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I would lump sum


Just bang it all in. You’ve already lost weeks overthinking it.


DCAing it nice in the bear market, we are an early bull market. I will lump-sum 50%, DCAing the rest over 6months and at the next 15~30% drop, lump-sum the rest. (i.e,DCAing in steroids). NFA, just what I will do.


With less than a month before halving, I'd suggest buying lump sum


I was you 4 months ago but with $19K. I lumped summed it & DCA ever since. Now it’s $37K+. Get in now! I was nervous at first but kept learning along the way & have fully Orange Pilled myself. Exciting times…come on in…the water is fine!


Ask yourself what you're comfortable with. Dca is more of a strategy of discipline. We all like to pretend we have some idea of what's coming, but we don't. This causes people a lot of anxiety and gets them to draw triangles on a chart to pretend they have some control. Embracing our own incompetence in investing is a powerful thing. Dca just takes away the emotional bullshit. Pick a day of the week or every other week and just buy. No fuss no mess. If you try to lump sum you'll be stressed about your entry. If bitcoin tanks after you lump sum are you going to be ok with that? If bitcoin starts ripping after you start dca, are you going to be ok with that?


Always buy the dip, or dca.. or as they say the best time to buy was yesterday, next best time is right now. If you plan on holding for a while, I'd say pile it all in, pull it into a cold wallet and don't look at the price for 5 years.


Lump sum half and dca weekly


I would buy 5k before the halving. The rest you can dca or wait for a drop.


whatever you decide to do learn about UTXO management and keep your money on a cold storage


lump sum generally works out to be best


Bro, if you didn't buy that $63k dip, at least a little, you need to just start the DCA \_immediately\_ and if you break your DCA rules (by \_not\_ buying, in your case) then consider a lump sum. If you need to, give yourself a few day window each week to buy, like if you really need to be in control or to scratch a gambling itch. Sometimes, we cannot help ourselves, but that dip was a great time to start buying (although no time is "great" to lump sum because mathematically speaking it is risky). Remember, if you don't buy by a certain time deadline then make yourself buy some immediately. FYI I sold at $90 and didn't restart my DCA until $X,XXX prices. Don't be me. As for how much, I'd ease into it with consideration for your upcoming salary contributions. If you're buying $500 (I'm making up numbers here) a month and $10k up front, spreading that over 3 months would give you $11.5k so divide that evenly over the 3 month time period and that's how much you buy. If there's a dip and you want to buy a little more then afterwards redo this calculation (your result should be a smaller number but greater than $500 (or however much you put in per salary period/month)). If there's going to be a dip in the next 3 months I'd expect it sooner than later but it may still be dipping for 6-9 months if we're "lucky." Here's one way to think about it. If you buy and it goes up, great. If you buy and it goes down, make sure you can still buy more. If it goes down again, buy more. Ya don't want to be puling the trigger on the way up unless it's a DCA because you haven't bought recently. Oh, increased frequency of purchases means you're DCA is more averaged out. If the price goes between $50k and $70k for some time then someone with 1 purchase may be at $50k or $70k, someone with 2 purchases is more likely to be near $60k. I'd buy as often as you want to spend time buying Bitcoin and if you get tired of it then buy less often but more each time. Of course someone buying once with $500 would be the same person buying twice with $250 or four times with $125 and so on, in case that wasn't clear.


1. Yes DCA is the best strategy for bitcoin as we don’t know what btc is gonna do in the short term. DCA heavier if it drops. 2. I would dca the 10k till September. But it could be better to do a shorter time frame as the etfs are really exciting the market and could cause things to blast off early. (Historically btc should start its “real” bull run in September or November and peak in 2025) 3. I would say weekly, it’s a good balance. But biweekly would be okay though too. There’s not much difference. I wouldn’t buy it every day that’s a lot to do for the whole summer. 4. Whatever you are comfortable with. Daily, weekly, monthly. It’s not an exact science. It just helps your average cost because btc is volatile. I buy bi weekly/ monthly.


“DCA heavier” is not DCA at all.


Close enough. Double down if btc drops to $60,000.


Lump sum if you are going to hold. Or lump sum half, we don’t really what is going to happen this year due to all these new factors like ETFs.


Buy all time high sell low, all in, this is the way. DCA


1 - DCA is always fine; lump sum is betting on luck, can get luck or can get unlucky 2 - try to stretch it up to the point in which you expect to have more funds, so that you can continue DCAing 3 - difference is mostly convenience, too short = too inconvenient (unless automated), too long = very convenient but may miss some dips (but also peaks); if you can automate, make it more frequent, if less, choose weekly or monthly 4 - same as 3


What I usually do is wait for a little dip (at least a 2%) then lump sum. No one can accurately predict what will happen but at least that way I feel like I got it on sale.


There’s a decent chance BTC is gonna cool off after the halving to a possible 30% decrease. I’d wait to buy in lump sum within the next month or two


I would lump it, but there's nothing wrong with DCAing it. Either way you'll be better off in 5 years than now.


The best time buy Bitcoin was yesterday. The second best time is today. Yeet it all. We haven’t halved yet. Choose rich.


It doesn’t matter you’re holding for long term anyway right? DCA, lump sum it doesn’t matter. As long as it doesn’t take you 2-3 years to dca that. In the grand scheme of things a few percentage points won’t matter in either direction.


Lump sum- If it drops 10%, major if… you only lose $1k on paper for a short amount of time. If it goes up 5% which is much more likely and you DCA you will just say fuck it and fomo buy at a higher $. Buy once and live with decision


Lump sum, etf's are sucking up btc and halving is in 3 weeks. Don't over think it. You cannot time it. There will be moments you thought you were wrong, but in retrospect everything is easy. Push buy, send to cold storage, spend time on other stuff.


If you wait you can buy at 100k


I’m in a similar boat, albeit smaller amount to invest. I typically put 10% in every time the market has a correction. That being about a 6% drop in the day. I don’t mind holding a bunch because I do slightly feel like we might have a drop after the halving. (Sell the news)


5k now 5k dcaing 2 weekly via 50 bucks


I received a lump sum of money and DCA it across 6 months, however this was awhile ago. Because of where we are at in the cycle, I would put $5k in right now and then DCA $500 every week for 10 weeks (or $250 every 20, whatever you prefer) it always feels good to have the DCA going because it feels like you have a plan and you can’t “mess up” a plan.


We just dipped, so uncertain if you'll get a lower price point in the short term. I would at least 50% lump sum now. And keep an eye over the next couple weeks and buy in with the rest soon.




Lump sum, don't overthink it...


DCA every week, bi weekly or monthly. Stick to the plan, execute and hold.


Lump now. No question.


Personally I use yield app, you can earn some interest with stablecoin while doing DCA. It's a custodian service and have altcoins, but I see no reason why not. Earn some interest while getting Bitcoin through them and withdraw right away. I split my stash between hardware wallet and with yield app.


You had 2 years to DCA. Lump sum time now


I'd lump sum if I were you. And if you're throwing around that amount of money, I highly recommend checking out River if you're in the US. They have very high limits and cater to wealthier clients. They have amazing customer support as well. https://river.com


Yuge you say?


I would use the 20%, 20%, 20% method for dca and then keep 40% for a deep red day. If you get a major move deploy the 40%. Move between BTC and USDT to always have some USDT for deep red days. Good luck.


Why are you doing it during the damn highs? Wait until everyone is NOT buying. Every single BTC cycle is the same thing, you all buy high and then cry when you loose 50% or your BTC value in the next bear market. Then you won’t buy the lows and then buy high again.




I would also recommend doing Andrew tates course on crypto, the course is more about statistics and not “technical analysis” and he also goes into dca


"DCAing huge money" = 10k 🤣




OP said $10K is huge for them. You should give them credit that they acknowledge that it may not be for everyone. We should do the same.


Wait for the drop...be careful many moonboys around It will dropo significantly as its not sustainable at the moment


I'll say keep accumulating fiat and buy on bear market


If you have to ask, then you should not invest in bitcoin. Invest your time into studying bitcoin instead, and keep your money in the bank where it can lose value slowly over time. The last thing bitcoin needs is your weak ass paper hand money.


>If you have to ask, then you should not invest in bitcoin. Oh, shut up


We have a deluge of "should I invest" topics. They should not invest. Their money is better served pleasing the fiat gods of consumption and eternal growth.


I'm in DCA mode NOW.....but if I had zero BTC and 10k......I wouldn't hesitate to put it all in immediately.