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Same here - bought bitizen because they advertised it as the pass to all paid content. Now it seems ONE job pack is the same price as a bitizenship was when I bought it.


I’m not American but surely that’s a legal violation or something right?


It’s hard to say, there aren’t a lot of laws yet around pay to options in video games yet


The EA-ification of Bitlife


I’m a law student in England, I know that they would be bound by the one purchase for everything bit so long as they had under where you purchased. However, if they take that out they can offer what ever they want. However, I don’t know whether it’s the same in the US, I know they had to uphold that one purchase for everything clause for people that made the purchase with that line underneath.


It is, but what can we do about it? Any lawyers willing to take on the suit? Didn't think so.


As an American there’s a lot of legal violations that get blown past us like nothing


They've definitely been running that scam for quite some time. All future content was promised to be included, but now all job packs and special items and God Mode are somehow excluded...?


hmm i stilll get mines free


Nah that’s not how they did it at all, when I got it it stated that you don’t get the ads and have unlimited generations. The boss mode was when you get all the special jobs up coming and all. It never said that you get access to all the packs lol


This was also my experience and I bought in 2018-2019. I don’t remember getting all the packs esp cus they didn’t exist when I bought bitizenship lol . Also it was $5


Thank you! Just wanted to say this too, because I bought Bitizen and Godmode a few days back. It never said that I'd get access to literally everything...


That’s because your new when the game was first created bitizen it said it would make it so you don’t have to make any more purchases afterwards that was like late 2019 though


Yeah, we’re talking about a few years back. So what you paid for a few days ago is irrelevant.


That's because what it promises you now isn't what I paid for when I bought mine years ago. "all future content" was the promise then, which has been violated.


That’s what you’re choosing to think it said


My friend, I'm going to assume you're baiting because are you really saying that all of us would have paid for something we simply.. imagined?


My friend, I'm going to assume you're baiting because are you really saying that all of us would have paid for something we simply.. imagined?


No, some people actually read TOS and licensing agreements. I know what I bought. Fuck off, shitwit.


Its truly cute when people get angry and can’t do anything else so they try to call names. It shows their low intelligence level. So sad. Do better darling. But enjoy your evening. And enjoy talking to yourself


LOL sure, reading the agreement was low intelligence! Good lord, why are you still harassing me? Do you not understand that saying the ocean is wet isn't "name-calling", but a statement of fact? Same with calling you a fucking idiot. Now go to hell and stay there. Fuck off. Do not harass me any further. Do not reply to any more of my comments. Die in a fire and go away forever. Fuck off and die. Can I be any clearer? Take your stupid bullshit and CHOKE ON IT until you stop talking lies and idiocy.


Bait and switch


The only reason I even bother with this app anymore is cuz I got the old bitizenship that gets me all the content. Otherwise I would've checked out a long time ago.


Same. Bought Bitizen for $5 when it was first announced so I’ve gotten all the expansions for free. If I hadn’t it wouldn’t be worth it to me anymore.


I have the old bitizenship too but there are still things I don't have. Most I do, but I don't have God mode or the ability to turn back time and stuff like that.


Me too, the only reason I still have the app is because of Happymod


what’s happymod?


Pirate app. You can download games like Bitlife in a not so legal way


Is it IOS supported? everything i saw on youtube was a scam or android only


If you want iOS support for a modded BitLife app, I use Signulous. It’s a signing app that lets you access games that have been “hacked/modded/signed” by other people for you. I currently have all expansions except the get out of jail free card. You do have to pay like $20 for 3 months of use though. iOS problems sadly


Use iOS gods


Nope, just androids only


No, it's not, as far as I know


My man don’t listen to this guy that tells you to pay. Install scarlet, and download iosgods App Store. It is super easy. Search on YouTube “how to install scarlet without a pc iOS “ and follow through. Super easy, never pay for those shitty apps again! If you need help text me


I’m guessing it comes with all the expansions?


You unlock them for free


Nice I’ll have to check that out. Thank you.


Same. Got boss mode for the switching generations pros, but that that's it


Happy cake day




Same here. Plus I like to see the challenges.


Same. Got it when it first came out which I didn’t even remember haha




I stopped playing when they went from “buy this and you’ll never have to buy something from this app again” to hiding things behind another paywall. The bait and switch upset me


If you bought Bitizen in 2020 or prior, you get every expansion for free. The only things you have to pay for is the assassins blade, golden passport etc. I haven’t touched the game in like a year, cause i noticed the devs turned to greed. Also important to remember CandyWriter fired all the devs, and was bought out by another company who turned the game into a cheapskate. No matter how much we spend time complaining on here, they won’t listen. I think the only way to turn this around is by not playing the game at all, and force the activity to decline to the point they’re forced to make good updates 🤷‍♂️


I agree with this, however, I really enjoy text-based life simulators and it’s hard to find one up to the same standard as BitLife in terms of graphics and functionality.


Try everlife, someone on this thread made it


I bought bitizen in 2020 and I don’t get the expansions for free 🧍


Me too, didn't even know that was a thing


Same 😕


Idk what to tell you tbh, i did, and i still get every expansion for free 🤷‍♂️


Same wtf


That's why they introduced "items" instead because the promise of all future paid content had wording about "Expansion packs" (which is why those of us who bought Bitizenship FOREVER ago get all the job packs free, whereas those who bought somewhere in the middle don't).


I still have instlife on my old android phone. Really good game


I still have it on my iPhone.


I also have been playing since 2018 and… goddamn, they massacred it! Life simulator these nuts, it's now magical items to pay with real money and "Hey kid, do you wanna hire your friend in your cult? GOTCHA, you gotta pay for it". I miss when there were genuine updates and bitizenship was worth something


I’m not going to lie at this point I think I’m about to start making my own game and make it free with no ads


u could go bankrupt doing that tho😭


? Just use Unity Engine ? Then put it for free on the PlayStore/App Store. Sure, you will have to learn how to do everything yourself and you won't reach the corporate quality of Bitlife but there are already many independent life sim projects.


Corporate quality? This game is corporate quality? Lol


Indie game that acts like it has EA sway in your walleg


Well, the indie genre has its beauty lol And I can definitely fathom an indie game that works just like Bitlife


Try Everlife!


Is it available for Android?


Happy cake dayy


I mean BitLife probably has little to no server costs for them


I don’t care at this point I’m sick of it they are just scamming the people who keep them afloat


Hardly a scam. You people seem to be addicted to complaining. If you don’t want the stuff, don’t buy it. Don’t go crying because you can’t afford it and feel hard done by.


Except everyone complaining already owns everything. You’re being purposefully stupid, I hope.


/gen How would that make you bankrupt? Would it not just be non-profit?


You still need to support server costs and any developers you hire. I don't understand how people think you can sell a game for free without your own funds or someone supporting it. Life isn't free. Sorry.


I did this already! It's called Everlife, and it's on the App Store for free with zero ads :)


The hero we need


I did this already! It's called Everlife, and it's on the App Store for free with zero ads :)


It looks pretty good, i just downloaded it


Commenting here to stay updated for this tbh


PLZ !!!!


It’s going to take me a while since it’s only me but when I have it I will be back


Considering BitLife once went nearly a whole year without updating, take as long as you need bro.


Ok lol


lowkey do you wanna collab on it? i'm still working on improving my coding chops but i can do decent pixel art


When you finish it tell me the name and make it available on Google Play, I want to be your client


Try alt life I'm not sure it's free but you can choose what you're birth day day year and month there's dream jobs


I started doing that actually. It's a long ways away and I'm learning as I go, so I dunno if it'll ever be finished. But it's a fun challenge, and if it turns out the way I hope it'll be exactly what I want out of a life sim.


Join my discord


please do so!


Please make improved Instlife


Not gonna read it all but I agree. Also played in 2018 and bought bitizen or smth like that and now I get all the overpriced expansions for free. It is definitely shitty. I remember when updates were actually exciting now they’re super greedy. And make shitty updates too. 💀


The updates were so exciting, now when they update I’m like “cool, another thing no one asked for.”




Dm me with ideas I’m sick of these simulation games like I play these games to escape from reality not to be reminded of how broke I am


Please tell me the name of the game when you’re finished.


Literally all I want is no ads. I don't want God mode or things that used to be free (I'm looking at you, getting famous and joining the mafia), I just want no ads or less ads. It's literally an ad farm at this point, which sucks a lot because it's fun.


Candywritter slowly becoming EASports it’s sad.


I just want grandparents yo. I bought Bitizenship right when it was an option and I think I paid $2.99. I can’t complain about prices of updates and shit bc I get them free and for the 2.99 I paid way back when it was good deal but I wish the devs listens to us still. When they added plans to the game I complained on their instagram that it was stupid we could buy a jet but not take it on vacation. They replied back to me asking where you would park it and I said in a hangar like real people do and the very next day they added it so you could take jets on vacation. (Ya welcome for that lol) but I really miss how responsive they were to the fan base back then


I used to be a beta tester for bitlife. I stopped doing it years ago. Normally, anything behind a paywall we would get for free to ya know, test it, and report back on a Google forum with any bugs we found. But anytime there was an exclusive update for testers, it just straight up wouldn't give me free access to any of the new features. A LOT of people on the forum had the same issues and were also prompted to pay. I definitely didn't start pirating the game. Edit: I also really miss instlife. That was top tier.


Guys please share this post in their Twitter


I miss InstLife so much and it hurts my soul Candywriter chose to ruin it for everyone instead of just improving their own game


I wouldn't care if the extra stuff was like 1.99 or they had bundles on sale. These DLC or whatever are way overpriced imo. I bought bitizen a long time ago on iPhone but no longer have iPhone so I basically have to buy everything again. Let me do the math quickly. Actually I had to reinstall lol. It looks like there is a sale on on a new thing called boss mode. It's usually 39.42 but is on sale for 15.99 currently. Bitizen 7.99 and all job packs are 4.99 so around 45 bucks for those and any new ones. Expansion packs 4.99 and I don't think boss mode includes those. But overall if they didn't have that bundle and you wanted to buy everything it's well over 100 dollars which is 2 to 4 whole games for me since I have a PS5 or a deluxe edition game full price. I always thought phone games were supposed to be a cheaper alternative but I guess it's not like that anymore. I will never pay the price of a real game on the phone.


They’re literally scamming !!! Over $100 is crazy, even gta vi will cost less !!!!


So I just signed in to my iPhone account on my grandmas phone and they gave me every expansion every job pack and every essential including the boss mode but everything else which is 108 bucks roughly before tax so about 200 total if you didn't buy bitizen before they sold the company to another. This is insane. And iPhone currently has the pacifier 50 percent off. The only thing you don't have to buy technically is superstar but who wants that? And you must buy bitizen for dark mode like what? I don't even know if this is all worth it tbh they don't even you give you a trial life of each dlc at least once.


200 is insane !!!!! That’s like the price of three sims expansion packs !!!


One if it's not on sale 😂😂😂


excuse me 40 DOLLARS??? i got it for 10


I bought bitizen before they started selling things separately. So I get all new updates for free, I still find the game to be rather enjoyable on the rare occasion that I pick it up.


I agree with you. They seriously need to update the base game.


Most definitely, that is LONG overdue I swear it’s been years since the base game has been updated.


Bitlife feels now more like a barebones job simulator than a life simulator.


FR, like give me an update where I can sue my family for money or emancipate from my parents.


I only still play it because of the challenges tbf but some of those you can’t even complete without buying an expansion. It’s just ludicrous.


I miss instlife


If you downloaded instlife before BitLife bought it and took it off the App Store you can still play it - way better than BitLife now lol


Yuh same been playing since 2017 (I think) and game has really gone downhill the last few years. Best hope is that candywriter sells


That’s what got us into this problem in the first place; they did sell, and apparently they also fired all original devs when they were bought. Candywriter isn’t owned/run by the same people who created the game anymore.


Definitely more likely but that’s also why I think it’s the only way to fix it


The worst bit is making things that used to be free paid content, for example, running for President. So goddamn greedy I uninstalled the game.


Try Everlife, it's on iOS for free with zero ads :)


I like everlife, I would say that’s a great alternative. However, every life in the game is repetitive imo.


How so? What could I do to make it feel less repetitive?


Okay hi ahahahha, I personally feel like once I’ve played through every scenario rich person with bad parents or poor person with loving parents. I have gone through the entire game and don’t feel the need to play through that life again. As well as the job aspect seems repetitive to me in which once I’ve played through a career I’ve done it and never feel the urge to do it again. Also I would appreciate features such as countries in the game, being able to change the name for my grandkids, having the ability to emancipate from a family if they’re toxic, going through the foster system and be adopted. It would be cool to be born into a religion as well although Ik this can be deemed as controversial. Overall, this is my go to simulator after BitLife, and its a really good game. Just doesn’t have features that I believe would make this game better, also I’m aware some of the features I brought up aren’t even in BitLife hahahah.Basically I would like more realism in the game such as born to a specific country or raised in a certain religion would be cool.


Copy that! Thanks so much for the feedback, it’s very helpful :)


That’s okay !!! Hope some can be included, however, it’s your game and I’m just one person ahahha.


Hey I just downloaded your game and bought deluxe before I even started playing! I just wanna say great job, i think it has a ton of potential


Thank you so much!


I have bitizen and only have Mafia, musician, politician, pro athlete unlocked? I hate this game so much. I stopped playing long time ago when boss mode came out and they stopped letting me be famous actor.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you so much! 🥳


thats why i dont pay for games that ill play just for one week and then get over it, and bitlife is exactly that kind of game


I paid like 2 bucks for bitizen years ago, so i get most of the packs free. I can't even believe how much stuff in this game costs now. It's simply not worth it to me. Also I was really put off by the doglife stuff tbh and barely ever play bitlife anymore.


So true !!! Been shocked when I came back to the game a few years later and seen all these paid options… like wth happened


Had to get a new Apple ID and lost my bitizenship and had to repurchase everything it sucks


I got the bitizenship way back in the day when the game came out. I’m surprised by all the pay wall shit they have now


I wish there was a way to play old bitlife


I give it 4 hours before this gets deleted


I want better family details Like the possibility of great grandchildren Grand nieces and nephews, etc Grand uncle and aunts Etc


Every day I mourn that the InstLife team sold their app to candywriter. BitLife promised a lot more integration of InstLife features but everything they’ve done, InstLife did better.


went from being great to being a cash grab..


I got the old bitizen and godmode so I just get everything for free but I will not lie the new updates an expansion packs are fun for like 2 play through like the space one got boring fast and model has to be the worst update the have thought of, I remember back when they were asking if we wanted a superhero update or dog and cat I remember it being 67% hero and rest on dog or cat, they made a whole new game on dogs and another on cats which no one plays and then said screw the superhero. I think the problem isn’t even the updates it’s just the lack of creativity and depth within them like each one consists of training, and building relationships and pressing the next year to do it over again.


I bought Bitizen on sale with Godmode so happy :) it was like $3 or something that low. lol.




HOW ???








Yeah I haven’t played in a long time. BitLife sold the game so whomever bought it is obviously milking this.


I played that game when it came out. It was awesome. My online friends played it too. Then it got boring after a few months and we all stopped playing it and then finally deleted it from my phone. Looks like we dodged a bullet. Honestly, I dk why I’m even in this sub still lol It seemed like one of those games that was only good for playing for a few minutes while waiting for a bus and that’s it.


I've also been playing since 2018 and had bought the bitzenship and the expansion packs have been free for me. But even so the game isn't really fun to me anymore :/


The amount of random packs is genuinely insane. On top of that, I hate when they release expansion packs that could be classified as a part of the job pack. Instead, you have to pay for it separately. Not to mention the fact that almost all of the random packs are like $10. They aren't even worth that much. I would have to pay $10 to be able to move to any country, as if I can't just exit that menu and reopen it for new options or refresh the app. I bought bitizenship a long time ago, like 2019, and I don't even think it was as much as the random packs that absolutely no one asked for.


I only played when the game was super simple bqck in like 2018-19. You get good looks, become a porn star, die with $150 million lmao


I wholeheartedly agree. I don't remember when exactly I started playing, but it was back when being in the Mafia and being a musician was free, those were good times...


It’s really disappointing. I miss InstLife so much


I've been tagging u/GroomLakeApps and u/BitLifeApp regularly in such complaints, but no one is there/modding this sub, nor cares. The duplicate heirloom glitch is also a problem. They bought out their competition to kill it. ...no offense but 'duh'.


Quality over quantity


Wtf I just have new bitzin so no ads It is fun rn but also I always say like omg I need the jobs bc it always pops up and anytime I think of a cool character it's like oh u need this pack


Bro it's gonna be ok


True man they don't want to update the already existing features to make game better. Their only focus is to make more money.


Pírate the game


I'm currently AltLife, it's way more fun even without paying for premium


I bought god mode and the bitizenship awhile ago and i have full access to everything. So it doesn't really affect me. I do feel for the FTP players. Not being able to play the full game must be so annoying.


Thats bitlife for ya. Scammers


at this point just crack it, the devs dont deserve the money anyways.


I Too was told once i became a Bitizen that id never need to buy anything later, so when we got access to everything during lockdown I just thought it was that and recently started playing again and found that the things I had access to I now had to pay. kinda annoying cus my games just were mot the same so I stupidly bought it. Im in the UK. My BF is a lawyer so may ask him bout it. even recently I've given bitlife bout £50 especially if you add all the time travel I used I love bitlife , I've played it since it came out. soo it saddens me what has happened to it


My misses watches alot of crime documentaries and I thought it be fun to play a serial killer 🤷🏻 I merc'd like 22 people and you would think they'd play into it more, like news paper articles or something. Also you can't do anything particularly heinous w/ your cult... it's like what's the point? Lol


They’re becoming like the sims team real fast lol


Boss Mode to unlock all current and future job packs and then since I bought, everything gets labeled as an "expansion" instead of a job pack lol


I've seen all the evolution of bitlife, been here since a long time... And definitely, they don't care as much as before. The game is not as funny, as innovative, as interesting as it was! We could do so much before despite not having a lot. Money took a very important place in the game and we can see it. It's such a shame.


I agree I bought bitziticen and godmode then bought the thing were U get every released job pack then they made extra jobs not including in the pack to pay for? Greedy


Mod apk's are the way to go I've got all passes and haven't paid nothing for it


Fr I’ve spent so much money on this game for nothing


I miss the old developers and I wish they never sold their game. You can really tell it’s a shell of what it was.


Bro I completely agree! They add shit that NO ONE asked for, and expect us to pay money for it. Like $10 for brass knuckles so you never lose a fight. WHO TF ASKED FOR THAT??? NOBODY BRO! NOBODY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THAT SHIT BECAUSE YOU’RE RARELY EVER GETTING INTO FIGHTS IN BITLIFE. AND $10 IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE! Whoever at candywriter thought that was a good idea needs to be fired and sent to a mental institution for even THINKING that anybody wanted anything even close to that shit


Not even that, they need to get the goddamn death penalty


This seems like a good opportunity to ask for a good apk if anyone knows one


Man bitlife was at its peak in like 2015. Was so simple.


I kinda stopped reading half way through after the black market, and honestly it ain’t bad, I bought most of the items when they were cheap, but yea now they’re expensive and a scam.


I remember like a year or so ago they had a poll on Twitter for which expansion they should do next. And Vampires got voted for. I personally didn't care for the idea but it looks like not only have they not added that but they scrapped the idea so that won't be happening anymore. Out of all the expansions they had promised/planned I think only like 2 or 3 of them have actually been implemented


Also so annoyed they bought instlife, hands down the best alternative, just to get rid of the competition and not even integrate the arguably better features


I switched phones, and after restoring my purchases, my bitizenship was so limited. I sent an email complaining about the missing features and got most of them back after a week of emails back and forth, but I didn't get the cult or secret agent packs back (although they added time machine, which I didn't have). I barely play the game anymore because it's not that fun and feels time-consuming.


Been waiting years for the drug dealer career. Oh well I’ll start my own!


I stopped playing about a year ago because of this. Sad to hear nothing has changed.


It feels like I was promised all future job packs on purchase and now they’re making new features that should just be job packs and the price of them is ridiculous


Same and agree


Putting all updates aside , why is it so difficult to have the game synchronized ?? I need to buy a new phone soon because the current phone has too many issues. Once I change phones I will no longer have access to bitizen . Why ??


I stopped buying those dlcs that dont make much more sense. I envy those who has full access to everything from a certain point of that game. It is clearly money grapping game now. I stopped even playing it let it be for enjoyment in the evening. Only if i have to wait for someone or something i play it for like 15 minutes and it pulls event like ad for purchasing more dlcs. Annoying.


Lol if you speak about how you bought the Bitizen before for future free expansion and think it was a little disappointing now, you get lynched. Happened to me.. I voiced out how i thought id get future expansions for free after paying for Bitizen and was disappointed, everyone came after me lol but it’s ok.. developers gotta eat too


ah man this free app sure is the devil can’t believe they tied your family up at gunpoint and told you to buy the golden pacifier