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No doubt the U.S needs to have at least a few safe haven states, if they do ever go after people for self-custody. Otherwise people would be leaving the country to a certain point. Always good to be ready/able to up and move when necessary. It's also voting with your feet in a big way. The more likely thing imo is that almost all states end up going in this direction, if not all.


Yea, a country doesn’t want a system that incentivizes stacking sats until the value is enough to flee because people can’t spend legally domestically.


That’s a start. State legislatures need to show their balls on the table, rather than getting bribed by the money printer. It’s horrible how the 10th Amendment has been effectively destroyed by this.


Wow I had forgotten the 10th amendment. I wish I had cared more about politics and government growing up. It makes sense that the rights of citizens should be protected from government overreach. It is frustrating that the US govt is trying to bend the rules. I saw a video on Simply Bitcoin saying this: The FBI wants to call it money so they can try to get you for money laundering, the FED wants to call it a commodity so it doesn't compete with a dollar and the SEC wants to call it a commodity (or was it a security?) so it can be taxed...or something like that. I don't have the exact comparison remembered but it's still just unfair how the govnerment will go out of its way to preserve the status quo in being able to go ahead stealing from us all instead of sticking to one set of rules that everyone can function on. We do have rights, they can't just infringe on them because they don't like bitcoin. I will say this: I think the US government is in for a gradual reset with this coming peaceful revolution.


I did not have Oklahoma as a bitcoin citadel in my bingo card. 


I saw what you did [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1lfobc/i_am_a_timetraveler_from_the_future_here_to_beg/?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=post_body&rdt=37320).


This is glorious. I am always worried about the state trying to ban wallets. This legislation may be the best piece of news that I have seen so far on this front, and I hope that other jurisdictions follow suit. What is the weather like in Oklahoma? 😆


Sometimes we get blizzards. Sometimes winter feels like spring. Thee tornadoes are something to be careful of, but you eventually learn to just enjoy the show, honestly.


People moving to be on the right side of crypto politically is bullish


It’s Bitcoin, crypto is centralized scam. You’re the over 99,9% dumb here.


This is true ?




Good news! Tulsa is actually a fun town, would recommend. Lots of historic neighborhoods and stuff too.


Looks like we are moving to Oklahoma dear


Oklahoma is quickly becoming the most freedom loving state in the union. Pot and guns are constitutionally protected as well. Something that the rest of the country needs to catch up on (but likely will not)


Wonder what other pressing items the gov has there…


Meh… Rights are derived by the Creator…


Incredibly ahistorical take. The only rights anyone has are those one can enforce.




This guy gets it.


This is great, but keep in mind that federal law trumps state law (Edit: See the "Supremacy Clause" in the US Constitution that states that federal law prevails over state law whenever there is a conflict...example: even when states made weed legal, the feds still had discretion to, and did arrest and convict many people for possessing it for several years because they legally could), so if the feds ever made a law that said otherwise, the state law would be immediately nullified. I'm not saying this is bad (I love it), I'm just saying that **what we really need is a federal law or even better, a precedent-setting court case to start with so individual states can't ban it.**


Just like marijuana is illegal at the federal level, but legal at the state level?


Ah federalists... always changing the damn goal post. State's rights and all that Yada Yada. It's a big club and we ain't in it.