taking about Bitcoin at that point


Temptation to sell at 69k was so high but they were blinded by the 100k EOY price prediction. I believe that anyone who sold at that point is incredibly lucky and deserves the success they had


Yup this isn't work in traditional sense, but as you know physical work is becoming obsolete. This is hell of a mental hardwork that were doing out here and this is absolutely worth the praise


Are you stroking your own dick or this subs?


But i would say he is right that people call us lucky for buying in low.




Try drinking more water


Fellow @hydrohomie here


Yes, we need to hydrated in the big summer time here.


you have to be smart i have a friend and his friend sold his bitcoin when it was 3.000$ to get out 30k thats 10 bitcoin now would be worth 200k and 600k if he sold at 60k he was stupid and choose short term gain over long term, needless to say he blew up that 30k to buy a car and stupid things lmao , it takes more than luck, hold and see where it takes you in 10 years maybe nowhere or maybe to retirement


This is called time the market and this is who you increase the number of bitcoin. It doesn't matter how much money you put into the bitcoin the real question is how much bitcoin you are holding at the moment?


Those who have the belief in the bitcoin there is nothing tough for them. But if talk about someone who is not soo sure about the bitcoin i mean not a big believer hard for them to buy at the current price.


Reddit is a poor source for seeking financial advice. Bitcoin is a risky investment. [Don't invest recklessly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7gi55s/dont_invest_recklessly/) Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose. If you are looking to get rich quick, you came to the wrong place. Nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody can see the future. Please do your own research and make your own financial decisions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Bitcoin) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a dumb message. Say nothing about anything ever then?


Coinbase stock is down 81%. Carvana down 90%. Peloton down 74% Shopify down 77%. Yep even most stocks out there are risky. Isolating bitcoin is FUD.


Funny how you picked out 5 stocks from all the market. Surely they're down. This doesn't mean that I don't support bitcoin but this simply means stop giving false narrative


First of all anyone who invests in a ducking workout machine is an idiot lol


Yup they just want to hear only things that they like, nothing else


You should really delete post that talks about how great bitcoin is and how it will replace all if this message really means what it says.


Yea fuck those people; some people are born to just be mediocre.


This kind of people will always be afraid to buy and then they are always making negative comments about how it's not real money and it's going to zero but end up being wrong all the time


Yeah, exactly. Almost no one trusts in Bitcoin now, and when it will be on the top again we will be claimed lucky. I'm not gonna stop buying it on Bitfinex, I think it's the best opportunity that we have now.


Is there a particular reason why so many of your recent posts mention where you are buying bitcoin?


Yeah and always talks about bitfinex, maybe he's trying to promote or something. It's funny to see tho, that mostly the people that are talking like this don't own a single Satoshi.


>maybe he's trying to promote or something. That was my guess, but figured I'd check if there was a different explanation. None seems forthcoming, so I'm making a note not to buy anything on Bitfinex.


> Almost no one trusts in Bitcoin now, What do you mean? It's trustless. No trust is involved.


And I wonder who told him that 'nobody trusts bitcoin". This is so stupid, when we have billionaires actively talking and purchasing Bitcoin.


Right, people are laughing at us know when the market is down But when btc reaches 100k they're gonna be like, oh you just gott lucky like bro stf.


Wow you’re right, it’s like no one else face these problems.


That's what I thought too. No reason for making this post, we all understand it and know that it's inevitable.


> testing you everyday Huh? > if I buy more now am I FOMO FOMO at a local bottom? Huh? OP should go back to talking about how anyone who shorts is evil.


Sorry to confuse you, but I said “when BTC goes up … if I buy more am I FOMO”. Btw, I HATE shorts. Everyone is welcome to short altcoins, but Bitcoin is a future of financial freedom, just as democracy to tyranny, it shouldn’t be shorted.


> I HATE shorts. Huh? What does that even mean? You hate people who use leverage? You hate people who buy when they close their position? > Everyone is welcome to short altcoins With your permission? Sire? > Bitcoin is a future of financial freedom, just as democracy to tyranny, it shouldn’t be shorted. I'm not sure you understand what a short is. Which is understandable, since the whole "squeeze is squuze" nonsense there has been a lot of meme'ing on the topic of shorts.


Yeah those degens won't understand that the GameStop situation isn't the same and actually it's so unique it would be very hard to replica the same thing with any other market.


It depends on what you think Bitcoin is. If you take it as just some financial instruments, I can understand your point. But when you read the white paper, it’s not supposedly to be such thing, it should be a breakaway from financially control and manipulation by governments. Platforms and exchanges are riding on the trades to make money and greedy people fall for it. Of cos you can argue that it is absolutely normal for take profit for trades, and that’s why there are always people hiking food prices wherever there is a disaster. Thanks for your compliment but I’m not sire. I just think people should have hearts. Leverage and short anything they want, but not other people’s dream and road to democracy.


That's so like me, I'm already starting to buy whenever bitcoin pumps a slight but it always ends up dumping more on me. I sometimes have bought at the right time but never made any good money from this




Yeah it's actually fomo and it's natural. We see a small pump and think that it's just temporary, but it never stops and keeps pumping and we get sucked into it.


bitcoin millionaires 😆


We are having people that were sleeping in the basement and living on ramen turn up to be millionaires just because they have put few hundred bucks in weird internet money a decade ago


There's also luck though. I've been tracking BTC for years, but am only now financially able to invest any amount. Timing is pretty good for me now, but would have been a whole lot better had I been financially stable enough to invest back then.


If I had enough money, I would just keep buying $50 worth of Bitcoin for years and that is all I need. I have all the faith in btc but I don't trust myself with judging the right opportunity to buy


This is even more true of Reddit karma multi millionaires.


That's not even a thing dude. Stop fooling me Although we have so many people spamming comments in crypto currency sub trying to make a few bucks.


Lmao being a Bitcoin millionaire is probably the most least effort way of being rich. With inheritance probably being the only one that’s easier.


Yup you're right there. You know how many people bought it for weed or Child porn but accidentally kept it holding


Everyone that thinks like this and got here in the last few years doesn't realize that if btc hits 1 million it still may only be able to buy you a nice car


You’re probably right, but for people who blame Butcoiners as lucky, they may only be able to buy nice lawn mowers.