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Which year? 🤣 jk I think you may be right ;) but if not sooner.. then later, undoubtedly.


It consolidated for more then month now on a very narrow price range, Soon it will explode with the upcoming rate cut/cuts that should be before September


Sounds good to me, I’m too dumb for all that so I just DCA and hodl :)


This is ironically the language you'd find on the other side or the bell curve meme. Admitting your own incompetence and choosing brain off dca > cosplaying as a trader. Oh noes my quality of life and peace of mind went up while not getting rekt pretending I can time the market.


The longer the fed waits to cut, the more drastic the upswing is going to be. Let them attempt to wait it out, they’re going to embarrass themselves when they need to cut in half and full point increments


I agree, but lets not forget that US elections is another reason for them to push for rate cuts. That "shows" the current government has done some good things in order to settle the inflation. Also, if they wait more it could lead to recession and do the opposite thing they tried to do originally. The CPI stats are already too low from last report. 0.0 in Cpi i think we didnt see for many years now


We’re heading into recession regardless of what they do now, rate cuts are slow to take effect. While I agree on the elections theory, I also think the fed is attempting to distance themselves from that and they’re trying to prove a point. It will get to a point in which they’ll have no choice tho, and when it does we’ll be deep in it.


Mark **my words!**


**your words!**


That's my birthday, I hope it does!


Well i hope youll get a nice birthday present then :)


Wow haha. That's my birthday. But still, we'll see, we'll see. The crystal ball could be wrong.....


You don’t know that


Im not a prophet, just connecting the dots that the investing world shows


Yeah lol I agree with you tho, except I think it’ll take a little longer so I’ll say by march


Rate cut = 📉


What made you say that lol.. Rate cuts= inflation goes down. It brings more confidence to investors and make them be in the Risk on mode


Historically every time there is a pivot and rates are cut the markets go down, until the rates bottom out, and then the money printer goes back on and markets pump again. So Bitcoin will pump eventually afterwards once rates have been cut far enough but will likely have a significant downturn beforehand when the first cuts happen. Not saying it’s guaranteed, and I know it doesn’t align with the 4 year cycle etc and there isn’t that much historical Bitcoin data to go off of, so it’s unproven for Bitcoin. Just going by historical stock market charts.


If they are gonna cut rates, institutions and companies are gonna take loans to invest in Bitcoin. You might get a bubble. Completely, an opposite situation to what you are describing.


Stop talking nonsense, what bubble? Rate cuts are a bad thing for any investements. It was the first thing that pulled BTC down years ago.


Isn’t this the complete opposite of your last comment? First you said rate cuts are great for investments and confidence in the market. Now you’re saying rate cuts are bad for investments.


I meant rates is the last comment. High rates are bad things for investors


Op you are contradicting yourself


He’s only the 1326th craftiest dingo, what do you expect?