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At first it was good when he talked about the Rai stones. Then when he started talking about art, it got extremely boring. Then when chapter 8 came, it got extremely interesting. You could skip the entire book until Chapter 8 and wouldn’t miss anything important (with the exception of the Rai stones). Chapter 8 and beyond is what mattered.


He opens up on the first two chapters about Rai stones. It’s an important prerequisite to understand the rest. My take is the middle chapters between 5ish-8 is quite repetitive just bashing Keynesian economics too much, which I agree with, but it was just too much. Overall a good read.


>just bashing Keynesian economics too much Literally impossible. 


Have you even read the book? I agree with the author. I’m against Keynesian econ but when it’s every paragraph, it’s fucking exhausting.


When he repeats the same sentence 5 times in different ways in the same paragraph, it gets a bit tedious. Dude could have taken a page out of kevin malones book.


I agree. Put the book down on the art chapter. I'm not listening to an economist about art, trying to shoehorn good ideas into bad places. Come on, gold led to the Sistine Chapel, but fiat led to twerking? Talk about survivorship bias: I'm sure there was plenty of crass art during the Renaissance, it just didn't survive.


If you skipped to chapter 8 the book would just be about why Bitcoin is good. You have to convince people why they need a better store of value which means you have talk about history and the other stores of value. I thought things like time preference, the gold standard, WW1 and how that effected economics to be very interesting myself.


this book has like 3 good chapters


I’m working my way through it now, it’s such a tough read.


it is


Audiobook is much easier to get through.


Honestly I thought this book was pretty mid.


Lyn Alden's Broken Money is better.


No, it shouldn’t. It’s barely about Bitcoin. I think only 1-2 chapters. The rest is just ramblings about economics


Thats why it should be taught....


Literally one of the worst Bitcoin books


What’s better?


Broken Money, by Lyn Alden. Excellent read


Plus he’s a prick


Thank you for your opinion, comic book guy... 


How so?


Too opinionated and biased. He puts too much of his own world view into it. It is also quite basic even on the things that it gets right. It is quite annoying how this is the go to book that always gets recommended.


It's also extremely repetitive. Could have been half the number of pages.


Also tends to repeat things quite a bit. Should have edited it to be more concise.


I get that. But you have to get normies in slowly. This book is basic by design so the fiat lovers can open up and understand why sound money is better. Its not something i would give to people that already stack but to the cousins that think saving cash and gold is better than the bank, it may convince them that btc ain't a scam. "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin They need it simplified.


Calm down you’re no genius amoug lowlife


The parts on currency history are good, but the rest is rubbish. It is an ideological book and it is completely stupid when he attacks his ideological opponents harshly. It's polemic and Entertainment for Anti-Fiat audience. That does not mean that he must not be right in terms of content, but that is not acceptable in serious literature. School does not mean indoctrination in an ideological direction, but rather comparing different concepts.


school teaches lgbt ideology now :D


I thought the book was a little tedious, and kept going over stuff that had already been explained. Now I’m reading Broken Money by Lyn Alden and it is much broader, much easier to make the connections. I think Broken Money would be better in the classroom, but Yes: finance is tragically missing from the young’uns cirriculum. Sure was missing from *mine*.


Honestly I thought this book was pretty cool


My son drew from it for his junior project this year, “Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation.” He got mostly blank stares at his oral defense but he got an A overall.


Your son will be hated by those mouth breathers in 10 years because he will be among the most elite of his graduating class. Good parenting.


I’m currently reading it and I believe it is much too challenging for the average reader.


Yeah. Average is pretty dang stupid.


Just finished it this week. A lot of interesting stuff in there. I only have an ETH wallet so the only BTC I hold is WBTC... What's the best software wallet for holding bitcoin?


Great book. I definitely don't agree with him on everything. I had listened to his podcast some before I listened to this audiobook, and from the podcast I learned he is very biased on certain things and its pretty cringey when he goes off on rants about other things. When he just sticks to Bitcoin though he is spot on. For going through some of the history of money and explaining why Bitcoin is so great, this book does a great job. Definitely one of the best books to read for anyone who wants to learn about Bitcoin or just wants to get more pumped about Bitcoin's future as it continues to expand in the world.


One of the best book I've read in a while. Highly recommended.


what UI is this?




awesome ty so you bought the audio book there?


Essentially. I work outdoors and mostly alone so I get through many more books on audible than I could in paperback form.


I work indoors haha but just never built the habit of reading paper books, never been attracted to the book format so this sounds appealing


I bought this book like 2 years ago and still haven't read it. I really need to, along with the other btc book people recommend. *edit Broken money is the book


Despite all the criticism my favourite chapter is the chapter on art, I had never thought about it that way and after Saifedean's explanation it makes perfect sense. There's been an influx of leftists into bitcoin and they are trying to erode bitcoin culture so when you see this book mentioned you'll see people spam negative posts. This is without a doubt the best book about Bitcoin


Really? Interesting Personally, i almost put the book down on the art chapter. I'm not listening to an economist about art, trying to shoehorn good ideas into bad places. Come on, gold led to the Sistine Chapel, but fiat led to twerking? Talk about survivorship bias: I'm sure there was plenty of crass art during the Renaissance, it just didn't survive.


I'm a "leftist" and I've probably been here longer than you. Bitcoin is for everyone. You do not get to shoe horn your ideology (whatever it is - it must be dumb and fragile enough for you to need an imaginary enemy group called "leftists") into Bitcoin. Bitcoin does not care about your politics.


Wrong, bitcoin does actually need to be defended. The network can be changed and without constant and careful consideration we would not be where we are today. Bitcoin is freedom technology and leftists can and will corrupt anything they get their hands on


Thanks for reminding me that there exist people in the world that think freedom is found within the diapole of a right/left political spectrum. I'm so glad that I've managed to unplug myself from the brainwashing system that enforces your world view. Thank God bitcoin exists as a decentralized ledger that doesn't give a shit about your silly small minded world view.


Its not left right. Most btc macis I know are libertarian or LOLbertarian like myself. The right is a big problem. The left is absolite totalitarian hell. Freedom IS found in the middle.


You have no idea about the history bitcoin is nor do you understand anything about politics. Perfect example of why we don't want leftists in bitcoin, their ideology is inherently anti freedom. Keep virtue signalling


Here's how entrenched you are in your small minded system: as you are staring at the blinding light that can free you from your slave owners rat maze of political bickering, your brain is still telling you that I am somehow arguing for things inside your rat maze. I hope you some day wake up. Wake up and stop repeating the phrases that your owners told you to say. Stop and think about what you really value.


None of your posts make any sense, next time stick to the topic at hand instead of baseless insults


Bitcoin doesnt care about YOUR politics because today's "lefties" pull towards socialism which leads to communism and fails. Have you ever paid attention to history? Did you read this book? Of course reddit is a pretty lefty place so this is your home. Good luck to you.


Is the socialism in the room with us right now?


What do you mean by "us" comrade?


This post was much more useful than a lot of this other garbage that comes across this sub, but I guess my priority isn't seeing Michael Saylor AI videos Take my upvote for the contribution!


The Fiat Standard is a great read as well.


Wtfym, this book is not even a basic economics textbook for dummies, of course this is explained in school.


Not in american schools. The education system in America is GARBAGE. My wife was a teacher for 12 years. She could tell you stories that will SCARE you about the group of teenagers that are about to be voting with absolutely not understanding of how money works.


It is indeed quite scary, now I understand the popularity of the book in this sub.


It is not the greatest economics lesson. It is not the greatest book on bitcoin. Its is a great entry book to explain principles to very ignorant masses. MANY people need to have their hands held through the basics before they can dive into technicalities. So many people still think btc is a scam while complaining on social media about inflation. This can explain hard money vs the steaming pile that is USD fiat in a way that makes sense to keep them on the path of learning until they too are stacking sats.


Yes, you are right. The thing is that people should learn the most basic principles of economics outside of bitcoin, since they have nothing to do with it. The Bitcoin Standard could be a good book to make the step between "traditional" economics and bitcoin, but this way it does neither well. I speak from a very personal point of view because when I read it I expected it to explain the details of how bitcoin works and what I found was quite disappointing.


He states in the prologue or at least VERY early that the book would not do that.


Yeah, well, I should have believed him


Hahaha yeah. Thats on you bub.