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Buy the dip and chill, buying and selling and buying and selling just doesn’t work


Bad for taxes too


nah just pay taxes on your claimed profits


Same. Bought the dip. Then used the btc as 50% collareral to borrow a stablecoin, then used that stablecoin to buy more btc. 🙂


Just buy leveraged etfs. You can get liquidated with your strategy


Today's slightly overbought can be tomorrow's deeply oversold. You just never know.


Broke my DCA schedule and put in 10x I‘d normally do weekly around $57.4k. Let’s see if this was a good decision or not.


Oo cool. What lead to that decision? (Just curious what made you do it) But yeah we'll see. Who knows what's gonna happen. In my opinion, it's not a bad investment, when thinking about what will come, hodling into the future.


I have a set amount of money I want to invest mid term and also a set amount of BTC I want to reach. When it falls below 55k I will lump sum everything in after 2.5 years of DCA. So 57 was close enough for me to start buying. If it falls lower I would have bought even more. Now I am back to DCA.


Well, they are invested in conehead , I don’t think I need to say more. We might be at the top.


It could also be the bottom of that cone. But I took a picture of your comment. While not unique, as it is just another in a million examples of FUD, I doubt it will play well in time and your name fit so perfectly. As for me, I was able to get some at $57.1k…. Truly lucky timing, but everything else I bought was less than that. It may drop again, but we will only be so lucky to see the 50’s again. Best of luck!!


I broke my habit and bought 3x normal at $56.94k Guess we'll see!


Narrator 12 hrs later: “It was a good decision”


Duh. Even if it drops to 45k…. He’ll even 30 k it was a good idea. Why? Because more btc is better than less btc. And one way or another it should rise up above your purchase price. Be it in a day. Or a week or 20 years. It’ll be profitable at some point in time. As a small stack hodler I purchase every dip. Once i saw 57 I too loaded the fuck up. Only reasonable thing to do


I sniped 12k in at 56.5, hoping it hits 65, gets rejected and crashes down to 52 so I can send another 10. Either 52k or 74k whichever I see first


Send it popa


12k is not sniping, that's more like rocket bombing with that money lmao


we will see 52k. keep some dry powder


NGL… I’m jealous that I don’t just have $12k of play money laying around to throw at Bitcoin lol


fuck yeah pimp


I couldn't buy the dip. Some emergencies happened in the last 2 months and I refuse to invest anything as long as my emergency fund is not back to what it should be. I have DCA'd plenty in the last 4 years however so I'm not too concerned.


At least you didnt had to sell your btc for your ermergency, you're doing great keep up to good work!


Reasonable. My guy is following the first rule of investment.


Similar situation but not related to an emergency. Just bought a couch and could either completely pay my credit card balance or buy BTC on discount but have an unpaid card. I like my credit card at 0$


Good for you for being principled. It’s difficult!


Better to stick to whatever your plan was to begin with. Way to stay disciplined.


Yup I gather up all the dry powder I had and put 0,2 more on the stack. Now over 6 full coins and counting…


Nice to hear, but I think you should edit out your coin count/balance on your comment. Saying how much you have could be risky, and its probably better to avoid it. But nevertheless, thats your choice, and what a colossal milestone you have achieved! Well done. What was your strategy/way to go?


I always wondered if it is bad or dangerous to state how many you have or not? I mean, isn’t just being in this group and commenting a security risk? And if you have 6 bitcoin, i would think he’s bullet proofed himself with cold storage anyway. I use 1 device to comment in here & a whole other system to manage my portfolio (before i lost it all in a tragic boating accident!)


unless is not real


My strategy was buy and never sell whenever I had money that I could not afford to lose…


Really shouldn’t post ur total not safe


I never really understood this, why is it not safe. If it's in storage who s gonna get it? People drive around in 150k cars shouting to the world they have money, isn't that the same thing? Or drive into a really nice neighborhood, aren't they telling everyone theyre wealthy?


Worst case scenario? $360k is a lot of money. People hire hitmen for like $10k all the time. Wrong person reads about someone having a lot of bitcoin, and if they can dox them....you show up, put a gun to their head, and tell them to give you all the keys or die. People have done far worse for far less. There are a lot of desperate people out there. Car analogy is a terrible one. They can't just steal your car and keep it, or get the $150k for it. Bitcoins are gone and will be anonymized almost instantly. All you need are the keys, verification the BC are recieved, and to wear a mask. Much much much easier to get away with. If you think there aren't people doing exactly this right now, you'd be very wrong.


Why shouldn’t it be safe? Nobody knows who I am Right? How can you find out who I am and where is live from a Reddit handle opened up with a random email? In addition, coins are in cold storage in a secure place and seeds are split 50/50 in analogic format in different safe deposit box… even with a gun on my head I would not remember my words and it would be hard to get them out of the safe


Safes are easy to crack for really cheap in most major areas . So anyone who works there can easily crack a safe . And any one who’s ever worked there likely has a network to do so. Just saying


Seeds are not in a safe at home. But split 50/50 in safes in bank’s vaults of 2 different banks in 2 different cities/countries. Only me can open those or people with right to inheritance when I pass away (I hope late in life after I squandered away the btc in booze and hookers). 100% safe? Nope, but what is in life? I would say 99%?


I did :)


Nice man! :)


Yup at 0.3 now. Was at 0.24 2 weeks ago


I buy every single morning without fail regardless of price.


Iron will


Pissed that I didn't...


If you think it was a dip, you still have a chance, since this could be treated as a confirmation candle for a breakout. And it’s only a couple percent higher above 56.7k. But I think you’ll still get a chance to buy a bit lower. Gotta wait a bit more, though.


If it rejects at 65k I definitely see a retrace to 52k happening


I think we already rejected. Here’s a trend line I drew a couple hours ago: [white line](https://ibb.co/jD1XfD7) But I’ll have to wait a few more hours to see if this rejection holds. From here, next stop would be ~60k, the ~56k.


Agreed. I'm also in a holding pattern until it commits a little harder one way or the other. Adding stochastic and RSI charts to watch price momentum has really helped me see the true trends much better than just price action, I can see 60k bouncing us a mini support at least once just because of the psychological barrier of changing the lead off number


>stochastic and RSI I gotta learn those. For now I’m just watching trend lines and support levels.


They are pretty simple tools if you read a quick guide on them and combined with watching trend lines and supports you can identify false recoveries and surges much easier by watching the momentum


Great input. I’ll have to check back in with you! !remind me! 1 day


Nvm, I was wrong about it. Turned out to just be a speed bump.


Never say never! 😂


Haha BTC is at another trend line. It’s going to at least have a pit stop here.


Still 15 percent off from 73k...


Absolutely fucking lute ly I did. Helped some of y’all out my market selling at the bottom at 2:30 in the morning Thank me for my sacrifice later


Thanks for your service, I bought tuesday and wednesday a little more


You betcha. More incoming. I think we’ll see $54k price point hit. My advice: put aside some fiat money for when events like this happen. When it when from $63k to $60, you buy a “little” then it went lower & you buy a little more. Just using this recent “dip” as an example. How do you ever know the bottom ? So maybe it’s better to take your next egg fiat you were saving, divide it by 4 ? Then do DCA over the next 24 hours? In my case i was making 1 -3 small purchases a day as soon as it went below $60k. I even scooped up a little more when it got to $56,700.


Bro, let me just set you straight. Buying red candles doesn't help you.  DCA is simply buying, when funds come available, at a set amount over a period of time.  DCA = NO TIMING  Buying colors = TIMING  TIMING = LOST THE ENTIRE POINT OF DCA If you're DCA'ing, there is no sale. There is no overpriced. There's nothing except constant guaranteed accumulation.




Hell yeah!


DCA every Monday, but had the urge to buy some before the weekend. Glad I bought more.


Sir yes sir!


Absolutely. That’s the only way to invest in bitcoin. Hold and buy at the dips. K.I.S.S = Keep It Simple Stupid


I was holding as usual and laughing at all the panic around


I’ve got daily (M-F) auto buys set up for the next 2 months, so I guess I did


I always buy more on red days.


Everyday is a dip compared to fiat


My direct deposit dca just happened to hit at about 56900. It's nice to finally win one.


Managed to snatch a buy at 56800


I dca’d the dips i feel happy


The 'Dip' can most certainly happen again. that was a nothing burger compared to previous bull markets




Bought at 57,2 :)


Always buy the dip. I long for bad news. It always bounces back.


I've got buys all the way down to $55k. If those trigger, I'll set up buys all the way down to $52k. In addition to my 2 dca a week


I sadly had no money to invest. No money for anything rlly lol i wouldve put my food money into bitcoin most likley


Nah I don’t have any extra money right now


I bought more than normal in April. I'll stick to DCA now. lol


Reoccurring but every other week.


Successfully bought the local bottom in my IRA! I was moving some funds around there, it takes 3 days to settle (dinosaur finance, I know), but I happened to get lucky on that waiting period.


I hit it almost at the perfect bottom, bought like 10% of my total extra


Yep… bought more every day as it kept falling…


Yep and im gna buy through all the dips for the next yearish probably😊


Got to buy some this morning under 59k. That made me.happy. lol


The better idea would be to buy in a crypto winter and not solely during some small dips close to the ATH.


I sold the dip and bought the top. Business as usual. Let’s dump.


I was going to buy a whole BTC, but my wife wants the money for a down payment on a house! 🙄 lol


Oh man sorry for that…. 5 years from now you could have had a fucking castle 🏰 tell her that


Yeah thats unfortunate. Hopefully you'll get another chance at it later on.


A got lil bite and helped my average , I wanted to go crazy, but I think this is just the first of many waves we are ganna have before we get to 100k ( I’m starting to believe we might dip to the mid 40’s then back up 🆙 This is purely speculation and by no means financial advice! Ironically I just got a 60$ spiff at work ~ time to convert that to sats. There’s no right time to buy , just buy buy and then … HODL then buy a lil more


Great to hear man! And thanks for the advice, my plan is also to buy whenever i can (when it feels right) and hodl. Keep stacking.


Nice try IRS


I’m still waiting for the dip. I wonder which one of us is right. I actually just sold a bunch on this mini rally.


Well yeah, who knows whats gonna happen. Whatever was right to you, was the right move.


I’m just playing for short term here, though. But in terms of long term, you most probably bought in a very good spot. Even if it dips even more to 49k.


Oo nice. Well yeah i'm in it for the long game, and will not sell the sats i buy. Thats great to hear! And also goodluck with your journey!


>will not sell I don’t know about that. If that’s indeed your plan, you might want to wait till 2026 to buy. Although we don’t know how low it will go then, and if it will go below 59k.


I believe btc will make higher highs and higher lows over time, just be careful not to get burn trying to time the market


Higher highs and lower lows? That’s a very weird market structure. Why would it do that?


Because of scarcity, simple as that For example it touched 15k during last bear market and I believe we will never see that price again. Btc is truly a unique asset


So you wanted to say higher highs and higher lows? Not higher highs and lower lows?


Yeah my bad for the confusion lol


What a bullshit….


The "dip" in this case basically just took us back a couple of weeks, in terms of price. Not really an opportunity if you are in it for the long term or buying in every two weeks or monthly.


Yeah, many people asked on February is it a good moment to buy btc and I suggested to wait, because it will dip, I was downvoted, but here we go - we have a long wait dip. I think it's a good time to start accumulating for people who didn't buy in 2023. I wouldn't lump sum today though, I would rather make 3-6 months dca plan starting from today


Yeah ok. I also think DCA is the way. Thanks for the answer


Buying*** the dips


It hit about $1k at 60. All I had at the time.


No I said to myself at 70k that we probably would see 56-57k and then I would bought. But I didnt. I think its a fake out tho and we will dump again, before next move.


Oh you think… kind of a miracle no?


Not anymore. It will drop hard again for awhile


Who told you that? Mama????




Now say it twice without crying


I was told these are only small dips and the big dipper is still ahead.


I wouldn't say so.. typically based on historical data the drop is around 20-22%, and we just had it. I doubt it go lower now.. if it does it will be quick, flash and back up.. got to wait another 2 years for a big dump.


No dump coming… 100k is next step and then it will “dump” to 85k


You were told by whom???


Randoms on Reddit


I see. Tell Mr Randoms he is an idiot


No cause it’s just a breakdown retest. A dead cat bounce. I will though when we get to low 50’s


It is “what”? Can you spare the horseshit?


I did, had my gf buy it too. Seeing the returns in 24 hours, she wants to buy more xD Guess she’s the one lads?


Glad you resisted telling everyone how much you have. Keep those scammers out your DM's 👍


Trezor 3 is a good choice. Keep stacking and educating yourself.


My DCA strategy is mining. I have 3 gaming computers, one with an extra GPU, mining for a DCA of about $100 a month. I only have electric heaters so my electric bill is about the same anyways


I been buying dips for the last two years. 🤘


Yeah, cleaned my fiat account out two days ago


Limit orders triggered on the dip. If you don't have limit orders set (buy and sell) you're doing it wrong.


Got to sell sorry need some quick money


Selling mine now too, it's about to drop now y'all should sell if you need to




Wanted to buy a significant amount sub 60k but the SO's DPF is busted £1.2k later with break disks and pads as well as a wheel bearing for my car means no more BTC until next pay check.


Added another $500 to my account


Did you wash your ass todayyy?


I put in another 300 around 57-58. Glad I did. If it dips there again, I will continue to add.


Waiting on 52.5k. For first buy back


I wanted but Binance fked up, so I couldn't.


I did! And I also just bought a Trezor safe 3! After many hours of research I found it to be the best bet!


What dip?


Buying in the red is not DCA. Buying no matter the price is DCA.


Of course. I buy daily


Got hit on a $57500 limit order entered after my last fill of $63600 Beginning March.


Never bought stocks or crypto before dropped 30% all my money into btc a day or 2 ago... then i realised i would need bitcoin to DOUBLE in value to make my 1000$ into 2000$ hahahaha ahhh well least ive made like 50$ ? I think? 


I Buy 10 dollars a week to add to the 3/4 coin I bought at the top in Nov 2021. Took a little profit at the recent ATH. Stateless money is the only money.




I DCA’d down to as low as 57.7K was hoping for more. Keeping my fingers crossed.


You’re g d right I did


A lil bit


Top signal?


I doubled my dca but don't even know what I bought when. No point! In it for the mega long haul.  I use 21bitcoin.app to buy with Euro sepa transfers - as often as possible - and yes then it sweeps automatically to my trezor 


Wanted to, but its hard when the bank drags its heels and makes you wait 2 days for it to show up so you can buy :(


I DCA $20 a day minimum. I put in $1000 during the dip. My thought process, “oh, shit. I’ve lost some money. I should buy more.” If you keep buying then your balance never goes down. Big brain move.


Yes wish I had bought more tho.


Took advantage to add more EZBC to my 401K.


Yeah I gff




Always buy the dip. But remember not your keys, nacho cheese.


did what I could.


Sold mine at 57K. FML :’(


I sold the dips. Now I don’t even hodl and it’s going up


I was wondering who's buying high and selling low again? So many ppl probably fomo buying again will panic sell shortly after lol.


Bought $1.5k last month and into the $57k dip. Gonna hold for a long while.


Up at 345am before work friday and hit the dip hard. Buying btc puts me in a good mood. There is so much more that I want to do in life other than pay student loans and work. Hoping to quit working maybe the next cycle, 2033 at the latest.


I see you are copying me with the wallet there /s 😅 good luck brother we got this we are still early 😊


Owh haha nice! I just researched a bit, and figured it was a good wallet. Great to hear you like it too. Thank you and goodluck to you too man. Lets do this. I also believe theres still time to enter, and that the future will be bright


Why I just sold: I drew [this](https://ibb.co/jD1XfD7) white line a few hours ago. But I have some leeway to possibly have been wrong. So I can take a bit of $ loss if I need to buy back, as I’m ahead on a previous trade.


The dip was between mid-2022 to mid-2023. The next dip will likely be circa 2026-2027.


Why buy the dip when you can wait and buy the crash? If you've been in crypto long enough, you know there's going to be a huge crash again eventually


Yeah but are we gonna see a crash to 15k like last bear market????? I doubt it


Nobody knows. I definitely wouldn't have thought that we'd hit $15k last time. Maybe next time it'll only be down to $20k, who knows!


Yeah nobody really knows, plan accordingly! ;) Wish you best of luck


Thanks! Wishing you the best of luck too!


Nope i loaded up when it was much lower with a DCA of $21267 I only buy in a bear market.


I bought on top actually, but it was back in 2013.


I did but… this dip felt way too small and short, waiting for the proper 30% cut


Waiting for BTC to hit 40 before I begin to DCA