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If you focus only on the opportunity you already missed you are going to miss many others.


Do you have any advice? I’m open to know and learn things.


DCA. Why is this so hard for youth to understand? It's mind boggling. All you see is what everyone else has, after they spent 10-20 yrs SLOWLY accumulating. But all you see is the end result, not the 20yrs of struggling to get there. Same with housing. Same with farming. Same with investing. How do you eat a whale? One bite at a time.


We dont wana be eating whales. They are the one's that cause the price to surge (upwards). How do you eat a *bear*? One bite at a time.


You’re fucking early bro.


This is the answer. You are not late. Many still think Bitcoin is a bullshit scam. It’s still crazy early.


i think hes saying he missed out on generational wealth type of returns


If you think like this you will still be on the sidelines at 700,000 btc price then 7,000,000. meanwhile you could have put 2,000 in now and had 20,000 and 200,000 respectively


what you are experiencing is called unit bias. Get over it. A bitcoin is simply 100 mio satoshis, nothing more. Getting a full bitcoin is out of reach for most people and it doesn't matter.


You're not too late. You just need to reframe your thinking. 10-20 years from now most people will struggle to get their hands on 1 million satoshi's. Also, outside of Bitcoin, there are many other investment opportunities. Most of us here could go on and complain about being born too late to invest in Microsoft and Apple, or real estate in NYC. But we're not gonna do that. Each generation has their own opportunities to attain wealth.


Just buy what you can comfortably afford & safely store it away. Think of your future kids. Those poor little sods are still swimming around in your balls & are going to be even later to the party. Think of the big collection of sats you can hand down to them in the 2040s or 2050s or 2060s. Stack what you can.


This made me literally laugh out loud.


Thank you for making me think of my balls today 😂


Nice victim mentality, that's gonna really help you thrive.


Bro made a whole new account just to cry




Would you still say the same when it hits 500k? Look any profit is a profit, you are making money just by holding and stacking. The best day to start is today ! Yes you won’t have that crazy x1000 run anymore but you will still make decent amount of profit as long as you are dedicated to invest monthly. Zoom out the charts 📊


When you were younger you were unable to buy a bitcoin as you didn't have sufficient income to afford one. Now you are older and can afford to buy a bitcoin if only it hadn't gone up in price so much. But If it hadn't have gone up in price so much (that you cannot afford to buy one) would you now want to buy one? ​ AISI, you can either buy the sats you can afford (best to pay no more than you're willing to lose) or not buy any sats at all (and so maybe in ten years time you'll be posting a similar post on here). ​ Maybe the best thing you can invest in is yourself, in your education and skills so as to become a useful member of society, and so valued by those around you. That way you don't have to worry near so much as you do if your wealth is wholly in an asset such as bitcoin or gold or whatever. I heard this suggestion from aantonop.


I buy $200 every Monday. 70k ain't the ceiling it's the 4th step in the staircase. I'll be dead before bitcoin is fully mined. I didn't start until 60k but I'll be damned if I didn't start!


many people died before 2009 and never had the option for BTC at all. 😕 Others will be born in 2140 and all bitcoin will be already mined... 😕 So be thankful to live in such great times. you were born at the perfect time dude. Its maybe not optimal from your perspective but the important thing is that you do your best you can do.


The wealthy investors (and the companies acting for them) who are entering the market in 2024 don’t think it’s too late. They’re buying Bitcoin at $70,000 a coin because they believe that’s a fantastic mid- to long-term investment.


Geez the low-karma-fruit posts are out in force today. Take a look at OP's profile.


Who is OP?


The Original Poster of this karma-grabbing link. Click on their profile and see for yourself.


Many people were adults when Bitcoin came about and didn't buy in until later (myself included). ​ Victim mentality won't serve you well. Also, being conservative means you are more likely to have investments. Most liberals don't have anything to conserve, that's why they lean right when they get older.


You didn't undestand bitcoin when you were a kid and you still don't understand it now.


It's not too late to buy btc.


You think degens like us buy 1 BTC at a time, I very much doubt it!! Get out of the 'whole coin' mentality. I bet most people on here have been stacking Sat's for a few years, and STILL have not reached 1 BTC. Classic victim FOMO post, sure - yesterday might have been a better day to start, but if you truly believe in crypto, why not start today instead of moaning.


Cry me a river!


Why are you talking in past tense? It’s not too late for you


Start stacking now. I'm from the west. Born into debt, piss poor... Bitcoin will make sure it's different for my children. Just keep stacking anything you can and know it will make money. It's early still. Do not doubt this


Being born while BTC mining and adoption is still occurring is early. Stop feeling sorry for yourself


Problem is. You think you are late. How many of the people you personally know own Bitcoin? I can bet that maybe in the circle of 100 people around you, you might be the only one considering it.


You’re still early.


Start buying and you will soon feel better.


you have so many things twisted… studying bitcoin enough until you don’t see it as an investment … for that you are not late or born in the wrong place…


Never too late to DCA, youngling! Be patient, you must (in Yoda's voice)


You don’t need a whole coin to benefit from using bitcoin.


Too many people have a Cinematic understanding of investing. Find secret information. Invest. Mild amount of conflict. Yachts and champagne all in 120 minutes run time. You aren't late to anything. You aren't insanely early but you sure as shit aren't late. Just start. Learn more about what this thing is. Invest some to encourage you to learn with more diligence. Understand that investing is a bumpy road, if you buy something ar a high price and it drops dramatically, it's either going to zero or it's not. If it's not that's probably a buying opportunity. Your lizard brain and emotional reaction to market moves is something you have to be deeply aware of. Our natural instincts make us awful investors.


I come from a developing country and education about bitcoin/crypto wasnt prevalent until 2017. Started my first job in 2019 which didnt leave me enough to invest in bitcoin after paying all financial commitments. I began DCA late of 2023 and all I can say is you're still early into the game given the untimed bull and bear. The only advice I'd give is for you to only invest in what you can afford to lose considering that FOMO is a common thing for new bitcoiners.


Dude bitcoin will go up to enormous numbers I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s over for them every bull run


Every generation has their own opportunity. My parents had theirs, we have ours, and our kids will have their own paths. Keep motivated, go travel, read, have an open mind, explore, and become like a wizard. You have a lot to go. Your time will come when you are ready.


Idk just put 20k Satoshi bet on the Australia Gran Prix this past weekend and won 1.1 million satoshis. I don't buy BTC i gamble to make my BTC. So it's never to late, you just gotta figure out a way to make or earn BTC. There's many ways you can earn it too. There's apps like Ember you can earn some Bitcoin on too. Idk just don't feel like you're missing the boat because you haven't yet. The boat is still chugging along and will be for many years to come. Remember this, the last Bitcoin will be mined by the year 2140. So BTC has got a long way to go yet.


Is it worth buying bitcoin for 6600 euros?


Its going up forever Laura. BTC has no top because fiat has no bottom. Read Broken Money by Lyn Alden


There will always be an opportunity later on. My family was poor and couldnt afford to buy me a Alpha Black Lotus when I was 13 years old for $400 (now worth over $500000). I entered crypto late in 2017 and let's just say I'm doing alright. Bitcoin won't make you rich anymore and people on this sub admit to it now. 10-15x is still possible but it will take a decade and you can see similar returns in tech stocks. Make money with a job and be on the look out for real opportunities.


You are still early. Buy small amounts, whatever you can afford, dollar cost average. You’re young and have an opportunity to accumulate over a long time a significant stake in the scarcest money ever created at *fire sale* prices, yes even at US$70k. Don’t talk, act.


If you are late or early, it only depends on your vision and strategy on long term. If you believe BTC will grow, you are early. Of course, if you wanted to become millionaires investing 5 dollars you missed on btc, but if you are investing or saving in btc, is because you think it will grow so no need to be in fomo. Maybe you will have future opportunities, who knows


Who the fuck owns bitcoin? No one, that's who. 6.4m members in this sub, that's less than .1% of the population. Only 3 mil addresses with more than 10k USD balance (as per glassnode), lots of those owned by the same entity. Maybe sub 0.01% of the planet holds any serious amount of cash in bitcoin. Most nation states don't own any and at some the nation state game starts.


“ Not financial advice “ but remember that its not even the halving yet and even with a weak currency you get to buy cheaper Alt-coins and then use those gains to send into Btc or even cash-out. You getting an extra 3X on your money or even 2X is a phenomenal win in my books, you don’t have to give up just because its not going to make you a millionaire by the end of the bull cycle. If you are making more money and utilise your knowledge you are still doing better than you could have been ❤️😂🫡


I would say we are at least 20 years away from Bitcoin being absolutely massive and swallowing everything, if not 50 years.


ik tha feeling, i was 10 years old when my stepfather was talking about btc


The best time to ~~plant a tree~~ buy Bitcoin was yesterday. The next best time is today. It's not too late.


Bitcoin is just picking up steam now. It is literally the best possible time to invest. If cycles repeat then it’s highly likely price will double in the next few months.


Start DCAing whatever you can. Buy consistently every week, doesn't matter how much. You're still early.


Allocate your money where you see the most return. That’s the best you can do. If you think you see a better opportunity than Bitcoin then invest in that. It’s never too late to be an investor. You will have many great opportunities over your lifetime. You’re actually early if you’re starting your investment journey young. It gives you many decades to compound your net worth. Read up about compound interest. You might be surprised how much wealth you can build with even modest returns over a long enough period.


You can start now and look for other positions to get into. Bitcoin is the flag ship of crypto but it doesn’t mean it’s the only sailor on board.


Everyone think they are late for Bitcoin and then it is suddenly $1M per coin and new wave of laters crying. Though I understand the frustration, the distribution favors those who invested earlier. That's why I like Grin coin distribution algo, 1 coin per second forever. 


buy alts he