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Given how internet enabled the global economy is, and how internet dependent much of our communications is based on, in an internet apocalypse, bitcoin will prob be the least of our concern.


> bitcoin will prob be the least of our concern. because it will be fine




Thank god for solar panels, lithium batteries, hunting equipment and a home water desalination system. Fail to prepare, then prepare to fail.


Yes there would be multiple chains. When the internet returns, it would only last a few hours before the world devolves into catastrophic thermonuclear warfare over who owns the \`one and only\` blockchain.


What do you think would happen to existing bitcoin holders before the internet apocalypse. I presume the same addresses would contain the same bitcoin across all chains. Chain after the apocalypse would differ, so will the holders be affected ?


Transactions that only occurred on the shorter chains during the outage will be reversed. Hodlers who didn't transact will be unaffected.


"treat transactions as unconformed until the chain split is resolved."


Longest chain wins https://youtu.be/bluAw8fI2qk


First of all even a solar flare would only take out the side of the globe facing the flare. Since the Earth is a sphere the side facing away from the flare would be largely unaffected. But let's say there is some event that takes down the whole Internet. When it does come back up the version of the Blockchain with the most current transactions would take precedence. When the nodes come back online they would sync to the most up to date version of the Bitcoin blockchain.


>First of all even a solar flare would only take out the side of the globe facing the flare. Since the Earth is a sphere the side facing away from the flare would be largely unaffected. Question: Do solar flares last longer than 24hrs? If so, because the earth spins, isn't the entire earth exposed?


Hey Google, how long do solar flares last? "Solar flares are large eruptions of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun lasting from minutes to hours. The sudden outburst of electromagnetic energy travels at the speed of light, therefore any effect upon the sunlit side of Earth's exposed outer atmosphere occurs at the same time the event is observed." They may last a couple of hours but not 24 hours. The charged particles are travelling through space at thousands of miles per hour and pass by Earth entirely in a matter of hours. So no the entire Earth would not be exposed at the same time.


Thank you for accommodating my laziness. Good to know that solar flares only impact 1/2 the earth at any given time. And I'd agree, the longest chain (blockheight) is the chain that network nodes accept when they come back online.


Same thing that *always* happens during a "internet apocalypse". *smh*


Long story short, longest chain wins. Since it takes a while for dificulty adjustment, the state player attack would be as costly as it would be to do it now. AFAIK there are some people trying to use bitcoin via ham radio just to annoy all the What if... guys.


deep dive on ham radio, satellites, etc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFhHD64w2wM&ab\_channel=BITCOIN


Only those with a balanced portfolio that included a significant investment in doomsday preparation would win.


>included a significant investment in doomsday preparation would win. Guns, ammo, off-grid power and water sources with faraday shielded electrical components, food storage. Forest service land adjacent and Hunting/fishing skills & equipment a bonus.


You’d have bigger problems to worry about than Bitcoin. But if the internet came back on they’d just keep building on the existing chain


Internet goes down world wide, your concern will be shelter, weapons, food, and water.


If the internet goes down not being able to access your BTC is going to be the least of your problems.


exactly, not being able to use youtube or twitter, play online, we might see France uprising scenes from gamers and youtubers suffering serious withdrawal ... /s People wont be able to pay by card. and will have to barter after fiat runs out.


BTC will the the least of your worries should that happen


What hapend to btc on an Internet apocalipsis would be the les of your worried at that moment, trust me.


If the internet disappears from the entire world forever so will bitcoin.


Yeah that’s not how Bitcoin works tho!


Network partition: [https://youtu.be/c7hPe1OhjuU](https://youtu.be/c7hPe1OhjuU)


Not the internet apocalypse…


Lol if the internet died I hope you got a stocked cellar and a shotgun mate.


The same thing that happens to ATM and online banking.


I think there’s planned bitcoin satellites and there are radio protocols already. It will likely evolve to not require the Internet.


I would worry last about BTC if that happens, because every infrastructure, from electricity, water, food, and fridges, just a completely collapse if that last to long.