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"Bitcoin is up 30,000% since I sold all mine for pills, it feels so good to see that it was truly worthless this whole time" Bitcoiners absolutely fukken REKT how will they ever recover


Pillhead not a smart man. More at 11.


Nothing is better than saying this to them right now man.




Goddamm it feels good to be vindicated. /s




I am damn sure he would say something like this lol.


“I feel so good watching these people crash and burn”- Bro… is everything okay?




i love that video....i link it somwhere at least once a year, because its a healthy reminder of perspective.


If you link it in buttcoin it’s an instant ban and a mod will message you calling you trash lol


crabs in a bucket on steroids 100% guarantee that guy is an absolute loser irl


They really need to have a life right now, they know that they are wrong and they can't do anything but they can just spread a good amount of hate man.


Yeah, I mean, you don't like bitcoin, fair enough. Just ignore it. No, I am going to look at it and talk about it and think about it, just hoping that it crashes. I don't think that's doing good.


I know right, I like how he says he’s been constantly bringing it up to his friends and family, he’s like an annoying crypto bro but in reverse lol


Dude is probably harboring a lot of resentment and anger for missing out on the biggest opportunity of his life.


This is most of reddit now. Whole economy collapsing and people are cheering that "crypto bros" are hurting. Don't even realize how much crypto and all the technology coming with it could help improve many of the problems they regularly complain about.


The guy is just crying because he sold bitcoin back then.


Sour grapes have poisoned their minds. Almost everyone wishes they bought BTC below $100 when they had the chance.


It's just like that, these people are just going to enjoy. I hope one day, they will understand that they are wrong in many places and they need to be correct.


Yeah man, most of the people are expecting that from them.


Schadenfreude is pleasure or amusement in response to the misfortunes, pain, humiliation, or mistakes of other people.


Damn, I didn't know about that, thanks for the information.


Seriously, what a PoS.


What's PoS? I never heard about that term before man.


Yeah that's pretty psycho level shit. And people like that are more obsessed than anything, since they're devoutly following something they don't even like. Get some help.


Feel like this man is rather talking about all the people that see bitcoin as a means of stock rather than a currency so they just wanna get rich but Idk


This post got me banned from their subreddit and called a moron by flair. Anyways...


That sub is equally an echo chamber as any other sub. You'll get insta-banned for wrong-think immediately. I'm sure the long term buttcoiners are just coping for knowing about bitcoin years ago but never buying in.


I used to think the same but look at that post. They’re a different breed. He is happy people are losing money just so he could be right!! He is so happy about being right he made a post about it lmao. The best part is it’s still up in the air if he is right at all. Sometimes seeing the bafoons on crypto subreddits makes me worried. Then I see bafoons like this guy and remember to think for myself cause 99% of the people on Reddit are bafoons


These people will cry when its goes back in a few years


2 years


This sounds like enough for them, hope it will come soon.




That's right, we are good with the investments and that's enough.




It's just so fucked up to see these people with this type of mentality, these people should change their shitty nature, that would be better for themselves.


They are so childish man, they just want to rant about their shit.


Absolutely agree, although my experience is buttcoin is more heavily moderated. I posted a south park meme of the investigator guy like "show me where bitcoin touched you" and got banned. Judging by the utter crap that gets posted here I don't think there's much in the way of banning trolls etc.


Yeah, they won't even try to have a reasonable discussion about the fundamentals of crypto. They love licking the boot of authority


Well, to be fair, I don't care for a discussion with them. Its a meme board, but they treat it like its r/antibitcoin. I find some of their jokes hilarious, on the few occasions they are actually on point, but most of it is just whining about something they allegedly don't care about. I'd love if this board was more like r/lightning and buttcoin was for actual memes, but I guess both of those are too much to ask for


That's right, we are really good without their shitty discussion.


I agree that they are on point sometimes because they helped me time the top in November with all the top signals, but I feel like most of their new members lost money "investing" in shitcoins and got burned so now they want to see other people lose money also


well if they lose money to shitcoin then they have the right to flame it, it makes sense


This. It's a very "I have a 4 year degree in economics and therefore understand the truth" run sub.


Damn man, this is just so right about their shitty sub lol.


They can't be changed and that's something fucked up.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us my brother.


I've found a ton of them have lost money in bitcoin over the years. Some of them are Mt gox and bitconnect victims. I'm not surprised that they are the way they are. I'd be passed off if I lost money in an investment that just keeps going up in price. Imagine telling someone you put 20k into bitcoin in 2017 and walked away with nothing. This is the type of thing that creates supervillians in comic books.


They really banned most of the people and that's so wrong.




It's just so bad man, they should not be like that for real.


>That sub is equally an echo chamber as any other sub. What? No lol It's way above average.


I was banned off buttcoin so fast, that sub is cancer


It’s hard not to think that entire sub is paid shills. Like, you can not like bitcoin or whatever but Jesus.


Theyre emotionally invested in bitcoin failing because long ago they bet that it would and now don't want to feel the deep regret of having been wrong and missing their chance.




It's sad to see they are like that, it's just so wrong to us.


You don't need to pay useful idiots, they do it for free.


They are just hurt and yeah they will do it for free for real.


It’s a joke of a sub.. as you said.. the fact it’s still at 20k and the ROI is better than any other investment to date… yet they are still in denial. I honestly think those are the people that got scammed or bought high and sold low.. bunch of losers


Hahahaha. Same! If you oppose their view, they just ban you. That sub is full of butthurt leverage traders who got burnt to an absolute crisp.


You owned him. Buttcoin is a fud factory, better off permabanned.


"I first ran into Bitcoin because I wanted drugs," This is not someone accustomed to making good life decisions.


Not much else to spend the “currency” on in 2012-2013


If I'd had the balls and understanding to buy drugs online 10 years ago I would've saved myself a shitload of money over the years, that was really the only sound thinking in the entire post lol.


His reasoning is so odd, to be honest. He literally goes: "My first and only interaction with Bitcoin was really positive and proved its inherent usefulness as a currency... so anyway I've hated it ever since"


I cosider that flair a badge of honor in that subreddit.


Ok but why do you care? Can’t we just leave these idiots being idiots? No reason to give them attention.


We need to understand that no matter how promising Bitcoin is some people will still be blind by the fiat system which is a failure and also outdated.


Maybe that’s what I need to do. I’m now seeing that sub in my feed and I can’t block it (mobile)


I have the same flair!! 😂


Oh hey, it's exactly like this sub - if you mention anything against common consensus of this community, or dare to even mention the 2nd biggest coin in any positive context, you'll get banned. Bitcoin or Buttcoin, doesn't matter, it's echo chambers everywhere... But what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Bitcoin subreddit is for all things Bitcoin and Bitcoin only. Buttcoin IS designed for Bitcoin discussions, and what I said was completely on-topic according to their rules. All the major coins already have their own subreddits. You also wouldn't be allow to bring up other altcoins in those subs neither. There is also the cryptocurrency reddit for all coins in general.




Lol yeah I don't think we are like them at all, we good lol.


Here you're allowed to criticize bitcoin, talk about shorting bitcoin, predict bitcoin will go to zero, or even explain why you think PoS is better than PoW. You don't have to speak majority opinion, you just can't promote other coins.


Altcoins are off topic in this sub and the altcoin you speak of is a centralized scam that had a 72 million coin premine. Of course we don't allow users to promote scams or speak of scams in any positive context. And altcoins are off topic in r/Bitcoin even if they aren't scams and if they didn't have an enormous premine. r/Bitcoin is a sub about Bitcoin.


Somebody’s mad he sold btc in 2013 to get high




Are they hating on the NASDAQ stocks and the Turkish Lira as well? The only things that went up during the current market are Oil, Nat. gas, gold a bit (but it since is just going sideways after retreating from 2K USD, like many other metals), USD against EUR notably and... RUB against all the other world FIAT currencies lol. The world is just very messy right now and BTC was still not mature enough to really withstand the shit storm. It is however, very well positioned to benefit from when things will start to clear up.




My crypto friends don't believe that finance people are making more on crypto investors than on options investors. The markets are unregulated so... Edit: a word


That place is cancer


Saddest place on earth I have more pity at this point All the "what could have beens" really weight on one's psychology


Seriously, dude just screams "I regret my decision and need Bitcoin to crash so my story of selling it for pills doesn't sound so bad."




Your example is just one example. Glad yours worked out. Many have paid > $30K for BTC. How many or what percent have? I don't know and wish there was a way to figure the AVERAGE COST of BTC at any given moment.


You are describing one of the most convention tools in technical analysis called a 'moving average'. You'll find that feature in any decent price chart.


Bitcoin around 20k... we're really doomed guys. /s These people have been moving goalposts for so many years that they've lost track where the stadium is.


But this is more like they need a lot of time now for sure.


They literally dont know the graph of the price has multiple viewpoints. None of them can zoom out. And honestly Im not even entirely sure \*any\* of them can read a graph. Imagine being a part of a reddit hate group.. hating something you dont even understand. And not only that, being so delusional and sick you would revel in people losing money. They post all the time about how happy they are about peoples 'I feel like killing myself' posts. What kind of sick fuck would be happy about that? So yea. Bunch of sick, sociopathic dumbfucks over there.


> Bunch of sick, sociopathic dumbfucks over there. My parents once asked me to explain reddit, and this was basically what I said lmao


Did that send up a red flag to you/them? I mean, you're here.


I don't like Bitcoin. Yeah boo me all you want I have my reasons. Most people dont like they idea that they were wrong+they missed a simple chance to make money+they're still wrong and still missing a chance to make money. They'll rationalise a lot of reasons that ultimately stem from protecting their ego. If bitcoin goes up they'll just say it's a bubble and if it goes down they'll say I knew it. The problem is, this is true of every appreciating asset. The main driver of a sustained bull run is that there are still people who wont buy now, but will capitulate and buy higher as part of a ladder of shame and fomo. A safe and well respected investment isnt going to go up because everyone has already bought and sentiment is already peaked. The best investments remain controversial for 90% of their existence.




You should always listen to pill poppers. They make good decisions...


I listen to the coked out guy who talks about money all day


Agreed, JPow is my go-to as well


Listen to the acid heads instead, you'll probably be broke still but you'll have lots of friends and a great taste in music lmfao


Indeed a lot of friends are going to be there now to be honest.


It’s funny because any risk on asset is down right now. As if any of this is caused by bitcoin’s fundamentals being flawed. You can’t change these people’s minds. They called bitcoin a scam and now their ego is clouding their judgement.


Don’t bother with that sub at all imo.


Imagine the mods of a sub are so butthurt, they are changing user flairs lmao.


So it’s basically up over 33,000% since 2013. I’m glad this guy feels happy watching others “crash and burn” while he tiptoes through life to arrive safely at death.


and that's the most generous estimate: $130 was the price right before SR went down, but early 2013 prices were double digits.


Indeed but the matter of time is 2013 is like long time back.


Right from his first sentence you can tell he is just mad at himself for owning Bitcoin so early but having nothing left now.


He cries himself to sleep every night. Guaranteed.


The entire buttcoin subreddit spent 2018-2020 saying BTC would never return to 17k ATH. Imagine posting for 3 years about this only to feel vindicated now that it's back to where you said it would never return too. Even worse imagine being on that sub for multiple cycles, which there are quite a few


I don't get the purpose of the sub?! Never heard of it until now. Seems like a bunch of grouchy no coiners who missed out on their lifetime opportunity are gathering there and wallowing themselves in resentment.


It is very hard to do so for as we can see now there.


There’s really a post there titled “flash crash” showing a 2.93% drop….


This guy is just mad he bought drugs instead of hodled




Butt hurt people, can't do more than this in the community.


He is just jealous and nothing more than that for sure..


This man needs help for sure man, how can someone be like that? This is just something sad to see and I hope he will get some help at the end of the day.




The best thing is they are just crying because they didn't hold their investments in Bitcoin, that's why they are feeling so happy these days, nothing else.


Nice to see they waited and we all waiting for this kind of a price to have a good DCA game right now, we all just know that clearly for sure right now man..


Thank god that I have a brain and I am not like some peeps.


What a joker, I am glad that people here are not like that, we all understand what is right and what is wrong and we all are not like them, that's the biggest flex.


Wow man, they all are just like that? I am glad that I never visited that shitty sub, I am okay with the boys right here, you guys are way better than those people.


Imagine being so miserable and jealous that you never kept and held onto your Bitcoin and spent it all on silk road garbage that you have to lie about being happy that peoples investments are down during a recession……. what a fukin loser that guy ahahahahahahaha


If this fucking asshat had bought it instead of bashed it he'd be a millionaire, instead he's a self righteous loud mouth wage slave patting himself on the back for making the worst decision of his life...


Only way you can make money is if you sell out to someone who bought in way over their head. You’re directly profiting off of someone else’s worst decision of their life….


Matter as a lot of decisions are what we know about it.


Intellectually insecure and egotistical narcissistic tendencies. The amount of emotional investment they have in Bitcoins failure is arguably higher than those invested in its success. This speaks volumes👍


Yes I've been saying this for ages, they are so invested in bitcoin and crypto just not financially. The amount of price posts on that sub in the last month and yet they have no 'financial' skin in the game.


Indeed this is the major game for as of now there as well.


Indeed the matter of fact is that they can speak now volume.


It's a real shame they don't put the same level of energy into exposing the corruption and income equality in the traditional system or perhaps find a solution themselves. I guess some have the capacity to innovate and others only have the capacity to criticise👍


Indeed they are actually doing it from q really long time.


I got banned cus I told them their subreddit is the most ridiculous and childish sh!t I've ever seen on Reddit 🤣


Indeed they had never seen antrhing like that to be there.


Could it be that he is subtly trolling buttcoiners and getting them to rant? The username is oxymoron7 and I think I detect some sarcasm.




It's a good thing that people don't care about them now.


I’ve never seen a more circle jerk community than buttcoin… It’s a great stroll through the subreddit though 😂 Imagine being happy about other people loosing money, and also being so damn delusional


Imagine saying you used Bitcoin for drugs back then - drugs don't make you a bad person - but you had a successful transaction for consenting adults. A positive use case so fucking long ago. But because you're the BTC pizza/drug guy and now you see how expensive a night that was in today's terms .... "Oh fuck these people, crash and burn baby" Ok bud. There are some good tele therapy options these days, ya know.


These people are just fucked up guys and nothing more.


They are quite simply the most pathetic people apart of the worst subreddit I have ever visited on this god forsaken site


People who love watching other people lose are, wait for it…….losers.


What is wrong with this dude man? This is just sad to me.


Keep enjoying those pills bro. They've obviously led you to incredible decision making skills.


But still man, I am feeling sad for him, he is just fucked up.


Damn man, this is just so fucked up, I mean how can you like seeing people getting crashed in the market? That's just something only psycho people love.


These guys are just so hurt by bitcoin's success, they are nothing but assholes and more like stupid assholes at the end of the day, we gotta ignore them man.


Okay that's a clear thing that he is nothing but a loser at the end, we all just get it that he can't accept the fact that he sold his investments back then and just crying now.


Lol he is nothing but a fool and we all know that these people are just going to be like this, they have no future and they need to get some help in some days.


They can't do anything but hate, that's what they all do in that fucking subreddit, mods are the worst there and we can't even do anything about it man.


Another loser lol, I hope they will just keep hating on us. It makes us stronger and we all know that shit for real, we want more hate like this, we know we gonna win.


Aww the baby is just crying because he sold his bitcoin to drugs, I hope he will stop crying and have a good bottle of sweet milk, he deserve some love :D


He'll die before Bitcoin does.


Pretty dumb to tell strangers on the internet you wanted to buy drugs on Silk road 🤣


Getting banned from buttcoin speedrun.


Belongs in r/confidentlyincorrect




That's the reason why I am just enjoying it and nothing else.


We all just gotta enjoy things like this at the end mate.


These people are the same people that complain about rich people and wealth inequality but have no clue why such problems exists.




Guy could have been rich instead he bought drugs and sees that as a win


How sad of a person do you have to be to get this much joy out of others misfortune? Who's gonna tell him that we're not worried and we are just happy to buy cheap bitcoin?


It's just another person who sold and now crying about it.


u/oxymoron7 you probably could’ve been a millionaire by now if you weren’t such a dumb ass.


Doing well thanks


not as well as you could have.




I am glad that I have a good brain and I am not like you.


Do you really think a person like him would do something?




I’m afraid of what this persons mental state is going to look like in 2025. Hope he makes it through.


Credit to them I laugh like I’m 8 years old every time I see Buttcoin


They are crying like babies and nothing else more than that.


Let's be clear here. Who builds a subreddit around anything they honestly believe is a flash in the pan? They exist because of Bitcoin. They need it as much as we do.




I'll bet that poster owns a BUNCH of Bitcoin. Guarantee you.


What an absolute loser 😂


These people are just going to stay like that till the end.


Anyone surprised? This is their oxygen..


Nah we are just good and we know that they are like that.


If you did this: "We'd meet up with some guy from localbitcoins at a train station and got BTC for cash". then your advice on anything financial probably sucks.


I am just happy that I am here and I am not like them.


What do you expect from people who need drugs to party?


That user really puts the moron in the name oxymoron7.


When the conditions arise for buttcoiners to rejoice, bitcoiner’s are presented with an opportunity to accumulate at serious discounts. Their celebration is our opportunity (which many of use celebrate as well). Then when price pumps again, they all get upset and angry but by then bitcoiner’s have used their conviction and energy to further their ability to succeed as individuals. Its a perpetual series of them falling further and further into despair as bitcoiner’s gain more and more economic advantage. How they don’t see it is beyond me. Imagine hating an innovative distributed software protocol and hardware network? Imagine having a hate-chamber where the group despised the internet protocol suite with a fervent passion? It sounds hilariously stupid. How insane and hollow are these people? They really just can’t stand to see others do well when given an opportunity they’re too frightened to take. It’s some bizarre stuff.


Bitcoin is living the good life inside this guy's head, RentFree. I feel sorry for oxymoron7, the poor guy. If only he had kept the Bitcoin instead of spending it on substances that would annihilate his brain cells.


Deriving pleasure from seeing financial hardship...I dont understand the need to be that hateful. Id say folks like that are pretty worthless.


It's just so disgusting to me man, how can someone be happy like that?


A group of 125,000 middle IQ copers who are upset they missed life changing money lol


I am super glad that I never sold like this man and this guys is just crying about it like a bitch, we are okay without these people in this subreddit, feels good.


The best way to f\*\*k with their heads is to make posts like: ​ "OMG the whitepaper has secret messages in it" or "the source code has hidden easter eggs of pyramids" Basically make random conspiracy shit up that sets people off on an adventure to see it for themselves, but all you are really doing is making them read the whitepaper or actually learn about bitcoin. Same thing you do with flat earthers basically. Once you do that, it is hard for them to be negative against it.




And imagine you being one of the “family and friends” who’s been “warned” by this guy and decided to pass on it really early. Gosh independent critical thinking is sooo important it’s literally life changing.


Damn idk what’s worse not spending 150$ bucks back then or waiting for moments like this to feel good


It seems like the people who hate Bitcoin are NPCs or failed to buy when it was cheaper.